
5.04 Modern Science

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Put a picture of the advancement of your choice here, and then add a 2-3 sentence description of the advancement, who was responsible for it, and how it affected 20th century life (1900s)

Put a picture of the advancement of your choice here, and then add a 2-3 sentence description of the advancement, who was responsible for it, and how it affected 20th century life (1900s)

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Put a picture of the advancement of your choice here, and then add a 2-3 sentence description of the advancement, who was responsible for it, and how it affected 20th century life (1900s).

Put a picture of the advancement of your choice here, and then add a 2-3 sentence description of the advancement, who was responsible for it, and how it affected 20th century life (1900s)

Put a picture of the advancement of your choice here, and then add a 2-3 sentence description of the advancement, who was responsible for it, and how it affected 20th century life (1900s)

Write a 4-5 sentence paragraph explaining why you chose those advancements and why you put them in the order you did.

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