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Chungah Park

Reflection Paper

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 1230 Words  

Nowadays working in a hospital requires good qualifications hence the need for higher

education. I have a BSN in public health education, ADN in nursing, and studying for BSN in

nursing. I know many nurses who only has ADN who struggled to get work since the hospital

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

Reflection Paper

Chungah Park

Grand Canyon University

Glenda Deahl

NRS 440


wanted BSN degrees. Some hospitals will not hire nurses who only has ADN. My other

acquaintance worked with an ADN degree, but the boss insisted on getting a BSN degree as

quickly as feasible. The employment market will be more open to options once I finish this BSN

program and obtain a degree since many places now prefer nurses with BSN degree. I think that

hospitals pursue greater educational levels since studies have shown that nurses with a BSN have

a higher rate of providing safe treatment. They are more probable to deliver patients safe and

high-quality care. Nurses must have a bachelor’s degree in nursing. Nurses have adequate

expertise to provide safe care for patients as a result of their education. Nurses who pursue

higher education are able to think more critically and in depth as leaders. With all of this, nurses

could give high-quality treatment in a secure setting.

The IOM Future of Nursing Recommendations

IOM Nursing’s Future Deep modifications in the education of nurses, both before and after they

get their licenses, are necessary to produce a more vastly educated workforce, according to the

recommendation for reaching higher levels of education. Nursing education should serve as a

springboard for lifetime learning, with chances for smooth progression to higher degree

programs. Nurses, nursing students, and nursing instructors should continue their education and

engage in lifelong learning, according to the committee (IOM). The Institute of Medicine (IOM)

advised nurses to pursue further education to have a better grasp of patient care and to grow as

lifelong learners. Nursing is more than just school; it is a way of life, and nurses need further

education to offer quality care, understand patients’ needs, and serve as a leader, educator, and

helper to benefit patients and achieve positive results. Nurses must be ready to meet the needs of

a diverse variety of patients, to serve as leaders, and to acquire information that enhances

patients’ and health professionals’ abilities to offer safe, high-quality patient-centered care.

Nursing education must be updated if new nurses are to prosper in this complicated and changing

health-care system (IOM). The highest degrees for nurses are the PhD and DNP, which are both

considered terminal degrees that certify nurses as clinical experts. The key contrast may be that a

PhD is primarily concerned with research, whilst a DNP is concerned with clinical practices.

The DNP program is designed to prepare nurses to become expert clinicians by applying

research and knowledge to enhance practice efficiency and patient outcomes. The PhD educates

nurses to seek out new information, whereas the DNP equips nurses to implement different

knowledge and undertake research. Into practice in order to improve patient outcomes and health

care (Archibald & Barnard, 2018). Other distinctions might include the fact that DNPs must

complete a capstone project, whereas PhDs must finish a project relating to a specific clinical

field. With a higher degree, it can provide safe treatment for patients while also fostering positive

settings. I plan to pursue DNP because I want to gain additional information so that I can deliver

high-quality treatment in the field. DNP is more clinically based, which is something I’d like to

pursue. According to my timeline, I will complete my BSN by 2023, and then apply for a DNP

program, which will take three to four years. I will try to complete the program by 2025, and

work as a nurse practitioner within five years.

 Grammatical problem: use the bas…: options

 obtain (get): obtain  get

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

 Three successive sentences begin …: Nurses

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University
 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

 verb acquire (get, develop): acquire  get

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

 Three successive sentences begin wit…: The

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University
 Three successive sentences begin wit…: The

 Spelling mistake: DNPs  Dips

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University
 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

Increasing Level of Education

There is a link between nursing education and patient outcomes. Nurses with a BSN provide a

safer atmosphere than other nurses. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the

Institute of Medicine (IOM) collaborated to launch a two-year nursing effort. The researchers

discovered that when the number of BSN-prepared nurses increases, the probability of patients

dying lowers (Thomas, 2018). This will provide a safe atmosphere for patients, resulting in a

positive outcome. BSN nurses on our floor are more well-informed than other nurses, they know

what they’re doing, and they learn more patient safety care. This will result in fewer injuries. I

have a colleague who was a recent ASN graduate. She struggled to find work since she couldn’t

accept any of the applications she received. Some hospitals have said that associate degrees

would not be accepted. When she eventually had her hospital interview, the manager inquired

whether she had any plans to pursue a BSN degree. The manager desired a BSN as quickly as

possible. Jobseekers with an associate’s degree will not be hired, and the current trend is for

nurses with a BSN degree, not an associate’s degree. With the rise in the number of people with

higher educations, hospitals are looking for people who are qualified to care for patients. As a

nurse, it is critical that I prepare adequately in order to pursue education and learn enough to

provide safe patient care.

