Need GREAT Writer to do essay

The attached file outlines the essay requirements.  It’s actually not an essay, it’s a journal of 15 entries. Each entry is different.  Could be a simple thesis statement to a two or three sentence response. 

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Study Guide
English Composition
Robert G. Turner, Jr., Ph.D.

Christie Littlefield
Text Box
The instructions for the journal are on page 9.
Each journal is single spaced. Double space between each journal.
Make sure each journal is labeled with the date, tab 1/2 inch and enter word ENTRY. See example on page 9. There are 15 journals that are outlined throughout this study guide.
1) 25
2) 37
3) 45
4) 57
5) 63
6) 68
7) 73
8) 77
9) 100
10) 111
11) 114
12) 130
13) 154
14) 161
15) 163

About the Author
Robert G. Turner, Jr., holds a B.S. in business and an M.S. and
a Ph.D. in sociology. He has more than 20 years of teaching
experience, mainly at the college level, and is currently serving
as an adjunct professor at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. Dr. Turner
is primarily employed as a professional freelance writer. His literary
credits include two stage plays, two novels, and two nonfiction
works, along with an array of publications in academic and
educational venues.
Copyright © 2012 by Penn Foster, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright may be
reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval
system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be
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Welcome to your course in English Composition. You may be
surprised to find out that, even now, you’re already a writer.
You’ve probably done a great deal of writing as a student and
perhaps in other roles, as well. Maybe you’ve kept a diary,
tried your hand at poetry, or written a short story. Maybe
you have a job or a voluntary position that requires records,
reports, or case notes. Even if you’ve never thought of such
activities as writing experience, they are.
Thus, this course is designed not to make you a writer but
to encourage your growth as one. Both the textbook and the
instructors will guide you in developing the skills and tech-
niques of effective writing through practice. You’ll learn to make
conscious decisions using particular tools to communicate
more effectively and efficiently to your reader.
You’ll learn to apply different writing strategies in varying
arrangements to explore, develop, and refine written work
according to your purpose and audience.
When you complete this course, you’ll be able to
n Produce high-quality academic papers in various modes
n Gather and organize thoughts
n Explore and narrow essay ideas using various prewriting
n Synthesize the components of an essay so that the
prewriting transforms into a logical pattern
n Apply established writing techniques in an interesting and
logical style appropriate for your audience and purpose
n Apply the conventions of standard written American
English while editing your writing
n Use critical-reading strategies to evaluate the content
and organization of your writing
n Appropriately use different sources of evidence

Your primary text for this course is Successful College Writing,
Brief Fifth Edition, by Kathleen T. McWhorter. Begin
reviewing the text by reading the table of contents on
pages xxiii–xxxix. Thereafter, follow the study guide for
directions on what to read and when to read it. Note the
following features of your text:
n The “To the Student” section starting on page xlv
provides important tips on how to use the text.
n The “Quick Start” features at the beginning of each
chapter are relatively short and are designed to help
you get a head start on the material. Make sure you
work through the exercises, even though they won’t be
formally evaluated.
n Note the organization within the chapters. The major
headings and subheadings break down each chapter’s
content into manageable sections. Also, note that
exercises and illustrative writing are important parts
of every chapter.
n Your text includes a complete guide to documenting
sources in MLA (Modern Language Association) and
APA (American Psychological Association) styles,
beginning on page 640 in Chapter 23.
Your grammar supplement for this course is The Little, Brown
Essential Handbook, by Jane E. Aaron. Begin reviewing the
handbook by reviewing the brief contents inside the front cover
and the preface on pages v–viii. Thereafter, follow the study
guide for directions on what to read and when to read it.
Please note the following features of your grammar handbook:
n Your course assignments don’t begin in the beginning of
the book. You jump to a late part for a review of grammar,
spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. You’ll be
using the earlier parts of the handbook later in the course.
Instructions to Students2

n Note the organization of the handbook. The parts are
divided by colors, and each initial page of a color lists
what can be found within that part of the book.
n Near the back of the handbook is a glossary of usage,
which provides notes on common words and phrases
that often cause problems. There’s also a glossary of
terms, which defines the main terms and concepts of
English grammar. These can both be helpful when you’re
working through the writing process.
Please also note that the index listings that refer to the
glossaries of the Little, Brown Essential Handbook are
incorrect. If you need to use the glossary, remember that
any page number in the index that refers to page 239 or
later is off by 32 pages. For example,
Absolute phrases
comma with, 87
defined, 87, 249
In this example from the index, the references to page 87
are correct. However, the definition that’s listed to be on
page 249 is actually on page 281. (249 + 32 = 281)
There are three online supplements for this course. They will
help you gain a better understanding of the material and
prepare you for the objective exams. The supplements can be
found on your My Courses page under English Composition.
Be sure to review the supplements before completing the first
objective exam, because material from the supplements will be
tested on this and other exams. These supplements are
n The Parts of Speech
n Word Usage
n Sentence Skills
Instructions to Students 3

This course includes the following materials:
1. This study guide, which contains an introduction to your
course, plus
n A lesson assignments page with a schedule of study
n Assignment lessons emphasizing the main points
in the textbook, including the text’s grammar
n Self-checks and answers to help you assess your
understanding of the material
2. Your course textbook, Successful College Writing, which
contains the assigned reading material
3. A grammar supplement, The Little, Brown Essential
4. Online supplements, The Parts of Speech, World Usage,
and Sentence Skills, which contain assigned reading, in
addition to that of the textbook
Read this study guide carefully, and think of it as a blueprint
for your course. Using the following procedures should help
you receive maximum benefit from your studies:
1. Read the lesson in the study guide to introduce you to
concepts that are discussed in the textbook and gram-
mar supplement. The lesson emphasizes the important
material and provides additional tips or examples.
2. Note the pages for each reading assignment. Read the
assignment to get a general idea of its content. Then, study
the assignment. Pay attention to all details, especially the
main concepts.
Instructions to Students4

Instructions to Students
3. To review the material, answer the questions and problems
provided in the self-checks in the study guide.
4. After answering the questions, check your answers with
those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement, which
you can access on your My Courses page.
5. Complete each assignment in this way. If you miss any
questions, review the pages of the textbook or grammar
supplement covering those questions. The self-checks are
designed to allow you to evaluate your understanding of
the material and reveal weak points that you need to
review. Do not submit self-check answers for grading.
6. After you’ve completed and corrected the self-checks for
Lesson 1, complete the first exam.
7. Follow this procedure for all nine lessons. At any time,
you can contact your instructor by e-mail or telephone
for information regarding the materials.
Study pace. You have a study time limit for the semester,
but not one specific to English Composition. You must pace
yourself wisely through the semester’s courses. Allow sufficient
time for reading, prewriting, drafting, revising, and grading.
Generally, you should allot at least two weeks for each
English lesson, with some taking longer than that, and you
must complete each exam in order.
Remember to regularly check “My Courses” on your student homepage.
Your instructor may post additional resources that you can access
to enhance your learning experience. And of course, you always
have access to the school’s library from your homepage using the
links Student Library or Library Services. The Subject Guides,
Reference Room, and Guidebook areas contain additional writing

Instructions to Students
Because the course goal is to help you grow as a writer by
using your strengths and improving weaknesses with each
assignment, don’t submit the essays for Lessons 5 and 7
until you receive the previous lesson’s evaluation. You should,
however, move ahead to work on the next lessons while
waiting for an exam evaluation. (If you have other courses
available for study, you may work on those and submit those
exams while also working to complete this English course.)
Exam submissions. Use the following information for
submitting your completed exams:
1. Multiple-choice examinations (Lessons 1, 2, 3, and 9):
You’ll submit your answers for these exams online.
2. Written examinations (Lessons 4–8 and the final exam):
Essays must be typed, double-spaced, using a standard
12-point font and left justification. Use 1-inch margins at
the top and bottom and 1.25-inch margins for the left and
right sides of the document. Each page must have a prop-
erly formatted header containing your name, student
number, exam number, page number, mailing address,
and e-mail address, as in the following example.
Jane Doe 23456789 05017700 Page 2
987 Nice Street
My Town, AZ 34567
Name each document using your student number first, then
the six-digit lesson number, and finally your last name (for
example, 23456789_050177 Doe). Save each as “File Type:
Rich Text Format,” regardless of your word-processing
You should take care to check that the document you’ve
uploaded is the one containing your final work for evaluation.
To submit by regular postal mail, send your documents to
Penn Foster Student Service Center
925 Oak Street
Scranton, PA 18515-0001
When it’s received, your written work will be coded as RCD
with the date received. To receive e-mailed notification for an
evaluated essay, you must type your e-mail address accurately
and add to the accepted senders list
in your e-mail browser.
The Penn Foster Student
Service Center is under
contract with Penn
Foster College.

Instructions to Students 7
Evaluation. Evaluation usually occurs within seven business
days of receipt (from the RCD date code). Exams are scored
according to the parameters of the exam assignment using
the associated evaluation chart, located in the study guide.
Your instructors will apply the grading criteria, ensuring all
essays are evaluated in the same way. They may also include
feedback on both the essay and the evaluation chart. Evaluations
are monitored by the department chairs of both the General
Education Department and Exam Control Department to
ensure accuracy and reliability.
Retakes. You’re required to complete all assigned work,
including a retake for any first-time failing attempt. The eval-
uation of any first-time failing exam for English Composition
will include a Required Retake form. That form must then be
included with your retake exam submission to ensure proper
handling. If the assigned work isn’t provided, submissions
will be evaluated according to the criteria, but points will be
deducted for not following the instructions. Please review
school policy about retakes in the Student Handbook.
Journal entries. Your journal is an ongoing assignment that
will be evaluated at the end of the course. It will count as
your final exam.
Plagiarism. Carefully review the academic policies outlined
in your Student Handbook. The first submission that departs
from this policy earns a grade of 1 percent. If it’s a first-time
submission, the student may retake the exam (as per retake
procedures). A second such submission on any subsequent
exam results in failure of the English Composition course.
Grammar and mechanics. The focus of this course is to
engage you in the writing process so you learn to make delib-
erate decisions about which writing strategies will best help
you accomplish your purpose for your audience.
Essay assignments require you to apply standard conventions
of American English (which include correct and appropriate
grammar, diction, punctuation, capitalization, sentence
structure, and spelling. The course provides various revision
exercises throughout the self-checks and lesson examinations
so that you can apply these conventions during the editing
and proofreading phases of your writing.

Instructions to Students8
If you don’t remember the basics of these conventions and wish
to gain more skills than you’re provided through the course
materials, you can investigate Internet sources like these:
n Daily Grammar
n Guide to Grammar and Writing, sponsored by Capital
Community College Foundation
n Blue Book of Grammar and Mechanics
n Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab
These resources and others are also available through your
student portal using the school library link Library Services.
Once in the library, click the following sequence of links:
Subject Guides > Humanities & Literature > Writing &
Grammar > Writing Resources. Other resources are avail-
able by clicking Guidebooks and Tips.
Now you’re ready to begin Lesson 1.
Good luck!

Instructions to Students 9
Course Journal
The course journal is an extremely important file you’ll maintain throughout this course. The
journal consists of 15 entries that are assigned throughout your study guide. You must keep
these entries in one document, just as if it were a personal diary or journal. You’ll submit that
one file at the end of the course as your final exam. Worth 33 percent of your final grade, the
journal takes the place of a proctored exam for the course. You won’t take a proctored exam
for English Composition at the end of the semester.
Read each entry assignment carefully. Some entries are based on textbook exercises, for which
the pages are given. Most entries require multiple parts for a complete entry—for instance,
both prewriting and a thesis. Assignments generally include a minimum length, a range, or a
general format (such as one paragraph), while some allow you to choose the length and format
to accomplish the required work. The guidelines list the minimum amount of work you may
produce, but you should continue writing until you complete your thoughts. As you write the
entry, provide sufficient response to show your thinking process.
Keep in mind that your entries will be evaluated for their unique reflections and depth of thought,
not for correct sentence or paragraph structure. Points won’t be deducted for errors in grammar,
spelling, or punctuation, so edit your entries only so that the instructors can understand what’s
written. For complete scoring information, see the Course Journal Evaluation Rubric.
Use the exam submission instructions already given, except that you should single-space your
journal. Use double spacing only between entries. First, type the date, tab once (one-half inch),
and type in capital boldface letters the word ENTRY, followed by the number and name of that
entry. Hit Enter once, and then type in and underline the first part label followed by your writing
for that part. Then, do the same for any additional parts. Use this example as a guide:
January 19, 2012—ENTRY 1: ME, A WRITER?
Attitude: I enjoy writing, but I hate being graded . . .
Inventory: I am a social learner, so a distance education approach may be
difficult for me . . .
January 25, 2012—ENTRY 2: PREWRITING
Brainstorm: Ways computers affect my life
1. Keeping in touch with friends
2. Typing papers
3. Games
4. . . .
5. . . .
6. . . . [continue listing ideas]

Instructions to Students10

Lesson 1: Basic Grammar
For: Read in the Read in The Parts
study guide: of Speech online
Assignment 1 Pages 15–17 Pages iii–14, 18–22, 26–34,
38–48, 51–56, and 58–65
Read in The Little,
Brown Essential
Pages 63–76
Assignment 2 Pages 17–19 Read in the
Sentence Skills
online supplement:
Pages 1–5, 6–21, 25–31,
34–58, and 60–71
Read in The Little,
Brown Essential
Pages 77–81 and 85–102
Assignment 3 Pages 19–20 Read in the
Word Usage
online supplement:
Pages 1–13
Examination 050174 Material in Lesson 1
Lesson 2: The Reading and Writing Process
For: Read in the Read in the Successful
study guide: College Writing textbook:
Assignment 4 Pages 22–26 Pages xlv–li and 1–21
Assignment 5 Pages 26–29 Pages 22–43 and 44–65
Assignment 6 Pages 30–33 Pages 66–98
Assignment 7 Pages 34–37 Pages 100–121
Assignment 8 Pages 38–41 Pages 122–139
Assignment 9 Pages 42–48 Pages 140–163
Assignment 10 Pages 49–52 Pages 164–179
Examination 050175 Material in Lesson 2

Lesson Assignments12
Lesson 3: Revising and Editing
For: Read in the Read in the Successful
study guide: College Writing textbook:
Assignment 11 Pages 54–59 Pages 180–201
Assignment 12 Pages 60–64 Pages 202–224
Examination 050176 Material in Lesson 3
Lesson 4: Moving from Narration to Process Analysis
For: Read in the Read in the Successful
study guide: College Writing textbook:
Assignment 13 Pages 65–70 Pages 226–265
Assignment 14 Pages 71–75 Pages 266–303
Assignment 15 Pages 75–78 Pages 304–335
Assignment 16 Pages 79–81 Pages 336–371
Examination 05017700 Process Analysis Essay Prewriting
Lesson 5: A Process Analysis Essay
Examination 05017800 Process Analysis Essay
Lesson 6: Moving from Comparison to
Classification and Division
For: Read in the Read in the Successful
study guide: College Writing textbook:
Assignment 17 Pages 96–101 Pages 372–407
Assignment 18 Pages 102–106 Pages 408–439
Examination 05017900 Classification and Division
Essay Prewriting

Lesson 7: Classification and Division
For: Read in the Read in the Successful
study guide: College Writing textbook:
Assignment 19 Pages 111–115 Pages 440–471
Assignment 20 Pages 116–118 Pages 472–509
Examination 05018000 Classification and Division Essay
Lesson 8: Writing Arguments
For: Read in the Read in the Successful
study guide: College Writing textbook:
Assignment 21 Pages 124–131 Pages 512–541
Assignment 22 Pages 132–146 Pages 542–571
Examination 05018100 Argument Essay
Lesson 9: Research and MLA Citation
For: Read in the Read in the Successful
study guide: College Writing textbook:
Assignment 23 Pages 152–155 Pages 574–593
Assignment 24 Pages 155–158 Pages 594–619
Assignment 25 Pages 159–161 Pages 620–662
Assignment 26 Pages 161–163 Pages 716–735
Examination 050182 Material in Lesson 9
Final Examination 05018300 Course Journal
Lesson Assignments 13
Note: To access and complete any of the examinations for this study
guide, click on the appropriate Take Exam icon on your “My Courses”
page. You should not have to enter the examination numbers. These
numbers are for reference only if you have reason to contact Student

Lesson Assignments14



Understanding basic grammar can help in all walks of life,
from everyday conversation, to e-mails, to formal reports.
Correct grammar can help you personally, professionally,
and academically.
To become an effective writer, you must first have a strong
understanding of English Composition. You should know
how words are pronounced, how they’re spelled, and how
they fit into sentences. Knowing the basics will enable you
to be more comfortable and confident when faced with any
writing task.
The main topics discussed in this section are grammar,
spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and word usage.
When you complete this lesson, you’ll be able to
n Describe the parts of speech and how they work within
sentence structure
n Develop effective, structured sentences
n Use a variety of words in your writing
n Discuss the need for a strong understanding of English
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, read
pages iii–14, 18–22, 26–34, 38–48, 51–56, and 58–65 in
The Parts of Speech online supplement and pages 63–76
in The Little, Brown Essential Handbook. Test your progress
by completing the self-check.

English Composition16
This section covers the various parts of speech and how they
work within the structure of a sentence.
Pages 8–14, The Parts of Speech. When we’re small children,
nouns are generally the first words we learn. Any person, place,
or thing is a noun. Nouns can be broken down into five cate-
gories: common, proper, collective, abstract, and concrete.
Understanding the various types of nouns and how they’re
used in sentences can help you become a stronger writer.
Pages 18–22, The Parts of Speech, and pages 63–70, The
Little, Brown Essential Handbook. Pronouns substitute for
nouns. Like nouns, pronouns can serve many purposes in a
sentence. There are six types of pronouns: personal, possessive,
demonstrative, interrogative, relative, and indefinite.
Pages 38–48, The Parts of Speech. Verbs express action;
they tell what the subject of a sentence is doing. Depending
on the action and when it’s taking place, a verb can appear
in many forms, and they can be more than one word. Pay
special attention to the figures that give you examples of
verbs in various tenses in both singular and plural forms.
In addition, The Little, Brown Essential Handbook provides
further explanation of verbs. This reading isn’t required, but
it can help you gain better understanding.
Pages 26–34 and 51–56, The Parts of Speech, and
pages 70–76, The Little, Brown Essential Handbook.
Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns, and they can make
your speaking and writing more definite. Adjectives generally
help answer a question (What kind? Which one? How many?
How much?), and they can indicate color, size, or shape. An
adverb is generally used to modify a verb, but it can also be
used to describe an adjective or other adverb. Adverbs
answer other questions: How? When? Where? Why? How
much? How long? To what extent? In what direction?
Pages 58–62 and 62–65, The Parts of Speech. A preposition
shows the logical relationship or placement of a noun or pro-
noun in relation to another word in a sentence. Many prepositions
show placement, but some refer to time or a relationship
between two things. A conjunction joins words, groups of
words, or sentences. There are three kinds of conjunctions:
coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, and
subjunctive conjunctions. An interjection expresses emotion. It

Lesson 1 17
doesn’t relate to the other words within the sentence, but it’s
used to add an emotional element. A sentence with an inter-
jection often ends in an exclamation point.
Read the assignment in this study guide. Next, read pages 1–5,
6–21, 25–31, 34–58, and 60–71 of the Sentence Skills online
supplement and pages 77–81 and 85–102 in The Little, Brown
Essential Handbook. Then, complete the self-check.
Self-Check 1
At the end of each section of English Composition, you’ll be asked to pause and check
your understanding of what you’ve just read by completing a “self-check” exercise.
Answering these questions will help you review what you’ve studied so far. Please
complete Self-Check 1 now.
1. Complete Practice Exercise 2 on pages 16–17 of The Parts of Speech.
2. Complete Practice Exercise 3 on pages 23–25 of The Parts of Speech.
3. Complete Practice Exercise 4, items 1–35, on pages 35–37 of The Parts of Speech.
4. Complete English in Action 6 on page 47 of The Parts of Speech.
5. Complete English in Action 7 on page 56 of The Parts of Speech.
6. Complete Practice Exercise 7, items 1–14, on page 61 of The Parts of Speech.
7. Complete Practice Exercise 8 on pages 66–67 of The Parts of Speech.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

English Composition18
This section covers how to effectively structure and develop
Pages 1–5, Sentence Skills. A sentence is a group of words
combined in an organized manner to convey meaning or a
message. Understanding what a sentence is, and the different
patterns of sentences, can help you become a better reader
and writer.
Pages 6–21, Sentence Skills. When writing sentences, you
can combine groups of words to convey a single meaning.
These groups of words can take on a function in a sentence,
and they can act as a particular part of speech. If the group
of words has a subject and a verb, it’s a clause. If the group of
words does not have a subject and verb, it’s a phrase.
Pages 25–31, Sentence Skills. Now that you know the parts
of speech and the roles words play within a sentence, it’s
important to learn and understand how to properly structure
sentences. There are three types of sentences: simple, compound,
and complex.
Pages 34–43, Sentence Skills, and pages 77–81, The Little,
Brown Essential Handbook. People often make mistakes
when writing, especially when developing a rough draft.
There are four main mistakes that most writers make (and
which are easy to fix): run-ons, misplaced/dangling modifiers,
fragments, and mixed constructions. Understanding what
these are, and knowing how to fix them, can help you become
more confident when proofreading and editing your work.
Pages 44–58, Sentence Skills, and pages 85–102, The
Little, Brown Essential Handbook. Punctuation marks help
refine a sentence and give the reader signs of how to read the
words. Punctuation is referred to as the traffic signals of writ-
ing because they alert your reader to pause or stop. They also
convey emotion or inflection. When you speak, you naturally
pause where a comma would be or stop where a period
would be, and our voices are always our emotions. Now that
you’ve learned the different parts of speech and how they
work together to structure a sentence, you’re ready to gain a
stronger understanding of how to refine your writing by using

