Information Assurance DQ

Discussion Question

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Q1. Which vendor certification would you think is the most relevant in the field of IT security?  Why?

Note: 200 words with intext citations and references

Discussion Responses

Q2. Please read the below paragraph and write your opinion.

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Note: 100 words with intext citations and references

In relevant to the IT security the most relevant vendor certification is the certified ethical hacker (CEH).  It is the EC council certification and if the user become the good ethical hacker in the organization, this certification is useful for the career growth of the employees in ethical hacking field. In this course covered the security things like security analysis about the attacks or the issues, risks and covered the computer forensic analysis skills and knowledge. The analysis about the different types of malwares and learned about the penetration testing details by use of this course. This course will helpful, for the following types of the employee roles are ethical hackers in organization, any malware analyst’s role of employees, security analysts, useful for the auditors, security engineers and the computer forensic analysis department employees. The ethical hackers’ main responsibilities are detection of the possible present and future security attacks in the organization with use of the security techniques and complete of the penetration testing. The ethical hackers will create the custom type of security attacks and applied in the company network system and test the network security controls functional efficiency and identify the weak areas of the network system and they suggested to improve the security controls on the identified weak areas and try to prevent the security attacks in the organizational network system (Steven Bowcut, 2021).

Q3. Please read the below paragraph and write your opinion.

Note: 100 words with intext citations and references

In this digital world, with all these malware, ransomware and Cyber attacks, Cyber security is becoming the player in information Technology domain, making IT security the utmost importance and hence the number of oppurtunities in the area. IT security certifications enables security professional to enhance their skills and lead us to raise the game for next oppurtunity.

Within the field of IT security there are any certifications like Certified Ethical Hacker, CompTIA+, Certified Information Systems Security professional, Certified information security manager etc, I believe Certified Information Systems Security professional  (CISSP) is the most relavent.

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