
choose an organization to use as your focus for answering the following:

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  • When organizations consider a branding strategy, an analysis of existing and desired brand attributes is a useful starting point. Identify the attributes for the brand you selected and construct a brand attribute framework. Propose a brand statement to guide the organization’s branding strategy based upon your framework.
  • Create a compelling argument for the organization’s investment in its brand that elaborates on the advantages of branding.
  • Construct a perceptual map to illustrate your brand’s position in the market versus that of its top competitors. Based on the map, what are your recommendations to the organization?
  • Marketing strategies vary at different stages of the product life cycle. Determine which stage of the product life cycle your organization’s product is in. What market characteristics lead to your determination? Explain. What recommendations should the organization consider based on your analysis?
  • How should the organization differentiate its products? What are the product’s features, advantages, and benefits? Assess the extent to which the brand’s current positioning aligns with the product’s points of differentiation.

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