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As you have learned from the Week 4 learning resources (UMGC, n.d.), deviant behaviors are violations of social norms, and what is “deviant” is defined variously across time and place. Our resources for this week offer a variety of sociological theories for why deviance occurs in society. Your main post for this discussion should have two parts:

Part 1. Identify something that people do that would be considered a violation of social norms. Briefly discuss this action. Who regards this action as deviant and why?

Part 2. Explain why this type of deviance occurs and/or how society responds to this form of deviance, according to one of the theories in the chapter. As part of your explanation, make sure to also briefly explain the theory.

Responses to Classmates: When responding to classmates, try to examine the form of deviance that they have identified by analyzing it from a different theoretical perspective than they did.

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References and Citations

Here is the reference you should cite in your main post:

University of Maryland Global Campus. (n.d.). Week 4. Socialization, Social groups, and deviance. Document posted in UMGC SOCY 100 online classroom, archived at


Make sure to include the complete reference information at the end of your post. If you refer to any additional sources, please be sure to include them in your reference list as well.

When referring to the different topics of the material in the learning resources within your posts, use the following citation format: (UMGC, n.d., name of topic).

For example: (UMGC, n.d., Socialization) or (UMGC, n.d., Deviance and Social Control).

If you use any additional sources in your posts, be sure to cite them in the post and include the full reference information at the end of the post. To learn more about how to cite in APA style, visit the UMGC Library at


Provide your initial post by 11:59 pm on Sunday, February 6. Your initial post should be at least 200 words, excluding the discussion prompt and the references. Please use in-text APA citations within your post as well as full APA references at the end of your post.

Requirements: In Depth

Section Summary and

Key Terms

Section Summary

The Sociological Self

Charles Cooley and George Mead both contributed significantly to the sociological

understanding of the development of self. Lawrence Kohlberg and Carol Gilligan

developed their ideas further and researched how our sense of morality develops.

Gilligan added the dimension of gender differences to Kohlberg’s theory.


Socialization is important because it helps uphold societies and cultures; it is also a

key part of individual development. Research demonstrates that who we are is

affected by both nature (our genetic and hormonal makeup) and nurture (the social

environment in which we are raised). Sociology is most concerned with the way that

society’s influence affects our behavior patterns, such as in the way behavior varies

across class and gender. Resocialization is a process that removes the socialization

we have developed over time and replaces it with newly learned rules and roles.


Groups largely define how we think of ourselves. There are two main types of

groups: primary and secondary. Primary groups are long-term and complex. People

use groups as standards of comparison to define themselves—both who they are and

who they are not. The size and dynamic of a group greatly affects how members act.

Primary groups rarely have formal leaders, although there can be informal


Formal Organizations

Learning Resource

Large organizations fall into three main categories: normative (or voluntary),

coercive, and utilitarian. Bureaucracies are a common form of formal organization.

They are often meritocracies, meaning that hiring and promotion is based on proven

and documented skills, rather than on nepotism or random choice.

Deviance and Social Control

Deviance is a violation of norms. Whether or not something is deviant depends on

contextual definitions, the situation, and people’s response to the behavior. The use

of sanctions contributes to a system of social control. Deviance is often relative, and

perceptions of it can change quickly and unexpectedly.

The three major sociological paradigms offer different explanations for the causes of


and crime. Functionalists point out that deviance is a social necessity

because it reinforces norms by reminding people of the consequences of violating

them. Violating norms can also open society’s eyes to injustice in the system.

Conflict theorists argue that crime stems from a system of inequality that keeps

those with power at the top and those without power at the bottom. Symbolic

interactionists focus attention on the socially constructed nature of the labels

related to deviance. Crime and deviance are learned from the environment and

enforced or discouraged by those around us.

Key Terms

aggregate—a collection of people who exist in the same place at the same time, but

who don’t interact or share a sense of identity

anticipatory socialization—the way we prepare for future life roles

authoritarian leader—a leader who issues orders and assigns tasks

bureaucracies—formal organizations characterized by a hierarchy of authority, a

clear division of labor, explicit rules, and impersonality

category—people who share similar characteristics but who are not connected in

any way

clear division of labor—the fact that each individual in a bureaucracy has a

specialized task to perform

coercive organizations—organizations that people do not voluntarily join, such as

prison or a mental hospital

conflict theory—a theory that examines social and economic factors as the causes

of criminal deviance

conformity—the extent to which an individual complies with group or

societal norms

control theory—a theory that states social control is directly affected by the

strength of social bonds and that deviance results from a feeling of disconnection



degradation ceremony—the process by which new members of a total institution

lose aspects of their old identities and are given new ones

democratic leader—a leader who encourages group participation and consensus-

building before moving into action

deviance—a violation of contextual, cultural, or social norms

differential association theory—a theory that states individuals learn deviant

behavior from those close to them who provide models of and opportunities for


explicit rules—the types of rules in a bureaucracy; rules that are outlined, recorded,

and standardized

expressive function—a group function that serves an emotional


expressive—a leader who is concerned with process and with ensuring everyone’s

emotional well-being

formal organizations—large, impersonal organizations

formal sanctions—sanctions that are officially recognized and enforced

generalized other—the common behavioral expectations of general society

group—any collection of at least two people who interact with some frequency and

share some sense of aligned identity

hidden curriculum—the informal teaching done in schools that socializes children to

societal norms

hierarchy of authority—a clear chain of command found in a bureaucracy

impersonality—the removal of personal feelings from a professional situation

informal sanctions—sanctions that occur in face-to-face interactions

in-group—a group a person belongs to and feels is an integral part of his identity

instrumental function—being oriented toward a task or goal

instrumental leader—a leader who is goal oriented with a primary focus on

accomplishing tasks

iron rule of oligarchy—the theory that an organization is ruled by a few elites rather

than through collaboration

labeling theory—sociological perspective on the ascribing of a deviant behavior to

another person by members of society

laissez-faire leader—a hands-off leader who allows members of the group to make

their own decisions

leadership function—the main focus or goal of a leader

leadership style—the approach a leader uses to achieve goals or elicit action from

group members

meritocracy—a bureaucracy where membership and advancement are based on

merit—proven and documented skills

moral development—the way people learn what is considered good and bad in


nature—the influence of our genetic makeup on self-development

negative sanctions—punishments for violating norms

normative (or voluntary) organizations—organizations that people join to pursue

shared interests or because they provide some intangible rewards

nurture—the role that our social environment plays in self-development

out-group—a group that an individual is not a member of, and may even compete


peer group—a group made up of people who are similar in age and social status and