Lesson 1 19
Pages 60–71, Sentence Skills. You know how to structure
and punctuate a sentence, but you also need to know how
to think in terms of sentences. How does a sentence actually
come to be? Most well-written sentences are the product of
thought and revision. They have a solid beginning, middle,
and end, contain the correct and required parts of speech
(in the correct place), and come from a place of confidence.
Read the assignment in this study guide. Next, read pages 1–13
of the online supplement Word Usage. Then, complete the
This section covers how to understand the meaning of words
and use them effectively in your writing.
Self-Check 2
1. Complete Practice Exercise 1 on pages 5–6 of Sentence Skills.
2. Complete Practice Exercise 2, items 1–16 and 39–61 on pages 21–24 of Sentence Skills.
3. Complete English in Action 3 on page 32 of Sentence Skills.
4. Complete Practice Exercise 4 on pages 43–44 of Sentence Skills.
5. Complete Practice Exercise 5 on pages 58–60 of Sentence Skills.
6. Complete Practice Exercise 6 on pages 72–73 of Sentence Skills.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

English Composition20
Pages 1–5, Word Usage. In your reading, you’ll occasionally
come across a word that you may not understand. At these
times, consulting a dictionary is helpful. A dictionary can
give you the word’s meaning, its proper pronunciation and
spelling, and knowledge of its background and history.
Knowing how to effectively use a dictionary is an important
part of being a good reader, and, consequently, a good writer.
Pages 6–13, Word Usage. A dictionary or a thesaurus can
help you find synonyms and antonyms of words. Synonyms
are words that have similar meanings. Antonyms are words
that have opposite meanings. You can use synonyms to
substitute a word you use frequently in the same piece of
writing. You can use antonyms to contrast people or ideas.
Although you are not required to read the remainder of the
Word Usage supplement as part of this assignment, you’ll
find that there’s further explanation of the ideas learned in
the previous assignments, which may help you gain a better
understanding of some of the material. You’ll want to read
the remainder of the supplement before you complete the
Lesson 3 exam, because material will be tested on that exam.
Self-Check 3
1. Complete Practice Exercise 1 on page 6 of Word Usage.
2. Complete Practice Exercise 2 on pages 14–15 of Word Usage.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

The Reading and
Writing Process
If you don’t particularly enjoy writing, you may ask yourself
why you should make the effort to improve your skills. The
simple answer is that you can’t avoid writing—as a student
or an employee, there will always be writing requirements.
Learning to write well will give you tools for success no matter
what career you choose. That’s because logical thinking and
effective communication are necessary for advancement,
whether you’re an accountant, nurse, or newspaper reporter.
The better your skills, the more choices you have and the
better your chances are for achievement and satisfaction.
When you complete this lesson, you’ll be able to
n Effectively use your textbook
n Discuss why writing is an important part of your
study program
n Understand your unique learning style
n Use active reading methods to understand and
analyze text
n Point out the importance of prewriting in developing a
piece of writing
n Apply narrowing strategies to focus your writing
n Develop effective thesis statements
n Support your thesis with appropriate evidence
n Use methods of organization in writing, including
topic sentences



English Composition22
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, read “To the
Student” on pages xlv–li, and Chapter 1, “Succeeding in
College” on pages 1–21. Be sure to complete the self-check
before moving on to the next assignment.
To the Student
This section of your textbook is an introduction and includes
guidelines for the exercises and assignments in the book.
Don’t skip over it because you’ll miss valuable information on
how to effectively use your textbook. By taking a few minutes
now, you’ll save time later when you have to complete the
One of the best ways to be sure you understand and can
apply what you’ve read is by completing each assignment’s
self-check exercise. As you respond to the questions and
activities, you’ll accomplish the objectives of both the
assignment and the course. Don’t send your responses
to the school. The answers are provided in the online Self-
Check Answers supplement.
This study guide will direct you to write in various ways. To
keep your work organized, create clearly labeled files in your
word-processing program. First, create a primary file folder
named “English Composition.” Within that folder, create a file
for your course journal and a different file for your essays.
Other possible files to keep in the folder include a Notes file,
a Practice Writing file, and a self-check file. You must main-
tain the course journal and essays on a computer, but the
others can be done in separate notebooks, if you wish.
Establish a clear naming system for each file you add in the
Composition folder so that you don’t confuse your rough
drafts with your final version of each essay.

Lesson 2 23
Succeeding in College
People write for two basic reasons. The first is private and
personal. That is, some of us write to express ourselves, to
translate thoughts and feelings into words. One example in
this context is the poet Emily Dickinson. She wrote for herself
and one or two close friends—only a few of her poems were
published during her lifetime. Many people keep personal
journals that express their feelings and sometimes help them
to think through problems or opportunities. Still others find
that writing down ideas and rephrasing concepts helps them
study and learn.
The second reason people write is to convey feelings and
thoughts to others. This purpose covers most other types
of writing, from published novels to advertising, to blogs,
to essays for school. By sharing ideas through effective
language skills, we expand our experiences, make personal
connections, and sharpen our communication skills.
For writing to be effective, standard rules must be learned
and applied. You’ll practice using proper grammar, sentence
structure, and organized paragraphs to help you achieve this
You can practice good writing by paying close attention while
you’re reading. Pay attention to mistakes, too. If you come
across a sentence or headline in a newspaper that you have to
read several times before you understand it, try rewriting it to
make it clear on the first reading. It may need to be rearranged,
divided into two sentences, or have a comma or two added. If
you can, keep a file of the poor sentences and your improve-
ments. Note what the problem was and what it took to fix the
sentence. Also, when you write, try reading aloud from your
paper to see if there are any stumbling places.
The most agile of runners begins with baby steps. Likewise,
all learning proceeds in stages, step by step. For a student of
English Composition, here are some of the most important
1. Study the rules of effective sentence construction for all
types of sentences, so you’ll be better able to say what
you want to say clearly and concisely.

English Composition24
2. Learn to make your points directly and effectively. Back
up your statements with evidence that supports your
case and persuades your reader.
3. Keep your reader’s interest. Even the most boring
subjects can be improved with anecdotes, examples,
and clever word choices.
4. Approach different kinds of writing and different audi-
ences in appropriate ways. Letters, memos, academic
essays, instructions, and business reports each require
a different style of writing. Always consider your
audience before you begin writing.
5. Study the techniques used by skilled writers, including
brainstorming, free association, outlining, organizing,
revision, self-criticism, and editing.
Practical Applications of Writing
As noted earlier, regardless of the career you choose, commu-
nication is a key to success. Virtually all job descriptions
include some kind of paperwork—record keeping, summaries,
analyses—and the higher up the ladder you go, the more
communication will matter. The following examples reveal
the broad range in the types of writing different career fields
require, from using narration to persuasive analysis. Even if
your field of interest isn’t listed, you can see the importance
and variety of writing in any career.
Early Childhood Education
n Narration recording weekly observations of playground
behavior among first-grade students
n Case study in early childhood cognitive development
analyzing the concepts of Jean Piaget in light of the
observed behavior of selected subjects
Health Information Technology
n Process analysis to explain what’s involved in a specific
medical procedure

n Proposal and illustration of methods by which type-2
diabetes patients may be encouraged to pursue a
prescribed health regimen
n Analytical essay comparing and contrasting the American
double-entry bookkeeping system with the European
five-book system
n Comparison and analysis of corporate performance in
metals-refining industries based on financial statement
data derived from Moody’s Industrials
n Historical and analytical description of the evolution of
load-bearing theories in bridge construction
n Process analysis to describe technology and molecular
theory for detecting likely metal stress areas in an air-
craft prototype
Journal Entry
One of the ways you can hone your writing skills is to keep
a journal. In this course, your journal is not only a regular
writing activity, but it also counts as a large portion of your
course grade—33 percent. You’ll turn it in as your final grade
for the course.
Before you begin your first journal entry assignment, review
the Course Journal evaluation information at the end of this
study guide.
Required Journal Entry 1: Me, A Writer?
Attitude: Describe your attitude toward completing this course. As part of the description,
explore how your feelings about being required to take a composition course may affect your
performance in accomplishing the course objectives. (1 paragraph, 5 sentences)
Inventory: Explain what you learned about yourself as a writer working through the inventory
exercise. Discuss two ways you want to improve as a writer and why. (1 paragraph, 5 sentences)
Lesson 2 25

English Composition26
Self-Check 4
1. Complete Exercise 1.2 on page 5. Write a paragraph to describe your academic and
professional goals.
2. Complete Exercise 1.5 on page 10. Complete the Stress Mini Quiz.
3. Complete Exercise 1.7 on page 12. Rate your academic image.
There are no correct responses to these exercises. These answers are for practice
and personal use only.
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, read Chapter 2,
“Writing in College,” on pages 22–43 and Chapter 3, “Reading
in College,” on pages 44–65. Test your progress by completing
the self-check.
Writing in College
Pages 24–34. Academic writing is distinctive from, say,
writing a letter (or e-mail) to a friend or expressing senti-
ments in a birthday card or keeping a personal diary. Here’s
a preview of your text’s view of academic writing:
n You can expect your writing to shift from a personal to
less personal. You’ll use your “left brain” to take an
objective—as opposed to subjective—point of view.

Lesson 2 27
n Academic writing takes different forms, generally
depending on particular college courses. Lab reports,
critical-analytical essays, book reports, and comparisons
of different cultures will call for different perspectives
and different writing styles. So, put simply, you’ll need to
adopt the language of particular disciplines, such as
world history, labor relation, art appreciation, social
psychology, or organic chemistry.
n In every case, you’ll be expected to us standard American
English. In many cases you’ll be expected to properly
document sources, conduct online research, and, quite
often, expect to collaborate with fellow students.
You’ll review all of the excellent reasons that you’ll want to
persistently strive to improve your writing skills. That process
will include developing strategies for writing. To that end, be
assured that you’ll get lots of useful tips, from how to make
the best use of a course syllabus to discovering the virtues of
keeping a writing journal.
TIP: Figure 2.2 on page 34 features “Starting Points for
Journal Writing.” Study it, and feel free to refer to it as you
work on your Course Journal.
Pages 35–43, Assessing Your Learning Style. Discovering
your learning style is a crucial part of this course. After you
respond to the Learning Style Inventory on pages 35–38,
your text will guide you through the scoring process. You’ll
discover where you stand in terms of five dichotomies:
n Independent or Social. Do you like to work alone, or
do you prefer collaborating within a group?
n Pragmatic or Creative. Do you like to line up your
ducks and follow clear rules or guidelines? Or do you
prefer open-ended problems that allow you to bend the
rules in interesting and innovative ways?
n Verbal or Spatial. Do you rely in language and
language skills to analyze a problem? Or do you
prefer gathering information from photo images,
graphs, charts, and graphic metaphors?

English Composition28
n Rational or Emotional. In writing an essay, do you
prefer a cool and objective weighing of facts and figures?
Or do you prefer finding the right words to express your
subjective intuitions and feelings?
n Concrete or Abstract. In a critical essay, would you
focus on observable facts and step-by-step analysis? Or
are you inclined to seek out underlying assumptions to
reveal the “big picture”?
After you’ve got a sense of your learning style, your text will
offer you some handy tips for applying your particular learn-
ing style to different kinds of writing challenges.
TIP: Figure 2.3 on page 43, “Your Strengths as a Writer,”
offers you a graphic you can use for assessing your
learning style.
Reading in College
Following some basic tips on critical reading skills, the heart
of this chapter is a guide to active reading. Obviously, active
is the opposite of passive. For example, you can stare blankly
at an historical landmark, or you can pose questions to
yourself. Who was John D. Rockefeller? Who designed this
monument? When? How? Why? A key to your active reading
guide is found in Figure 3.1 on page 49. You’ll notice a three
part framework:
n Before Reading—Check out the title and the author.
Scan the first paragraph, any headings that organize the
piece, and the conclusion.
n While Reading—Search for key elements. Highlight key
points. Annotate or record your impressions.
n After Reading—Review what you’ve read. Use a graphic
organizer to create a “map” of the author’s themes, ideas,
assumptions, and sources.
Two readings are included in this chapter. “American Jerk:
Be Civil, or I’ll Beat You to a Pulp” by Todd Schwartz is a
funny piece meant to characterize the attitudinal contradic-
tions in present-day American culture. Enjoy it, but force
yourself to crucially analyze the piece. Your text will guide
you through that process.
The best way to
improve your
singing is to sing.
The best way to
improve your writ-
ing is by writing.

Lesson 2 29
TIP: Spend all the time you need to study Table 3.1 on
page 59, and the graphics on pages 60–61 to understand
how to create a graphic organizer.
The second reading, “Combat High,” by Sebastian Junger
(author of The Perfect Storm), is gripping prose from an
accomplished writer. It will give you a challenging perspective
on the nature of war. It will also allow you to practice your
new-found skills in analyzing text.
Self-Check 5
1. Complete Exercise 3.1 on page 52. Answer the five questions as either true or false.
2. In Exercise 3.2 on page 56, reread “American Jerk.” Annotate and provide highlights as
you read.
Check your answers to item 1 with those on page 65 of your textbook. Check your answers
to item 2 with the sample annotations given on page 56.

English Composition30
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, read Chapter 4,
“Responding Critically to Text and Images,” on pages 66–98 of
your textbook, Successful College Writing. Test your progress
using the self-check.
Pages 68–77, Strategies for Thinking and Reading. The
primary purpose of this section is sharpening your critical
thinking skills as you read and appraise texts. Consider
these basics:
Consider the source. Regardless of the medium—TV news,
newspapers, magazines, the Internet, or scholarly journals—
the same principle applies: Consider the source. We might
expect scholarly journals to be more rigorously edited than
popular magazine articles because they get published only
after they’ve met the standards of peer review. On the other
hand, a New Yorker article may offer us information scholars
have avoided, and often, we may find alternative news
sources via the Internet that are less biased than network
cable news.
Understand nuance. A denotative definition provides the
literal meaning of a word. For example, statuesque simply
means “similar in form to a statue.” However, a connotative
definition of that word in common speech typically refers
to someone’s physical attributes, especially in the context
of describing a woman’s figure. A euphemism is a word
or phrase that veils a more literal meaning. In the sentence,
“The CFO told our reporter that Caldwell appears to have
engaged in suspect behavior,” “suspect behavior” may veil
an assertion that Caldwell is a cheat and a liar.
Distinguish facts from opinions. We can usually distin-
guish a fact from an opinion in straight forward prose, but
not always. Sometimes an opinion is presented as a fact. In
other instances, selective approaches to gathering facts
(emphasizing the positive or the negative) can thinly veil an
opinion. The clearest expression of a fact will be an objective
statement that credits a reliable source. Opinions, on the
other hand, will tend to express subjective judgment that
may or may not be justified—depending on one’s point of

Lesson 2 31
view. In other cases, one may detect purposeful omissions.
That is often the case when particular points of view draws
on some facts and omits other facts that might weaken an
Reliability refers to the extent to which we feel we can count
on the validity of information. Sometimes personal, first per-
son accounts can act like the picture worth a thousand
words. They sway our opinion, usually by evoking emotional
responses in the reader—none of which may be reliable. In
other cases, the seemingly cold rational use of statistics may
actually be misleading. That is too often the case when the
statistical data is presented is based on flawed approaches to
gathering the data. Ultimately, the most reliable data may be
derived from the findings of properly conducted experiment.
An author’s tone refers to the affect (feelings) his or her writ-
ing may evoke in a reader. Sometimes we detect bitterness—a
sense that the author feels victimized. Sometimes we suspect
the author is wearing rose-tinted spectacles. In still other
cases, it can be hard to differentiate satire from unfounded
Pages 77–86, Interpreting Visuals and Graphics. This
section offers you some helpful tips on making sense of
visuals, such as photographs or computer-generated images,
as well as charts and graphs designed to illustrate relation-
ships between observable datasets. For most readers,
interpreting visuals poses two basic challenges. First, you
may get stuck on a particularly engaging image; you can get
distracted from the flow of the written text. Second, you may
simply tend to skip over or ignore the image. Instead, you
should stop, look, and reflect on the image consciously.
Then, as you study the image, reflect on its message and
how it relates to the text. Always assume that the image is
there to enhance the author’s narrative.

English Composition32
When it comes to graphics such as charts, graphs, or com-
plex tables and figures, readers may be inclined to scan the
graphic without analyzing it. That’s not a good idea. A better
idea can be illustrated by how you should read text material
related to mathematics. When you get to an equation, stop.
Study it until you actually understand what it means. Apply
that same principle to tables, charts, and graphs.
Pages 86–95, A Guide to Responding to Text. Your
instructor may ask you to write a response paper—your
response to a body of text. That’s your topic for this section
of the assigned chapter. Figure 4.3 on page 87 offers you a
clear graphic that shows you ideal steps for responding to a
1. You can summarize the piece as a way of checking out
your understanding of the author’s work.
2. You can link what you’ve read to your own personal
experiences. That is, you can anchor ideas in the text
to your own life experience.
3. Analyze the reading using one or more techniques that
n Devising critical questions
n Annotating comments directly onto the body of the
n Responding to the text in a journal
n Employing a reading response worksheet
In this context, you’ll want to apply your personal learning
style. Your text offers you some tips in that regard on
pages 93–94.
Pages 96–98. The concluding section of this chapter intro-
duces a “Students Write” essay. It’s a student response to the
“American Jerk” article. Just preceding this essay, be sure to
think about seven guidelines you’ll want to apply when read-
ing a student essay. Perhaps the first of these tips should be
emphasized. Namely, read an essay several times.

Lesson 1 33Lesson 2 33
Self-Check 6
1. Complete Exercise 4.1 on page 70. Respond to the 10 questions as you evaluate the reliability
of each of the information 10 sources.
2. Complete Exercise 4.2 on page 71. Follow the instructions to work with the concepts of
denotation and connotation.
3. Complete Exercise 4.4 on page 73. For two of the four topics, write one statement of fact and
one of opinion.
4. Complete Exercise 4.6 on pages 75–76. Read each of the five statements to define its tone
5. Complete Exercise 4.8 on page 77. Follow the instructions regarding each of the three
scenarios. Decide what information is being withheld, meaning what more you would
need to know to evaluate the situation.
6. Complete Exercise 4.10 on page 81. Using the guideline in pages 78–79, answer each of the
five questions.
7. In Exercise 4.13 on page 85, study the table on page 84 and answer each of the six
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

English Composition34
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, read Chapter 5,
“Prewriting: How to Find and Focus Ideas,” on pages 100–121.
When you’re done, be sure to check your progress by complet-
ing the self-check exercise.
Pages 102–106, Choosing and Narrowing a Topic. When
presented with the challenge of writing an essay, assuming
the topic hasn’t been established by your instructor, choosing
a topic often seems like a formidable obstruction. The author
of your text understands this very well and offers handy tips.
(1) Devote serious time to choosing your topic. Prethinking
should precede prewriting. (2) Search out ideas and ques-
tions as a path to discovering a topic that interests you. For
example, why do kids drop out of school? Are human beings
predisposed to violence? Why was Galileo punished by the
powers that be for revealing evidence that the Earth isn’t
at the center of the solar system?
TIPS: Figure 5.1 on page 103 offers an excellent graphic
overview of the writing process. You’ll want to study it care-
fully and use it for refreshing your memory. Table 5.1 on
page 104 will help you think about sources for essay topics.
Meanwhile, narrowing your topic is vital. For example,
regarding the effects of television exposure on young children,
you’ll find lots of approaches. So you might decide to narrow
your topic by asking specific questions. For example, how is
time watching TV related to obesity? Is time watching TV
related to academic performance? Does TV content depict
violence as a normal way to handle disputes?
Pages 106–109, Purpose, Audience, and Point of View.
You must determine the purpose of your essay, article, op-ed,
or bulletin. Do you want to persuade or simply inform your
readers? Do you want to argue for or against a public policy?
Do you want to disclose an interesting incident in the history
of the Civil War?
In any case, if you haven’t considered your audience, you
can’t expect to get your message across. To help you deal
with that vital concern, you text offers you a list of salient
questions. For example, what does your audience know (or
If you’re going to
be a writer, the
first essential is
just to write. Do
not wait for an
idea. Start writing
something and the
ideas will come.
You have to turn
the faucet on
before the water
starts to flow.
—Louis L’Amour

Lesson 2 35
not know) about your topic? What’s the general education or
likely back ground of your audience? An article on unions
will take a different slant if it’s directed to members of a trade
union as opposed to anti-union lobbyists. What opinions,
biases, or political sentiments are likely to be embraced by
your readers?
If you don’t have a point of view on a given topic, you’re not
likely to communicate effectively with your presumed audi-
ences. Indeed, even in deciding whether to write in first
person as opposed to third person, you’re choosing a point
of view.
Pages 110–119, Discovering Ideas to Write About. Here’s
a preview of this section.
Freewriting. At this point, you’ve probably grasped the idea
of freewriting. Basically, you write whatever comes to mind
for 5 to 10 minutes. As you do this, you don’t need to pay
attention to punctuation, spelling, and grammar. After com-
pleting a freewriting session, review it to underline or
comment on ideas that maybe useful.
Mapping. Mapping, also called clustering, is a visual tech-
nique for discovering ideas and how they’re related. Think
about a police detective drawing circles, boxes, and arrows
on a whiteboard, trying to link possible suspects to locations,
other suspects.
TIP: The best way to get the sense of this process is
devoting some time to studying Figure 5.2, “A Sample Map,”
on page 112.
Brainstorming. Brainstorming is different from freewriting
in that you write down any or all of the ideas that pop into
your head while focused on a specific topic. Also, brainstorm-
ing may involve a small group as opposed to a single
individual. Quite often, you’ll find that your ideas fall into
clusters. For example, let’s say you written down 12 possible
disadvantages of the war on drugs. You might find clusters
related to three narrowed topics: (1) the social and economic
costs of massive imprisonment of offenders, (2) the social and
monetary costs of deflecting law enforcement away from stop-
ping organized and white collar crime, and (3) the impacts on
children and families of those most often caught up in the
drug war.

