Project Part I

Topic: HELP philosophy

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Students will gain an understanding of the HELP philosophy and how it will help develop their understanding of health- and skill-related physical activity as they seek to meet their personal goals.

you will choose a concept from the textbook that you find particularly interesting. Answer the following questions on a separate typed paper (300-500 words, Double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12 font):

1. Describe which concept you chose to work on. Make sure to include what this concept entails. Do this in your own words and do not copy phrases from the textbook.

2. Explain why you chose that concept.

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3. How are you going to apply or adopt that concept into your current lifestyle throughout the semester?

4. What results do you expect to see from applying this concept into your life?

5. Include the word count at the end of the page.

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