Observation on people’s behavior on using technologies.

We have to write a small paper not too long about 2 paragraph max on peoples behavior on using technologies. That could be anything like mostly phones, machines anything around people. Actual instruction in attached below.

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Project 1

This project is about observation on people’s behavior on using technologies.

1. Find a public space in which to do a short observation (15-20 minutes). This could be a coffee shop, a bus stop, a bus trip, airport arrival area, public or school library, grocery store, town center, etc. Find a unobtrusive place to observe for 15-20 minutes and take notes of what is going on around you. Make sure you pay attention to:

· who are the people?

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· what are these people trying to do?

· what systems are they using (e.g. smart phones, self-checkout machines, ticket kiosks, etc.)?

· And their environment – e.g. is it well-lit? crowded? noisy or quiet?

2. When you get home, write down your observations in details

· what you observed (20 points), and

· your reflections on what is interesting or surprising that you found with people’s use of technologies (e.g. are the people happy or unhappy in this environment? Are people checking their smart-phones as they walk or are they checking on phones when they are with friends? Etc.) (20 points)

· Note: Make sure that you DO NOT include any information that can be used to identify the people you observed.

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