English Composition36
Questioning. Questioning is a process of raising and writing
down all the questions one (or two) individuals may pose
related to some topic, such as charter schools or communal
vegetable gardening. Prefacing questions with “what if” can
be helpful. In any case, the idea is to pose questions that lead
to a narrowed topic.
Writing assertions. Writing assertions amounts to viewing a
general topic from as many perspectives as possible. Abstract
learning types may benefit from this approach because it helps
a writer divide a “big picture” frame of reference into limited,
manageable topics.
Patterns of development. There are nine approaches to
developing an essay: narration, description, illustration,
process analysis, comparison and contrast, classification and
division, definition, cause and effect, and argument. Each of
these can be called a pattern of development.
TIP: Table 5.2, “Using the Patterns of Development to Explore
a Topic,” on page 116 gives you a snapshot look at the kinds of
questions you might ask while seeking to narrow a topic under
specific patterns of development.
Visualizing or sketching. Imagine that you want to write a
descriptive essay on the architecture of the Pantheon in Rome.
To be sure, you’ll be adding in historical context. But you might
benefit greatly from making rough sketches of interior and exte-
rior views of this famous building. In another related approach,
say about your descriptive observations of a county fair, you
might close your eyes and visualize your impressions of people
you saw, kids on a merry-go-round, pie contests, and so on.
Research. It’s typically a good idea to do research. In the age
of the Internet and Google, that process can be greatly acceler-
ated. However, it’s also a good idea to conduct some research in
the old-fashioned way—in public or college libraries. You may
be amazed at how helpful librarians can be. Also, keep in mind
that direct fieldwork can be vital to a good essay. If you want to
understand the behavior of elementary school kids on play-
grounds, you’ll be wise to visit playgrounds and observe
children’s actual behavior.
The final two pages of the chapter will explain that, over the
following five chapters of your text, the “Students Write”
material will follow the work of Christine Lee, a first-year
writing student.

Lesson 2 37
Required Journal Entry 2: Prewriting
Brainstorming: Brainstorm about specific positive and negative effects computers have had on
your personal, professional, and academic life. Create a one-page list of your ideas.
Thesis: Based on your brainstorming, write a one-sentence working thesis statement that
focuses on the impact of computers related to a single area of your life (personal, professional,
or academic). The thesis should be one you could develop into an essay of about one page
(250–300 words), directed to readers of your local newspaper. Don’t draft the essay in your
journal, however. You need only your list from brainstorming and your working thesis statement.
See “Essay in Progress 1,” page 92, and “Essay in Progress 2,” page 94.
Self-Check 7
1. In Exercise 5.1, found on page 105, use branching diagrams to narrow three of the following
broad topics to more manageable topics suitable for a three to four-page essay.
2. In Exercise 5.2 on page 106, use questioning to narrow three of the five subjects to topics
suitable for a three to four-page essay.
3. In Exercise 5.4 on page 109 determine which point of view (first, second, or third person)
would work best for the three writing situations.
4. Turn to Exercise 5.7 on page 113. Select the first topic, “Values of Music.” Then, brainstorm
to generate ideas about how write about your topic.
5. For Exercise 5.10 on page 117, chose one of the five topics. Then, use the patterns of devel-
opment—narration, illustration, definition, and so on—to generate ideas about how to write
about the topic. Consult Table 5.2 on page 116 to form questions based on each pattern.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, read Chapter 6,
“Developing and Supporting a Thesis,” on pages 122–139.
Check your progress by completing the self-check.
A thesis statement is the main point of an essay. It tells you
what the essay is about and what the author’s position is on
the chosen topic.
TIP: Study Figure 6.1, “An Overview of the Writing Process,”
on page 124. Think about the six steps:
n Prewriting
n Developing your thesis statement
n Supporting your thesis statement with evidence
n Drafting
n Revising
n Editing and proofing
Refer back to this figure if you forget this sequence.
Pages 125–128, Developing Your Thesis Statement. A
guide to writing an effective thesis statement is found on
pages 126–127. Here’s a preview:
n Make an assertion. An assertion takes a position,
expresses a viewpoint, and often suggests your approach
to the topic. For example, the state college class registra-
tion procedures should be redesigned and simplified.
n Be specific. That means providing as much specific
information as you can. For example, growing up on the
south side of Chicago gave me firsthand experience of
the challenges faced by inner city youth.
n Focus on a central point. For example, job training
programs for single mothers are pointless if the few
available jobs don’t provide a living wage.
English Composition38

Lesson 2 39
n Offer an original perspective on your topic. Your
thesis should be designed to get your reader’s attention.
To do that, you should try to provide your readers with
an interesting angle or point of view on your topic. Often,
you can search your prewriting to come up with a
unique, engaging angle.
n Avoid making an announcement. Many college essays
falter at the outset with opening sentences like this: “The
subject of my essay is the minimum wage.” An alterna-
tive opening statement might look like this: “Raising the
minimum wage may seem like a good idea, but, in fact, a
higher minimum wage will reduce the number of avail-
able jobs.”
n Use the thesis to preview the organization of your
essay. For example, you can mention two or three key
concepts or ideas that will focus your essay.
Your thesis statement should appear in your opening para-
graph as part of your introduction.
Pages 128–133, Supporting Your Thesis Statement with
Evidence. Without evidence to support your thesis, you
efforts will be reduced to hazy clouds of unsupported surmise
and baseless opinion. No evidence means no substance. To
provide substance you can use a typical forms of evidence
that include examples, explanation of a process, advantages
and disadvantages, comparison and contrast, historical back-
ground, definitions, and explanation of causes and their
effects, among others.
TIP: Study Table 6.1 on page 129, which shows you the
types of evidence that can be used to support a specific work-
ing thesis. Namely, “Acupuncture, a form of alternative
medicine, is becoming more widely accepted in the United
States.” Figure 6.2, Worksheet for Collecting Evidence, on
pages 131–132 deserves your undivided attention. When
working on a thesis statement, you can use this sort of work-
sheet to think about and organize evidence for your thesis.
As you consider this section of your text you may want to
understand that the word evidence means different things in
different contexts. In the context of law, acceptable evidence
offered in a jury trial must conform strictly to statues and

legal precedents. Evidence is considered circumstantial or
hearsay if it’s not supported by empirical facts. In the
domains of science, evidence that supports a hypothesis
must be confirmable by other researchers who can repeat a
study or experiment under the same conditions. Even
Einstein’s theory of relativity wasn’t confirmed until it was
shown to be consistent with empirical studies. By contrast, a
college essay may indeed rely, at least in part, on eye-witness
reports, personal narratives, supported definitions, and
arguments that may have more than one side. In short,
techniques of persuasion and appeals to emotion aren’t
necessarily out of bounds.
Pages 133–139, Working with Text. Your challenge in this
section is reading and analyzing an essay by Greg Beato
titled, “Internet Addiction.” You’ll note that the author
addresses his fairly amusing piece from a libertarian perspec-
tive. Libertarians believe that people’s personal rights to do
what they wish with their private property shouldn’t be
abridged, as long as there’s no infringement on other people’s
private property rights. See if you can detect that philosophy
in this essay. Meanwhile, given that you or someone you
know may be “addicted” to virtual gaming or, at least, often
distracted by way of Internet surfing, you may find it inter-
esting to assert your own opinion of the author’s thesis. Do
you think there is, in fact, a behavioral profile related to elec-
tronic media that should be classified as “addictive” in the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual frequented by mental
health experts?
English Composition40

Lesson 2 41
Self-Check 8
In your self-check file or notebook, complete the following exercises.
Thesis exercise: For each of the following sets of sentences, circle the letter of the one that
works best as the thesis for a two- to five-page college essay.
1. a. A recent trend in law enforcement known as “community policing” shows much
promise in deterring criminal activity.
b. “Community policing” is a recent trend in law enforcement used in many municipalities
across the country.
2. a. Because air pollution is of serious concern to people in the world today, many countries
have implemented a variety of plans to begin solving the problem.
b. So far, research suggestions that zero-emissions vehicles are not a sensible solution to
the problem of steadily rising air pollution.
3. a. Because it has become outdated, the Electoral College should be replaced by a system
that allows the U.S. president to be elected by direct popular vote.
b. Rather than voting for a presidential candidate, voters in a U.S. presidential election
merely choose their state’s Electoral College representatives, who actually vote for the
president; in most states, all of the electoral votes go to the candidate who wins the
popular vote in that state, no matter how close the outcome.
4. a. This paper presents the results of my investigation into electronic surveillance
in the workplace.
b. Though employers currently have a legal right to monitor workers’ e-mail and voice-
mail messages, this practice can have serious effects on employee morale.
5. a. Video games are not as mindless as most people think.
b. Although they are widely ignored and derided as mindlessly violent, video games are a
form of popular art that deserves to be evaluated as seriously as television and film.
6. a. Social workers in Metropolis leave much to be desired.
b. The social service system in Metropolis has broken down because today’s workers are
underpaid, poorly trained, and overworked.
Examining the reading: Having read (or reread) the Essay by Greg Beato, “Internet
Addiction,” turn to page 137 and respond to all four of the items under “Examining the
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, read Chapter 7,
“Drafting an Essay,” on pages 140–163. Check your progress by
answering the self-check exercise.
Pages 142–143, The Structure of an Essay. It’s not a bad
idea to store the basic structure in your memory. Your
mental notes could look a bit like this:
n Title—Announce your topic in a way that sparks your
readers’ interest.
n Introduction—Paragraph 1 (or maybe 1 and 2) intro-
duces your narrowed topic, presents your thesis,
provides background, and tries to engage your readers’
n Body—The body is four or more paragraphs that support
and explain your thesis using evidence.
n Conclusion—You emphasize your thesis without simply
repeating it. That is, you want to end with a flourish that
amplifies your thesis. Draw your essay to a close.
TIP: On page 142, Figure 7.1 reviews the writing process.
On the facing page, Figure 7.2 graphically illustrates the
structure of an essay, including its parts and functions. This
is a useful reference when you review an assigned essay.
Pages 142–150, Organizing Your Supporting Details. The
basic structure of a well-written essay already has three
parts—an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. But you’ll
have to make decisions about how organize supporting
details in the body of your essay.
In some cases, such as when you’re writing an argument,
you may want to follow either the “most-to-least” principle or
the “least-to-most” principle. So, if you have three main
pieces of supporting evidence you can rank your supporting
evidence in the order of its importance—1, 2, and 3. On the
other hand, if you want to end your essay with a bang, you
might organize your evidence so as to save the best for
last—3, 2, and 1.
English Composition42

Lesson 2 43
When your essay is a narrative, you’re likely to organize your
paragraphs in chronological order. First A happened, then B,
then C, and so on. However, for example, in a descriptive
essay, you might want to use a spatial order. Imagine you’re
writing an essay about the many wondrous features of the
Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC. Different “body
spaces” can be appointed to describe the Air and Space
Museum, the Natural History Museum, and the American
Historical Museum.
An outline or graphic organizer offers you a way to organize
your evidence after you’ve selected an organizing principle.
An informal outline or scratch outline is based on key words
and phrases that give you a shorthand summary of each of
your essay’s paragraphs.
Paragraph 1: I learn about the ghost of McBride
mansion. I get permission to spend the night in
the mansion.
Paragraph 2: Night falls and the house creaks.
Whispering in the upstairs bedroom. The piano
begins to play.
A formal outline is organized like this:
I. First Main Topic
A. First sub-topic
B. Second sub-topic
a. First detail
b. Second detail
Once an outline has been completed you can proceed to
create a graphic organizer.
TIP: Figure 7.3 on page 151 provides you with a “Sample
Graphic Organizer.”
In any case, keep in mind that outlining and construction of
a graphic organizer isn’t simply tedious busy work. The work
you do in organizing your essay serves two key purposes:
(1) It helps you eliminate irrelevant material and stay on
topic, and (2) it can help you generate new ideas you
wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.

English Composition44
Pages 150–152, Using Transitions and Repetition to
Connect Your Ideas. Here are the main ideas. (1) To write
a readable and engaging essay, provide transitional words
or phrases to create smooth transitions between paragraphs.
(2) Remember to repeat key words or their synonyms to keep
your reader on topic. The following excerpt illustrates both of
these ideas. See if you can locate the transitional words or
phrases and instances of using key terms in different (syn-
onymous) language.
Pages 152–159. This section includes helpful tips for
writing a strong introduction, an effective conclusion, and a
strong, evocative title. These are excellent tips and worthy of
being consulted as you tackle the essay assignments that are
part of this course.
The “Students Write” section, on pages 158–159, is the first
draft of an essay by Christine Lee titled, “The Reality of Real
TV.” She prepared the draft based on her freewriting (covered
in Chapter 5) and her established working thesis (covered in
Chapter 6).
Regional Identities in a New Republic
By 1800, American expansion was creating distinct regional identities. Westerners, even in differ-
ent Western states, identified with ideals of independent self-reliance and toughness. New
Englanders saw themselves as sturdy, virtuous proponents of American values and masters of
America’s maritime trade with the world.
However, particularly in the west, expansion was continually obstructed by the presence of the
original occupants of North America. For their part, Native Americans had become dependent on
trade with the whites. And, in that context, native cultures were steadily eroded by exposure to
mercenary traders, alcohol, disease, and land predators.
At this point, some 84 percent of American made their living from the land. Cities, harboring
around 7 percent of the population, were mainly ports reliant on transshipping British and French
goods, mainly from the West Indies. This so-called carrying trade would be regularly disrupted by
war and hostility between France and England.
(R. Turner, U.S. History: With permission from Penn Foster)

Lesson 2 45
Pages 160–163, Working with Text. The concluding sec-
tion of your assigned chapter focuses on an essay by Brent
Staples called “Black Men and Public Space.” This is a chal-
lenging essay. If you’re African American or Hispanic, you
may recognize the bitter reality of this essay from personal
experience. If you’re white, you may find yourself a tad
embarrassed from recognizing the other side of this sad
underside of life in America. Finally, whatever your cultural
or racial perspective, you’ll recognize the power of a well-writ-
ten narrative.
In working with the text, you’ll be expected to underline the
author’s thesis, examine the reading to determine things like
his reference to “the ability to alter public space,” analyze the
writer’s technique, think critically about the reading, visual-
ize the reading, and, finally, react to the reading.
Required Journal Entry 3: Drafting
This entry builds on the brainstorming and thesis you developed for Journal Entry 2.
Evidence: Identify three different types of evidence you could use to develop your working the-
sis from Entry 2. Use specific information from your brainstorming list, and any other ideas that
come to you. (Length open)
Organization: Choose a method of organization for your evidence. Using that evidence, prepare
an outline or simulate a graphic organizer to show your organizational plan for the one-page
essay. Don’t draft the essay in your journal, however. (Length open)
See “Essay in Progress 3,” page 97, and “Essay in Progress 2,” page 118.

English Composition46
Self-Check 9
1. Turn to Exercise 7.1 on page 145. For each of the five narrowed topics, identify several quali-
ties or characteristics that you could use to organize details in either a most-to-least or
least-to-most order.
2. Turn to Exercise 7.2 on page 146. Study the four statements. Identify at least one of them
that could be used to organize an essay using chronologically ordered paragraphs.
3. Exercise 7.4 is on page 157. After reviewing your text’s treatment on writing a good title,
which offers five tips, study each of the five essay types to suggest a title. Try to use each of
the five suggestions at least once.
4. Having read or reread the essay by Brent Staples, turn to page 162. Under “Examining the
Reading,” respond to all four items.
5. For each set of two sentences, pick the one that would work best as the topic sentence
for a paragraph.
a. Mumia Abu-Jamal was convicted of murdering a police officer in Philadelphia in 1981.
b. Mumia Abu-Jamal’s murder conviction shows that the U.S. criminal justice system is not
always fair and impartial.
a. Broken and obsolete computers must be recycled so they don’t end up in landfills leaking
toxic substances into the soil
b. Many offices update their computer hardware on a regular basis, thus generating waste.
a. Cellular phones are dramatically improving lives in third-world countries.
b. In India, fishermen and farmers living in areas without phone lines are using cellular
phones to market their products.
a. Figures from the 2000 census indicate that Americans are willing to accept a commute of
an hour or more if moving to a distant area means that they can afford a larger house.
b. According to the 2000 census figures, the average amount of time an American spends
commuting to work is 24 minutes.

Lesson 2 47
Self-Check 9
6. Transition exercise: Circle the most logical transition for the context from each set given.
Environmental experts caution that water resources are finite, (a. but / so / for) they also
offer tips for doing your part to conserve. (b. Thus / For example / Besides), if you install
low-flow showerheads and water-saving toilets, your household can save dozens of gallons of
water a day. Many people resist such measures because they think that these inventions don’t
work as well as the old models. (c. Consequently / Therefore / On the contrary), because of
technological advances, today’s water-conserving showers and toilets work surprisingly well.
By purchasing newer, environmentally friendly clothes washers and dishwashers, you can also
conserve water. (d. As a result / In addition / Nevertheless), you can save more water by run-
ning loads only when they are full. Another way to conserve water is to replace your thirsty
lawn with drought-resistant native plants, grasses, and shrubs. If you can’t bear to give up
your lawn, (e. for instance / however / moreover), you can decide to water it early in the
morning or late in the evening when the weather is cooler and water loss from evaporation is
less likely. (f. Finally / That is / Thus), turn the water off instead of letting it run when brush-
ing your teeth or washing dishes by hand. If every American household takes these simple
steps, the country will save significant amounts of water.
7. Introduction exercise: Choose the better introduction from each pair given. The introduction
should engage the reader’s attention and clearly state a thesis for an essay of three to five pages.
a. In the eighteenth century, an English clockmaker named John Harrison received a prize for
a clever invention that allowed sailors to calculate longitude. He created a clock that
required no pendulum and contained different kinds of metal. This clock worked onboard a
ship at sea, and it worked in many different temperatures and climate.
b. Until the eighteenth century, ships at sea had no way of calculating longitude with any
accuracy. As a result, countless sailors died when their ships lost track of their position in
the ocean and ran aground or failed to find their way home. Great scientific minds tried to
solve the problem of longitude without success, but a self-taught English clockmaker, John
Harrison, invented a device that worked. Harrison’s invention must rank as one of the
greatest contributions to the field of navigation.
a. A summer job at a burger joint taught me lessons I might not otherwise have learned for
years. I discovered that many people treat workers in menial jobs with contempt, and I
learned how miserable it feels to be treated that way. Working with people I had always
despised in high school taught me that I had judged others too quickly. Finally, I learned
to question bad decisions made by my supervisors—even though I ended up unemployed
as a result. Though burger flipping paid only minimum wage, the job taught me invaluable
lessons about life.