who share interests

positive sanctions—rewards given for conforming to norms

power elite—a small group of wealthy and influential people at the top of society

who hold the power and resources

primary deviance—a violation of norms that does not result in any long-term effects

on the individual’s self- image or interactions with others

primary groups—small, informal groups of people who are closest to us

reference groups—groups to which individuals compare themselves

resocialization—the process by which old behaviors are removed and new behaviors

are learned in their place

sanctions—means of enforcing rules

secondary deviance—deviance that occurs when a person’s self-concept and

behavior begin to change after actions are labeled as deviant by members of society

secondary groups—larger and more impersonal groups that are task-focused and

time limited

self—a person’s distinct sense of identity as developed through social interaction

social control—the regulation and enforcement of norms

social disorganization theory—a theory that asserts crime occurs in communities

with weak social ties and the absence of social control

social order—an arrangement of practices and behaviors on which society’s

members base their daily lives

socialization—the process through which people come to understand societal norms

and expectations, to accept society’s beliefs, and to be aware of societal values

strain theory—a theory that addresses the relationship between having socially

acceptable goals and having socially acceptable means to reach those goals

total institution—an organization in which participants live a controlled lifestyle and

in which total resocialization occurs

utilitarian organizations—organizations that people join to fill a specific material


Licenses and Attributions

Introduction to Sociology 3e (https://openstax.org/details/books/introduction-sociology-

3e) by Tonja R. Conerly, Kathleen Holmes, and Asha Lal Tamang from OpenStax is

available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) license. © June 3, 2021,

OpenStax. UMGC has modified this work and it is available under the original

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What is a group? The term carries important clinical and scientific meanings in addition to

its generic usage. The concept of a group is central to much of how we think about

society and human interaction. So how can we pin down the meaning more precisely for

sociological purposes?

Defining a Group

The term group can refer to a wide variety of gatherings, from just two people to an

organization of hundreds. A group might be a club, a regular gathering of friends, or

people who work together or share a hobby. A group can be any collection of at least two

people who interact with some frequency and share a sense that their identity is

somehow aligned with the group. Of course, not every gathering of people is a group. A

rally is usually a one-time event, for instance, and belonging to a political party doesn’t

necessarily mean interaction with others. People who happen to be in the same place at

the same time but who do not interact or share a sense of identity—such as people

standing in line at Starbucks—are considered an aggregate, or a crowd.

Another example of a nongroup is people who share similar characteristics but are not

tied to one another in any way. These people are considered a category. For example,

people born between about 1980 and 2000 are referred to as Millennials. Why are

Millennials a category and not a group? Because while some Millennials may share a sense

of identity, they do not, as a whole, interact frequently with each other.

Interestingly, people within an aggregate or category can become a group. For example,

during disasters, people in a neighborhood (an aggregate) who did not know each other

might become friendly and depend on each other at the local shelter. After the disaster,

when people go back to simply living near each other, the feeling of cohesiveness may last

since they have all shared an experience. They might remain a group, practicing

emergency readiness, coordinating supplies for next time, or taking turns caring for

neighbors who need extra help.

Learning Resource

Types of Groups

Sociologist Charles Horton Cooley (1864–1929) suggested that groups can broadly be

divided into two categories: primary groups and secondary groups (Cooley, 1963).

According to Cooley, primary groups play the most critical role in our lives. The primary

group is usually small and made up of individuals who generally engage face-to-face in

long-term, emotionally significant ways. This group serves emotional needs, and thus it

serves an expressive function for its members. The primary group is usually made up of

significant others—those individuals who have the largest impact on our socialization. The

most common example of a primary group is the family.

Secondary groups are often larger and impersonal. They may also be focused on tasks and

contain particular individuals for a limited time. These groups serve an instrumental

function rather than an expressive one, meaning that their role is more goal- or task-

oriented than emotional. A classroom or office is an example of a secondary group.

Neither primary nor secondary groups are bound by strict definitions or set limits. In fact,

people can move from one group to another. A group of coworkers, for example, can start

as a secondary group, but as the employees work together over the years, they may find

common interests and strong ties that transform them into a primary group.

Sociology in the Real World

Best Friends She’s Never Met

Writer Allison Levy worked alone. While she liked the freedom and flexibility

of working from home, she sometimes missed having a community of

coworkers, both for the practical purpose of brainstorming and socializing.

Levy did what many do: She found a group of other writers online. Over time,

a group of approximately 20 writers who all wrote for a similar audience broke

off from the larger forum and started a private one. Their group ended up

consisting of women in their 20s and 30s who all wrote fiction for children and

young adults.

At first, the writers’ forum was clearly a secondary group, brought together by

the members’ professions and work situations. It was a useful place to

research information about publishers, recent books and authors, and industry

trends. But as time passed, Levy found it served a different purpose. Since the

group shared other characteristics beyond their writing (such as age and

gender), their conversation naturally turned to matters such as child-rearing,

aging parents, health, and exercise. When people didn’t post for several days,

others expressed concern. It reached the point where most members would

tell the group if they were travelling or needed to be offline for a while.

Is this a primary group? Most of these people have never met each other. They

live in Hawaii, Australia, Minnesota, and across the world. They may never

meet. But the connection is meaningful and long term Despite the distance

and lack of physical contact, the group clearly fills an expressive need.

In-Groups and Out-Groups

One of the ways that groups can be powerful is through inclusion, and its inverse,

exclusion. The feeling that we belong in an elite or select group is a powerful one, while

the feeling of not being allowed in, or of being in competition with a group, can be

motivating in a different way. William Graham Sumner (1840–1910) developed the

concepts of in-group and out-group to explain this phenomenon (Sumner, 1959). In short,

an individual’s in-group is the group that person feels a part of to that point that it is a

part of the person’s self. An out-group, conversely, is a group someone doesn’t belong to.

Often we feel disdain or competition toward an out-group. Sports teams, unions, and

sororities are examples of in-groups and out-groups. Primary groups consist of both in-

groups and out-groups, as do secondary groups.

While group affiliations can be neutral or positive, the concept of in-groups and out-

groups can also explain some negative human behavior, such as White supremacist

movements. By defining others as “not like us” and inferior, in-groups can end up

practicing ethnocentrism, racism, sexism, ageism, and heterosexism—manners of judging

others negatively based on their culture, race, sex, age, or sexuality, or other forms of

discriminatory othering.

