IND 101 Cornerstone

Paraphrasing activity

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Paraphrasing and List of References

In the previous three modules, you found and evaluated your sources for the Final
Project. Now, in Module 4, you will practice the skill of paraphrasing to learn how to use
a source appropriately as evidence to support your argument, without using its
language verbatim. Then, you will practice putting all of your sources into proper APA
format for a reference list. APA is the citation style required in all courses at Excelsior
College, so learning the details of APA formatting is important
your future academic success.
This assignment will be completed in two steps. Use the Milestone 4 Template
Download Milestone 4 Template
to see an example of each step and to submit your own work.

Step 1: Paraphrasing Activity
First, read pages 4.11 through 4.13 of the webtext on paraphrasing and use the
following resources to learn more:

• Start by reading more about paraphrasing (Links to an external site.)

in the Excelsior OWL

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• Then, try the OWL’s paraphrasing activity (Links to an external site.)

to make sure you understand what you need to do.

• Read the APA In-Text Citations (Links to an external site.)

resources in the Excelsior OWL

Next, pick a key passage from one of your Final Project sources. The passage should
be relevant to your topic and thesis statement, something that you will be likely to use
as evidence when you write your final paper. The passage you choose should also be at
least 5 sentences long. Next, copy/paste this passage into the Template, place it
inside quotation marks. 

Then, below your quoted passage, paraphrase the material in your own words and then
include an in-text citation of the source at the end of your paragraph. Your paraphrase
should be at least 2-3 sentences. 
Paraphrasing is more than just replacing individual words here and there. Be careful
about relying on the thesaurus. The goal is to put the idea fully in your own words by
changing the structure, voice, and significantly changing the wording in order to
differentiate it from the original. If you find this difficult to do with the source in front of
you, try reading the source and then putting it out of sight. Then reword it from memory
and your understanding of the passage. Understanding correct paraphrasing is
important because if you paraphrase incorrectly by only replacing words sporadically or
keeping the original wording without putting it inside quotes, it is considered a form of
academic dishonesty. 

Step 2: Reference List in APA Format
Next, read page 4.14 of the webtext and use the following resources to learn more:


Try It Out

APA In-Text Citations

• Start by reading and viewing the resources on APA References (Links to an
external site.)

in the Excelsior OWL

• Review the Intro to APA Citations (Links to an external site.)

tip sheet from the Excelsior Library

• Then, try the OWL’s APA Activity (Links to an external site.)

to make sure you understand the basics of APA formatting

• Tip: Autogenerated citations are not always correct! Library sources often
include automatically generated citations in multiple style formats. Read the
Library’s warning  (Links to an external site.)

about this tool, it is not always correct! Double-check your citation against the
rules above to make sure it’s correct before submitting it.

Next, you will create a reference list for your Final Project using your 4 sources. Each
source must be in proper APA format (pay close attention to the details like italics,
commas, periods, and capitalization). In addition, make sure to properly format the
reference list itself (pay close attention to your spacing, indentation, and
alphabetization). No detail is too small for this exercise! Note: even when not required
per APA, all sources should also include a URL or DOI listed at the end of your citation
for your instructor to review.

• Milestone 4 Template Download Milestone 4 Template 

 (Word document)

• Library Cornerstone Research Guide
• Paraphrasing (Links to an external site.)
• OWL’s paraphrasing activity (Links to an external site.)
• APA In-Text Citation (Links to an external site.)
• APA References (Links to an external site.)
• Intro to APA Citations (Links to an external site.)
• Library warning about autogenerated citations (Links to an external site.)
• APA Activity (Links to an external site.)
• Library Homepage (Links to an external site.)

Submission Instructions
Your final submission should include:

1 A key passage from one of your sources, inside quotation marks. 
2 Your paraphrase of the quotation with a properly formatted APA style in-text

citation at the end of the paragraph. 
3 A list of references for your 4 sources in proper APA format with a URL or DOI

hyperlink at the end. (Note: URLs are not required for all sources in APA format,
however, for this assignment you must still always include one so your instructor
can review your sources).

Put all three components into the Milestone 4 Template and submit the finished
document to the dropbox by Sunday night of Module 4.

APA References

APA References


Try It Out

APA In-Text Citations

APA References

APA Activity

February 2022 Today ! ” Week Agenda # February 2022‹ ›




STUDENTS JAN2017 30055292 %

FOUNDATIONS JAN2022 30080616
[8wk] %

LITERACY JAN2022 30080931 %


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30 31 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

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30 31 1 2 3 4 5

( M3.2
The Legal Age for
Consump!on GECC

( M3.2
Junk Food Tax GECC

) M3.3 Course
Project – Milestone 3

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

( M4.2 Discussion:
From a Post-Truth
World to a Pro-Truth

) M4.3 Course
Project – Milestone 4

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

( M5.2 Discussion:
“This is Water”: The
Purpose of an

) M5.3 Course
Project – Milestone 5

(11:59p M5.4
Mid-Point Check-in
with Peers

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

( M6.2 Discussion:
Oral Communica!on








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M4.3 Course Project – Milestone 4

Due: Feb 6 at 11:59pm

30080616 [8wk]



Then, you will prac!ce pu”ng all of your sources into
proper APA format for a reference list. APA is the
cita!on style required in all courses at Excelsior College,
so learning the details of APA forma”ng is important for
your future academic success.