English Composition48
Self-Check 9
b. After school let out for the summer in early June, I went straight to a local fast-food
restaurant and filled out an application. The manager called a few days later and asked
me to come in for an interview. Although one of my friends told me the work there was
hot and boring and the pay was poor, I took the position anyway when the manager
offered it to me. I didn’t like the job much in the beginning, but by the end of the
summer I was glad to have had the experience.
a. The reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park restores an important missing
piece from that ecosystem. Wolves, hunted to extinction in Wyoming and Montana in the
twentieth century, occupy a vital place in the natural cycle of the area. As predators,
wolves control the population of deer and other herbivores, which reproduce prolifically.
Returning wolves to the place where they once belonged will eventually reestablish the
natural balance in this wild, beautiful part of the United States.
b. Because every part of an ecosystem affects every other part, disturbing the natural cycle
can have devastating effects. In almost every type of environment, a variety of plants feed
a variety of small herbivores, which in turn feed a variety of predators. Wolves are a good
example of predators that should not be disturbed.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

Lesson 2 49
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, read Chapter 8,
“Writing Effective Paragraphs,” on pages 164–179.
A sentence is to a paragraph as a cell is to an orgasm. Or put
another way, a paragraph is a set of interrelated sentences
that develop an idea or topic. In terms of essay writing, you
should assume that each of your paragraphs will develop
your reader’s understanding of what you have to say about
a specific idea. In short, one unfolded idea equals one para-
graph. If you find any sentence that’s drifting away from or
not relevant to a paragraph’s anchoring idea, that sentence
needs to find another home or simply deleted from your
Pages 166–170. This section introduces the structure of a
paragraph and the vital importance of topic sentences. A
properly crafted paragraph will include a finely focused topic
sentence; specific supporting details, such as examples,
evidence, or explanation; and well-placed transitions and
repetitions that weave your sentences into a coherent, engag-
ing, unified thought. A topic sentence is to a paragraph as a
thesis is to an essay.
TIP: Study Figure 8.1 on page 166 to get an overview of a
properly crafted paragraph.
There are basic guidelines for writing a topic sentence.
n Focus. A topic sentence should focus a reader’s atten-
tion on a topic. It should illuminate what the paragraph
is about. For example, this topic sentence is unfocused:
“Marijuana has medical applications.” This topic sen-
tence is focused: “Marijuana has been used to treat
patients suffering from glaucoma and also to reduce the
suffering of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.”
n Previewing. A topic sentence may be used to preview
the organization of a paragraph. For example, if this
topic sentence reads: “Marijuana’s medical uses include
treatment for glaucoma, the alleviation of symptoms for
cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, and easing

English Composition50
the mental anguish of people suffering from posttrau-
matic stress disorders.” In this example, the paragraph’s
subtopics are presented in the order in which they’ll be
addressed in the paragraph, using evidence or examples
to illustrate the each point.
n Support your thesis. In a well-written screenplay or
short story, every sentence should move the plot forward.
In much the same way, your topic sentences should sup-
port your thesis as you move from your introduction to
your conclusion.
n Strategic placement. Most often, a topic sentence is
the first sentence of a paragraph. That makes sense
because you often want to lead a paragraph with a key
to your paragraph’s topic. On the other hand, good writ-
ing is a creative process. Slavish attention to typical
usages can lead to prosaic, flat, and uninspired prose.
Sometimes, placing a topic sentence just after your lead
sentence can better serve as the key to you your para-
graph. In still other cases, a paragraph can lead up to
a final, concluding topic sentence.
Pages 170–179. Through numerous examples and exer-
cises, several pages in this section will help you better
understand how supporting details can be woven together
to create well-developed, unified paragraphs. The best way
to get the most from this section is spending time studying
the examples.
In this context, you’ll learn that well-developed paragraphs
often depend on what writers call concreteness. Compare
these two passages. Which one best engages your
Passage 1: Entering the shop, I was fascinated by the
merchandise. Then I noticed the tall woman behind
the counter looking at me in a strange way.
Passage 2: Entering the shop, I looked around, wide-
eyed at the wild variety of merchandise. Between an
antique Victorian clock and what looked like a statue
of Isis was an African tribal mask that seemed to glare
at me. Tapestries with strange designs covering the
walls and the faint odor of incense made me feel like

Lesson 2 51
I’d been transported to a different time and place. And
then I noticed the tall woman behind the counter.
Raven colored hair spilled over her shoulders. A faint
smile shadowed her scarlet lips even as her dark,
luminous eyes seemed to look through me.
The descriptive detail in Passage 2 illustrates the idea of a
paragraph furnished with descriptive detail. The details, in
turn, illustrate the concreteness of images that engage the
imagination by way of the senses.
Once again, in a slightly different context you’ll revisit the
importance of using transitions and repetition to weave your
sentences into a unified whole.
TIP: Study the graphic on page 176. It shows you how differ-
ent kinds of transitions may be used in the context of logical,
spatial, and time connections.
NOTE: The reading on pages 177–178, a student essay by
Robin Fergusons titled “The Value of Volunteering,” was
written using the graphic organizer you encountered in
Chapter 7. That’s followed by the ongoing work of Christine
Lee, here featuring her first draft paragraph (on her thesis
about reality TV).

English Composition52
Self-Check 10
1. Turn to Exercise 8.1 on page 168. Revise each of the five topic sentences to make it specific
and focuses. At least two of your rewrites should also preview the organization of the para-
2. Exercise 8.2 on page 169 requires you to identify topic sentences for each of the two thesis
statements that don’t support the thesis.
3. Turn to Exercise 8.4 on page 173. Use Table 6.1 (on page 129) to suggest the type or types of
evidence you might use to develop a paragraph based on each of the five topic sentences.
4. In Exercise 8.5, also found on page 173, create a well-developed paragraph by adding details
to this paragraph, also provided in your text.
Although it is convenient, online shopping is a different experience than shopping in an actual
store. You don’t get the same opportunity to see and feel objects. Also, you can miss out on
other important information. There is much that you miss. If you enjoy shopping, turn off
your computer and support your local merchants.
5. Turn to Exercise 8.7 on page 177. After reading or rereading the essay by Robin Ferguson on
“The Value of Volunteering,” respond to each of the four items. Here, item 1 reads “Highlight
each of the topic sentences in the body of the essay (between the introduction and the con-
clusion). Evaluate how well each supports the thesis.”
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.



Revising and Editing
If you were a master carpenter, you would never show up for
a job without your tools. As a writer, you should never
undertake revision work without the tools you’ll find in this
lesson. The job of revision is to make your written interpreta-
tion of an idea, an image, or a scene easier for your reader to
understand and more pleasant to read.
One key to revision involves combining patience, persistence,
and objectivity. While patience is a virtue in every aspect of
life, in writing it’s especially important because a first effort
in drafting a report, a poem, or an essay is extremely unlikely
to be a final draft.
It takes time and practice to be able to see where improve-
ment is needed in your own work. (The American poet Walt
Whitman revised and expanded his Leaves of Grass through-
out his entire lifetime!) It’s best to schedule time over the
course of a week—or several weeks for a lengthy essay or
research project—so you can let each revision rest for at least
a day or two before you reread it and make corrections. The
resting phase allows you to read your work with fresh eyes—
as your reader will—and get to the root of revision, which is
presenting your ideas clearly.
Persistence is an extension of patience. It may be tempting to
think that a few quick changes will turn your initial draft into
polished prose. But unless you’re a professional editor, you’re
unlikely to catch every error and organizational problem the
first time around (and even professional editors use proof-
readers). To make your presentation better, stronger, and
more lucid, plan ahead and allow time for persistence.

English Composition54
Finally, the art of revision demands objectivity. Looking at
your own views with an impartial eye may be the hardest
part of revision. After letting your first draft rest, read your
work as though the ideas came from someone else. Look for
clear organization, well-developed paragraphs, and specific
examples to support your thesis. Make sure each detail is
relevant to both the topic of the paragraph and your thesis.
You’ll learn the value of patience, persistence, and objectivity
as you work through several versions of your paper and see
what a difference your revisions make.
When you complete this lesson, you’ll be able to
n Explain why revising content and organization is
important to the writing process
n Apply appropriate techniques of revision and organization
to your writing
n Apply the rules of standard written American English
for punctuation and spelling
Read the following assignment. Then, in the Successful College
Writing textbook, read Chapter 9, pages 180–201. To gauge
your progress, complete the self-check.
Pages 180–181. Read through the “Quick Start” exercise,
and study the photo. In your self-check file or notebook, list
everything you see from left to right. The point of your list is
to seek ways to make the picture more understandable. Then,
look and look again to revise your perception. Add details
interpreting that information. Consider questions like these:
What’s going on? Who’s coming home? What’s the predomi-
nant gender of the people in the picture and why? If you were
entertaining a visitor from Europe, how would you explain this
photo? Finally, write a paragraph describing and interpreting
a main idea about the photograph. The sentences you write
Mario Puzo, author
of The Godfather,
said, “Writing is

Lesson 3 55
should summarize the content of the image in ways that can
help people see things they wouldn’t see on their own. A pic-
ture may be worth a thousand words, but sometimes words
can make a picture more interesting and more revealing.
As you work through the chapter, pause after each section to
apply the suggested techniques and strategies toward analyz-
ing and revising your paragraph.
Pages 182–183. As you probably already know, revising is a
part of the process most student writers dread—and therefore
skip, condemning themselves to submitting unclear, unfocused
writing. Revising should account for at least 50 percent of the
process, because to this point you’ve been exploring your
ideas and the relationships among them. Your draft is merely
a tentative step to pull everything together, to make sense of
it all, to find your way. Revising requires you to step back
and examine your work as if you were the target audience,
seeing the writing for the first time. It involves looking at
the big picture—the forest of trees in connection with each
other, rather than individual trees, trunks, branches, or leaves.
Any time you revise, try to make changes on a printed or hand-
written copy of your writing. If, however, you have to work
solely on the computer, be sure that when you open your
draft—before you start revising—do a “Save as” and rename
the document with a title like “Revision 1” in case you delete
something you later decide you need.
Pages 183–184. Review the seven “Useful Techniques for
Revision.” You may want to flag this section for frequent review.
Page 185–187. Note the “Key Questions for Revision” heading.
Get in the habit of using these questions to find the weak-
nesses in your writing. For your next written project in any
of your courses, try using the graphic organizer, Figure 9.2
on page 184, to note needed changes. Study Figure 9.3, on
pages 186–187. It’s a flowchart for evaluating your thesis
statement, topic sentences, and evidence. Use this one to see
how it works in evaluating your work.

English Composition56
Pages 188–192. Although you have no classmates for peer
review, study this section to learn ways other reviewers, such
as a family member, friend, or boss, could help you revise your
work. If you can find a good reviewer for your work-in-progress,
this section will provide an excellent guide. Ask your reviewer
to answer the questions on page 191. To practice your skills,
use the flowchart in Figure 9.4 on page 189 to evaluate your
“Quick Start” paragraph.
Pages 192–195. Under the heading “Using Your Instructor’s
Comments,” read the illustrative essay “NFL Salary Gap.”
Note how the essay is critiqued, and apply the knowledge
when your reviewer analyzes your writing. For this course,
you won’t be able to resubmit an essay, but you can use the
feedback from a previous evaluation to guide your revision on
the next assignment.
Pages 195–201. Under the “Students Write” heading, note
that the work of Christine Lee is again used. This time, you’ll
be offered insights into how constructive criticism helps a
writer revise an essay. In particular, notice how the reviewer
focused on big-picture ideas—structure, organization, clarity
of explanation, and level of supporting detail—not the editing or
proofreading. As you can see from Lee’s revisions, she needs to
improve these areas first. After all, why spend time correcting
what you may delete? In addition, study the essay’s entire
process of development. Review pages 120–121, 133–134,
and 158–159.

Lesson 3 57
Required Journal Entry 4: Revising
This journal entry requires you to review the rough draft of the essay that follows. As you analyze
the draft according to each of the areas listed, identify what needs revision. For each area,
explain why and how you would change the draft. (4 paragraphs, 5 sentences each)
Analyze the essay’s
• Purpose and audience
• Thesis statement, topic sentences, and paragraphs
• Evidence
• Organization
Rough Draft: E-mail vs. Letters
Instead of using e-mails, mail a letter to your grandparents, an aunt or uncle, or another role
model who’s older than you are. We live in a fast-paced world. We use computers to send e-mails
and instant messages. Some, though, don’t live in that time zone. Forget all the fonts, emoticons,
and abbreviations like LOL. You point and click, but some people want to hold something, unwrap
a letter, and smell it. A crayoned picture smells and feels special; no scanner can do that. People’s
senses want to be used. We live in a physical world, not an invisible one. People can touch some-
thing that’s mailed. Sometimes it’s as if touching the ink or pencil on paper helps them touch the
writer. A picture can be held and used in so many ways. For example, I get to see how my grand-
kids’ handwriting is changing as they grow. I know how they feel just from the way they write the
A letter gives someone the real thing. A letter exists in time and space. Even if someone e-mails
you regularly, the surprise of a mailed letter provides something to cherish rather than to be
deleted. Of course, they may like getting through the Internet a photograph of you on the day of
a special event. However, a printed photograph can be put into an album or used for a bookmark
or posted on the refrigerator for regular review. They don’t have to worry about color cartridges
or paper because you’ve given them what they need in the mail. Though they may have a hard
time reading your handwriting, a letter is a tangible way to remind them that you care enough to
take the time and effort to communicate with them and them alone.
The convenience and efficiency of computers can’t be matched by regular postal service. However,
they sometimes bleep and blurp in a frustrating conversation, one that older persons can’t always
hear or understand. One wrong click here and another there can mean mass destruction. They
may get a paper cut from your letter, but even sucking on a finger while reading makes their
experience more memorable and satisfying. The cut heals; the letter remains alive.
To evaluate your essay in progress complete the following exercises: “Essay in Progress 1” on
page 185, “Essay in Progress 2” on page 187, and both “Essay in Progress” 3 and 4 on page 188.

English Composition58
Self-Check 11
1. “Analyzing the Revision” on page 201: Respond to all four items.
2. Reviewer response exercise: For the following pairs of reviewer responses, choose the
comment that’s more appropriate and helpful for revising a first draft.
a. I didn’t understand where you were headed with this essay until the middle of the second
page. Why not move your thesis to the first paragraph? By cutting the background
material about icebergs, you could get to the point faster.
b. You need a transition between the information about icebergs and your thesis in the mid-
dle of the second page. Also, I noticed that you misspelled separate and truly. Did you
forget to use your spell-checker?
a. This essay is great! I really liked it a lot, especially the examples.
b. The new examples really help me see your point. You might want to work on the example
about elephants’ emotions, though. I didn’t see what it had to do with your thesis. Can
you make the connection clearer?
a. You seem to be saying that the theory of evolution is right and creationism is wrong,
but last week I saw a television show that said evolution is just a theory, like creationism.
You should reconsider your thesis.
b. I think you need to spend more time explaining the concept of creationism, rather than
simply implying it’s wrong. What do creationists believe, and how do their beliefs differ
from those of evolutionists? I need to know that before I can figure out if you’ve made a
good case for your argument.
3. If you didn’t complete the “Quick Start” exercise, do so now. Be sure you work from the listing
stage through the drafting, reviewing, and revising stages. As you revise, ask yourself why
you’re making each change—what purpose does adding this detail or changing the place of a
sentence serve in clarifying the main idea of your paragraph? Then, create a final draft of the

Lesson 3 59
Self-Check 11
4. Paragraph revision exercise: Each of the following paragraphs contains a problem with
coherence. The sentences either don’t contain proper transitions or they contain information
that should be relocated to another place in the paragraph. Locate the problems and revise
the paragraphs as necessary (for example, add a transitional word, phrase, or clause; add
another sentence or combine sentences; delete words, phrases, or sentences; rewrite the
topic sentence).
a. Poor Louis seemed destined by nature to become the butt of every practical joke we
could devise that summer at camp. Whenever someone was chosen to go on some silly
errand, such as to get the keys to the oarlocks, find a can of striped paint, or get a
paper stretcher, Louis was inevitably the victim. We all considered it great fun. I regret
our youthful thoughtlessness. Who knows what deep psychological wounds we inflicted
on him by our teasing and ridicule?
b. There seem to be good grounds for making the assumption. Business plans for capital
spending this year are so strong that they may spill over into the coming year. The
increase in capital spending for the second half of the year may turn out to be a mainstay
of the economy. Investors have shown their interest in the capital-spending sector by
increased investment in business equipment, instruments and electronics, and movie and
recreational stocks. This could come as a welcome event, because many business analysts
are now predicting a recession in the latter part of this year or the beginning of next year.
c. Arson destroys neighborhoods as surely as mass bombing. Only a few people commit the
crime, but all residents must suffer the consequences. How could it be otherwise, given
the nature of the problem, with its tangle of social and economic issues? Decaying build-
ings are torched by their owners to collect insurance money. This is a despicable crime
and ought to be vigorously investigated and punished. Most arsonists escape punishment.
Burned-out structures are, in turn, a haven for gangs and drug traffickers, who cause
even more arson. Once several blocks have been gutted, a kind of collective hopelessness
grips those who can’t afford to move. The young may continue to set fires from hatred or
from despair of never escaping their crumbling prison. The end comes when the municipal
government gives up, curtails most services, and abandons the neighborhood.
d. In the eighteenth century, Englishmen had a reputation throughout Europe for their love
of eating. Visitors to England were amazed at the large quantity and fine quality of the
fish and meat consumed. However, they couldn’t understand the English attitude toward
vegetables, which were served only as trimmings to meat. English cooks seemed unable
to prepare an appetizing vegetable dish. Vegetables were abundant at the time and were
grown in the gardens of both the rich and poor.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

English Composition60
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, read Chapter 10
on pages 202–224 in your textbook, Successful College Writing.
In this assignment, we’ll look at strategies for correcting
grammatical errors through the editing process. Proofreading
and editing are the last steps in the writing process, but
are just as necessary as addressing errors in organization
and content.
Here are a few tricks to help you with your editing:
n Let your work rest at least overnight so you can read it
with fresh eyes.
n Read the work aloud to hear how it flows. Does it keep
your interest? Is it presented in logical order? Are there
adequate transitions between ideas?
n Look at your wording with a cold eye. Even a well-written
sentence has to go if it breaks up the flow of your work
or leads anywhere but straight to your conclusion.
n As you proofread, make sure your punctuation supports
the meaning of each sentence. If, as you read aloud, you
stumble or have to reread passages, consider rewriting or
breaking long sentences into two to clarify your ideas.
On page 203, Read the instructions for the “Chapter Quick
Start.” Study the two cartoons on the facing page. What do
you think the cartoons suggest about writing, as well as
about editing sentences and words?
Pages 204–214. The main heading, “Analyzing Your
Sentences,” offers illustrations and specific techniques for
sentence analysis. Are your sentences concise or wordy?
Are your sentences varied? Think about music and rhythm.
One-note melodies are boring. In fact, melodies depend on
variation. The same goes for passages in an essay. Pay care-
ful attention to the concept of parallelism on pages 212–213.
It is better to write
a bad first draft
than to write no
first draft at all.
—Will Shetterly

Lesson 3 61
Study the examples. Also study the information on action
verbs, beginning on pages 213–214. Active verbs get the
reader’s attention and demand an emotional response.
Pages 215–220. The section “Analyzing Your Word Choice”
starts with a discussion of tone and the level of diction. The
tone of an essay, for example, might be grave and melan-
choly, flippant and sizzling with irony, or, perhaps, cool and
scientific. By contrast, the level of diction refers to grammar
and word choice. An academic essay or a legal contract uses
formal diction. Popular diction, found in newspapers or
popular magazines, sounds more like everyday speech.
Finally, informal diction is relaxed and not always technically
correct. Fiction writers may capture a character’s personality
through diction. Word connotations, concrete-specifics,
abstract language, and figures of speech all contribute to
tone and diction.
When you read, “Janet walked into the room,” what picture
comes to mind? The verb walk offers little sense of connota-
tion, emotion, or imagination. Yet strode, slunk, wandered,
bounced, sidled, tiptoed, and raced convey the same general
action with clear connotations. Strode suggests confidence
and purpose, whereas slunk indicates guilt or fear. Another
example is house and home. The first is more generic, with
home having a more positive connotation—it usually gives
people a feeling of warmth or sense of security. Did you ever
notice that real estate agents often use home in their sales
pitch instead of house?
Read through the following three sentences and, based on
the word choices, label each one positive, neutral, or nega-
tive, according to its connotative strength regarding the
organization MADD.
n The goals of the organization called Mothers against
Drunk Driving (MADD) are “to stop drunk driving,
support the victims of this violent crime and prevent
underage drinking.”
n After my daughter was brutally murdered when some
drunken teenager without a license mowed her down,
I joined MADD to help impose righteous laws on such
lawless people.

English Composition62
n Through Mothers against Drunk Driving (MADD), I dis-
covered not only how to deal with my grief, but also how
to take action on the serious problem of drunk driving
that caused the death of my daughter.
As a simple, factual mission statement, the first sentence
is the most neutral of the three, even though the criminal-
oriented words victim and violent reveal the group’s negative
feelings about drunk driving. The second is quite critical
and negative as the writer forces readers to engage with her
emotional pain within a legal and moral framework through
the words impose, righteous, and lawless. The phrases brutally
murdered and mowed her down imply the driver made conscious
choices causing the death and, as a result, MADD is portrayed
as a group seeking retribution. The third sentence is more
positive, as it focuses on healing and on action to correct a
problem. The words indicate a favorable slant on the personal
benefits associated with MADD.
Sometimes, particularly if English isn’t your first language, you
may find it difficult to discern the connotations for words with
similar denotations. A dictionary or thesaurus can help, but
proceed with caution. Word choices that seem to work based
on their definition may have a completely different connotation
than the context requires. Read Exercise 10.7 on page 218,
and think about the connotations of each set of words.
Diction also includes choosing words that work best for the
purpose and audience. Take the term spaghetti. For most
people, it’s understood that the writer is talking about long,
thin pasta in marinara sauce. Writing for an Italian audience,
however, you would use “macaroni and gravy.”
Pages 221–222. Whenever you write, you want your readers
to understand and respect your ideas. But careless errors
or a poor presentation give the impression that your work is
at best unfinished and at worst second-rate. In other words,
to be respected as a writer, you must respect your reader.
“Suggestions for Proofreading” offers advice on checking your
work and keeping an error log to observe patterns so you can
keep your work error-free.
For refresher instruction in grammar and mechanics, visit
the websites given earlier in this guide and review the PDF
supplements available online under My Courses—English

Lesson 3 63
Pages 222–224. Under the “Students Write” section is a
revision of the essay by Christine Lee, which criticizes reality
television. Note the changes, and carefully consider the reasons
for the changes as given on pages 223–224.
Note: To ensure you’re comfortable with the material, you
should review your online supplements, The Parts of Speech,
Word Usage, and Sentence Skills, before completing your
examination for Lesson 3.
Required Journal Entry 5: Public Space
Reread Brent Staples’ essay “Black Men and Public Space” on pages 160–162. Explore the ways
you and individuals around you “alter public space.” Include specific examples from your life. You
may wish to describe a situation in which your intentions were misunderstood or when someone
made false assumptions about you. Another option is to discuss times when you’ve had to change
your behavior to accommodate someone else’s needs or expectations. (2 paragraphs, 5 sentences
for each)
Freewrite about the way errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation can alter the public space
between writer and reader in an essay. (1 paragraph, 5 sentences)
Self-Check 12
1. Exercise 10.1, on page 206: Edit the five sentences to make them concise.
2. Exercise 10.2, on page 210: Combine the pairs of sentences into single, compound,
or complex sentences.
3. Exercise 10.3, on page 212: Add modifiers to create varied sentence patterns in the five
4. Exercise 10.4, on page 213: Edit the five sentences to eliminate problems with parallelism.

