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ANA home page

and search for their Advocacy Policy. Read through the ANA Advocacy Policy’s web pages.

ANA Enterprise | American Nurses Association (

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Look at issues at a federal, state, or local level for which the ANA is advocating change or new policies and answer this questions, use reliable references and every reference used must have an intext citation in your paper:

1. Which one are you most eager to see enacted?

2. Why does it interest you?

3. How will passage of such legislation affect you or your patients?

This assignment must include 5 Signs and Symptoms , 5 nursing diagnoses using the NANDA nursing diagnoses, 3 nursing interventions including medications and 3 teaching points for the patient. Using reliable reference and each box must have an intext citation

Comparison Table on Types of Shock Each box must have an intext citation









Nursing Diagnosis


Patient Teaching

(for prevention)


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