Relationship of Continuing Nursing Education

Continuing nursing education is essential for nurses. It will urge nurses to use competencies,

attitudes, knowledge, the ANA Scope, as well as the Standards for Work and Code of Ethics, in

their practice. Each time a nurse obtains education, it replenishes their knowledge and allows

them to put that knowledge into practice. The primary goal of the ANA is to safeguard and

improve the clinical practice for nurses. In the fast-paced world of health care, nurses must be

able to maximize the potential of their knowledge and abilities in order to give the most efficient,

high-quality treatment to patients (ANA, 2021). Nurses with greater education are more likely to

practice with competence. Nurses are learning enough to be competent in providing safe care. As

a result of their education, nurses are more concerned with the quality of care they provide, have

a positive attitude as nurses, and have the knowledge to provide safe and effective patient care.

As a nurse, adhering to the ANA Scope and Standards for Practice and Code of Ethics is critical,

so competency, attitudes, and knowledge are all incorporated into practice while adhering to the

standards and code of ethics.

Mandatory for Continuing Nursing Education

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

 Spelling mistake: Jobseekers  Job seekers

 Passive voice: it is critical that

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

 obtain (get): obtains  get

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University
 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

Continuing nursing education should be required for all nurses. There are several data sets that
show that persons who pursue higher education are more likely to deliver the high-quality

treatment that is required. Nurses must seek learning, be modest, and pursue further education in

order to renew their brains and give correct, quality, and effective care for patients in order to

achieve a positive outcome. Because nursing is a lifelong learning profession, it should be

mandated. Nurses should continue to learn and educate themselves. Nurses cannot possibly know

everything, therefore it is critical for them to continue to study and expand their knowledge in

order to deliver high-quality care that encourages patients to improve their health and avoid



American Nurses Association (ANA). (2021). Nursing Scope of Practice | American Nurses

Association. ANA.

Archibald, M. M., & Barnard, A. (2018). Futurism in nursing: Technology, robotics and the

fundamentals of care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(11-12), 2473-2480.

Han, E. R., Yeo, S., Kim, M. J., Lee, Y. H., Park, K. H., & Roh, H. (2019). Medical education

trends for future physicians in the era of advanced technology and artificial intelligence: an

integrative review. BMC medical education, 19(1), 1-15.

Thomas, J. (2018). Trends in Health Care: A Nursing Perspective.


Submission Ide: 79c7c89d-532b-4e54-a72d-58b5a0089efc


Internet Source   0%
Institution   68%

Chungah Park

Reflection Paper


 1230 Words  

Nowadays working in a hospital requires good qualifications hence the need for higher

education. I have a BSN in public health education, ADN in nursing, and studying for BSN in

nursing. I know many nurses who only has ADN who struggled to get work since the hospital

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

Reflection Paper

Chungah Park

Grand Canyon University

Glenda Deahl

NRS 440


wanted BSN degrees. Some hospitals will not hire nurses who only has ADN. My other

acquaintance worked with an ADN degree, but the boss insisted on getting a BSN degree as

quickly as feasible. The employment market will be more open to options once I finish this BSN

program and obtain a degree since many places now prefer nurses with BSN degree. I think that

hospitals pursue greater educational levels since studies have shown that nurses with a BSN have

a higher rate of providing safe treatment. They are more probable to deliver patients safe and

high-quality care. Nurses must have a bachelor’s degree in nursing. Nurses have adequate

expertise to provide safe care for patients as a result of their education. Nurses who pursue

higher education are able to think more critically and in depth as leaders. With all of this, nurses

could give high-quality treatment in a secure setting.

The IOM Future of Nursing Recommendations

IOM Nursing’s Future Deep modifications in the education of nurses, both before and after they

get their licenses, are necessary to produce a more vastly educated workforce, according to the

recommendation for reaching higher levels of education. Nursing education should serve as a

springboard for lifetime learning, with chances for smooth progression to higher degree

programs. Nurses, nursing students, and nursing instructors should continue their education and

engage in lifelong learning, according to the committee (IOM). The Institute of Medicine (IOM)

advised nurses to pursue further education to have a better grasp of patient care and to grow as

lifelong learners. Nursing is more than just school; it is a way of life, and nurses need further

education to offer quality care, understand patients’ needs, and serve as a leader, educator, and

helper to benefit patients and achieve positive results. Nurses must be ready to meet the needs of

a diverse variety of patients, to serve as leaders, and to acquire information that enhances

patients’ and health professionals’ abilities to offer safe, high-quality patient-centered care.

Nursing education must be updated if new nurses are to prosper in this complicated and changing

health-care system (IOM). The highest degrees for nurses are the PhD and DNP, which are both

considered terminal degrees that certify nurses as clinical experts. The key contrast may be that a

PhD is primarily concerned with research, whilst a DNP is concerned with clinical practices.