English Composition64
Self-Check 12
5. Exercise 10.5, on page 214: Edit the five sentences, changing passive verbs to active ones
and, where needed, adding a subject.
6. Exercise 10.8, on page 218: Revise the five sentences by adding concrete, specific details.
7. Exercise 10.9, on page 219: Invent fresh figures of speech to characterize items 1–3.
8. Revising and editing exercise: Revise, edit, and proofread each paragraph (taken from
student drafts).
a. I dashed out of my bed that morning, hasting toward the bathroom like a confused being
to wash my face only, I wasn’t going to shower that morning, because I was going to be
late for my first class in standard five.
b. “Good by.” I said angrily then payed the cashier and walked away from her. I say her
face colour changed right before my eyes from light brown to peach, I knew then that
she was angry. Tanishea was a short and stout in stachur with long flowing hair, great
smile,wonderful personality and a certain spark for life only describable only if you knew
her. I hurried home nervously,and hope Simone did not detected it.
c. I am sitting here coughing and can barley breathe. I am wandering why I haven’t left this
smoked field restaurant. I wish more places would ban smoking. In fact people in general
could enjoy closed environments that ban smoking. If they did this parents of today
wouldn’t have to worry as much for children developing asthma. As a mother I could see
why parents would fear children will want to try it when they get older because of all the
influences that surround them. That is why I support banning of smoking.
d. I am currently sitting on my bed in my two bedroom trailer. A dresser sits in front my
bed; next to the dresser is my TV stand which holds my TV. On the right side of my bed is
my desk and chair. Past the desk is the bathroom. These are just a few important things
in my room. The dresser that sits in front of my bed is plastic and white. This is important
because it holds my paperwork for school. It helps me stay organized so I will not lose my
mind. If not for my dresser, searching for paperwork would be like searching for a needle
in a haystack. Next to my dresser is my black TV stand. My TV stand holds my 19 inch
Curtis Mathis TV. I enjoy watching movies in my room.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.



Moving from Narration
to Process Analysis
In this lesson, you’ll study several patterns of development
for writing, including narration, description, illustration, and
process analysis. Each technique applies to specific purposes.
Your assignments include readings that demonstrate the
effectiveness of each writing mode. You’ll use the ideas and
tools you’ve studied so far, and you’ll build on what you’ve
learned to further improve your approach to writing.
When you complete this lesson, you’ll be able to
n Describe and apply the elements of an effective narrative
n Explain and apply the principles of descriptive writing
n Define the characteristics of illustration and apply them
to writing projects
n Summarize the techniques of process analysis and apply
them to writing
Read the following assignment summary. Then, in the Successful
College Writing textbook, read Chapter 11, pages 226–265. To
gauge your progress, complete the self-check.
A narrative is a story that makes a point. Usually, we think of
a narrative as a short story, a novel, or a screenplay that has
a beginning, a middle, and an end. A nonfiction narrative,
such as an account of someone’s visit to the Grand Canyon,
the history of Connecticut, or an editorial, also follows some
kind of logical course from its opening to its conclusion.

English Composition66
Effective written narratives
n Make a point
n Relate action and detail
n Utilize tension and conflict
n Follow a sequence in time
n Often use dialogue
n Take a point of view
Historically, narratives have been shared orally. Literacy
wasn’t widespread in many cultures, including early
Western culture, so legends, epic poems, and story songs
communicated important information, as well as provided
entertainment. In ordinary modern life, narratives are still
often spoken. A joke is a narration that has a point called
a punch line. Explaining to a friend why you had a bad day
is a narrative. The “point” as well as the “point of view” often
amounts to a plea for sympathy. Today’s narratives may
include political rhetoric and advertising, as well as stories
or poems revisiting age-old themes.
The “Quick Start” feature on page 226 asks you to imagine a
series of events that may have led to this scene of mourning.
While you may be able to imagine various scenarios, focus on
a specific one and think through the sequence of experiences.
Pages 228–234. The chapter opens by explaining why a writer
might use the narrative pattern of development. It then pro-
vides an example of a narrative with the essay “Right Place,
Wrong Face.” Before you read it, however, take a moment to
scan over the “Characteristics of a Narrative” on pages 231–234.
Then, as you read the story, evaluate how well it reflects those
characteristics. In particular, identify the specific sequence
of events and the manner in which each event builds on the
previous one to increase the tension of the experience until
it reaches the climax. The tension reflects the conflict or
problem the writer is developing. Even as he shares the
story, he also chooses details that show the significance of
the problem (racial profiling).
“The best way to
have a good idea
is to have lots of
—Linus Pauling

Lesson 4
After reading the essay, closely review and study the narrative
characteristics on pages 231–234. Included in the discussion
is a sample “Quick Start” paragraph, which makes a clear
point about the homeless and about other people’s attitudes
about them. Read “The Lady in Red” on pages 235–238 if you
find graphic organizers useful and want to see the application
of one for narratives.
Page 239. Although most college or academic essays aren’t
literary narratives, narrative is often integrated into these
essays. The text discusses each pattern of development for
the overall structure of an essay and as a writing strategy to
be integrated within another, primary pattern. For instance,
you may use some narrative techniques in a persuasive essay.
In addition, as you develop the main point of the essay using
the primary pattern, any other pattern of development can
be applied to an individual paragraph to provide interest
and depth for that particular evidence or support. In fact,
your first writing assignment will require you to integrate
either narration or illustration with the required primary pat-
tern of development. As you study each pattern covered in
the textbook, remember to take notes listing its uses as an
overall structure and as a strategy.
Pages 240–248. For each pattern of development, the text-
book provides a “Guided Writing Assignment,” which takes you
through the writing process to produce that type of essay.
Depending on the pattern, you’ll skim through or carefully
study the instructions, even though you may not develop an
essay for each one. By doing so, you’ll gain a better under-
standing of the process and see how the concepts covered in
the first seven chapters fit in. In addition, the “Editing and
Proofreading” tips within each guided assignment apply to
other patterns of development. Because your next journal
entry refers to the narrative guided assignment and because
your first exam suggests you may want to use the narrative
as a supporting pattern of development, read through the
narrative assignment, but don’t develop an essay unless you
wish to do so on your own for practice. (If you do attempt
a draft, please don’t submit it to the school for review, but
keep it for your personal use.)

Pages 248–253. This section provides tips for thinking criti-
cally while you read. Although it’s aimed toward reading and
responding to someone else’s narrative, the questions can also
be useful when you’re revising your own writing. In fact,
the most painless way to improve your own writing is to read
others’ writing thoughtfully.
Pages 252–257. After carefully reading “Working with
Text” and “Thinking Critically about Narration,” read the
essay “Selling in Minnesota” by Barbara Ehrenreich on
pages 254–256. Ponder your impressions of the essay as
you take some time to analyze the reading. Does the topic
command your attention? Why?
Pages 258–263. To consider the possibilities of combining
narration with other patterns of development, read “Alien
World: How a Treacherous Border Crossing Became a Theme
Park” by freelance journalist Alexander Zaitchik. You’ll find
that this fascinating essay is made stronger with the photo
images. This essay demonstrates the way current social issues
related to illegal immigration can be illuminated by sharp-eyed,
creative writing.
English Composition68
Required Journal Entry 6: Narration
Outline one specific time in your life when you felt extremely stressed by the pressure to succeed
in your studies, perform on the job (if applicable), and spend time with family and friends. As
needed, prewrite on the topic in your notes file, but don’t submit that work. For this journal entry,
use the following labels to sketch out the details for your narrative of that time.
Key actions
Key participants
Key lines of dialogue
See pages 241–242, “Gathering Details about the Experience or Incident.”

Lesson 4 69
Self-Check 13
1. Exercise 11.1, on page 232: First complete the sentences as instructed for all five partial
sentences. Then, for item 5 only, write three or four sentences that build tension through
action or dialogue.
2. Exercise 11.2, on page 233: Complete the exercise using only scenario 2, about the dating
3. Review the essay, “Selling in Minnesota.” Respond in writing to items 1, 3, and 5 in
“Examining the Reading,” on page 256. Be sure to respond to specific questions within
particular items.
4. Proofreading and editing: The following are some basic writing tips collected by the “intre-
pid linguist” William Safire. Ironically—and purposely—each contains an error that relates to
the tip given. Identify the errors.
a. Verbs has to agree with their subject.
b. And don’t start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction.
c. Do not be redundant; do not use more words than necessary; it’s highly superfluous.
d. The passive voice is to be avoided.
e. Kill all exclamation points!!!
f. Use the apostrophe in it’s proper place and omit apostrophes’ when its not needed.
g. Proofread carefully to if you any words out.
h. Be sure your work contains no misspelled words.

English Composition70
Self-Check 13
5. Sentence revision exercise: Reduce wordiness in the following sentences by reordering,
simplifying, and/or improving their construction. Also revise for correct and varied sentence
a. The small city of Wilkes-Barre was built next to the Susquehanna River and it was a fertile
farming area until coal became a very valuable natural resource and mining took over.
b. Jason hid Jared’s keys they were in the planter.
c. I asked Gwendolyn if there is a shop that sells gifts that are nice that is near the hotel.
d. Carlos went to college. He attended the University of Pittsburgh. He earned a degree in
marketing. He works for Allegheny Advertising, Ltd. He is a market analyst.
e. George Washington was born in 1732 in Virginia, he was raised on a farm established by
his great-grandfather.
f. Washington had a big nose and a pockmarked face, however he was still considered a
handsome man.
g. A wellness program for all employees makes sense for Allied Technical Services because
it reduces absenteeism among employees, improves employees’ overall health, improves
performance and productivity, and saves money on health care costs.
h. At 15, Washington became a surveyor his first job was to survey the six-million-acre
estate of his neighbor Lord Fairfax.
i. Among several goals discussed for the next fiscal year, the company’s executives agreed
that reducing production costs will be most important.
j. In the business world, both male and female workers put in long hours to get ahead then
they find it difficult to make time to raise a family.
k. Most people are familiar with chain letters, this type of correspondence requires a person
to copy a letter and send it on to five or more friends.
l. Today, electronic chain letters are very common almost anyone who uses e-mail has seen
at least one.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, in the Successful
College Writing textbook, read Chapter 12, pages 266–303. To
test your progress, complete the self-check.
A description of a desert sunrise may touch your emotions
through the visual images you imagine. An effective descrip-
tion of a day in a coal mine may evoke surprising sights,
sounds, odors, and textures. A clear depiction of life on a
Gulf of Mexico shrimp boat may do the same. What do these
simple examples have in common? Effective description
appeals to our senses; it calls up specific sights, sounds,
tastes, and odors of people, places, and things. Why should a
writer use descriptions that appeal to the senses? Because
it’s a good way to quickly immerse the reader in the experi-
ence. For example, a well-designed food advertisement can
instantly bring to mind the sight, sound, and smell of grilling
hamburgers or the smooth, sweet taste of a milkshake. It
may trigger salivation and a sudden craving for the food, even
in the absence of hunger.
The “Writing Quick Start” for this chapter features a classic
Volkswagen Beatle transformed into a work of art with
wheels. Your mission is writing a new and improved,
enticingly descriptive ad because your first ad fell flat.
Pages 268–269. As you did with the narrative, turn
to page 270–271 and take a few moments to scan through
the characteristics of a descriptive essay before you read
MacClancy’s essay. (Whether you have or haven’t ever eaten
a chili pepper, you’ll certainly feel you’re having that experi-
ence as you read.)
Pages 270–275. After reading the story critically, study the
descriptive characteristics carefully and slowly. As the text
says, descriptive writing can be used as a primary pattern
of development, but is more often used to support another
primary pattern, such as narration or illustration. Use
description judiciously. Sometimes student writers fall in
love with overblown figurative descriptions which, instead
of providing a clear, concrete picture, actually obscure the
meaning they wish the reader to gain. Even when using
another pattern, writers must always consider the dominant
Lesson 4 71
Detail makes the
difference between
boring and terrific
writing. It’s the dif-
ference between a
pencil sketch and
a lush oil painting.
As a writer, words
are your paint. Use
all the colors.
—Rhys Alexander

English Composition72
impression of their word choices. Finally, notice how the
graphic organizer for a descriptive essay is quite similar in
its development to that of a narrative.
Pages 276–278. This essay provides an excellent example of
a Native American voice using diction appropriate for that
voice while naturally including explanations for the reader. If
you find that graphic organizers help you, then read the story
and review the organizer based on it.
Descriptive writing isn’t merely for creative or poetic writers.
It’s an essential skill for anyone. For example, technical writ-
ers preparing how-to manuals often include the sensory
details for a machine or product (color, size, texture, and
even odor). Preschool teachers include specific, concrete
descriptions of a child’s behavior to identify and track their
teaching techniques, as well as to offer parents or psycholo-
gists key information. Medical assistants must notice the
smallest details about their patients, including color, smell,
texture, and sound.
Pages 279–287. Although the guided writing assignment
isn’t required, skim over it to reinforce what you’ve been
learning, particularly as it applies to your thinking and
writing process.
Page 265. Be sure to review the proofreading tips offered.
Page 269–273. Read the information explained in terms of
how it can help you revise your work critically. Then, read
Amy Tan’s essay to enjoy and to analyze for the use of
descriptive elements.
Pages 287–291. The “Students Write” feature for this
assignment is an essay by a journalism student. Notice that
the topic of his essay, “Heatstroke with a Side of Burn
Cream,” appears only in the first sentence of the second
paragraph. Also, the author’s topic sentences are highlighted,
which allows you to see how well the essay follows the topic
sentence. Overall, this essay is made more informative
through lively description. But, as you take some time
to analyze the reading, you’ll need to draw your own

Lesson 4 73
Pages 291–297. The section, “Working with Text: Reading
a Descriptive Essays,” precedes an essay by a Pulitzer
Prize–winning author of Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Annie Dillard.
In this essay, “The Deer at Providencia,” Dillard shows us
what a masterful command of descriptive writing can achieve.
Think of this essay as a fine example of literature as art—art
that dares to explore the deep mysteries of human experi-
ence. In any case, don’t skimp on time devoted to a analyzing
and critiquing the essay, including your sense of what the
photograph contributes to the essay,
Pages 298–303. To explore an example of how description
can be combined with other patterns of development, you’ll
want to read the essay by “Riverbend,” It will give you some
insight into the suffering delivered to millions courtesy of the
War on Iraq. Indeed, as you read this essay, you may gain
some insight into the effects of violent conflicts now raging
all across the Middle East, North Africa, and much of sub-
Saharan Africa.
Required Journal Entry 7: Description
Think of an experience in which you faced an important test (either in school, at work, or in a
personal situation). As needed, prewrite on the topic in your notes file or notebook, but don’t
submit that work.
Sensory details: For this journal entry, list two specific, concrete, original details for each sense
describing that particular testing event:
• Sight
• Sound
• Smell
• Taste
• Touch
Comparison: Write one fresh, creative comparison for one of your details (one simile or
Evaluation: For which of the five senses was it easiest to write sensory details? For which was it
most difficult? Why? (1 paragraph, 5 sentences)
See “Collecting Details That Describe Your Subject” on page 281 and the first paragraph of
“Finding Comparisons and Choosing a Vantage Point” on page 282.

English Composition74
Self-Check 14
1. Exercise 12.2, on page 273: You may cross out details directly in the text paragraph.
2. Exercise 12.3, on page 274: Write a paragraph describing a food you enjoy, focusing on
one sense.
3. Review the essay by Annie Dillard on pages 293–296. Under “Examining the Reading,”
respond to all five items.
4. Subject-verb agreement and passive/active voice: Correct the errors in both subject-
verb agreement and any shift between passive and active voice in the same sentence.
a. There is many things that the police and other crime-solvers do not know about death.
b. Martin drove his car too fast, and a speeding ticket was received by him.
c. Anyone who reads mysteries know that forensic technology often solves the crime.
d. New research at a unique laboratory in Tennessee are helping to reduce the possibility of
someone’s getting away with murder.
e. Experts in the field of forensic anthropology recognizes that the University of Tennessee’s
open-air cemetery is a remarkable teaching tool.
f. Not all of the bodies at this cemetery is buried; some is left on the ground, some is placed
in cars, and some is wrapped in plastic bags.
g. The boat lost its rudder, and it was towed to shore by the Coast Guard.
h. Learning what chemicals a decaying body leaves behind also allow the police to find places
where bodies have been hidden.
i. Every check and money order cost fifty cents.
j. My paper was nearly finished until my computer was walked on by my cat.

Lesson 4 75
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, in the Successful
College Writing textbook, read Chapter 13, pages 304–335. To
gauge your progress, complete the self-check.
The purposes of illustration include making a general idea
specific, illuminating an unfamiliar concept, and engaging a
reader’s interest. Effective illustration should be very selective.
Appropriate examples must reinforce your argument or support
your thesis. However, rather than simply listing an example or
two as reinforcements of your statements, in this section, you’ll
see how to use illustration to help develop your essay, which
requires planning, good organization, and careful integration
of your examples as you write. Think through the “Chapter
Quick Start” exercise on page 305. Try to get a clear picture
in your mind of each example you would use and the scenes
you would use to support the topic sentence regarding envi-
ronmental pollution.
Self-Check 14
k. Learning how to navigate the Web and conduct searches do not take the place of develop-
ing critical thinking skills.
l. If rhythm and blues are your kind of music, try Mary Lou’s.
m. His merry disposition and his success in business makes him popular.
n. The vapors were a Victorian term for hypochondria.
o. Neither the lighting nor the frame display the painting well.
p. Most of the voters supports a reduction in nuclear weapons.
q. Her favorite thing in the whole world were horses.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

English Composition76
Pages 306–312. Before reading “Rambos of the Road,”
scan the characteristics of illustration (pages 309–313). After
reading the essay, study them more carefully. Illustration is
generally used to support a generalization. The text provides
a good explanation and examples. As you read, notice that
using a generalization by itself isn’t an appropriate writing
technique—a generalization must be developed using a pattern
of development, such as illustration, to provide specifics show-
ing how the generalization reflects your purpose.
Pages 313–316. “Sustainability on the Menu,” by editorial
intern Carl Pino, is an example of an illustration essay. The
essay focuses on the ways that select schools and universi-
ties have started programs that supply lunchrooms and
college cafeterias with locally grown organic produce. Other
localized food sustainability programs, like Princeton’s pro-
gram for distributing some excess food to local food shelters,
using other excess food as animal feed, and composting,
also get our attention.
TIP: You might want to spend some time with the graphic
organizer in Figure 13.2 to see how Pino’s essay can be
Pages 317–323. The guided writing assignment on these
pages isn’t required in this course, but you might benefit
from skimming through it.
Pages 323–326. The “Students Write” feature here takes
a critical look at present-day American “female body
obsessions.” You might find it interesting because so many
Americans, nearly all of them women and girls, have eating
disorders. However, be sure to read and analyze this essay
closely to gain its main advantage. Notice the placement of
the thesis statement, the character of the topic sentences,
and the location of a transitional sentence.
Pages 326–330. The section begins with “Reading an
Illustration Essay.” As usual, you’ll want to study this
material carefully before reading and analyzing the essay
by Bill Bryson, “Snoopers at Work.” The topic is disturbing
because the author’s thesis, that employees (and citizens)
are subject to widespread invasions of privacy, is heavily and
effectively illustrated by examples.

Lesson 4 77
Pages 331–335. To explore how illustration can be com-
bined with other patterns of development you’ll read and
analyze an essay by Cristina Rouvalis, “Hey Mom, Dad,
May I Have My Room Back?” It’s all about the sad topic of
“boomerangers.” In our present economic and political envi-
ronment, young people are finding it harder and harder to
find jobs that provide living wages. The sky-rocketing
increase in student loan debt often means that junior
will have to live at home long after graduation.
Required Journal Entry 8: Reflection
Attitude: Now that you’re halfway through your journal assignments, think back to when you
first picked up this study guide and looked at the list of assignments. Do you remember how you
felt? Do you still feel the same way? Describe how your feelings toward English have changed, or
what feelings have stayed the same. (1 paragraph, 5 sentences)
Inventory: Think back to those goals you made for yourself in that first reflective journal entry.
Now that you’ve submitted several assignments, do you feel that you’ve made any improvements
toward meeting them? If not, what goals do you still have to meet? Are there any new goals that
you might now want to make? (1 paragraph, 5 sentences)
Self-Check 15
1. Exercise 13.1, on page 310: Follow the instructions.
2. Exercise 13.3, on page 311: Respond to item 1 only.
3. Review the essay “Snoopers at Work” on pages 328–329. In “Examining the Reading,”
respond to items 1–5.

