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5-1 MS3

Topic: Population Adolescent Risk Behavior: Pregnancy  Community: Chicago

A. Based on your statement of the problem, a thorough review of the literature, and your analysis of the data regarding the risk behavior, provide recommendations for a behavior intervention that will reduce the major health risks and results of the behavior, justifying your recommendations with evidence. 


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B. Recommend appropriate community health education and communication strategies that will help promote your behavioral change program.

C. Propose a program planning model and/or theory that would guide your behavior change intervention proposal.

D. Discuss the strategies you would employ in executing your project plan. In other words, describe in detail each step of your proposed implementation. Who are the key stakeholders with whom you would need to collaborate? How would you help to inform decisions about resource allocation?


E. Similarly, discuss how you would evaluate the project and its outcomes, being specific in terms of timeline and any data collection or evaluation tool that may be used and considering whether there are any proprietary issues with tools you are using, whether any permissions need to be obtained for use, etc.

Submission, APA, 6 pages  

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