Testing, Auditing and Training. These steps, in my opinion, are the most important and are critical to whether or…

Testing, Auditing and Training. These steps, in my opinion, are the most important and are critical to whether or not a Disaster Recovery plan actually works once an event has occurred. Think about it. You and your company just dedicated people, funds, time, etc. to develop an excellent Recovery plan. But if no one knows what they are supposed to do in the event of an actually emergency, then what’s the point of creating the plan? Or how about testing? The best way to see if your plan actually works is to try it out. If you don’t, how will you know whether or not the plan has anything left out or if everything works they way you would expect it to? These may seem like simple boring tasks, but they can make or break your entire effort. The text goes into nice detail about each of these topics. Since I spoke to a couple of them, I’ll let you talk about the third.
For this week’s assignment, I would like you to create and show me how your testing will operate, how you will perform audits and what kind of training will you have? And for each of these, you’ll also need to make sure that you are indicating how often you should perform those activities

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