The DNP program is designed to prepare nurses to become expert clinicians by applying

research and knowledge to enhance practice efficiency and patient outcomes. The PhD educates

nurses to seek out new information, whereas the DNP equips nurses to implement different

knowledge and undertake research. Into practice in order to improve patient outcomes and health

care (Archibald & Barnard, 2018). Other distinctions might include the fact that DNPs must

complete a capstone project, whereas PhDs must finish a project relating to a specific clinical

field. With a higher degree, it can provide safe treatment for patients while also fostering positive

settings. I plan to pursue DNP because I want to gain additional information so that I can deliver

high-quality treatment in the field. DNP is more clinically based, which is something I’d like to

pursue. According to my timeline, I will complete my BSN by 2023, and then apply for a DNP

program, which will take three to four years. I will try to complete the program by 2025, and

work as a nurse practitioner within five years.

 Grammatical problem: use the bas…: options

 obtain (get): obtain  get

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

 Three successive sentences begin …: Nurses

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University
 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

 verb acquire (get, develop): acquire  get

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

 Three successive sentences begin wit…: The

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University
 Three successive sentences begin wit…: The

 Spelling mistake: DNPs  Dips

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University
 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

Increasing Level of Education

There is a link between nursing education and patient outcomes. Nurses with a BSN provide a

safer atmosphere than other nurses. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the

Institute of Medicine (IOM) collaborated to launch a two-year nursing effort. The researchers

discovered that when the number of BSN-prepared nurses increases, the probability of patients

dying lowers (Thomas, 2018). This will provide a safe atmosphere for patients, resulting in a

positive outcome. BSN nurses on our floor are more well-informed than other nurses, they know

what they’re doing, and they learn more patient safety care. This will result in fewer injuries. I

have a colleague who was a recent ASN graduate. She struggled to find work since she couldn’t

accept any of the applications she received. Some hospitals have said that associate degrees

would not be accepted. When she eventually had her hospital interview, the manager inquired

whether she had any plans to pursue a BSN degree. The manager desired a BSN as quickly as

possible. Jobseekers with an associate’s degree will not be hired, and the current trend is for

nurses with a BSN degree, not an associate’s degree. With the rise in the number of people with

higher educations, hospitals are looking for people who are qualified to care for patients. As a

nurse, it is critical that I prepare adequately in order to pursue education and learn enough to

provide safe patient care.

Relationship of Continuing Nursing Education

Continuing nursing education is essential for nurses. It will urge nurses to use competencies,

attitudes, knowledge, the ANA Scope, as well as the Standards for Work and Code of Ethics, in

their practice. Each time a nurse obtains education, it replenishes their knowledge and allows

them to put that knowledge into practice. The primary goal of the ANA is to safeguard and

improve the clinical practice for nurses. In the fast-paced world of health care, nurses must be

able to maximize the potential of their knowledge and abilities in order to give the most efficient,

high-quality treatment to patients (ANA, 2021). Nurses with greater education are more likely to

practice with competence. Nurses are learning enough to be competent in providing safe care. As

a result of their education, nurses are more concerned with the quality of care they provide, have

a positive attitude as nurses, and have the knowledge to provide safe and effective patient care.

As a nurse, adhering to the ANA Scope and Standards for Practice and Code of Ethics is critical,

so competency, attitudes, and knowledge are all incorporated into practice while adhering to the

standards and code of ethics.

Mandatory for Continuing Nursing Education

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

 Spelling mistake: Jobseekers  Job seekers

 Passive voice: it is critical that

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

 obtain (get): obtains  get

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University
 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

Continuing nursing education should be required for all nurses. There are several data sets that
show that persons who pursue higher education are more likely to deliver the high-quality

treatment that is required. Nurses must seek learning, be modest, and pursue further education in

order to renew their brains and give correct, quality, and effective care for patients in order to

achieve a positive outcome. Because nursing is a lifelong learning profession, it should be

mandated. Nurses should continue to learn and educate themselves. Nurses cannot possibly know

everything, therefore it is critical for them to continue to study and expand their knowledge in

order to deliver high-quality care that encourages patients to improve their health and avoid



American Nurses Association (ANA). (2021). Nursing Scope of Practice | American Nurses

Association. ANA.

Archibald, M. M., & Barnard, A. (2018). Futurism in nursing: Technology, robotics and the

fundamentals of care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(11-12), 2473-2480.

Han, E. R., Yeo, S., Kim, M. J., Lee, Y. H., Park, K. H., & Roh, H. (2019). Medical education

trends for future physicians in the era of advanced technology and artificial intelligence: an

integrative review. BMC medical education, 19(1), 1-15.

Thomas, J. (2018). Trends in Health Care: A Nursing Perspective.


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