Often, in-groups can form within a secondary group. For instance, there may be cliques

within a workplace, from senior executives who play golf together to engineers who write

code together to young people who socialize after hours. While these in-groups might

show favoritism and affinity for other in-group members, the overall organization may be

unable or unwilling to acknowledge it. It can pay to be wary of the politics of in-groups,

since members may exclude others to gain status within the group.

Reference Groups

A reference group is a group that people compare themselves to, one that provides a

standard of measurement. In US society, peer groups are common reference groups. Both

children and adults pay attention to what their peers wear, what music they like, what

they do with their free time, and more, and they compare themselves to what they see.

Most people have more than one reference group, so a middle school boy might look at

his classmates but also at his older brother’s friends, where he might see a different set of

norms. He might also observe the behaviors of his favorite athletes for another point of


Some other examples of reference groups can include one’s cultural center, workplace, or

family. Often, reference groups convey competing messages. For instance, on television

and in movies, young adults often have wonderful apartments, fancy cars, and lively social

lives despite spending little or no time working. This might be at odds with what a young

adult sees in a peer group. At all ages, we use reference groups to help guide our behavior

and establish our social norms.

Group Leadership

Often, groups require some kind of leadership. In small, primary groups, leadership tends

to be informal. After all, most families and groups of friends don’t take a vote on who will

rule the group. This is not to say that de facto leaders don’t emerge, but formal leadership

is rare. In secondary groups, leadership is usually more overt. These groups often outline

roles and responsibilities, with a chain of command to follow. Some secondary groups, like

the military, have highly structured and clearly understood chains of command, and

sometimes lives depend on those. Other secondary groups, like a workplace or a

classroom, also have formal leaders, but the styles and functions of leadership can vary


Leadership function refers to the main goal of the leader, which may be instrumental or

expressive. An instrumental leader is one who is goal-oriented and largely concerned with

accomplishing set tasks. An army general or a Fortune 500 CEO would most likely be an

instrumental leader. In contrast, expressive leaders are more concerned with promoting

emotional well-being and ensuring that people feel supported. Social and religious leaders

—rabbis, priests, imams, directors of youth homes and social service programs, etc.—are

often expressive leaders. Most people, regardless of gender, tend to prefer leaders who

use a combination of expressive and instrumental leadership (Boatwright & Forrest, 2000).

Sociologists recognize three leadership styles. Democratic leaders encourage group

participation in all decision making. They work hard to build consensus before choosing a

course of action and moving forward. This type of leader is particularly common in groups

like school clubs or professional organizations, where members vote on priorities or

activities to pursue. Democratic leaders may be well liked, but there is a risk that

decisions will proceed slowly because it takes time to build consensus. Another risk is that

group members might pick sides and entrench themselves into opposing factions, rather

than reaching a solution.

In contrast, a laissez-faire (French for “leave it alone”) leader is hands-off, allowing group

members to self-manage and make their own decisions. An example of this kind of leader

might be an art teacher who opens the art cupboard, leaves materials on the shelves, and

tells students to help themselves and make some art. While this style can work well with

highly motivated and mature participants who have clear goals and guidelines, it risks

group dissolution and a lack of progress.

Finally, authoritarian leaders issue orders and assign tasks with little to no feedback from

group members. These leaders are often instrumental leaders with a strong focus on

meeting goals. Many entrepreneurs, like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, fall into this

mold. Unsurprisingly, authoritarian leaders risk alienating workers. When decisions need

to be made quickly or informed by a high level of expertise, however, this style of

leadership may be required.

In different circumstances, each of these leadership styles can be effective and successful.

Consider what leadership style you prefer. Why? Do you like the same style in different

areas of your life, such as a classroom, a workplace, and a sports team?


Boatwright, K. J., & Forrest, L. (2000). Leadership preferences: The influence of gender

and needs for connection on workers’ ideal preferences for leadership behaviors.

The Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(2): 18–34.

Cooley, C. H. (1963). Social organizations: A study of the larger mind. Shocken.

Sumner, W. (1959). Folkways. Dover.

Licenses and Attributions

Introduction to Sociology 3e (https://openstax.org/details/books/introduction-sociology-

3e) by Tonja R. Conerly, Kathleen Holmes, and Asha Lal Tamang from OpenStax is

available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) license. © June 3, 2021,

OpenStax. UMGC has modified this work and it is available under the original

license. Download for free at https://openstax.org/books/introduction-sociology-

3e/pages/1-introduction (https://openstax.org/books/introduction-sociology-3e/pages/1-


© 2022 University of Maryland Global Campus

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Formal Organizations

A common complaint is that society is dominated by large and impersonal secondary

organizations. From schools to businesses to government, these formal organizations are

highly bureaucratized. Indeed, all formal organizations are, or likely will become,

bureaucracies. Let’s look at the purpose of formal organizations and the structure of their


Sociologist Amitai Etzioni posited that formal organizations fall into three categories

(Etzioni, 1975). Normative organizations, also called voluntary organizations, are based on

shared interests and joining them is voluntary. People find membership rewarding in an

intangible way; they receive non-material benefits. The Audubon Society and a ski club

are examples of normative organizations.

Coercive organizations are groups that people must be pressured to join. These may

include prison or a rehabilitation center. Symbolic interactionist Erving Goffman states

that most coercive organizations are total institutions, which we discussed in terms of

socialization (Goffman, 1961).

The third type is utilitarian organizations, which are joined because of the need for a

specific material reward. High school and workplaces fall into this category—one is joined

in pursuit of a diploma, the other in order to make money.

This table summarizes the three types of formal organizations:

Types of Formal Organizations

Normative Coercive Utilitarian

Benefit of

Intangible benefit Corrective

Tangible benefit

Learning Resource

Normative Coercive Utilitarian

Type of

Volunteer basis Required Contractual basis

Feeling of

Shared affinity No affinity Some affinity

Source: Etzioni, 1975

The Structure of Bureaucracies

Bureaucracies are an ideal type of formal organization. By ideal, sociologists don’t mean

best, but rather that they have a collection of characteristics that most of them exhibit.

Max Weber characterized a bureaucracy as having a hierarchy of authority, a clear division

of labor, explicit rules, and impersonality (Weber, 1968). People often complain about

bureaucracies being slow, rule-bound, difficult to navigate, and unfriendly. Let’s look at

terms that define a bureaucracy to understand what they mean.

