DQ 2 Question RES 820

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I chose Quantitative

1. Peruse the resources located within that specific area. What do you find most useful? What did you learn about searches? How can you use this resource as you begin to search for articles towards your topic?

You do not need any research support for your response but in order to receive participation credit, your response does need to be at least 150 words.

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Dr. Davis

Qualitative Doctoral Research –



Quantitative Doctoral Research – 


2. Assessment Description

Writing at the graduate level can appear intimidating, but in reality, scholarly writing consists of foundational writing techniques that encourage readers to establish an original academic voice that is grounded in research. Scholarly writing includes a careful citation of sources that demonstrates engagement with the topic’s relevant literature. As you can see, scholarly writing is rooted in research and not general assumptions and/or prejudices you may have concerning a topic. We want you to take a position in your writing, but if it is not supported by existing research, then it is simply an unsupported opinion. This is why a literature review is a critical component of research. Take a look at the samples below:

1. I believe that daily drinking of alcohol must be stopped because it will lead to major health problems and premature death in young people and adults.

2. Daily drinking of alcohol should be avoided because it can lead to social and health issues, as well as premature death (Root, 2018). There must be more awareness created to inform people of the dangers of alcohol.

3. According to Larson (2017), alcohol abuse is a condition that is affecting families directly or indirectly in the United States (Wilson, 2017). The numbers have continued to steadily increase for the past 10 years (Smith, 2019). The number of alcohol related deaths with young people are disheartening. According to Silk (2020), the number of accidental deaths involving motor vehicles is “200% greater” than it was 10 years ago, even though there have been concerted efforts to raise awareness through state sponsored media campaigns, as well as legal deterrents, such financial penalties and incarceration (p. 164). At the same time, the number of alcohol related illnesses has increased leading to premature deaths in adults. Worth (2018) has noted a spike in liver disease with adult males from 45-60 years old. The increase in deaths from both populations are preventable and is an issue that must receive more attention to ensure the health and safety of young people and adults using alcohol.

In the examples above, how is original thought developed and transformed by the time the writer gets to the third draft? How does the addition of citations increase the credibility and establish the academic voice of the author? Explain.

Respond to Students Please

Topic 2 DQ 1

There are a few misconceptions about peer reviewed research that learners have when beginning a doctoral program. Many learners believe things such as the following:

· A published research article is the final word on a subject.

· Published research is without shortcomings and limitations.

· All published articles are of equal quality.

· All authors are experts on the subject they are researching.

· All journal publication opportunities are benevolent.

With these misconceptions in mind, describe how you currently perceive scholarly literature. How have your perceptions changed given the information presented in your textbook on this topic? How do you know if the research is objective, accurate, authoritative, current, and relevant? How comfortable are you with critiquing research? What is peer-review and how it is relevant to the integrity of scholarly literature?

Please respond to the above Question

3 Theresa

Grand Canyon University

RES 820A, Topic 2, DQ1

Dr. Davis

February 3, 2022

My current perception of scholarly literature has changed since first entering the doctoral program. I assumed the articles were all scholarly, complete, and reliable, especially the peer-reviewed ones. I have since learned there are varying degrees of worthiness in the literature, and it is ultimately the job of the researcher to weed out discrepancies, false information, conflicts, and gaps in the literature (Stimpson & Walker, 2020).

In order to recognize whether literature is objective, accurate, authoritative, current, and relevant, a researcher has to develop information literacy. To become information literate, a researcher must also be aware of his/her own biases, as well as the biases of others. Bias can extend to the study process, as the researcher decides the methods and types of studies for any given topic; the researcher must be aware and be able to adjust accordingly (Stimpson & Walker, 2020).

Researchers also need to stay apprised of updates in any existing literature/knowledge on his or her topic of study, so duplicating the research can be avoided, and the researcher can focus on moving forward in another area or topic. Discovering one has compiled duplicated knowledge and has to research further or start over can be highly frustrating (Nathan & Shawkataly, 2019).

Critiquing research is very new to me, and I am not comfortable with it yet. I have attempted to improve on my inconsistencies by increasing my reading and researching peer-reviewed articles substantially and consistently.

Nathan, R. J., & Shawkataly, O. B. (2019). Publications, citations and impact factors. Australian Universities’ Review, 61(1), 42–48. 


Stimpson, R. & Walker, N. (2020). Literature and literature reviews. In Grand Canyon University (Ed.), GCU doctoral research: The literature landscape. Retrieved from 


4 Topic 2 DQ 1

Bria Spaulding

Grand Canyon University

RES-820A: The Literature Landscape: Organizational Leadership

Dr. Davis
February 3, 2022

My perceptions have changed a lot about those specific topics that have been stated in the initial question. It is very important in your doctoral journey to find valid information in order for your dissertation to be of high quality. Initially, I believed that any piece of research I read was 100% accurate and was reliable to use, much like myself other novice researchers struggle with finding credibility of information (Stimpson, R. & Walker, N., n.d.). There was an experiment conducted by BMJ where there were errors placed into a paper and submitted into a peer-review, 20% of the reviewers did not spot the errors Buchan I.,Dagliati A., Dornan T., Geifman N., Le Sueur H., Martin G.P., & Whetton A.D. (2020). That experiment alone shows that there may be published research that may have errors, flaws, and shortcomings. 

