Stakeholder Engagement Monitor and Control Plan and Executive Summary Powerpoint

Part I:  simple stakeholder engagement monitor and control plan. Your plan should follow the process for managing and monitoring stakeholder engagement Unit I project also included. Question should be answered . As a guide to depth, your stakeholder management and control plan should be a minimum of two pages in length. 

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Part II:

PowerPoint presentation of a minimum of 10 slides to provide an executive summary briefing. The minimum number of slides does not count the title slide or the references slide. The presentation should summarize each part of the course project t 


Part 1: Office Relocation, Stakeholder Identification, and Stakeholder Analysis

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Office relocation involves moving the workplace team to a new office space which is one of the factors which affect the success of the business or organization moving. Many businesses fail as they relocate to the wrong place and also experience poor recovery due to poor relocation strategy and plan. Business relocates due to various reasons such as growing business where the physical space and productivity are required to increase. Various people are involved in the relocation process who are the stakeholders of the project. For relocation to be successful, the business manager must have an effective project plan. This outlines the necessary tasks to be completed for a successful move, specify the roles of all the stakeholders involved. Sets a schedule with deadline for when the tasks will be completed.

Most successful relocations involve the company employees as the stakeholders, the managers, clients and the vendors. Considering relocating to different areas have great effect on the employees as it affects their commuting patterns. The employees have to have ample time to adjust to their new location as even the business and employees will have to look for ways to get amenities. The relocation process should be done per department. During the relocation process the employees should pack individual properties as explained by Thomson, (2011).

The department dealing with production should relocate first to give them time to setup itself where the employees working in the department being involved in the packing and movement of the machines and equipment associated with the department. Packaging should be done cautiously to avoid damage to equipment and ensure everything is carried to the new location. After production should be the IT team who should relocate and ensure every equipment in the department is moved and fitted in the new space. Replacing and buying of new equipment should be considered during relocating so as to adjust to the new location space size and also do away with the old inefficient equipment.

The office employees should then move after the IT department have completed setting up the offices where they pack and ensure all their belongings are moved and carefully handled. The relocation has an effect on the clients where some will be favored while others will be affected negatively. Clients should be told in advance around one month before the relocation to ensure they are aware of the new location and to get their comment on the relocation. Vendors are also part of relocation stakeholders. The location selected should be convenient to the vendors and the client to avoid much disruption as explained by Hassanain, Ibrahim & Al-Hammad, (2020). The location selected should be analyzed of the cost impact to the vendors and clients where the relocation should focus on increasing the client base while also reducing the cost incurred by the vendors in goods supply. This focus on reducing the cost of operations while increasing benefits to the business or organization.

The relocation manager will develop a responsibility assignment matrix (RACI matrix).

The matrix has the following meaning:





Relocation Manager

Transport Manager

Department Employees

Department Heads

Business Management

Selecting the relocation area






Informing the clients and the vendors of the relocation




Developing the relocation schedule






Packing of the company equipment and documents






Ordering required additional equipment and items






These RACI will ensure that all the sections of relocation are accounted for and the relocation is successful.

The relocation manager will also be responsible for the communication management plan development. The plan will enable effective communication among the stakeholders so as the process will be a success. The project communication will involve meetings. The meetings will be held as the project progress. Communication through emails will also be done between the stakeholders and with the use of phone calls (Ibrahim, Hassanain & Al-Hammad, 2021). This are the most effective as they can be carried out in any location.

Description purpose


Involved Parties


To inform on the project plan and progress

After two days

Company management, relocation manager, transport manager, department heads


To inform of anything that comes up during the project progress

Continuous communication.