Hierarchy of authority refers to the chain of command that places one individual or office

in charge of another, who in turn must answer to superiors. For example, as an employee

at Walmart, your shift manager might assign you tasks. Your shift manager answers to the

store manager, who must answer to the regional manager, and so on, up to the CEO who

must answer to the board members, who in turn answer to the stockholders. Everyone in

this bureaucracy follows the chain of command.

Bureaucracies also have a clear division of labor: Each individual has a specialized task to

perform. For example, at a university, psychology professors teach psychology, but they

do not attempt to provide students with financial aid forms. The Office of Admissions

often takes on this task. In this case, it is a clear and commonsense division. But what

about in a restaurant where food is backed up in the kitchen and a host is standing nearby

texting? The host’s job is to seat customers, not to deliver food. Is this the best division of


Bureaucracies have explicit rules—rules that are outlined, written down, and standardized.

For example, at a university, the student guidelines are generally documented in a student

handbook. As technology changes and organizations encounter new types of concerns

like cyberbullying and identity theft, the explicit rules need to be expanded to cover these

emerging issues.

Finally, bureaucracies are also characterized by impersonality, which takes personal

feelings out of professional situations. This characteristic grew, to some extent, out of a

desire to avoid nepotism, backroom deals, and other types of favoritism, while

simultaneously protecting customers and others served by the organization.

Bureaucracies often strive to be meritocracies, meaning that hiring and promotion is

based on proven and documented skills, rather than on personal relationships or random

choice. In order to get into a prestigious college, for example, you may need to perform

well on the SAT and have an impressive transcript. In order to become a lawyer and

represent clients, you must graduate law school and pass the state bar exam. Of course,

there are many well-documented examples of success by those who did not proceed

through traditional meritocracies. Think about technology companies with founders who

dropped out of college, or performers who became famous after a YouTube video went


Organizations that aspire to become meritocracies encounter challenges. How well do you

think established meritocracies identify talent? Wealthy families hire tutors, interview

coaches, test-prep services, and consultants to help their kids get into the most

prestigious colleges. This can start as early as kindergarten in places like New York City,

where competition for the most highly regarded schools is especially fierce. Are these

colleges, many of which have scholarship funds that are intended to make the school

more democratic, really offering all applicants a fair shake?

Bureaucracies are intended to improve efficiency, ensure equal opportunities, and serve a

large population. These aspects of a bureaucracy’s rigid structures can be beneficial and,

at times, needed. But many of our bureaucracies grew large during the Industrial

Revolution. Young workers were trained—and organizations were built—for mass

production, focused on assembly line work in factories. In these situations, a clear chain of

command was critical.

Now, this kind of rigid training and adherence to protocol can actually decrease both

productivity and efficiency in many situations. Many jobs have a faster pace and require

more problem solving and flexibility than the factory work of the Industrial Revolution.

Too much adherence to explicit rules and a division of labor can leave an organization

behind. Unfortunately, once established, bureaucracies can take on a life of their own. It is

almost impossible to make quick changes in these bureaucracies; state governments

highlight this problem when they fail, year after year, to address unbalanced budgets.

It’s also important to consider that bureaucracies grew as institutions at a time when

wealthy White men held all the power in the societies where bureaucracies emerged.

While ostensibly based on meritocracy, bureaucracies can perpetuate the existing balance

of power by only recognizing the merit in traditional paths that are associated with male

and privileged socialization.

Michels (1949) suggested that all large organizations are characterized by the iron rule of

oligarchy, that an entire organization is ruled by a few elites.

To learn more about formal organizations and how they work, watch the

short video Formal organizations: Crash Course Sociology #17

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDuBh7VbGgU) .


Etzioni, A. (1975). A comparative analysis of complex organizations: On power,

involvement, and their correlates. Free Press.

Goffman, E. (1961). Asylums: Essays on the social situation of mental patients and other

inmates. Aldine.

Michels, R. (1949). Political parties. Free Press.

Weber, M. (1968). Economy and society: An outline of interpretative sociology.


Licenses and Attributions

Introduction to Sociology 3e (https://openstax.org/details/books/introduction-sociology-

3e) by Tonja R. Conerly, Kathleen Holmes, and Asha Lal Tamang from OpenStax is

available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) license. © June 3, 2021,

OpenStax. UMGC has modified this work and it is available under the original




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© 2022 University of Maryland Global Campus

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of information located at external sites.


Introduction: Socialization, Groups, and

Can you use your hands to eat? Who should pay? Do you stand when someone else gets

up, and is that dependent on their gender? The dining manners and customs of different

cultures are learned by socialization. Acting differently from what is expected by a social

group might be regarded as deviance.

Source: Kurman Communications, Flickr

When sociologist Todd Schoepflin (2011) ran into his childhood friend Bill, he was

shocked to see him driving a hearse for everyday tasks, just like an ordinary car.

Schoepflin, a trained researcher, interviewed Bill about why he drove such an

Learning Resource

unconventional car. Bill had simply been on the lookout for a reliable car that could handle

winter; on a tight budget, he searched used car ads and stumbled upon one for the

hearse. It ran well and the price was right, so he bought it.

Bill admitted that others’ reactions to the car had been mixed. His parents were appalled,

and he received odd stares from his coworkers. Bill received mostly positive reactions

overall, though. Strangers gave him a thumbs-up on the highway and stopped him in

parking lots to chat about his car. Bill even thought about creating a social group of hearse

fans. Could it be that driving a hearse isn’t so deviant after all? Did driving a hearse affect

Bill’s self-concept?

This week, we will examine the sociological concept of self and the complex process of

socialization that takes place through interaction with many individuals, groups, and social

institutions. We will explore the various types of groups that people join, particularly

formal organizations. Understanding socialization and groups helps us better understand

how and why some people do not follow social norms and are labeled by others as



Schoepflin, T. (2011, January 28). Deviant while driving? Everyday Sociology Blog.



