anthropolgy interview

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5-2 Final Project Part B Milestone Two: Interview Transcript Outline




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Submit an outline of your speaking notes for Final Project Part B (Interview Transcript or Recording). In this part of the final project, you will address the categories of cultural diversity, anthropological methods, cultural connections, and predictions of how anthropology can be useful in a future crisis. Whether you choose to answer the final project interview questions in written or audio format, preparing a written outline will help you formulate and strengthen your answers. This will also give you practice in learning to see the crisis situation that you chose from an anthropological viewpoint and allow your instructor to give any feedback or suggestions to fortify your interview before your final project is due.

Refer to the 

Final Project Part B Interview Videos document PDF

 to see how the reporter is asking his questions. This will help you outline your answers. Each video refers to a specific question in the critical elements that you are required to answer. You will have to open each video separately.

For additional details, please refer to the following documents:


Final Project Part B Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric PDF


Final Project Part B Milestone Two Template Word Document


Final Project Part B Guidelines and Rubric PDF

Note: The Record Audio feature can be found in this submission area by selecting Add Attachments, Record, Record Audio. Use this feature if you decided to submit your assignment using audio. For additional details, refer to the 

Recording and Uploading Audio Files in Brightspace PDF


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