English Composition78
Self-Check 15
4. Diction and word choice exercise: Each sentence contains an error needing correction
because of misused words, weak diction, shifts in voice (person), or problematic connotation.
Rewrite each sentence correctly.
a. When Americans think of sports, you tend to think of the sports that you see on television
on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
b. In today’s modern world it’s very unusual to find someone who has never told a
deliberate lie.
c. Any reasonable person would recognize this scheme.
d. That lady in the public relations department seems smart, but she never changes her
mind once she says something.
e. The survey evaluated the attitudes of each guy in our department.
f. Swinging his lasso, the calf dived under the cowboy’s legs and escaped.
g. For instance, the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) usually draws
over 100,000 people to your typical race.
h. One reason Jackson was elected president was because he was a popular general.
I. I have difficulty coping and dealing with pressure-type situations.
j. My boss was too cheap to fork over the dough for the new lab equipment.
k. Eying each other by the corral, the hats and boots showed years of wear and tear.
l. The supervisor divided the project between Joe, Dave, and I.
m. The incident was significant in several ways. One of the ways the incident was significant
is that it marked the first time I was totally and completely on my own.
n. In her speech at the department meeting, our supervisor inferred that if production didn’t
increase, a few workers may be dismissed.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

Lesson 4 79
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, in the Successful
College Writing textbook, read Chapter 14, pages 336–371. To
gauge your progress, complete the self-check.
In the world of employment, you’ll find that the techniques
of process analysis are vital to achievement and success. For
example, if you’re an administrative assistant, a salesperson,
or a carpenter, you’ll receive instructions in some form that
tell you what to do and how to do it, whether in a memo, in
person, or in a blueprint. If you’re an office manager, a sales
manager, or a job foreman, you’ll be giving instructions to
others. To properly explain a job or understand what needs
to be done and in what order, you must understand process
There are two basic forms of process analysis. How-to writing is
intended for people who may need guidelines for doing some-
thing or learning something. Instructions for using an
appliance, step-by-step guidelines for responding to an emer-
gency, or tips for taking stains out of clothing illustrate this
kind of process analysis.
Informative process analyses explain how things work or how
they’re done for people who might like to know, even if they
don’t need that information in their everyday lives. A process
explanation of a surgical technique or an anthropologist’s
account of how Cheyenne youth prepare for a vision quest
are examples of this kind of process analysis.
First, read through the “Quick Start” exercise on pages 336–337
and think about how you would complete the exercise.

English Composition80
Pages 338–342. Read “What Is Process Analysis?” Then, read
the essay “How to Interview” provided by It’s an
example of process analysis of the “how-to” variety. Under
“Characteristics of Process Analysis,” on pages 341–342,
study the guidelines for writing a process analysis. Notice that
when a thesis statement is included in a process analysis, it’s
typically devoted to explaining how the process is valuable,
whether it’s a weight-loss diet, an exercise regimen, or an
approach to money management. It’s important to present the
steps or stages in chronological order, define technical terms,
provide detail, and warn of possible trouble spots.
Because your first writing assignment is a process analysis
essay, study each part of this chapter very carefully.
Pages 342–349. After spending some quality time studying
the characteristics of process analysis essays, read the essay
“Inside the Engine,” by Tom and Ray Magliozzi, formerly of
“Car Talk” radio. You’ll find lots of practical “how-to” tips on
auto maintenance presented in the engaging, often amusing
conversational style the “car guys” are famous for. The essay
is followed by a graphic organizer (Figure 14.2 on page 349).
Study it. Then study the section on integrating process
analysis into an essay.
Pages 351–358. Here’s your guided writing assignment for
this chapter. You can choose one of the suggested topics or
one of your choosing. But in either case, you’ll want to make
sure you truly understand what it takes to write a process
analysis essay.
Pages 359–362. An essay by Eric Michalski is featured in
the “Students Write” section for this chapter. It’s all about
how to make chili for a crowd. As you have before, take
advantage of the essay’s autopsy. Note the chronological
sequence of steps. Admire the author’s figures of speech.
Pages 362–367. Read about working with text while reading
a process analysis essay. Then read “Dater’s Remorse,” by
Cindy Chupack. Ms. Chupack is a writer who became the
executive producer of “Sex and the City.” That fact may give
you a hint as to the author’s angle on the precarious game of
dating while in search of an ideal relationship. Enjoy the
writer’s engaging and amusing style. Think about your own
relationships as you decide if the author’s points ring true.

Pages 367–371. To explore how process analysis may be
combined with other patterns of development, read Anne
Lamott’s piece, “Shitty First Drafts.” You may well benefit
from the author’s ideas about how a ragged and wretched
first draft may become a spring board to a “not bad” second
draft and even, in the end, an essay that captures and nails
a thesis in all the right ways.
Self-Check 16
1. Exercise 14.1, on page 343: Draft a working thesis statement for one of the five topics and a
chronological list of the steps on stages of the process.
2. Exercise 14.2, on page 344: List technical terms and definitions for one the three
process topics.
3. Read or reread the essay “Dater’s Remorse” on pages 364–366. On page 366, under
“Examining the Reading,” respond to all four items
4. Read or review the essay, “Shitty First Drafts” on pages 367–369. On page 370, under
“Examining the Reading,” respond to all five items.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.
Lesson 4 81

English Composition82

Lesson 4 Examination:
Process Analysis
Essay Prewriting
To use the first-person pronoun I in an effective manner and
incorporate narrative and descriptive techniques. You’ll use
the process format to create a draft that will eventually be
developed into a lengthier essay.
The topic for this essay is balancing Penn Foster studies with
work and family demands.
This assignment contains two parts. Each part is one para-
graph of no less than 500 words.
Using the narrative or storytelling technique detailed in your
book, you’ll describe, in detail, the stresses you face in daily
life, and then you’ll detail the process of how you cope and
accomplish your schoolwork. You should use a paragraph
structure to plan the narration portion of what will eventually
become your essay in Lesson 5. This part of the assignment
should be at least 500 words.
Next, you’ll use process analysis to describe, through narration,
how you accomplish your weekly scheduling of family, work,
and school. You should again create a paragraph to accomplish
this, and this second paragraph should be at least 500 words.
When completed, you’ll have the two segments that will
eventually help to form your first essay.

Examination, Lesson 484
This is an example of what the description portion might look
My name is Jean. I am in my mid-forties, and I would
never have expected that I would one day have so many
different hats to wear. My husband thought it was a great
idea; he knew that I always wanted to be a real nurse and
that if we hadn’t gotten married so young and I hadn’t put
him through school that I would have been one. He was
so encouraging about it in the beginning. The boys thought
it was cool too; they both said it was going to be fun to
have to nag me to do my homework for a change. So finally,
with my family’s blessing, I decided to go back to school
to get a degree in nursing. When I made the decision,
everyone in my family agreed to do their part to make
sure I would have time to study and get through the
exams successfully. But now, a few months into school,
when I come home from my full-time job as a nurse’s
aide and take off that hat, it seems as though my day
has barely started. With two teenage children living at
home, I must put on my mother’s hat and enforce house-
hold rules, dispense of advice, help with homework, and
occasionally provide a shoulder to cry on. Before my
husband comes home from his job, I have to pop on my
chef’s hat and get dinner started; the maid’s hat will come
out later when I do the family’s laundry and clean the
bathrooms. As if all this weren’t enough, the responsibility
has also fallen to me for looking after my aging mother,
thanks to my sister who can’t even look after herself. Two
or three evenings a week I slip on my daughter’s hat and
make the trip across town to my mother’s house, where I
spend an hour or so paying bills, restocking the cupboards,
and helping with other household chores. At least all I have
to do is light dusting, sitting at the table, and listening to
her talk about her television programs. In between all of
these other pressures on my time, I need to study and
take a test because I got an e-mail and need to attend
another webinar! Sometimes I really don’t know where I
am going to find the time, energy, or money to do all of
this, and I wonder once again if this is really worth it.
When I finally get some time around 11:30 at night, I

Examination, Lesson 4 85
discover that the dog has chewed through my study
guide. Okay, I take a breath because I think I can
remember most of the material, and I log onto the Web
site to take the test. However, when I do I discover that
my son has gotten onto my account and taken the exam.
Of course he failed! The next day when I call the school,
no one there believes me at first, and then I get advise
not to leave my passwords out and that I can retake the
exam in 48 hours. My frustration level has hit a new
high! Once again I am wondering why I am putting
myself through all this.
Here’s an example of what the process portion might look like:
After the first time that rotten dog chewed one of my study
guides and my 13-year-old son took one of my exams
because he wished to be helpful, I realized I needed a better
strategy to accomplish this whole school thing. I mean, I
am organized at work. After all, I need to be because I am a
nurse’s aide and I can’t mess up people’s charts or else I
would get fired. I must be organized in paying my mother’s
bills and taking care of my home finances, or else the bill
collectors will come after me. I make decent meals and
make thought-out grocery lists for both houses because I
only want to go to the store once a week and don’t want to
track back and forth through the aisles and buy impulse
items like I know they want me to. However, I need to
get a plan in place to make this work because this is
important to me. First, I call a family meeting and remind
them about the conversation we had and all the promises
they made before I started school. Next, I decide to
change my password and not leave it lying around so that
my son won’t get at it when he thinks he is trying to help.
Then, I get all my books and put them in one place on a
shelf next to the dining room table. I cannot have my own
room because we can’t afford another computer, but now
everyone knows this is my stuff and no one is supposed
to touch it. I made that fact clear after I yelled at them
during my tirade over the destroyed book and exam my
son took. Next, I ask my husband if he could help with the
cooking or would mind pizza one night a week so I would
have more time to study. Then, I teach my oldest son how

Examination, Lesson 486
to run the washer and dryer; after all he is almost 16, and
if he thinks I am going to follow him to college and do his
laundry he has another thought coming! I cannot do any-
thing about the time I devote to my mom, and I will not
begrudge her that. However, my sister can help a bit more
and has agreed to at least do the shopping and spend one
night a week with her; I’ll still pay the bills because my
sister can’t manage her own finances. Honestly, now that
I have a plan and everyone has agreed to help out more, I
don’t feel so stressed and have a bit more time to study,
so I feel better and think I can accomplish this.
All the assigned readings you’ve been given to date, coupled
with the objective exams, have brought you to the point where
you’re about to submit your first writing assignment. Your
submission will be evaluated according to a predetermined
From this point on, each time you submit a writing assignment,
you’ll have a similar rubric. Working with these rubrics, both
you and your instructors will understand exactly what’s expected.
Therefore, you should have an understanding of what each
of the areas in the rubric mean.
Ideas and content. The essay’s content is clear, original,
and pertains to the assigned subject. In addition, you should
have a well developed thesis that fits the topic, audience, and
purpose of the assignment. There should be enough evidence
(which shouldn’t be researched unless this is part of the
assignment) to help the reader understand the point you’re
making and to keep the reader’s interest.
Organization. All essays need a clear beginning, middle,
and end. Consider each paragraph as a mini-essay, contain-
ing a thesis that’s related to the main purpose of the entire

Examination, Lesson 4 87
essay. Thinking this way can help your essay retain unity
and make sense. Use transitional phrases to ease the move-
ment and make connections between the paragraphs.
Voice. Use first person for personal essays. You want to
connect to your audience and demonstrate that you’re
present in your writing.
Word choice. Don’t, however, use slang, jargon, Internet
abbreviations, or profanity. Remember, these are college-level
essays; you aren’t texting your friends. However, you do
want to write from your heart—don’t use a thesaurus to
find awkward words that you would never use in normal con-
Sentence fluency. Mix your sentence styles. Readers often
dislike reading all short choppy sentences or one big run-on
Conventions. You’ve run a spell check and grammar check,
and you’ve proofread the essay. In addition, you’ve met the
length requirements.
Skill Levels
All these criteria are evaluated according to skill levels. here’s
an explanation of the skill levels:
Skill not evident. If the essay scored in this category, the
assignment either does not include this required element or
severely lacks this trait.
Skill emerging. If the assignment scored in this category,
the writing lacks the trait or is below average for a college-
level paper.
Skills developing. If the essay scored in this category, the
essay shows effort and competence but indicates a lack of
complete understanding or command in this area.
Skill realized. If the assignment scored in this category,
the writing demonstrates that you’re in command of the

To submit the assignment, follow these steps:
1. Type the essay.
2. Save the document.
3. Go to your Student Portal.
4. Go to My Courses.
5. Find the section for this project, and click on the Take
Exam icon.
6. That will bring up a Browse menu. You must then
find where you’ve saved your work in your computer.
The writing should have been saved under your student
number_exam number_last name_first name. Your exam
number for this assignment is 05017700.
7. Click on the exam, and then click on Open.
8. Enter a correct e-mail address.
9. Click on Upload file. There’s no need to worry about the
project sheet. The instructor will add one for you.
10. You’ll receive an e-mail within 24 hours that tells you
the exam has been received. You’ll notice a label indicat-
ing RCD on your record next to that exam until a grade
is posted. Exams are evaluated within five days of
receipt, although sometimes they’re evaluated sooner.
You’ll receive the evaluation and exam with comments
from an instructor by clicking on View Exam Results
once you see your grade posted.
Examination, Lesson 488
Essays must be typed, double-spaced, using a standard 12-point font and left justification. Use 1-
inch margins at the top and bottom and 1.25-inch margins for the left and right sides of the
document. Each page must have a properly formatted header containing your name, student
number, exam number, page number, mailing address, and e-mail address (see page 6 for an
example). Name each document using your student number first, then the six-digit lesson num-
ber, and finally your last name (for example, 23456789_050177 Doe). Save each as “File Type:
Rich Text Format,” regardless of your word-processing program.

Examination, Lesson 4 89
If you choose to mail the project, here’s the address:
Penn Foster
Attn: Student Service Center
925 Oak Street
Scranton, PA 18515-0001
Your instructor will evaluate your prewriting based on the
following criteria.
The Penn Foster
Student Service Center
is under contract with
Penn Foster College.

Examination, Lesson 490
Process Analysis Essay Prewriting
Traits of Good Writing
Review your study guide for an
explanation of the traits.
Skill Not
Ideas and Content
The writer covers the three assigned
areas of his or her life: home, work,
and school. The writer effectively
shows a plan for how he or she
copes with stress and accomplishes
all tasks in a given day.
30 28 26 24 22 15 0
All areas of the writer’s life are
addressed, with specific details for
each given area of his or her life.
25 23 22 21 19 12 0
The writer appropriately interacts
with the assigned audience using
consistent point of view, tone, and
enough evidence to build into a nar-
ration essay. Maintains a clear stance
on the topic.
10 9 8 7 6 4 0
Word Choice
The writer makes correct verb and
word choices, defines any terms that
may be unfamiliar, and conveys a
clear message. Transitional words are
present and used correctly.
10 9 8 7 6 4 0
Grammar and Sentences
The writer uses correct grammar,
spelling, punctuation, and sentence
structure. There are no typographical
10 9 8 7 6 4 0
There are two sections containing at
least 500 words in each section. The
writer uses a standard font and mar-
gins and includes all necessary
header information.
15 14 13 12 11 8 0
Exam number: Exam Grade:
Date of evaluation: Evaluated by:
Important note: Along the right-hand side of your evaluated exam, you should see marginal or “bubble”
comments from your instructor. You should also see a series of highlighted numbers in the evaluation chart
identifying the rating you earned on each trait. If you don’t see this feedback, click on the “View” tab and
“Print Layout,” or click on “Review” and the option “Final Showing Markup.” If you still cannot see the
feedback, please contact the school for the complete evaluation.

Lesson 5 Examination:
Process Analysis Essay
To prepare a process analysis essay of 1,000–1,200 words
incorporating narration and description, and using elements
from the Prewriting for Process Analysis Essay assignment.
The topic for this essay is the same as that of the prewriting
assignment: Balancing Penn Foster studies with work and
family demands.
Using your prewriting, merge your description and process into
an essay of 1,000–1,200 words (approximately five paragraphs)
that would help other students understand the stresses they
may face when taking online courses but also give them hope
that they can accomplish the task. Use the comments from
your instructor and your textbook information on editing and
transitions to merge the two segments into one document.

Examination, Lesson 592
To submit the assignment, follow these steps:
1. Type the essay.
2. Save the document.
3. Go to your Student Portal.
4. Go to My Courses.
5. Find the section for this project.
6. Click on the Take Exam icon.
7. That will bring up a Browse menu. You must then
find where you’ve saved your work in your computer.
The writing should have been saved under your student
number_exam number_last name_first name. Your exam
number for this assignment is 05017800.
8. Click on the exam.
9. Click on Open.
10. Enter a correct e-mail address.
11. Click on Upload file.
12. There’s no need to worry about the project sheet. The
instructor will add one for you.
13. You’ll receive an e-mail within 24 hours that tells you
the exam has been received. You’ll notice a label indicat-
ing RCD on your record next to that exam until a grade
is posted.
14. Exams are evaluated within five days of receipt, although
sometimes they’re evaluated sooner.
Essays must be typed, double-spaced, using a standard 12-point font and left justification. Use 1-
inch margins at the top and bottom and 1.25-inch margins for the left and right sides of the
document. Each page must have a properly formatted header containing your name, student
number, exam number, page number, mailing address, and e-mail address (see page 6 for an
example). Name each document using your student number first, then the six-digit lesson num-
ber, and finally your last name (for example, 23456789_050177 Doe). Save each as “File Type:
Rich Text Format,” regardless of your word-processing program.

Examination, Lesson 5 93
15. You’ll receive the evaluation and exam with comments
from an instructor by clicking on View Exam Results
once you see your grade posted.
If you choose to mail the project, here’s the address:
Penn Foster
Student Service Center
925 Oak Street
Scranton, PA 18515-0001
Your instructor will evaluate your prewriting based on the
following criteria.
The Penn Foster
Student Service Center
is under contract with
Penn Foster College.

Examination, Lesson 594
Traits of Good Writing
Review your study guide for an
explanation of the traits.
Skill Not
Ideas and Content
The writer applies the suggestions
from the prewriting exercise. There is
a clear combination of both narration
and process analysis.
30 28 26 24 22 15 0
There is a clear thesis statement and
introductory paragraph. There is a
clear beginning, middle, and conclu-
sion to the essay.
25 23 22 21 19 12 0
The writer addresses the audience
clearly and correctly. The writer
remains consistent in his or her point
of view and maintains the correct
10 9 8 7 6 4 0
Word Choice
The writer makes correct word and
verb choices. The writer defines any
terms that may have been unfamiliar.
The writer is precise in what he or
she is trying to say and conveys a
clear message.
10 9 8 7 6 4 0
Grammar and Sentences
The writer uses correct grammar,
spelling, punctuation, and sentence
structure. There are no typographical
10 9 8 7 6 4 0
The student meets the required
essay length of 1,000–1,200 words.
The student uses a standard font
and margins. All the required infor-
mation for the header is included.
15 14 13 12 11 8 0
Exam number: Exam Grade:
Date of evaluation: Evaluated by:
Important note: Along the right-hand side of your evaluated exam, you should see marginal or “bubble”
comments from your instructor. You should also see a series of highlighted numbers in the evaluation chart
identifying the rating you earned on each trait. If you don’t see this feedback, click on the “View” tab and
“Print Layout,” or click on “Review” and the option “Final Showing Markup.” If you still cannot see the
feedback, please contact the school for the complete evaluation.
Process Analysis Essay



Moving from Comparison to
Classification and Division
In this lesson, we’ll examine several more patterns of develop-
ment. You’ve probably been practicing writing and exploring
various approaches to writing since at least junior high, so
these techniques will no doubt look familiar. Our purpose is
to help you build on what you know and to improve your
writing in preparation for real-world communication
requirements, as well as college writing.
When you complete this lesson, you’ll be able to
n Define comparing and contrasting as a pattern
of development
n Apply the techniques of comparing and contrasting
n Explain the characteristics of classification and division
n Use classification and division in your writing
n Discuss the use of definition as a writing technique
n Employ simple and extended definitions in your essays
n Explain the use of causal analysis to show how one
action or event leads to another

English Composition96
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, in the Successful
College Writing textbook, read Chapter 15, pages 372–407. To
gauge your progress, complete the self-check.
To compare is to point out similarities; to contrast is to point
out differences. As you approach a writing assignment, you
need to be able to do both. For instance, in an essay on
fruit production, you might recognize ways that oranges and
lemons are similar: both of them are citrus fruits that pro-
duce juice and have flavorful rinds. You could then contrast
them in terms of color, sweetness, and typical uses for each
in the American diet.
Comparing and contrasting should make a point. For example,
a comparison and contrast of two political parties may seek
to prove that one party is more progressive or conservative
than another. In a similar sense, comparing and contrasting
a vegetarian diet with one containing meat may be used to
support a thesis on the health benefits of one or the other.
The “Quick Start” for this chapter, on page 372, asks you to
compare and contrast the experience of actually playing golf
on an actual golf course and playing simulated golf using
Nintendo Wii. The exercise consists of making two lists—one
listing the similarities (comparisons) and one listing the dif-
ferences (contrasts) between the two kinds of experience.
Pages 374–381. While distinguishing between similarities
and differences isn’t difficult, writing effective comparisons
and contrasts requires discrimination, balance, flow, and all
the other characteristics of good writing. It also requires
organization, of which there are two types—point-by-point
and subject-by-subject.
For example, imagine you’re looking at two photographs
depicting a scene from a wedding. In one, you see the full
“Hollywood” church-wedding fantasy. The bride wears a
wedding gown. She is attended by bridesmaids while a
young girl holds the train of her dress. The groom wears a
tuxedo. The nuptial pair stands before an altar where a
priest or pastor stands ready to officiate. The second photo
When something
can be read with-
out effort, great
effort has gone
into its writing.
—Enrique Jardiel

Lesson 6 97
is of a couple standing before a justice of the peace. The
bride wears a tailored suit, as does the groom. The room
looks rather like an office, and there are no witnesses. You
could use a point-by-point approach to compare the attire
of the two brides, the attire of the bridesmaids, or the
nature of the audience, then contrast the settings of the two
wedding scenarios. Or you could use a subject-by subject
approach in which you would describe key facets of the first
photo, and then detail the contrast in the second photo.
You decide which approach to use based on your purpose
and on the parallelism of the shared characteristics—that
is, you may not be able to make a one-to-one correlation for
all the same points for each item. What if the justice of the
peace wedding photo remained as it is but the church wed-
ding photo depicted the reception for the newly married
pair? Although you would probably draw similar conclu-
sions about the similarities and differences, you would
describe each photo separately (subject-by-subject).
The text provides two essays that can help you understand
these organizational patterns. As you read, note how the
specific examples keep the reader’s attention and how the
transitional devices guide the reader from one point or sub-
ject to the next (from paragraph to paragraph). You may be
fascinated by “Amusing Ourselves to Depth: Is The Onion
Our Most Intelligent Newspaper?” by Greg Beato. The essay
explores the reasons why a newspaper spun of laugh-out-
loud satire and devoted to fake news (reflecting actual news)
remains both popular and financially solvent. If you con-
clude from this essay that humor is a missing ingredient in
present-day mainstream journalism, you’ve recognized one
of the author’s main points—especially if you’re a fan of
The Daily Show and The Colbert Report.
“Dearly Disconnected” uses subject-by-subject. In a person-
alized, nostalgic way, Ian Frazier first discusses his love of
pay phones. He then describes the loss of that romance
with the cell phone as its usurper.
Pages 382–384. As with any other pattern of development,
the comparison or contrast essay requires a clear purpose.
Just as important, however, is identifying the basis of com-
parison. If you were using the topic “means of transportation,”

English Composition98
you would first establish the specific items to be compared or
contrasted, such as rail travel with air travel. Then you would
determine the basis of comparison, such as differences in cost
or time.
Next, you must identify in a thesis the main point you want to
make through your comparison. Why do you want to contrast
rail versus air travel? Perhaps you’re trying to persuade readers
who are planning a vacation to choose air travel. You might
explain the cost and time benefits to convince your readers.
However, if you want to convince vacationers to consider rail,
you might describe its lively engagement with workers and
fellow travelers and the enjoyment of scenic beauty. A possible
thesis might be “Although air travel is touted as the most
efficient way to get to a destination, rail travel underscores the
beauty of the journey itself.” This thesis contains the subjects
of air and rail travel, identifies contrast through the use of
although, and suggests the main point of enjoying the travel
itself. Study the examples of thesis statements on page 381,
which make the contrast or comparison meaningful and
The student essay by Christine Lee, which you studied earlier
in your textbook, involved two types of television program-
ming. Initially, she began developing an essay trying to show
the differences between TV before reality shows with all reality
shows (excluding Survivor). As she worked through the writ-
ing process, she noticed that her purpose and basis for
comparison were unclear. She decided that she wanted to
describe the ways the reality show Survivor is one
of a kind, despite all the copycats. She used comparison/
contrast as a supporting pattern of development to prove
that idea, using a subject-by-subject pattern for most of her
Consider the subjects of situation comedies versus dramas.
Two possible bases of comparison could be the complexity
of plots and timeliness, with a possible thesis of “Situation
comedies and drama in popular television programming each
provide a break from the stresses of daily living, but situation
comedies deal with timeless human foibles and thus are a more
positive antidote to stress than drama.”