In order to ensure that research is objective, accurate, authoritative, current, and relevant you must evaluate who published the source to determine whether there is any chance of there being bias (Stimpson, R. & Walker, N., n.d.). Additionally, a researcher will have to review the publication dates as well as when the study was conducted to ensure that the research is current and up to date (Stimpson, R. & Walker, N., n.d.). It is also very important to pay very close attention to the language and verbiage used in each article to make sure there is no biased or discriminatory phrases (Stimpson, R. & Walker, N., n.d.). I have also started to realize how important it is to find multiple views of research you find regarding your topic. Doing this will ensure that as a researcher you are presenting information on all sides of an issue or topic (Stimpson, R. & Walker, N., n.d.). 

Critiquing research is a skill that I am continually working on. There is constant research that is being released and is accessible 24/7 for doctoral students so being able to “vet” information to ensure that your dissertation is accurate, relevant and full of reliable information (Stimpson, R. & Walker, N., n.d.). Working on annotations in RES-815 has helped me a lot with working on that skill. Additionally, after doing more reading and research after the first discussion for this course I have found more ways to vet information to ensure that I am finding quality research for my potential dissertation topic. Reading abstracts of research pieces can aid in the process of vetting research articles. 

Peer-review is when an expert publishes a material about an academic topic that is approved by their peers (Stimpson, R. & Walker, N., n.d.). Peer-reviews are relevant to the integrity of scholarly literature because as stated earlier as a researcher it is important to ensure its validity (Stimpson, R. & Walker, N., n.d.). Peer-reviews are additionally important because it adds another layer of feedback and can help the researcher with additional recommendations that could help improve the research (Buchan I.,Dagliati A., Dornan T., Geifman N., Le Sueur H., Martin G.P., & Whetton A.D., 2020). 


Buchan I.,Dagliati A., Dornan T., Geifman N., Le Sueur H., Martin G.P., & Whetton A.D. (2020). Pride and prejudice – What can we learn from peer review? Medical teacher [Med Teach] 2020 Sep; Vol. 42 (9), pp. 1012-1018. Date of Electronic Publication: 2020 Jul 06.

Stimpson, R. & Walker, N. (n.d.). Scholarly Reading and Writing . GCU doctoral research: The literature landscape. Retrieved February 3, 2022 from https://lc.gcumedia.com/res820/gcu-doctoral-research-the-literature-landscape/v1.1/#/chapter/2

Topic 2 DQ 2

Feb 3-7, 2022

Writing at the graduate level can appear intimidating, but in reality, scholarly writing consists of foundational writing techniques that encourage readers to establish an original academic voice that is grounded in research. Scholarly writing includes a careful citation of sources that demonstrates engagement with the topic’s relevant literature. As you can see, scholarly writing is rooted in research and not general assumptions and/or prejudices you may have concerning a topic. We want you to take a position in your writing, but if it is not supported by existing research, then it is simply an unsupported opinion. This is why a literature review is a critical component of research. Take a look at the samples below:
1. I believe that daily drinking of alcohol must be stopped because it will lead to major health problems and premature death in young people and adults.
2. Daily drinking of alcohol should be avoided because it can lead to social and health issues, as well as premature death (Root, 2018). There must be more awareness created to inform people of the dangers of alcohol.
3. According to Larson (2017), alcohol abuse is a condition that is affecting families directly or indirectly in the United States (Wilson, 2017). The numbers have continued to steadily increase for the past 10 years (Smith, 2019). The number of alcohol related deaths with young people are disheartening. According to Silk (2020), the number of accidental deaths involving motor vehicles is “200% greater” than it was 10 years ago, even though there have been concerted efforts to raise awareness through state sponsored media campaigns, as well as legal deterrents, such financial penalties and incarceration (p. 164). At the same time, the number of alcohol related illnesses has increased leading to premature deaths in adults. Worth (2018) has noted a spike in liver disease with adult males from 45-60 years old. The increase in deaths from both populations are preventable and is an issue that must receive more attention to ensure the health and safety of young people and adults using alcohol.
In the examples above, how is original thought developed and transformed by the time the writer gets to the third draft? How does the addition of citations increase the credibility and establish the academic voice of the author? Explain.

Respond to student to the above question

5 Theresa

Grand Canyon University

RES 820A, Topic 2, DQ2

Dr. Mendi Davis

February 4, 2022

Upon reading the three examples provided, there is no doubt that the last example has the most scholarly value. The first example is opinion, simply written, as if the author were vocalizing his or her thoughts to a nearby neighbor. There is nothing to substantiate the remarks and claims, and it gives the reader little usable information. The second example did contain a citing, but only one, which made it a weak statement at best, with opinion still outweighing proof.

According to Patterson and Gilkison (2020), the optimum way of succeeding in drafting a publishable article is with clarity and conciseness and using an argument that stands up throughout; as well, the writing should be supported by research and proper referencing.

The third example contained several citations, showing the topic had been researched well and the findings were consistent with the author’s claims. The author’s descriptions were short, concise, thorough, and applicable without extra, needless details. Each sentence appeared to work together with the others to support the overall topic. Adequate citation established credibility, and the organization, as well as the clear and concise wording, established an academic voice. The third example would most likely capture and retain the reader’s attention and give a clear indication of what is contained within the article (Patterson & Gilkison, 2020).

Patterson, J., & Gilkison, A. (2020). Writing a journal article from your thesis or research project. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, 56, 13–16.


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