Technological advances have been going on for quite a long time now. They are unavoidable in the world today and in various areas. As much as these advances impact positively, they also bring some negativity with them. It is just a matter of balancing out


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Technological advances have been going on for quite a long time now. They are unavoidable in the world today and in various areas. As much as these advances impact positively, they also bring some negativity with them. It is just a matter of balancing out the pros and cons.

With regard to being helpful, technological advances, as addressed by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professors, do more of displacement of workers as compared to replacement, which is how a lot of people view the impact of embracing new technologies into various fields of work. These new technologies have intelligence that could very well compare with that of human beings or even surpass that of human understanding. However, this intelligence can only keep workers displaced for a short while as more jobs are created since job displacement only keeps workers at bay for a while.

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