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HCM 320 Module Four Journal Guidelines and

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The Case for Incentivising Health is based on Australian data, but the challenges of combating chronic disease there are similar to the challenges present in the
United States. Read the case carefully and consider the list of main considerations those working in the preventative health space could think about when
developing programs, policies or interventions to change behaviors listed on page five. Address the following questions:

 Which of these cues do you consider to have the most impact in terms of changing healthcare behaviors of the patient?
 Which of these cues would you most readily respond to as a patient?
 Which cues do you think are most likely to be adopted by providers and insurance companies?

Support your responses with examples from your own experience, the case, or references to the textbook or other scholarly sources.

Use the journal as an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the final project requirements and case study. Journal activities in this course are private between
you and your instructor. Only the instructor can view and comment on your assignments.


Guidelines for Submission: Your journal assignment should be 2 to 4 paragraphs in length. Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-
point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Impact of
Behavioral Cue

Discusses the impact of a behavioral cue in
terms of changing healthcare behaviors and
supports the discussion with examples or

Discusses the impact of a behavioral cue in
terms of changing healthcare behaviors, but
does not support the discussion with
examples or references

Does not discuss the impact of a behavioral
cue in terms of changing healthcare


Patient Response Describes why a behavioral cue would
produce positive responses from patients
and supports the description with examples
or references

Describes why a behavioral cue would
produce positive responses from patients,
but does not support the description with
examples or references

Does not describe why a behavioral cue
would produce positive responses from


Providers and


Identifies the behavioral cues that are most
likely to be adopted by providers and
insurance companies and supports the
response with examples or references

Identifies the behavioral cues that are most
likely to be adopted by providers and
insurance companies, but does not support
the response with examples or references

Does not identify the behavioral cues that
are most likely to be adopted by providers
and insurance companies


Total 100%

  • HCM 320 Module Four Journal Guidelines and Rubric
  • Rubric

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