response 3 499

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Hello class.

I must admit I felt rather overwhelmed by the requirements of this paper, especially the amount of content needed. Although I still feel overwhelmed, it feel it is better managed with having such step by steps each week with completing tasks. Another important take is that the more resources I have, the better I feel I am able to write more content and have other ideas and basis for my ideas.

However, there are some problems I am coming across.

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1. It is hard to keep a good focus on my main point and idea with so much needed content and pages. I am finding myself getting lost in the paragraph after paragraph type of format. How do you keep your thoughts and ideas organized even while using an outline?

2. We all understand the importance of having a basis for our ideas and research and using sources to do so. I’d like to make some ways of connecting certain articles to other articles of research. How would you suggest blending ideas together without making it confusing to the reader?

3. I am finding that some ideas I come up with or come across are good ideas for a short period of time but then change as I continue writing my content. Is anyone else finding the same type of issue, where something sounds good and solid and then another source comes in to change your mind completely? I would suppose adding this into the research would actually help give it some merit.

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