The concept of libel is an important one given today’s use of social media and digital communication. Everyone has the opportunity to post their opinion, but is it possible to go too far? For this assignment, imagine you are asked by your employer to create a tip sheet explaining libel and offering best practices for use with the company social media accounts. The tip sheet should include a description of libel law and how it applies to social media use, followed by a list of at least five best practices that your colleagues should make sure to follow when posting using the company social media accounts. Give a brief (one- to two-sentence) explanation for why each best practice is important.

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  a) Brief description of libel law 

b) Explain how libel law applies to social media use. Provide specific examples to support your explanation 

c) List of five best practices pertaining to libel law and social media use that those in the communication field should follow when posting using the company social media accounts d) Brief (one-to two-sentence) explanation for why each best practice is important  

The tip sheet should be well written, organized, and professional. It should be something you would be proud to show to your superiors. 

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