This assignment will be completed in two steps. Use the
Milestone 4 Template to see an example of each
step and to submit your own work.

Step 1: Paraphrasing Ac!vity

First, read pages 4.11 through 4.13 of the webtext on
paraphrasing and use the following resources to learn

Start by reading more about paraphrasing in the
Excelsior OWL
Then, try the OWL’s paraphrasing ac!vity to make
sure you understand what you need to do.
Read the APA In-Text Cita!ons resources in the
Excelsior OWL

Next, pick a key passage from one of your Final Project
sources. The passage should be relevant to your topic

IND101 Milestone 4 Template x *Download + Info , Close

0 0

[Delete the examples in Red and fill in your own work.]

Student Name
IND101 Milestone 4 Template

1. Paraphrasing activity:

Quote from source: “The transition to electrification of vehicles will probably be gradual, for three
primary reasons: consumer caution when it comes to large purchases, the high initial cost of
manufacturing electric vehicles, and pushback from vested interests. There will be special
circumstances, such as in Norway, where rapid transitions are possible. But in places such as the United
States, where the automotive market is large and diverse, and many players are involved—including the
thousands of cities and states that impose rules and offer incentives—the pace will be slower. Cost
reductions will take time. Gasoline cars have benefited from a century of intensive development, while
electric cars have been the focus of major manufacturers on a commercial scale only since about 2010.”

Paraphrase: The shift from traditional vehicles to EVs (electric vehicles) was rapid in Norway, but the
same pace is not expected in the United States, which has a much higher population, state and local
laws to contend with, and a large and diverse auto industry. In addition, consumers are often hesitant
about large purchases. This hesitance, along with the high costs for EV production, and pressure from
oppositional groups, will slow the transition. While the cost of EV production will eventually decrease,
this will take time; in comparison to gas-powered cars’ long history, EVs have only been widely available


IND101 Milestone 3 Template

1. Thesis statement:

The U.S government should introduce proactive measures and interventions to support the

mental health of Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic, the pandemic is making a

considerable negative impact on the mental wellbeing of many Americans, which impact their

health and daily functioning.

2. In-depth evaluation of one source:

Source: Salari, N., Hosseinian-Far, A., Jalali, R., Vaisi-Raygani, A., Rasoulpoor, S.,

Mohammadi, M., Rasoulpoor, S., & Khaledi-Paveh, B. (2020). Prevalence of stress, anxiety,

depression among the general population during the Covid-19 pandemic: a systematic review

and meta-analysis. Globalization and Health, 16, 57.


• Relevance: This source is very relevant to my topic because it shows how COVID-19

pandemic has led to an increase in stress, anxiety, and depression among the general


• Authority: The main author of this article, Salari Nader works in the department of

Biostatistics, School of Health, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. The author

has published a number of publications in biopsychosocial medicine and general

medicine. He is thus a recognized authority in this subject.

• Currency: This article was published in July 2020, so it is current. Since the medical

field is changing rapidly articles no more than 5 years old could yield much helpful data.

• Objectivity: The main author is renowned scholar who has worked in various medical

science departments. Although he may have personal prejudices, the work could be

objective in its use of evidence and conclusions. BMC Public Health is a renowned open

access, peer-reviewed journal, mainly consisting of articles on epidemiology of disease

and other aspects of public health. It means the publication could possibly publish similar

articles to Salari’s advocating for possible solutions to mental health problems and

utilization of appropriate measures and interventions to help the general population deal

with issues related to mental health.

• Verifiability: Although this research is not a typical scientific research study, it contains

a methodology section illustrating how the researchers identified articles they obtained

information to inform this investigation. In addition, it has cited credible sources relevant

to the topic and includes a Reference list.

3. One source to omit and why:

Kecojevic, A., Basch, C. H., Sullivan, M., & Davi, N. K. (2020). The impact of the COVID-19

epidemic on mental health of undergraduate students in New Jersey, cross-sectional study. PLoS

ONE, 15(9): e0239696.

After reviewing all my sources, I chose to omit the Kecojevic source as it only focuses on the

effect of the pandemic on undergraduate students’ mental health. I feel it limited to only a

specific population, which may limit the validity of the research findings.

4. Reflection:

I found it a bit challenging to limit my thesis to a brief, one-sentence statement. I realized the

government has not done much to help the general population address the stress, anxiety, and

depression due to consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. So I argued from the perspective of

introducing mental health-focused measures and interventions to help Americans cope with the

challenges of the pandemic. I need to find more information about potential measures and

interventions that can be implemented to tackle future mental health issues during the COVID-19

pandemic and future similar pandemics. Since there could be more relevant sources on the topic,

I will continue to revise my sources to ensure I have only the most relevant and beneficial

sources. My questions regarding the research process include: Can I limit my thesis statement to

one sentence long? How can I summarize my thesis in the conclusion without restating it?

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