Licenses and Attributions

Introduction to Sociology 3e (https://openstax.org/details/books/introduction-sociology-

3e) by Tonja R. Conerly, Kathleen Holmes, and Asha Lal Tamang from OpenStax is

available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) license. © June 3, 2021,

OpenStax. UMGC has modified this work and it is available under the original

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Deviance and

Social Control

After decades of classification as an illegal substance, marijuana became legal in some

form in nearly every state in the US. In 2013, the Pew Research Center found for the first

time that a majority of people in the United States (52 percent) favored legalizing

marijuana. Until that point, most people were in favor of retaining the drug’s status as

illegal. (The question about marijuana’s legal status was first asked in a 1969 Gallup poll,

and only 12 percent of US adults favored legalization at that time.) Marijuana had, for

years, been seen as a danger to


, especially to youth, and many people applied

stereotypes to users, often conflating marijuana use with negative stereotypes about race.

In essence, marijuana users were considered deviants.

Public opinion has changed over time. While the 2013 study showed support for

legalization just over the 50 percent mark, the number was up to 67 percent by 2019.

Two-thirds of people in the US favored permitting some types of legal usage, as well as

decriminalization and elimination of jail time for users of the drug (Daniller, 2019).

Government officials took note and states began changing their policies as public

assumptions changed.

The question “What is deviant behavior?” cannot be answered in a straightforward

manner. Whether an act is labeled deviant or not depends on many factors, including

location, audience, and who is performing the act (Becker, 1963). Listening to music, for

example, is considered acceptable behavior on the way to class, but during a formal

lecture, it would be considered rude. Listening to music when on the witness stand before

a judge might cause you to be held in contempt of court and consequently fined or jailed.

As norms vary across cultures and time, notions of deviance also change. Many public

schools in the United States used to ban girls from wearing pants to class, and while the

social acceptability of pants for women has become ubiquitous, the change in attitudes

towards men wearing skirts has moved more slowly. In the COVID-19 pandemic, the act

of wearing or not wearing a mask became a matter of deviance, and in some cases,

political affiliation and legality. What people agree is deviant differs in various societies

and subcultures, and it may change over time. What, exactly, then is deviance? And what

Learning Resource

is the relationship between deviance and crime? According to sociologist William Graham

Sumner, deviance is a violation of established contextual, cultural, or social norms,

whether folkways, mores, or codified law (Sumner, 1959). Deviant behavior can be as

minor as picking your nose in public or as major as committing murder.

Although the word deviance has a negative connotation in everyday language, sociologists

recognize that deviance is not necessarily bad (Schoepflin, 2011). In fact, from a structural

functionalist perspective, one of the positive contributions of deviance is that it fosters

social change. For example, during the US civil rights movement, Rosa Parks violated

social norms when she refused to move to the “Black section” of the bus, and the Little

Rock Nine broke customs of segregation to attend an Arkansas public school.

Perceptions and proclamations of deviance have often been a means to oppress people by

labeling their private behavior as criminal. Until the 1970s and 1980s, sexual acts

between adults of the same sex were prohibited by state laws, with restrictions extending

to simple displays like holding hands. Other laws prohibited clothing deemed

“inappropriate” for one’s biological sex. This resulted in dishonorably discharges (losing all

benefits) for veterans and servicemembers found to be gay, as well as police harassment

of LGBTQ people and regular raids on gay bars. Anti-LGBTQ hate crimes were rarely

prosecuted and generally lightly punished when they were. While most states had

eliminated their anti-LGBTQ laws by the time the Supreme Court struck them down in

2003, 14 states still had some version of them on the books.

For another example of the relativity of deviance and its relationship to perceptions of

crime, consider gambling. Excessive or high-risk gambling is often seen as deviant

behavior, but more moderate gambling is generally accepted. Gambling has been limited in

most of the United States for a long time, making it a crime to participate in certain types

of gambling or to do so outside of specified locations. For example, a state may allow

betting on horse races but not on sports. Some of these laws are changing, but for

decades, a generally non-deviant behavior has been made criminal: When otherwise law-

abiding people decided to engage in moderate, low-stakes gambling, they were breaking

the law. Sociologists may study the essential question arising from this situation: Are

these gamblers being deviant by breaking the law, even when the actual behavior at hand

is not generally considered deviant?

Here is a short video, Deviance: Crash Course Sociology #18

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGq9zW9w3Fw) , that provides

an overview of how sociologists view deviance.

Social Control

When a person violates a social norm, what happens? A driver caught speeding can

receive a speeding ticket. A student who wears a bathrobe to class could get a warning

from a professor. People might avoid an adult belching loudly in public. All societies

practice social control, the regulation and enforcement of norms. The underlying goal of

social control is to maintain social order, an arrangement of practices and behaviors on

which society’s members base their daily lives. Think of social order as an employee

handbook and social control as a manager. When a worker violates a workplace guideline,

the manager steps in to enforce the rules; when an employee is doing an exceptionally

good job at following the rules, the manager may praise or promote the employee.

The means of enforcing rules are called sanctions. Sanctions can be positive as well as

negative. Positive sanctions are rewards given for conforming to norms, like a promotion

can reward hard work. Negative sanctions are punishments for violating norms. Being

arrested is a negative sanction for shoplifting. Both types of sanctions play a role in social


Sociologists also classify sanctions as formal or informal. Shoplifting, a form

of social

deviance, is illegal, but there are no laws dictating the proper way to scratch your nose.

That doesn’t mean picking your nose in public won’t be punished; instead, you will

encounter informal sanctions. Informal sanctions emerge primarily in face-to-face social

interactions. For example, wearing flip-flops to an opera or swearing loudly in church may

draw disapproving looks, verbal reprimands, or other consequences, whereas behavior

that is seen as positive—such as helping an elderly person carry grocery bags across the

street—may receive positive informal reactions, such as a smile or pat on the back.

Formal sanctions, on the other hand, are ways to officially recognize and enforce norm

violations. If a student violates a college’s code of conduct, for example, the student might

be expelled. Someone who speaks inappropriately to the boss could be fired. Someone


who commits a crime may be arrested or imprisoned. On the positive side, a soldier who

saves a life may receive an official commendation.

Functionalists argue that deviance plays an important role in society and can be used to

challenge people’s views. Protesters, such as these members of People for the Ethical

Treatment of Animals, often use deviant behavior to draw attention to a cause.

Source: David Shankbone, Flickr

Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance

Why does deviance occur? How does it affect a society? Since the early days of sociology,

scholars have developed theories that attempt to explain what deviance and crime mean

for society. These theories can be grouped according to the three major sociological

paradigms: functionalism, symbolic interactionism, and conflict theory.


Sociologists who follow the functionalist approach are concerned with how different

elements of a society contribute to the whole. They view deviance as a key component of

a functioning society. Strain theory and social disorganization theory represent two

functionalist perspectives on deviance in society.

