
Health promotion and disease prevention has become a fundamental segment of healthcare in todays’ s health industry. Endorsing healthy lifestyles and behaviors and prevention of diseases has moved to a lead position in the field of healthcare. Furthermore, health promotion in communities is crucial to prevent disease or find it early, to remain healthy, active and independent as long as possible. As age brings a higher risk for chronic diseases, physicians and nurses’ role through health promotion and prevention is to improve the health, function, and quality of life in their community.

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Community health physicians and nurses work in advocacy, policy development and planning. They advance principles of social justice specifically in order to improve health outcomes for all. Furthermore, nurses help the community by educating on prevention and treatment of diseases and illness; nurses also conduct health screenings and administer immunizations. According to the Commission for Public Health Reform it is about protecting and promoting the health of the populations as well as preventing disease, in a joint effort by the whole society to not only improve the level of health and well-being, but also to reduce inequalities, especially social ones in health, as these are the central objectives of Public Health (dos Santos, et al.,2020). The community and families as clients of Community Health Nursing are eligible for support from a variety of government resources. As Covid-19 pandemic hit the communities, many local government agencies are working to protect, support, and lead their communities through the developing covid-19 pandemic. Reproductive physicians, already trusted in the community with patients, play a crucial role in breaking vaccine myths and delivering evidence-based data so patients can get vaccinated and healthy enough to focus on their reproductive health. The clinics also are trying to inform on protective actions like hand-washing and social distancing.

 Another community health issues from community health improvement are hypertension or blood pressure (BP) among adults. This condition has proved to be among the substantial health concerns in the community. Physicians and other health care workers can use their clinical sites to evaluate and monitor people within a community that are at risk for hypertension. Population health questionnaire surveys will enable one to know if the program is effective in covering a larger population of those who have hypertension in the community and provide medication and education on time concerning hypertension control.

Community intervention and health promoting is the key starting point for disease prevention. People get to understand the risks that are involved as well as actions that should be taken, and this would positively have an impact on their daily lives. Community-based intervention strategies work to improve health of individuals and community  (Hawe, 2015). In this way, the goals in a community-based intervention should be aimed to advocate a combined effort for the community members and appropriate social actions that have been designed to gain a system support, policy support, as well as social acceptance.

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Implementation of community forums and workshops can help in educating on the actual issues within the community. The workshops and community forums should be specific. It should include the involvement and understanding of culture, understanding of health promotion, and discus key points for disease prevention. The main role of having these workshops is to come up with health solutions that are community-oriented such that after the implementation, this would not be just a case for theoretical approach but rather a certain level of ownership. The workshop would be geared towards strengthening community structures and systems to allow the community to put their inputs and own the process.



dos Santos Lopes Monteiro da Cunha, C. M., Pereira Henriques, M. A., & Jorge Silva Costa, A. C. (2020). Public health nursing: regulation and public health policies. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 73, 1–5. 

https://doi.org/10.1590/0034-7167-2019-0550 (Links to an external site.)

 (Links to an external site.)

Hawe, P. (2015). Lessons from complex interventions to improve health. The Annual Review of Public Health, 36(1), 307–323. 

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