IHP604 Module 5 St Judes


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you will be creating a healthcare quality improvement initiative in which you will describe the issue at the outset, the setting, the problem to be solved, the parties affected, and the importance of addressing the issue. You will recommend a concise implementation plan and describe in detail how you plan to evaluate if your implementation was successful.

The first step to completing your course project is to select a healthcare organization that releases public-facing data. In Module Three, you selected an organization and identified a publicly available set of data. For this, you will need to choose an area that needs to be improved, a way to improve it, and a framework to utilize in your quality improvement initiative.


Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Selection of area of improvement: Describe an area of improvement related to your previously selected healthcare organization and its public-facing data that you will utilize 
  2. Selection of method of improvement: Describe the method of improvement that you will utilize
  3. Selection of framework to use in improvement initiative: Identify which of the four problem-solving frameworks (tracers, root cause analyses [RCA], failure mode effect analysis [FMEA] studies, or plan-do-study-act [PDSA]) you will utilize for your course project by applying it to your improvement initiative.
  4. Discuss your selections: Discuss why you selected the area of improvement, method of improvement, and framework.
  5. Report sections: Describe the report sections you will include in your course project to describe your healthcare quality improvement initiative in a compelling and informative way.

provide specific evidence from at least two scholarly sources.

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Guidelines for Submission

Submit this assignment as a 1-page Microsoft Word document. You should cite at least two sources. Sources should be cited according to APA style. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. If you need writing support, you can access the Online Writing Center through the

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module of your course.

Week 3 Short Paper

Veronica Horne

IHP 604

Southern New Hampshire University

January 23, 2022

Selection of Healthcare Organizations

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is world renowned, and has several locations within the United States. The first hospital was open im 1962 and one of it’s primary focuses was sickle cell disease and leukemia, as well as other cancers for pediatric patients. St. Jude’s is well known for the care and treatment of children, and ensuring that parents of patients are never billed for the servoces they provide. This also includes meals and housing for the families of patients during trestment. Within the first year of the hospital year of operation, more than thirty research projects have been instituted, with four completed (St. Jude, 2022).

Selection of Public Facing Data

Childhood cancer is something that no family wants to go through for their child, yet it happens all the same for far too many families. The Public Access Data Tables that will be used for this project will show the information collected and analyzed from the participants in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS). The information found within the tables will be organized by the type pf cancer, gender, age, years since diagnosis, age of diagnosis and what treatments were given. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital was chosen due tp the enormous amount of work and dedication put into increasing survival rates for pediatric cancer patients, and the amount of information available on their research, past and present.


St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (2022). Timeline: From Dream to Reality. Retrieved from


St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (2022). Public Access Data Tables. Retrieved from


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