Émile Durkheim: The Essential Nature of Deviance

Émile Durkheim believed that deviance is a necessary part of a successful society. One

way deviance is functional, he argued, is that it challenges people’s present views

(Durkheim, 1997). For instance, when Black students across the United States participated

in sit-ins during the civil rights movement, they challenged society’s notions of

segregation. Moreover, Durkheim noted, when deviance is punished, it reaffirms currently

held social norms, which also contributes to society (Durkheim, 1997). Seeing a high

school student given detention for skipping class reminds other students that they must

attend class to avoid getting detention.

Durkheim’s point regarding the impact of punishing deviance speaks to his arguments

about law. Durkheim saw laws as an expression of the collective conscience—the beliefs,

morals, and attitudes of a society. According to Durkheim, a crime is a crime because we

condemn it. He discussed the impact of societal size and complexity as contributors to the

collective conscience and the development of justice systems and punishments. For

example, in large, industrialized societies that were largely bound together by the

interdependence of work (the division of labor), punishments for deviance were generally

less severe. In smaller, more homogeneous societies, deviance might be punished more


Robert Merton: Strain Theory

Sociologist Robert Merton agreed that deviance is an inherent part of a functioning

society, but he expanded on Durkheim’s ideas by developing strain theory, which notes

that access to socially acceptable goals plays a part in determining whether a person

conforms or deviates. From birth, people in the US are often encouraged to achieve the

“American Dream” of financial success. A person who attends business school, receives an

MBA, and goes on to make a million-dollar income as CEO of a company is said to be a

success. However, not everyone in our society stands on equal footing. That MBA-turned-

CEO may have grown up in an excellent school district and had the means to hire tutors.

Another person may grow up in a neighborhood with lower-quality schools and may not

be able to pay for extra help. Some people may have the socially acceptable goal of

financial success but lack a socially acceptable way to reach that goal. According to

Merton’s theory, an entrepreneur who can’t afford to launch a company may be tempted

to embezzle from an employer for start-up funds.

Merton defined five ways people respond to this gap between having a socially accepted

goal and having no socially accepted way to pursue it:

1. Conformity. Those who conform choose not to deviate. They pursue their goals to

the extent that they can through socially accepted means.

2. Innovation. Those who innovate pursue goals they cannot reach through legitimate

means by instead using deviant, sometimes criminal, means.

3. Ritualism. People who ritualize lower their goals until they can reach them through

socially acceptable ways. These members of society focus on conformity rather than

attaining a distant dream.

4. Retreatism. Others retreat and reject society’s goals and means. Some people who

are homeless have withdrawn from society’s goal of financial success.

5. Rebellion. A handful of people rebel and replace a society’s goals and means with

their own. Terrorists or freedom fighters look to overthrow a society’s goals through

socially unacceptable means.

Social Disorganization Theory

Developed by researchers at the University of Chicago in the 1920s and 1930s, social

disorganization theory asserts that crime is most likely to occur in communities with weak

social ties and the absence of social control. For example, under this theory an individual

who grows up in a poor neighborhood—perhaps with high rates of drug use, violence, and

teenage delinquency—and had a lack of parental involvement is assumed to be more likely

to commit a crime than an individual from a wealthy neighborhood with a good school

system, raised by family members who are involved positively in the community.

Proponents of social disorganization theory believe that individuals who grow

up in impoverished areas are more likely to participate in deviant or criminal


Source: Apollo 1758, Wikimedia Commons

Social disorganization theory points to broad social factors as the cause of deviance. A

person isn’t born as someone who will commit crimes but becomes one over time, often

based on factors in the social environment. Robert Sampson and Byron Groves (1989)

found that poverty and family disruption in given places had a strong positive correlation

with social disorganization. They also determined that social disorganization was, in turn,

associated with high rates of crime and delinquency, or deviance. Studies Sampson

conducted with Lydia Bean (2006) revealed similar findings. High rates of poverty and

single-parent homes correlated with high rates of juvenile violence. Research into social

disorganization theory can greatly influence public policy. For instance, studies have

found that children from disadvantaged communities who attend preschool programs

teaching basic social skills are significantly less likely to engage in criminal activity (Lally,

Mangione, & Honig, 1987).

Conflict Theory

Conflict theory looks to social and economic factors as the causes of crime and deviance.

Unlike functionalists, conflict theorists don’t see these factors as positive functions of

society. They see them as evidence of inequality in the system. They also challenge social

disorganization theory and control theory and argue that both ignore racial and

socioeconomic issues and oversimplify social trends (Akers, 1991). Conflict theorists also

look to explain correlations of gender and race with wealth and crime.

Karl Marx: An Unequal System

The foundations of conflict theory are in the work of German philosopher, economist, and

social scientist Karl Marx. Though Marx spoke little of deviance, his ideas created the

foundation for conflict theorists who study the intersection of deviance and crime with

wealth and power. Particularly significant is Marx’s division of people into two groups

based on wealth and power: the wealthy bourgeois, in control of the means of production,

and the proletariat, workers who depend on the bourgeois for employment and survival.

Marx believed that the bourgeois centralized their power and influence through

government, laws, and other authority agencies in order to maintain and expand their

positions of power in society. These ideas about power and wealth underpin conflict

theorists’ explorations of deviance and its intersections with inequality in society.

C. Wright Mills: The Power Elite

In his 1956 book, sociologist C. Wright Mills described the existence of what he dubbed

the power elite, a small group of wealthy and influential people at the top of society who

hold the power and resources. Wealthy executives, politicians, celebrities, and military

leaders often have access to national and international power, and in some cases, their

decisions affect everyone in society. Because of this, the rules of society are stacked in

favor of a privileged few who manipulate them to stay on top. It is these people who

decide what is criminal and what is not, and the effects are often felt most by those who

have little power.

Mills’ theories explain why celebrities who commit crimes often suffer little or no legal

retribution. For example, USA Today maintains a database of NFL players accused and

convicted of crimes. 51 NFL players were convicted of committing domestic violence

between the years 2000 and 2019. They were sentenced to a collective 49 days in jail,

and most of those sentences were deferred or otherwise reduced. In most cases,

suspensions and fines levied by the NFL or individual teams were more severe than the

justice system’s (Schrotenboer, 2020; clickitticket.com, 2019).