Lesson 6 99
Pages 382–383. Figure 12.1, on page 382, provides a graphic
organizer for point-by-point organization of an essay. Figure 12.2
on the next page charts a subject-by-subject design. Even if
your learning style isn’t spatial-visual, you’ll benefit from
studying the two kinds of graphic organizers. Notice that if
parallel comparisons/contrasts can’t be laid out in a point-by
point essay, it’s best to use a subject-by-subject approach.
Pages 384–385. Carefully study the guide for integrating com-
parison and contrast into an essay. The five points of this
development style will help you use these techniques in an
effective essay.
Pages 385–392. Take a moment to read through the “Guided
Writing Assignment,” because it reinforces the characteristics
of this pattern of development in terms of the writing choices
you must make, providing additional examples and explana-
tion. Carefully study the editing and proofreading tips on
pages 380 and 392.
Pages 393–395. Your “Students Write” feature for this
chapter is “Border Bites” by first-year writing student
Heather Glanakos. The analysis for this piece highlights
the author’s thesis, which appears as the final sentence
of her first paragraph. Note the highlighting of the prime
subjects of her essay—Mexican and Southwestern cuisine.
Pages 395–403. After carefully studying the “Working with
Text” material, read the comparison and contrast essay by
Daniel Golman, Ph.D., “His Marriage and Hers: Childhood
Roots.” Golman is probably best known as the author of
“Emotional Intelligence.” This essay explores research and
studies that inform us that girls and boys are literally
brought up in different cultures. You’ll see many points of
comparison that illustrate that assertion as you read the
essay. The point of the essay is that husbands and wives
live in different emotional realities. They speak different
emotional languages. That would explain a lot about the
“battle of the sexes.”
Pages 403–407. To explore how comparison and contrast
may be combined with other patterns of development, read,
“Defining a Doctor, with a Tear, a Shrug, and a Schedule,” by
Abigail Zuger. It gives some insight into the attitude changes
that accompany different stages in the training and expecta-
tions of medical students.

English Composition100
Required Journal Entry 9: Comparison and Contrast
Review Abigail Zuger’s “Defining a Doctor, with a Tear, a Shrug, and a Schedule” on pages
403–405. Describe an experience you’ve had with a doctor or other medical professional.
(1 paragraph, 5 sentences)
Compare/contrast: List the similarities and the differences of your own experience, showing
how they match up with the work of the two doctors described in Zuger’s article. (2 paragraphs, 5
Self-Check 17
1. Essay by Abigail Zuger on pages 403–405: “Examining the Reading”: Respond to items 1–4
in writing. Look up unfamiliar terms in item 5. “Analyzing the Reading”: Respond to all five
2. Comparison-contrast exercise: The table that follows on the next page compares and
contrasts the competence of the writer’s listening skills in two conversations, the first with
her good friend Kim and the second with a supervisor. The writer’s name is Jill.
n Establish a thesis informing Jill’s instructor about Jill’s competency in listening skills.
(Remember a good comparison-contrast thesis identifies the subjects; designates focus,
whether on similarities, differences, or both; and states the usefulness and/or interest of
the information.)
n Choose either point-by-point or subject-by-subject organization and explain your choice.
n Draft one or two paragraphs according to your organizational choice.

Lesson 6 101
Self-Check 17
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.
Points of comparison—
listening skills
Conversation with Kim
Conversation with
Leaned forward most of
conversation without hunching
shoulders or slouching; nodded
my head several times
Began sitting straight up; most
of conversation leaning backward
though shoulders straight; shook
head no
Facial expressions
Smiling in response to joke;
frowning at unhappy remark;
eyes opened wide at a surpris-
ing statement
Frowned frequently; squinted
my eyes with uncertainty; fore-
head wrinkled
Eye contact
Generally held about eight sec-
onds before breaking slightly
and reengaging; couple times
did look at the clock in between.
First minute held about five
seconds before break-off but
rest of time only one-second
glances; looked mostly at wall
of photos above her left shoulder
or at my lap
Hands clapped with delight a
couple times; fidgeted with the
TV remote some of the time
(though I didn’t turn the TV on)
Twisted my hands together
several times; put hands in my
pocket briefly; crossed arms
over my chest for great deal
of time

English Composition102
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, in the Successful
College Writing textbook, read Chapter 16, pages 408–439. To
test your progress, complete the self-check.
In general, classification sorts individual people, ideas, or things
into specific groups or categories, while division begins with
a single item and breaks it down into parts or subcategories.
For example, taxonomy, a classification system for identifying
organisms, was developed by Carolus Linnaeus in the 1700s.
Living things are grouped under major categories, from
kingdom to phylum, class, order, family, genus, and finally,
species. Humans belong to the phylum Chordata, animals
with backbones, and by genus and species are named Homo
sapiens. But how does classification and division apply to
People naturally divide their world and their experience into
parts in an effort to simplify and make sense of it. Such a
task often involves analysis, which takes the parts and con-
siders the relationship of each part to the others and to the
whole. When you revise, you analyze the parts of your essay
in this manner.
When you use classification and division, you divide your
information into parts to help your reader understand and
absorb it. For example, the first line in Julius Caesar’s
Commentaries on the Gallic War is “All Gaul is divided into
three parts.” With this type of opening, the reader immedi-
ately knows how the material will be presented and will look
for the breakdown of the material into three parts, as well.
Remember, the main purpose of classification and division is
to clarify subject matter. Both operations organize your ideas
so you can present them clearly.
Pages 408–409. Turn to the “Quick Start” exercise on page
409. The “Quick Start” exercise asks you to consider how you
would group categories in retail displays or on websites for
the convenience of customers or browsers. Interpret the
“Swiss Army” personalities; then apply the same idea to
yourself and several people you know well. This is a fun
way to begin classifying and dividing into categories.

Lesson 6 103
Pages 410–419. Read the textbook’s introduction to
classification and division. Skim through the identifying char-
acteristics and then read “My Secret Life on the McJob.” As
you read this essay, notice the one principle the author’s clas-
sification follows: managerial styles are applied to the category
managers. (For a division essay, an author might examine one
type of manager and break it into components.)
After reading the first essay, study the characteristics more
carefully. The most important step for using this pattern is
to narrow your topic to one principle under one category.
On pages 413–414, the text explains using “birds” as a topic.
One category under “birds” is their diet, of which there are
several types. The word types indicates that you’ll be using
classification, because you aren’t dividing the bird into its
parts. On the other hand, you could choose a single type of
diet and break that into its parts using division. You proba-
bly can see that if you don’t first identify one principle, you
could waste time exploring ideas and gathering information
you won’t be able to use.
Consider the topic of “sports teams.” If you brainstormed on
this topic, you might generate a list of football leagues,
hockey penalties, equestrian competitions, offensive versus
defensive basketball strategies, coaches, and baseball players’
RBIs. Any one of these represents a principle of organization.
How do you decide which one to use? Your choice must be
based on your purpose and the interests of your audience.
Suppose you wish to encourage more teenagers to try a
sport. Although you could describe each sport in general,
you would be merely tossing handfuls of information at your
readers—the teens—without their knowing why they should
care. Instead, identify the organizing principle underlying the
purpose and audience. If you determine that most teens
believe previous training in a sport is required, classify the
sports according to the skill level required to join each one.
If your topic is “fast-food restaurants,” one principle of classi-
fication could be “wait time,” for which you would establish
categories of wait times and sort the various restaurants into
one of those categories. (When classifying, you can assign each
item or person to only one category.) If you’re a shift manager
writing the owner of your franchise, you might classify a series
of shifts according to the wait time to persuade the supervisor
to approve hiring additional personnel for a particular shift.

English Composition104
(Notice that you could incorporate comparison-contrast
strategies to develop that purpose further.) If you were writing
a news article for the lunch-hour crowd, however, you would
classify several fast-food restaurants according to their wait
time during 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. to help readers choose the one
best meeting their needs. Other principles of organization on
the topic might be store layouts, nutrition, or service. Again,
the key is to focus your topic on one principle.
Pages 417–419. These pages present another example
of a classification/division essay, “A Brush with Reality:
Surprises in the Tube.” Study the graphic organizer for
this essay on page 419.
Pages 420–431. Skim through the “Guided Writing
Assignment” to reinforce what you’ve read, and note the edit-
ing tips on pages 425 and 428. Then read the student essay
“Immigration: Legal and Illegal.” Identify the basis or princi-
ple of classification, the categories used, and any other
patterns of development he integrates into his essay.
Pages 432–437. Read the material on reading a classifica-
tion or division essay. Then read “The Dog Ate my Flash
Drive, and Other Tales of Woe,” by Carolyn Foster Segal. As
you evaluate the essay, keep in mind that the English profes-
sor’s essay combines classification with description and
illustration. Take a look at the boxed display in page 437 to
see the types of support given for each of the five categories,
from “family” to “The Totally Bizarre.”

Lesson 6 105
Self-Check 18
1. Exercise 16.2, on page 415: For the topics “novels” and “academic subjects,” choose a
principle of classification or division.
2. Essay “Immigration: Legal and Illegal” on pages 429–431. Respond to all four items under
“Thinking Critically.”
3. Classification revision exercise: This exercise has been adapted from “Module 7:
Classification and Division Essay” by Camille Willingham of Kennedy-King College.
1. The thesis statement for the essay containing the following paragraph is “One attractive
way to have fun exists in the free-admission shopping mall.” What might be the organizing
principle and categories for this essay?
2. Identify the topic sentence of the following paragraph and reorganize its sentences into a
more coherent, logical order for that topic sentence. Delete any sentences that don’t fit
with the topic sentence.
They come to “pick up chicks,” to “meet guys,” and just to “hang out.” Mall
managers have obviously made a decision to attract all this teenage activity.
The guys saunter by in sneakers, T-shirts, and blue jeans, complete with a
package of cigarettes sticking out of a pocket. Traveling in a gang that
resembles a wolf pack, the teenagers make the shopping mall their hunting
ground. The girls stumble along in high-heeled shoes and daring tank tops,
with a hairbrush tucked snugly in the rear pocket of their tight-fitting
designer jeans. The kids’ raised voices, loud laughter, and occasional
shouted obscenities can be heard from as far as half a mall away.

English Composition106
Self-Check 18
3. Identify two sentences from the following which could be used as the topic sentences for
two supporting paragraphs that develop the thesis.
a. For many people, “fun” involves getting out of the house, seeing other people,
having something interesting to look at, and enjoying a choice of activities,
all at a reasonable price.
b. The mall provides something special for every member of the family.
c. Mall managers have obviously made a decision to attract all this teenage activity.
d. Couples find fun of another sort at shopping malls.
e. Mom walks through a fabric store, running her hand over the soft velvets
and slippery silks.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

Lesson 6 Examination:
Classification and Division
Essay Prewriting
You’ll use a graphic organizer to prewrite a classification/
division assignment around a selected topic from the given
list. The prewriting will demonstrate an understating of this
method of categorization and arrangement. This information
should come from your own knowledge on the topic. No out-
side research should be used.
You will choose one of the following topic areas. Review the
graphic organizer on page 416. The graphic organizer that
you create doesn’t need to have boxed outlines or arrows,
but it should show your organization.
Choose one of the following topics, and divide it into classes.
n Sports, either general or types of fans
n Genres of movies, television shows, or video games
n Animals, either general or one specific breed
n Illnesses, either general or a specific illness
n Parenting styles
As an example, the following is a graphic organizer for the
topic “Types of Food.”
Essays must be typed, double-spaced, using a standard 12-point font
and left justification. Use 1-inch margins at the top and bottom and
1.25-inch margins for the left and right sides of the document. Each
page must have a properly formatted header containing your name,
student number, exam number, page number, mailing address, and
e-mail address (see page 6 for an example). Name each document
using your student number first, then the six-digit lesson number,
and finally your last name (for example, 23456789_050177 Doe).
Save each as “File Type: Rich Text Format,” regardless of your word-
processing program.

English Composition108
Submitting Your Assignment
To submit the assignment, follow these steps:
1. Type the graphic organizer.
2. Save the document.
3. Go to your Student Portal.
Title: Types of Food
Topic announcement: Restaurants
Introduction Background: Dieting is more difficult when eating out.
Thesis statement: Watching one’s diet is far more difficult when dining
out, especially when eating out more than eating at home.
Burger King and McDonald’s; Burgers and fries,
basic kind of chain everyone is familiar with; too
much sodium.
Taco Bell: Mexican and other cultural restaurants;
Drive-thru Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts: Coffee and donuts,
on-the-run convenience
Good things: Convenience, speed, consistency,
usually friendly, clean, and open most of the
time. Bad issues: Salt, fat, sometimes not clean,
sometimes staffed by teens or others that don’t
Body Paragraphs seem to really care.
Outback: Popular steak and potato chain
Olive Garden: Italian; Chinese: good food,
relatively inexpensive
Good things: Once again, chains are familiar,
consistent, and have standards to meet. Bad
issues: Often processed, microwaved food.
Portions are too large.
Silver diners or bowling alley: Family style and
greasy spoons, but when you want to spend time
Homestyle/fancy with friends, this is where you go.
Five-star dining: Has a reputation for special
Local hangouts are inexpensive but often serve large portions and fried
food. Expensive places may serve smaller portions but may add high-
Conclusion calorie sauces.
Every type of eating establishment has pitfalls for a dieter. There are
trade-offs for convenience, price, companionship, and enjoyment of special

Lesson 6 109
4. Go to My Courses.
5. Find the section for this project.
6. Click on the Take Exam icon.
7. That will bring up a Browse menu. You must then
find where you’ve saved your work in your computer.
The organizer should have been saved under your student
number_exam number_last name_first name. Your exam
number for this assignment is 05017900.
8. Click on the exam.
9. Click on Open.
10. Enter a correct e-mail address.
11. Click on Upload file.
12. There’s no need to worry about the project sheet. The
instructor will add one for you.
13. You’ll receive an e-mail within 24 hours that tells you
the exam has been received. You’ll notice a label indicat-
ing RCD on your record next to that exam until a grade
is posted.
14. Exams are evaluated within five days of receipt, although
sometimes they’re evaluated sooner.
15. You’ll receive the evaluation and exam with comments
from an instructor by clicking on View Exam Results
once you see your grade posted.
If you choose to mail the project, here’s the address:
Penn Foster
Student Service Center
925 Oak Street
Scranton, PA 18515-0001
Evaluation Rubric
Your instructor will evaluate your prewriting based on the
following criteria.
The Penn Foster
Student Service Center
is under contract with
Penn Foster College.

English Composition110
Traits of Good Writing
Review your study guide for an
explanation of the traits.
Skill Not
Ideas and Content
The writer has chosen one of the
assigned topics. The essay has at
least three categories with at least
three characteristics for each. The
writer provides content that can
effectively be worked into a classifi-
cation and division essay.
30 28 26 24 22 15 0
The writer fills in each of the boxes
with a phrase or sentence. A complete
thesis statement is present, and the
conclusion reworks the thesis.
25 23 22 21 19 12 0
The writer appropriately interacts
with the assigned audience by using
consistent point of view, tone, and
enough evidence to build into a clas-
sification and division essay. The
writer maintains a clear stance on
the topic.
10 9 8 7 6 4 0
Word Choice
The writer makes correct verb and
word choices, defines any terms that
may have been unfamiliar, and con-
veys a clear message. Transitional
words are present and used correctly.
10 9 8 7 6 4 0
Grammar and Sentences
The writer uses correct grammar,
spelling, punctuation, and sentence
structure. There are no typographical
10 9 8 7 6 4 0
The student uses an appropriate
graphic organizer. All the required
header information is present.
15 14 13 12 11 8 0
Exam number: Exam Grade:
Date of evaluation: Evaluated by:
Important note: Along the right-hand side of your evaluated exam, you should see marginal or “bubble”
comments from your instructor. You should also see a series of highlighted numbers in the evaluation chart
identifying the rating you earned on each trait. If you don’t see this feedback, click on the “View” tab and
“Print Layout,” or click on “Review” and the option “Final Showing Markup.” If you still cannot see the
feedback, please contact the school for the complete evaluation.
Classification and Division Prewriting



Classification and Division
In this lesson, we’ll examine still more patterns of development,
as we continue to help you build on what you know and to
improve your writing in preparation for college writing and
real-world communication.
When you complete this lesson, you’ll be able to
n Define cause-and-effect as a pattern of development,
and apply its techniques
n Effectively integrate definition into your writing
n Employ classification in a cause-and-effect essay
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, in the Successful
College Writing textbook, read Chapter 17, pages 440–471.
American psychologist and philosopher William James said
our consciousness is always engaged in sorting out the “bloom-
ing, buzzing confusion” of the sensory world. Language is a
vital tool in this struggle to adapt to events and mental
impressions. Through language, we share a code that names
persons, places, and things and permits people to define
relationships among all of these. For example, in the
Required Journal Entry 10: Classification and Division
Review “Generating Ideas” on pages 421–423. Using either Method 1
or Method 2, explore the reasons students may be tempted to cheat
on one or more assignments in their college program. Whichever
method you choose, identify the principle of classification or division
and devise a set of categories or parts in which you list the exam-
ples, situations, or other details you would use to describe each
category or part. You may simulate a graphic organizer.

