The Only source to be used for this question is: Management Principles A Contemporary Edition for Africa SMIT CRONJE BREVIS…

The Only source to be used for this question is: Management Principles A Contemporary Edition for Africa SMIT CRONJE BREVIS VRBA Fifth Edition. Select from column B THE CORRECT ANSWER TO MATCH COLUMN A. Write the letter (a-j) of the description that match column A’S words or statements in the provided column. A B 2.1 Step in environmental forecasting a)Internal Business Processes 2.2 Liquidation b)Decline strategy 2.3 Lower Management c)Decision making condition 2.4 Dimension of BSC d)Management Information System 2.5 Internet e)Select critical environmental variables 2.6 Brainstorm f)Quantative decision making tool 2.7 Planning tool g)Goal setting technique 2.8 Risk h)Group decision making technique 2.9 MBO i)Operational planning 2.10 Simulation j)Gantt Chart NR: Your Answers 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10

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