Transport manager, company management, relocation manager

Phone calls

To inform of anything that comes up during the project progress

Continuous communication

Transport manager, company management, relocation manager

Resource Acquisition Plan

The relocation process is done per department. During relocation several items and equipment will require to be replaced and others added. The items are ordered by the department head through the relocation manager. The transport manager will be responsible for organizing transportation of the goods where the company can use its own fleet to move the tools and equipment. This is cheaper for companies with large trucks and numerous company vehicles. The vehicles will be used in purchasing of the required resources and transporting them to the new location. A good schedule for the tools and equipment relocation should be prepared with the assistance of department heads. This will ensure that all the required resources required are identified by individual department head for his department and ordered on time.
Team Development Plan

The department heads will organize their teams in advance so that each department is handled individually. Each department will use its employees in the relocation process and packaging. The company maintenance team will assist all the departments in the process. The maintenance team will be involved in the relocation process both in the packaging with department teams and installation of the new place. Transport team will consist of the transport manager and the drivers. The equipment and tools will only be handled by the maintenance team and individual department teams both in the loading and offloading. The vehicles will be used in transporting both the equipment and the teams to and from the old location and new location.
Project Performance Reporting Plan

This will be handled as part of the communication plan. Department heads will be required to submit a report upon completion of individual department relocation to the management. The relocation manager will also submit a daily report to the management on the progress of the relocation.
Stakeholder Engagement Monitoring and Control Plan

The stakeholders to be involved directly in the relocation are the employees. They will carry out the relocation tasks. The relocation schedule will be developed covering all the tasks to be involved in the project and a timeline given. The progress will be tracked as per the timeline by the relocation manager and the management to ensure no time and extra cost is incurred and a control measure put in place.


Hassanain, M. A., Ibrahim, A. M., & Al-Hammad, A. M. (2020). Review and assessment of factors affecting the workplace relocation process. Property Management.

Ibrahim, A. M., Hassanain, M. A., & Al-Hammad, A. M. (2021). Maturity of workplace relocation: a systematic literature review from 1990 to 2020. Facilities.

Singh, H. (2015). Mastering project human resource management: Effectively organize and communicate with all project stakeholders. Pearson FT Press.

Thomson, D. (2011). A pilot study of client complexity, emergent requirements and stakeholder perceptions of project success. Construction Management and Economics, 29(1), 69-82.


Part 8: Stakeholder Engagement Monitor and Control Plan

For the project selected in Unit I, create a simple stakeholder engagement monitor and control plan. Your plan should follow the process for managing and monitoring stakeholder engagement, as referred to in Figures 9.1 and 9.2 in the textbook. Your plan should include an introduction, and should answer the following questions:

· What specific soft skills will you employ in managing project stakeholders?

· What ground rules will you establish for managing project stakeholders?

· What types of meetings do you plan to have with project stakeholders? How often do you plan to hold them?

· How will you manage change requests from stakeholders?

· How will you monitor stakeholders and levels of stakeholder engagement?

· How will you manage changes to stakeholder requirements?

· What historical documents will you update in the process of managing and monitoring stakeholders?

Create the stakeholder management and control plan that addresses the questions above. Feel free to use tables, graphics, or document template examples to summarize your policy and approach. As a guide to depth, your stakeholder management and control plan should be a minimum of two pages in length. If you use tables, you may either create your table in Word and include it at the end of the document, or submit it as a separate Excel file.

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.

Please note that no abstract is needed.


Course Project, Executive Summary

For the project selected in Unit I, prepare a PowerPoint presentation of a minimum of 10 slides to provide an executive summary briefing. The minimum number of slides does not count the title slide or the references slide. The presentation should summarize each part of the course project that you developed throughout this course. The goal of the briefing PowerPoint presentation is to offer a succinct yet comprehensive view of your project stakeholder and communication plan. This includes the following elements:

· Part 1: Project Selection, Stakeholder Identification, And Stakeholder Analysis

· Part 2: Resource Management Plan and RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed) Chart

· Part 3: Communication Plan

· Part 4: Stakeholder Plan

· Part 5: Resource Acquisition Plan

· Part 6: Team Development Plan

· Part 7: Team Performance Reporting

· Part 8: Stakeholder Engagement Monitor and Control Plan (from the assignment also in this unit)

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.

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