Crime and Social Class

From 1986 until 2010, the punishment for possessing crack, considered a poor

person’s drug, was 100 times stricter than the punishment for cocaine, a drug

favored by the wealthy.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

While crime is often associated with the underprivileged, crimes committed by the

wealthy and powerful remain an under-punished and costly problem within US society.

The FBI reported that victims of burglary, larceny, and motor vehicle theft lost a total of

$15.3 billion dollars in 2009 (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2010). In comparison, when

former advisor and financier Bernie Madoff was arrested in 2008, the US Securities and

Exchange Commission reported that the estimated losses of his financial Ponzi scheme

fraud were close to $50 billion (SEC, 2009). This imbalance based on class power is also

found within US criminal law. In the 1980s, cocaine use was associated with the wealthy,

while the use of crack (a less expensive but powerful drug derived from cocaine) quickly

became an epidemic that swept the country’s poorest urban communities. The legal

implications of being caught by authorities with crack versus cocaine were starkly

different. In 1986, federal law mandated that being caught in possession of 50 grams of

crack was punishable by a 10-year prison sentence. An equivalent prison sentence for

cocaine possession, however, required possession of 5,000 grams. In other words, the

sentencing disparity was 1 to 100 (New York Times Editorial Staff, 2011). This inequality

in punishment paralleled the unequal social classes of respective users. A conflict theorist

would note that those in society who hold power are also the ones who make the laws

concerning crime. In doing so, they make laws that will benefit themselves, while the

powerless classes, lacking the resources to make such decisions, suffer the consequences.

Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, states passed many laws increasing penalties for

crimes, especially for repeat offenders. A significant federal law, the Violent Crime Control

and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (known as the 1994 Crime Bill), increased penalties,

funded prisons, and incentivized law enforcement agencies to further pursue drug

offenders. One outcome of these policies was the mass incarceration of Black and

Hispanic people, which contributed to a cycle of poverty and reduced social mobility. The

crack-cocaine punishment disparity remained until 2010’s Fair Sentencing Act, signed into

law by Barack Obama, decreased the disparity to 1 to 18 (The Sentencing Project, 2010).

Symbolic Interactionism

Symbolic interactionism is a theoretical approach that can be used to explain how

societies and/or social groups come to view behaviors as deviant or conventional.

Symbolic interactionism encompasses labeling theory, differential association theory,

and control theory.

Labeling Theory

Although all of us violate norms from time to time, most people do not consider

themselves deviant. Those who do, however, have often been labeled deviant by society

and have gradually come to believe it themselves. Labeling theory examines the ascribing

of a deviant behavior to another person by members of society. Thus, what is considered

deviant is determined not by the behaviors themselves or the people who commit them,

but by the reactions of others to these behaviors. As a result, what is considered deviant

changes over time and can vary significantly across cultures.

Sociologist Edwin Lemert expanded on the concepts of labeling theory and identified two

types of deviance that affect identity formation. Primary deviance is a violation of norms

that does not result in any long-term effects on the individual’s self-image or interactions

with others. Driving well above the speed limit is a deviant act, but receiving a speeding

ticket generally does not change the way others view you, nor would it alter most people’s

own self-concept. Individuals who engage in primary deviance maintain a feeling of

belonging in society and are likely to continue to conform to norms in the future.

Sometimes primary deviance can morph into secondary deviance. Secondary

deviance occurs when people’s self-concepts and behavior begin to change after their

actions are labeled as deviant by members of their society. A person may begin to take on

and fulfill the role of a deviant as an act of rebellion against the society that has labeled

that individual as such. For example, consider a high school student who often cuts class

and gets into fights. The student is reprimanded frequently by teachers and school staff

and develops a reputation as a “troublemaker.” As a result, the student starts acting out

even more and breaking more rules; the student has adopted the “troublemaker” label and

embraced this deviant identity. Secondary deviance can be so strong that it bestows a

master status on an individual. A master status is a label that describes the chief

characteristic of an individual. Some people see themselves primarily as doctors, artists, or

grandfathers. Others may see themselves as failures, convicts, or addicts, as a result of

secondary deviance.

Techniques of Neutralization

How do people deal with the labels they are given? This was the subject of a study done

by Sykes and Matza (1957). They studied teenage boys who had been labeled as juvenile

delinquents to see how they either embraced or denied these labels. Neutralization refers

to the process by which individuals avoid regarding themselves as deviant when they

violate social norms. Sykes and Matza (1957) identified five techniques that individuals

might use to neutralize the deviant aspects of their actions.

Let’s take a scenario and apply all five techniques to explain how they are used. Click each

of the tabs to see how these techniques might be used in the following scenario.

Scenario: Sam is working for a retail store as a cashier. His cash drawer has been coming

up short for a few days. When Sam’s boss confronts him, he is labeled as a thief for the

suspicion of stealing. How might Sam deal with this label?

Using Techniques of Neutralization

The Denial of Responsibility

This technique is used when people don’t take

responsibility for their actions or blame others. They

may say that it was their boss’s fault because they

don’t get paid enough to make rent or because they’re

getting a divorce. They are rejecting the label by

denying responsibility for their actions.

The Denial of Injury

Sometimes people will look at a situation in terms of

what effect it has on others. Someone using this

technique may say, “What’s the big deal? Nobody got

hurt. Your insurance will take care of it.” This

technique dismisses the importance of the action by

seeing it as harmless.

The Denial of the Victim

If there is no victim, there’s no crime in this

perspective. In this technique, the person sees the

action as justified or the victim as deserving it. In our

scenario Sam may look at his situation and think, “I’ve

worked here for years without a raise. I deserve that

money and if you won’t give it to me, I’ll get it my own


The Condemnation of the Condemners

With this technique, Sam might “turn it around” and

blame the boss. He may say something like, “You don’t

know my life; you have no reason to judge me.” This

takes the focus off of his actions and puts the onus on

the accuser to, essentially, prove he is living up to the

label. This also shifts the narrative away from the

deviant behavior.

Appeal to a Higher Authority

The final technique is to claim that the actions were

for a higher purpose. Sam may tell the boss that he

stole the money because his mom is sick and needs

medicine or for another compelling reason. People

using this technique justify their actions by presenting

the purpose for the behavior as a greater good than

the action is bad.

Have you ever used any of these techniques?

Social Policy and Debate

The Right to Vote

Should a previous felony conviction permanently strip a US

citizen of the right to vote?

