Website evaluation 2

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2: Advertising piece



ose the consumer health issue that you believe the general public is most misinformed about.

In a 1


word document





, d

escribe the issue briefly and provide


(meaning credible sources you cite appropriately)


support public misperception

about this issue.


Once you have done this, select and identify a persuasion technique and use that technique to

develop an advertising piece to “sell” the truth.

This doe

s not mean find an existing one. For

this assignment, you are to

CREATE an original

one yourself.

You can choose a 30 second Public Service Announcement or radio spot, a billboard, a filmed

commercial, a

social media ad

, or a

magazine ad

to clear up the

misconception and give the

public the truth about your consumer health issue.


Be sure you are “selling” the true facts about your issue.


Advertising type should be appropriate for the topic and developed to fit into mainstream



Be sure to use

only one of the following:


30 second Public Service Announcement or radio spot (you can upload an

audio clip if you choose this)




filmed commercial (You can upload a video link for this if you choose)

· social media ad

· magazine ad


Be sure to use on

ly accurate, reliable, up


date (check the date on your sources! Try and

find reliable sources that are no more than 5 years old), and truthful information in your

ad. Do not misinform the public

that’s what you are trying to stop!


Be creative!


the summary and the advertisement into the appropriate

assignment folder

in D2L.

Assignment 2: Advertising piece

Choose the consumer health issue that you believe the general public is most misinformed about.

In a 1


word document


, d
escribe the issue briefly and provide

(meaning credible sources you cite appropriately)

to support public misperception
about this issue.

Once you have done this, select and identify a persuasion technique and use that technique to
develop an advertising piece to “sell” the truth.
This doe
s not mean find an existing one. For
this assignment, you are to

CREATE an original

one yourself.

You can choose a 30 second Public Service Announcement or radio spot, a billboard, a filmed
commercial, a social media ad, or a magazine ad to clear up the
misconception and give the
public the truth about your consumer health issue.


Be sure you are “selling” the true facts about your issue.


Advertising type should be appropriate for the topic and developed to fit into mainstream


Be sure to use
only one of the following:


30 second Public Service Announcement or radio spot (you can upload an
audio clip if you choose this)




filmed commercial (You can upload a video link for this if you choose)


social media ad


magazine ad


Be sure to use on
ly accurate, reliable, up


date (check the date on your sources! Try and
find reliable sources that are no more than 5 years old), and truthful information in your
ad. Do not misinform the public

that’s what you are trying to stop!


Be creative!


the summary and the advertisement into the appropriate
assignment folder

in D2L.

Assignment 2: Advertising piece

Choose the consumer health issue that you believe the general public is most misinformed about.

In a 1 page word document (not including references), describe the issue briefly and provide

evidence (meaning credible sources you cite appropriately) to support public misperception

about this issue.

Once you have done this, select and identify a persuasion technique and use that technique to

develop an advertising piece to “sell” the truth. This does not mean find an existing one. For

this assignment, you are to CREATE an original one yourself.

You can choose a 30 second Public Service Announcement or radio spot, a billboard, a filmed

commercial, a social media ad, or a magazine ad to clear up the misconception and give the

public the truth about your consumer health issue.

 Be sure you are “selling” the true facts about your issue.

 Advertising type should be appropriate for the topic and developed to fit into mainstream


o Be sure to use only one of the following:

 30 second Public Service Announcement or radio spot (you can upload an

audio clip if you choose this)

 Billboard

 filmed commercial (You can upload a video link for this if you choose)

 social media ad

 magazine ad

 Be sure to use only accurate, reliable, up-to-date (check the date on your sources! Try and

find reliable sources that are no more than 5 years old), and truthful information in your

ad. Do not misinform the public – that’s what you are trying to stop!

 Be creative!

Upload the summary and the advertisement into the appropriate assignment folder in D2L.

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