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CST302 Personal Creed

Each section should include (a) 1–2 paragraphs on the evangelical view and (b) 1–2 paragraphs on your own personal reflections (1 paragraph = 4–5 sentences). Be sure to include Scripture references in parentheses in the first section (3 citations minimum).

Scripture and Truth

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The Evangelical View: What do evangelical Christians believe about the inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of the Bible?

Personal Views and Reflections: What are your reflections on this doctrine? What is the source and standard of truth in your worldview?

God, The Holy Trinity

The Evangelical View: What do evangelical Christians believe about the nature of God and especially his existence as a Trinity of persons?

Personal Views and Reflections: What are your reflections on this doctrine? What are your own personal beliefs about God?

Humanity and Sin

The Evangelical View: What do evangelical Christians believe about the nature of humanity as the image of God? What do they believe about original sin?

Personal Views and Reflections: What are your reflections on this doctrine? Do all human beings have equal dignity? Are humans basically good or evil?

The Person of Christ

The Evangelical View: What do evangelical Christians believe about the person of Christ and his two natures?

Personal Views and Reflections: What are your reflections on this doctrine? Who is Jesus to you?

The Work of Christ

The Evangelical View: What do evangelical Christians believe about what Christ accomplished in his life, death, and resurrection?

Personal Views and Reflections: What are your reflections on this doctrine? What do you believe about the claims of the Christian gospel?


The Evangelical View: What do evangelical Christians believe about the nature of salvation? Think specifically about the doctrines of justification, sanctification, and glorification.

Personal Views and Reflections: What are your reflections on this doctrine? If sin is the “problem” with humanity, what do you believe is the solution? How can humans be “saved” in your worldview?


The Evangelical View: What do evangelical Christians believe about the attributes, marks, and mission of the church?

Personal Views and Reflections: What are your reflections on this doctrine? What role does the church/community play in your own spirituality?


The Evangelical View: What do evangelical Christians believe about the end times?

Personal Views and Reflections: What are your reflections on this doctrine? What is the destiny of the world in your own understanding?

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