Source: Joshin Yamada, Flickr

Before she lost her job as an administrative assistant, Leola Strickland postdated and

mailed a handful of checks for amounts ranging from $90 to $500. By the time she

was able to find a new job, the checks had bounced, and she was convicted of fraud

under Mississippi law. Strickland pleaded guilty to a felony charge and repaid her

debts; in return, she was spared from serving prison time.

Strickland appeared in court in 2001. More than 10 years later, she is still feeling the

sting of her sentencing. Why? Because under the Fourteenth Amendment, states

are allowed to deny voting privileges to individuals who have participated in

“rebellion or other crime” (Krajick, 2004). Although there are no federally mandated

laws on the matter, most states practice at least one form of felony


Is it fair to prevent citizens from participating in such an important process?

Proponents of disfranchisement laws argue that felons have a debt to pay to

society. Being stripped of their right to vote is part of the punishment for criminal

deeds. Such proponents point out that voting isn’t the only instance in which ex-

felons are denied rights; many state laws also ban released criminals from holding

public office, obtaining professional licenses, and sometimes even inheriting

property (Lott & Jones, 2008).

Opponents of felony disfranchisement in the United States argue that voting is a

basic human right and should be available to all citizens regardless of past deeds.

Many point out that felony disfranchisement has its roots in the 1800s, when it was

used primarily to block Black citizens from voting. These laws disproportionately

target poor members of racial minorities, denying them a chance to participate in a

system that, as a social conflict theorist would point out, is already constructed to

their disadvantage (Holding, 2006). Those who cite labeling theory worry that

denying deviants the right to vote will only further encourage deviant behavior. If

ex-criminals are disenfranchised from voting, are they being disenfranchised from


Edwin Sutherland: Differential Association

In the early 1900s, sociologist Edwin Sutherland sought to understand how deviant

behavior developed among people. Since criminology was a young field, he drew on other

aspects of sociology including social interactions and group learning (Laub, 2006). His

conclusions established differential association theory, which suggested that individuals

learn deviant behavior from those close to them who provide models of, and

opportunities for, deviance. According to Sutherland, deviance is less a personal choice

and more a result of differential socialization processes. For example, a teenager whose

friends are sexually active is more likely to view sexual activity as acceptable for


Sutherland developed a series of propositions to explain how deviance is learned. In

Proposition 5, for example, he discussed how people begin to accept and participate in a

behavior after learning whether it is viewed as favorable by those around them. In

Proposition 6, Sutherland expressed the ways that exposure to more views and behaviors

favoring the deviant behavior than those opposing it can eventually lead a person to

partake in deviance, applying almost a quantitative element to the learning of certain

behaviors (Sutherland, 1960). In our example, a teenager may find sexual activity more

acceptable once a certain number of their friends become sexually active, not after only

one does so.

Sutherland’s theory may explain why crime can be multigenerational. A longitudinal study

beginning in the 1960s found that the best predictor of antisocial and criminal behavior in

children was whether their parents had been convicted of a crime

(Todd & Jury, 2011).

Children who were younger than 10 years old when their parents were convicted of a

crime were more likely than other children to engage in spousal abuse and criminal

behavior by their early thirties. Even when taking socioeconomic factors like dangerous

neighborhoods, poor school systems, and overcrowded housing into consideration,

researchers found that parents were the main influence on the behavior of their offspring

(Todd & Jury, 2011).

Travis Hirschi: Control Theory

Another approach that examines large social factors is control theory, which states that

social control is directly affected by the strength of social bonds and that deviance results

from a feeling of disconnection from society. Individuals who believe they are a part of

society are less likely to stray from its norms, including committing crimes.

Travis Hirschi identified four types of social bonds that connect people to society (Hirschi,


Attachment measures our connections to others. When we are closely attached to

people, we worry about their opinions of us. People conform to society’s norms in

order to gain approval (and prevent disapproval) from family, friends, and romantic


Commitment refers to the investments we make in the community. A well-respected

local businessperson who volunteers at the synagogue and is a member of the

neighborhood block organization has more to lose from committing a crime than a

person who doesn’t have any ties to the community.

Similarly, levels of involvement, or participation in socially accepted activities, lessen

a person’s likelihood of deviance. A child who plays Little League baseball and takes

art classes may have fewer opportunities to commit crimes.

The final bond, belief, is an agreement on common values in society. If people view

social values as being in line with their personal beliefs, they will conform to them.

An environmentalist is more likely to pick up trash in a park because a clean

environment is a social value to them.

This table provides a helpful overview of the major sociological theories of deviance:

Theory or concept Associated theorists Deviance arises from


Strain theory Robert Merton Inability to reach

socially accepted

goals by

accepted methods

Social disorganization


University of Chicago


Weak social ties and a


of social

control; society’s inability
to enforce norms with

some groups

Conflict theory

Unequal system Karl Marx Inequalities in wealth and


that arise from the

economic system

Power elite C. Wright Mills Ability of those in power

to define

deviance in ways that

maintain the
status quo

Theory or concept Associated theorists Deviance arises from

Symbolic interactionism

Labeling theory Edwin Lemert The reactions of others,


those in power who can





Edwin Sutherland Learning and modeling


behavior seen in other

people close
to the individual

Control theory Travis Hirschi Feelings of disconnection



There are many sociological theories of deviance. If you would like to

learn more about them, read this section on sociological explanations of

deviance (http://ezproxy.umgc.edu/login?



live&scope=site&profile=edsebook&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_186) from

Connecting Sociology to Our Lives: An Introduction to Sociology.

This peer-reviewed journal article, Sex, Drugs, and Deception: Deviance

in the Hair Salon Industry (http://ezproxy.umgc.edu/login?



live&scope=site) , looks at deviance in the workplace.

Although the word tends to have a negative connotation, deviance can

have a positive effect on society. Check out the Positive Deviance

Initiative (http://openstax.org/l/Positive_Deviance) , a program

initiated by Tufts University to promote social movements around the

world that strive to improve people’s lives.


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NFL Player Arrests

The Sentencing Project. (2010). Federal crack cocaine sentencing. The Sentencing Project:

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Sutherland, E. H., & Cressy, D. R. (2006). A theory of differential association. In F. T. Cullen

& R. Agnew (Eds.), Criminological theory: Past to present : Essential readings (p.

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Todd, R. & Jury, L. (2011, October 23). Children follow convicted parents into crime. The

Independent. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/children-follow-convicted-


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Introduction to Sociology 3e (https://openstax.org/details/books/introduction-sociology-

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