Research paper (Proposal within 2 hours) + paper within 15 hours + PPT Slides 24 hours

Research a data mining project. You will have to find a problem to solve that deals with an organizational issue that will be solved through the use of data mining. There must be data mining calculations and graphics in the final deliverable. within 2 hours, agree on a problem they will solve using data mining techniques. Put together a one-page proposal that must be reviewed and approved by the professor that states:

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  1. The problem to solve.
  2. How data mining will solve the problem.
  3. Potential functions or concepts that will be used from the course.

Within 15 hours from now will reconvene and complete the following:

  1. A paper that includes:

    The problem- note the description and why it’s a problem and how you are going to make a recommendation with data mining techniques.
    The analysis of how data mining data will solve the issue.
    Graphical representation and formulas to solve the problem.
    A summary of the consideration and evaluation of results

    This includes your teams’ final analysis of the problem and the resolution.

within 22 hours – PPT for this paper to present with notes. 

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