Literature review templet.

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Quantitative – Quasi-experimental

Citation Research Question Study Design Sample Size and Method Independent Variables and Measures Dependent Variables and Measures Results General Strengths General Weaknesses Overall Quality of Study Summary Statements for Practice Column12 Column13
Powers, J., Peed, J., Burns, L., & Ziemba-Davis, M. (2012). Chlorhexidinebathing and microbial contamination in patients’ bath basins. American Journal of Critical Care, 21(5), 338-343. What is the load of bacterial contaminants in wash basins when chlorhexidine gluconate solution is used in place of standard sap and water to wash patients? Quantitative – Quasi-experimental 90 wash basins from a medical/surgical ICU – convenience sampling Patient Demographics; Basin variables (# of days basins were in use, # of days since pt’s last bath); Device variables (presence of central catheters, arterial catheters, PICC, ETT, trach, vent, Foley, fecal bags); Infection variables (infection, antibiotics, isolation – all yes/no) Bacterial growth in basins compared to growth in basins with soap and water from another study 4.4% growth in chlorhexidine basins vs. 97.8% growth in soap and water basins; Growth in chlorhexidine basins occurred in female patients Bathing practices and basin storage/handling were standardized in chlorhexidine group Case-control study (RCT would be stronger evidence); can’t compare bathing practices and basin care and storage techniques because case-control design was used Very good Soap and water should not be used to bathe patients in ICU setting
Larson, E.L., Ciliberti, T., Chantler, C., Abraham, J., Lazaro, E.M., Venturanza, M., & Pancholi, P. (2004). Comparison of traditional and disposable bed baths in critically ill patients. American Journal of Critical Care, 13(3), 235-241. In critically ill adult patients, how effective are prepackaged disposable bed baths, versus traditional basin bed baths, in terms of time/quality of bath, microbial counts on skin, nurse satisfaction, and cost (O)? 40 patients in cardiothoracic ICU, medical ICU, and general surgical ICU – convenience sampling Each study bath was observed and timed using a bath observation tool (included # of washcloths, pairs of gloves, # of bathers, products, duration of bath, quality aspects); Interrater reliability by observing several baths simulatneously was confirmed by study team members Microbiological sampling done before and after bath from patient skin; Nurse satisfaction and quality of bath were obtained through 6-question interview with nurses; cost was estimated through cost of product and nurses’ time Time/quality – no difference; microbial counts – no difference in total count, but significatnly higher gram-neg bacteria after traditional bath (p=.04); Nurse satisfaction – significant overall preference for disposable bath, no difference for quality, time significantly shorter to gather supplies for disposable bath (4.05 vs 1.90 minutes, p<.001); Overall cost higher for traditional bath (nurses' time included in cost) Inter-rater reliability obtained for data collection; different types of patients sampled Patient satisfaction not assessed very good Disposable baths are a desireable form of bathing for patients in ICU settings
You will need 5 primary research articles in total.
PICOT: How effective is bathing with chlorhexidine or disposable products (I), versus traditional basin bathing (C), in reducing contamination (O) in critically ill patients (P)?
Databases: CINAHL (should have 2-3 academic databases)
Key Words: (nursing, bathing patients) – You will probably have a few more key words that you used when searching the literature


Citation Research Question Study Design Sample Size and Method Independent Variables and Measures Dependent Variables and Measures Results General Strengths General Weaknesses Overall Quality of Study Summary Statements for Practice Column12 Column13
Key Words:

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