English Composition112
American kinship system, the word uncle is defined as the
brother of a person’s mother or father. Words like here or
there indicate places. Rose and anvil designate things.
In writing, language may be used to provide extended defini-
tions. An extended definition should follow a theme and
have a purpose. Consider, for example, the concept of the
freegans, which is the topic of one of your readings in this
chapter. A simple definition doesn’t suffice for a person who
has never heard of a freegan. An extended definition like the
one offered by Jan Goodwin in her essay, not only defines the
concept, but also describes freegans through extended exam-
ples, especially in the case of Leia MonDragon. A surprising
finding in the piece is that people who systematically live on
the food people throw away are generally quite healthy. As
you’ll see, definition is one more pattern of development that
may be used alone or in conjunction with others, such as
narration or comparing and contrasting.
Pages 440–441. As you can see from the “Quick Start”
exercise on page 463, definition requires interpretation. You
can’t define something you don’t understand. Because words
are our tools for both interpreting and defining things, defini-
tions require effective writing.
Pages 442–449. A formal definition (1) states the term, (2)
identifies the general nature of the term by placing it in a
class, and (3) differentiates the term from other terms in the
same class. Identifying the nature of a term and differentiat-
ing it may remind you of the classification and division pattern
of development. These strategies are part of writing a definition.
However, defining focuses on a specific term (instead of ana-
lyzing the entire category) and identifies the ways the term is
unique in that category. For example, while reviewing a student
draft, Jack found himself confused by the way Alana used the
term animal in her essay because she seemed to have a
more narrow view of the term than he had as a science
major. After discussing the matter, Alana decided to include
a definition in her essay so her readers would know what she
meant by animal whenever she used it: An animal is a living
creature that moves and ingests food through its mouth. The
term is animal; it’s placed in the class of living creature and
is differentiated from other living creatures according to

Lesson 7 113
movement and food ingestion. Although Jack felt her defini-
tion was unscientific, he agreed that once he knew what
Alana meant, he could better understand her essay.
A definition addresses the reader’s need for clarity. A definition
essay focuses solely on the class and differentiating character-
istics of the term and therefore is considered an “extended”
definition. Of course, your essay must have a point for
developing the definition, such as correcting misconceptions
some readers might have about the term. An extended-
definition essay almost always uses other patterns of develop-
ment that clarify the uniqueness and the specific nature of
the term, particularly through illustrations.
Review the text’s introduction to definition essays, and, before
reading the sample essay “Freegans: They Live on What We
Throw Away,” skim through the characteristics of this pattern.
(Then, study those more closely after reading the essay.)
Read pages 452–453, “Integrating Definitions into an Essay.”
Flag page 452 because the instructions establish four kinds of
terms you should define no matter what the essay’s purpose or
pattern of development is. The need to define technical and
abstract terms may be obvious, particularly for an audience
unaware of the jargon. Although defining judgmental and
controversial terms requires a bit more reflection, they’re
perhaps the more important ones to define. For example, if
you use the term slow learners in your writing, you need
to clarify your use of it because for most readers the term
implies a negative judgment. The same applies to words like
feminism, which carries different implications (and connota-
tions) for different readers.
By referring to these categories whenever you write something,
particularly for the other courses in your degree program, your
instructor will see that you understand the concepts and know
how to avoid misconceptions.
Pages 451–453. The essay by Mike Crissey, “Dude, Do You
Know What You Just Said?” is an amusing and fascinating
piece on the evolution of the “dude” concept as our culture
becomes increasingly youth centered. Following the essay,
be sure to think carefully about integrating definitions into an
essay. Think about the four tips on page 452 to differentiate
judgmental, technical, abstract, and controversial terms. Study
the graphic organizer for the “Dude” essay in Figure 17.2
on page 453.

English Composition114
Pages 454–461. Scan the “Guided Writing Assignment.” Look
through all of it but pay special attention to the editing and
proofreading tips on page 460–461.
Pages 461–471. The “Students Write” section for this chapter
features an essay by Kate Atkinson, “Guerilla Street Art: A
New Use of Public Space,” on pages 461–463. Note the high-
lighted words and passages in the essay while you analyze
the reading. Having done that, proceed to the section under
“Reading Definitions” before your read and analyze the rather
disturbing essay by Jessica Ramirez on pages 466–469, “The
Appeal—and Danger—of War Porn.” You’ll want to spend some
time thinking about the messages conveyed by the shocking
photo on page 468.
Required Journal Entry 11: Classification and Division
Think about the information you’ve read concerning definition, classification, and division. How
would you define or classify yourself? As you freewrite, consider all your aspects, including your
roles, personality, background, and experiences.
Self-Check 19
1. Exercise 17.1, on page 448: Define two of the five terms.
2. Exercise 17.2, on page 448: Based on Exercise 17.1, write an explanation for how you might
use other patterns of development in an extended definition.
3. Exercise 17.4, on page 449: Following the instructions for the exercise, respond to items 1
(dance) and 4 (a term related to an academic course), being sure you correct misconceptions
and use negation in an extended definition.

Lesson 7 115
Self-Check 19
4. After reviewing the essay by Jessica Ramirez on pages 467–469, turn to page 469. Respond
to all four items under “Examining the Reading.” Then turn to page 470 and respond to all six
items under “Thinking Critically about Text and Images.”
5. Word-choice revision exercise: In each of the following items, correct errors in word
choice, including everyday expressions, slang, and other informal terms.
a. My family lived in Trinidad for the first ten years of my life, and we went through a lot;
but when we came to America, we thought we had it made.
b. Only recently have ladies landed seats on the Supreme Court.
c. The Democrats are plotting and conspiring on a new education bill.
d. Last night, a group of firemen came into the emergency room with minor scrapes
and burns.
e. Every doctor in the emergency room performs his job under tremendous pressure.
f. The totally weird practice of trepanation, which involves drilling a hole in a person’s skull,
has found modern supporters in today’s society.
g. Ancient people may have used trepanation to relieve pressure from head injuries, or
perhaps it is possible that they thought it was a headache cure.
h. We’re not talking about accidents here; these holes were intentionally drilled.
i. Trepanation supporters are perhaps not playing with a full deck, but they insist that
having a hole drilled in one’s skull produces a permanent euphoria.
j. The International Trepanation Advocacy Group is aware of the fact that many people find
trepanation very uniquely disturbing.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

English Composition116
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, in the Successful
College Writing textbook, read Chapter 18, pages 472–509. To
test your progress, complete the self-check.
Isaac Newton’s third law of motion, based on scientific princi-
ples, states that for every action, there’s an equal and
opposite reaction. “The price of Bride Electronics stock will
rise if the company merges with Canberra Enterprises.” This
statement is an opinion, probably based on research and prior
learning. “Whenever I watch The Wizard of Oz, I think of my
childhood in Kansas.” This statement refers to a subjective
response to a film and applies to only one individual. Each
statement, in its own way, is an example of cause and effect.
Pages 472–473. Imagination is among any writer’s most
valuable tools. In this “Quick Start” exercise, your assignment
is to imagine what led to the scene in the photo on page 472.
What could have been the cause, or sequence of causes,
that led to this apparent disaster? Consider several
possible scenarios.
Page 474. A cause-and-effect essay, also called a causal
analysis, is sometimes intended as an argument that supports
a set of observations, identifying a particular cause or sequence
of causes. In other cases, a causal analysis is intended to
inform readers. Read the information in this section as an
introduction to this pattern of development.
Pages 475–477. Read “Can Diet Help Stop Depression and
Violence” by Jurriaan Kamp.
Pages 477–482. The characteristics of properly written
cause-and-effect essays are explained. Note that effects
may have multiple causes. Poverty, for example, results from
factors (variables) that can include age, parent education,
quality of education, and racial discrimination, to name a
few. But apparent causes may be misleading. For example, if
ice cream consumption is statistically related to higher crime
rates, one could conclude that ice cream promotes criminal
behavior when, in fact, it’s warmer temperatures that are
among the causal factors leading to both higher crime rates
and higher levels of ice-cream consumption.

Lesson 7 117
There are three general approaches in a causal analysis. First,
a cause-and-effect essay may focus on one or more causes
with respect to an effect, or it may explore how a cause, such
as poor health in children, may produce multiple effects,
such as poor reading skills, absenteeism, and disruptive
behavior. Second, an essay may explore chains of events.
For example, low self-esteem in a child may produce asocial
behavior. Asocial behavior, in turn, may lead to delinquency,
and so on. A third approach may explore multiple causes and
effects. Figures 18.1, 18.2, and 18.3 are graphic organizers
for cause-and-effect essays.
Pages 496–498. Read the “Students Write” essay, “An Early
Start,” by Harley Tong. The author specifies the causes for his
decision to leave high school and move on to community college.
Be sure to appraise the essay following the steps on page 498.
Pages 498–509. Under the heading “Reading Cause-and-
Effect Essays,” you’ll encounter two essays. After working
through the material on “Working with Text” and “Thinking
Critically about Cause and Effect,” read the causal analysis
essay by Courtney E. Martin on pages 500–502. “Why Class
Matters in Campus Activism” raises thorny questions. The
springboard question is this: Why is student activism so
much more robust in the United Kingdom than it is in the
United States? In partial response to that question, you’ll be
challenged to think about the role of social class in either
country. And you may wonder why British student are more
tuned into basic economic and social inequality issues.
The second essay, “Hitting the ‘Granite Wall,’” by Gary M.
Stern, raises another social issue. Why is it the case that
white Americans are disproportionately represented in cor-
porate management? What factors are involved that work
against blacks, Hispanics, and Asians? You’ll have an
opportunity to explore those questions as you examine and
analyze the essay.

English Composition118
Self-Check 20
1. Exercise 18.1, on page 478: List one or more causes for each of the five events.
2. Exercise 18.2, on page 478: List one or more possible effects for each of the five events.
3. Exercise 18.3, on page 485: Draw a graphic organizer for “Can Diet Help Stop Depression
and Violence,” on pages 475–477. Use Figure 18.3 on page 482 as a model, listing various
research studies as causes and then outcomes as effects.
4. After reviewing the “Students Write” essay by Harley Tong on pages 496–497, turn to
page 498. Respond to all three items under “Thinking Critically about Cause and Effect.”
5. After reviewing “Hitting the ‘Granite Wall’” on pages 503–506, turn to page 507 and
respond to all three items under “Reacting to the Reading.”
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

Lesson 7 Examination:
Classification and
Division Essay
To prepare a classification and division essay of 1,200 to
1,500 words using either method 1 or method 2.
Topic: Use your topic from the previous classification and
division assignment. Your topic should be one of these:
n Sports, either general or types of fans
n Genres of movies, television shows, or video games
n Animals, either general or one specific breed
n Illnesses, either general or a specific illness
n Parenting styles
Pattern of Development
Using your prewriting and the feedback you received
from your instructor, expand on your ideas from the
classification/division from your graphic organizer into an
essay of 1,200–1,500 words (approximately five paragraphs).

Examination, Lesson 7120
Submitting Your Assignment
To submit the assignment, follow these steps:
1. Type the assignment.
2. Save the document.
3. Go to your Student Portal.
4. Go to My Courses.
5. Find the section for this project.
6. Click on the Take Exam icon.
7. That will bring up a Browse menu. You must then
find where you’ve saved your work in your computer.
The writing should have been saved under your student
number_exam number_last name_first name. Your exam
number for this assignment is 05018000.
8. Click on the exam.
9. Click on Open.
10. Enter a correct e-mail address.
11. Click on Upload file.
12. There’s no need to worry about the project sheet. The
instructor will add one for you.
13. You’ll receive an e-mail within 24 hours that tells you
the exam has been received. You’ll notice a label indicat-
ing RCD on your record next to that exam until a grade
is posted.
14. Exams are evaluated within five days of receipt, although
sometimes they’re evaluated sooner.
Essays must be typed, double-spaced, using a standard 12-point font and left justification. Use 1-
inch margins at the top and bottom and 1.25-inch margins for the left and right sides of the
document. Each page must have a properly formatted header containing your name, student
number, exam number, page number, mailing address, and e-mail address (see page 6 for an
example). Name each document using your student number first, then the six-digit lesson num-
ber, and finally your last name (for example, 23456789_050177 Doe). Save each as “File Type:
Rich Text Format,” regardless of your word-processing program.

Examination, Lesson 7 121
15. You’ll receive the evaluation and exam with comments
from an instructor by clicking on View Exam Results
once you see your grade posted.
If you choose to mail the project, here’s the address:
Penn Foster
Student Service Center
925 Oak Street
Scranton, PA 18515-0001
Evaluation Rubric
Your instructor will evaluate your prewriting based on the
following criteria.
The Penn Foster
Student Service Center
is under contract with
Penn Foster College.

Examination, Lesson 7122
Traits of Good Writing
Review your study guide for an
explanation of the traits.
Skill Not
Ideas and Content
The writer provides suggestions from
the prewriting exercise and identifies
a clear cause and effect scenario.
Use of classification and division is
present throughout the whole essay.
30 28 26 24 22 15 0
There is a clear introduction with a
thesis, body, and conclusion. The
body paragraphs incorporate other
patterns of development coherently.
The conclusion restates the findings.
25 23 22 21 19 12 0
The writer interacts with the assigned
audience by using appropriate, con-
sistent point of view, tone, and
evidence. The essay maintains a
clear stance on the topic.
10 9 8 7 6 4 0
Word Choice
The writer makes correct verb and
word choices, defines any terms that
may have been unfamiliar, and con-
veys a clear message.
10 9 8 7 6 4 0
Grammar and Sentences
The writer uses correct grammar,
spelling, punctuation, and sentence
structure. There are no typographical
10 9 8 7 6 4 0
The writer meets the required length
(1,200–1,500 words), and uses a
standard font and margins. All the
required header information is
15 14 13 12 11 8 0
Exam number: Exam Grade:
Date of evaluation: Evaluated by:
Important note: Along the right-hand side of your evaluated exam, you should see marginal or “bubble”
comments from your instructor. You should also see a series of highlighted numbers in the evaluation chart
identifying the rating you earned on each trait. If you don’t see this feedback, click on the “View” tab and
“Print Layout,” or click on “Review” and the option “Final Showing Markup.” If you still cannot see the
feedback, please contact the school for the complete evaluation.
Classification and Division Essay



Writing Arguments
If you’re a student of civil engineering, you may be assigned
to write reports in favor of particular construction techniques
or materials. As a student in health care services, you might
have to present your opinion on scheduling, staff organization,
or the approach to public relations. If you’re planning on law
school, your education will revolve around mastering the art
of clearly communicating a point of view. Even if you merely
want to write a letter to the editor, you have to know how to
present an effective argument.
That’s why you need to understand not only how to appraise
and criticize an argument, but also create one of your own.
Mastering the art of argument is a challenge that’s not only
worthwhile, but necessary in today’s world. Additionally, it’s
sometimes important to be able to refute someone else’s logic
and present effective evidence for your own side.
When you complete this lesson, you’ll be able to
n Explain the structure of a sound argument
n Analyze and evaluate an argument
n Effectively use techniques of drafting, evaluating,
and creating a sound written argument

English Composition124
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, in the Successful
College Writing textbook, read Chapter 19, pages 512–541. To
test your progress, complete the self-check.
To evaluate an argument, clear thinking is essential. You
have to recognize whether the logic is sound and whether
examples provide valid support. You’ll also look for emotional
appeals, which, while effective, add another element to the
presentation. In this assignment, you’ll first learn what to
look for when reading or appraising an argument. There are
five basic dimensions to an effective argument: a specific
issue with two or more opposing viewpoints, a clear claim
designating one viewpoint, logical support, definitive refuta-
tion of other viewpoints, and a reinforcing conclusion.
Consider the following example outlining a sample argument:
n An issue: Neutering family pets
n A claim or assertion with respect to the issue: With
exceptions, such as breeding desirable animals for
potential customers, family pets should be neutered.
n Support for the claim: Animal control personnel are forced
to euthanize thousands of cats and dogs due to the
behavior of irresponsible pet owners. Also, discarded
and uncared for animals create a public health hazard.
n Anticipating likely rebuttals or refutations of the claim:
Some people can’t afford the veterinary bills.
n A conclusion that’s consistent with the claim: Neutering
family pets prevents the birth of unwanted animals,
which may suffer a cruel fate (based on values); or,
unwanted cats and dogs create a tax burden for
responsible citizens (based on economics).
Argumentation is an art that most of us start developing as
soon as we learn to speak. We usually argue not because
we’re angry, but because argumentation causes us to care-
fully examine our own and others’ ideas. We weigh conflicting
claims; make judgments about the nature of evidence and
the procedures of investigation; state our ideas clearly, accu-
rately, and honestly; and listen respectfully and critically to
The time to begin
writing an article
is when you have
finished it to your
satisfaction. By
that time you
begin to clearly
and logically per-
ceive what it is
you really want
to say.
—Mark Twain

Lesson 8 125
other people’s ideas. Whether speaking, thinking, or writing,
we all use argumentation on a daily basis, so you probably
already have some skill at crafting an argument. The more
you improve your skills in this area, the better you’ll be at
thinking critically, reasoning, and weighing evidence—neces-
sary skills for all parts of your life.
Like other types of writing, arguments respond to specific
situations: a need isn’t being met, a person is being treated
unfairly, an important idea is misunderstood, or an outdated
policy needs to be reexamined. Therefore, you need to spend
time thinking about the underlying situation on which an
issue is based as well as thoughtfully examining any
assumptions you and your reader might hold.
The text will address the following questions to equip you as
both reader and writer when facing an argument:
n What are the best strategies for reading an argument?
n What are the best strategies for analyzing and evaluating
an argument?
n How can one best appraise an emotional appeal used to
support an argument?
n What are the basic rules of logic and sound reasoning?
Pages 512–513. Your “Writing Quick Start” exercise asks
you think critically about the photo of a student protest
against tuition increases. With your critique and analysis in
mind, you’re invited to write a paragraph that identifies
some other issue that may evoke a student protest.
Pages 515–516. As you read “When Volunteerism Isn’t
Noble,” the essay by Lynn Steirer, look for the author’s thesis
and the basic parts of the argument. Has she presented a
well-supported claim on an issue, considered rebuttals, and
reached a conclusion? (You may note Steirer’s paragraphs
are much shorter than paragraphs in other essays. Such
brief paragraphs are common for newspaper articles but are
rarely appropriate for academic essays.)
Pages 516–520. Carefully study this section because it
comprises the basic information you need to know about
arguments. Note that a claim is generally what the writer
wants to prove, but there are three kinds of claims—claims of
fact, claims of value, and claims of policy.

English Composition126
You may wonder how a fact could be the claim of an argu-
ment—if something is a fact, how can it have an opposing
viewpoint? The claim of fact is also known as substantiation,
because it requires asserting that some new or previously
unconsidered bit of information is real and true. For a long
time, the average citizen of Western Europe “knew” the earth
was flat. Then someone made a claim of fact that the earth is
round and provided sufficient support (substantiated the
claim), so we now know the earth isn’t flat.
Claims of fact usually defend or refute someone else’s inter-
pretation of the facts. Think about the controversy between
those who believe evolution (Darwinism) is a fact and those
who say creationism is a fact. Each side evidently works with
the same facts, but each provides a different argument to
support its claim. Sometimes the change in interpretation
involves reclassifying information.
Another claim of fact could involve clarifying a definition of
a term. The issue of abortion hinges in part on the factual
definitions of baby and life. Some say a baby is alive at the
moment of conception, while others assert that life begins at
the moment of birth. You’ll find that you need to incorporate
other strategies, particularly definition, in your argument’s
pattern of development.
Another kind of claim is that of value or evaluation (asserting
that something has a specific value). These claims ask, Is
something right or wrong, beneficial or harmful? Who says it’s
beneficial and on what principle, value, or moral do they base
that claim? Here’s an example of this kind of claim: The movie
The Princess Bride more clearly presents a spoof of chivalry in
its varied components than the novel does.
The third category is claim of policy, in which the writer calls for
a specific action. Thesis statements establish claims in answer
to questions like, What should we do? How are we to act?
What policy should we take? What course of action should we
take to solve this problem? Note the use of should as part of
the verb, a common occurrence in claims of policy.
Review the following three thesis statements. Which contains
a claim that can be developed into an appropriate argument?

Lesson 8 127
1. Parents are often too busy to watch television shows with
their families, but can monitor their children’s viewing
habits with the aid of the V-chip.
2. To help parents monitor their children’s viewing habits,
the V-chip should be a required feature for television
sets sold in the United States.
3. This paper will describe a V-chip and examine the uses
of the V-chip in American-made television sets.
The first thesis offers a general factual statement rather than a
claim of fact that needs to be proven (substantiated)—no one
will argue that parents have this option. The third example
also fails to provide an effective claim about the value of the
V-chip and leans toward an informative classification essay.
The second sentence is the strongest argumentative thesis
because it presents a claim of policy; it clearly states the
writer’s position on the issue and suggests that the writer
will proceed to prove the necessity of this action.
Support for an argument can be based on reasons; evidence,
in the form of facts, statistics, and expert opinion; and emo-
tional appeals, which are based on either needs or values. Be
sure you understand the differences in the types of support.
The refutation, or rebuttal, recognizes that there are other
points of view and seeks to disprove or dismiss them. The
conclusion makes a final appeal for the original claim.
Pages 520–527. Under the heading, “General Strategies for
Reading Arguments,” study the six points for prereading or
scanning an essay. These range from appraising the title and
checking the author’s credentials to previewing the publication.
Apply these to the sample essay. Study the “While You Read”
tips, and use them as you read the student essay about
organ donation.
Pages 524–529. Among strategies for following the structure
of an argument, a graphic organizer works well for following
the structure of an argument, and it’s a useful writing tech-
nique. Figure 19.1 shows a general graphic organizer for an
argument essay. Figure 19.2, on pages 528–529, shows you
a graphic organizer for the essay on organ donation.
An alternative to a graphic organizer is a written summary,
which you may find more useful depending on your learning

English Composition128
Pages 530–541. Strategies for analyzing and evaluating an
argument begin on page 530. Study the points, which include
the writer’s purpose, the intended audience, definitions of key
terms, the writer’s credibility, and the quality of the support,
based on the reasons and evidence provided. The information
on pages 531–534, including Figure 19.1, is important in
recognizing faulty reasoning, whether you’re reading someone
else’s argument or constructing your own.
The following are examples of the fallacies the text discusses:
1. Circular reasoning, sometimes known as “begging the
question”: Because women are so emotional, they express
their emotions more quickly than men. (You may not use
the same premise for both the cause and its effect—emo-
tions cause emotions.)
2. Hasty or faulty generalization: I’ve talked to several peo-
ple in Minnesota and thereby discovered that Minnesota is in
favor of handgun laws. (This judgment or conclusion about
the views of an entire state is based on insufficient or
inadequate evidence.)
3. Sweeping generalization: All Italians like pasta and drink
Chianti. (Without sufficient evidence, this assertion illogi-
cally applies a characteristic of some Italians to the entire
ethnic group.)
4. False analogy: Just as the British Empire depended on
their colonies, modern corporations depend on trade with
different nations. (Comparison of things that have little or
nothing in common, particularly no significant common
points: The structure of British colonialism isn’t compara-
ble to international corporate trade.)
5. Non sequitur: Because Marianne likes dining out, she’s
an accomplished cook. (Asserting that Marianne can cook
merely because she like dining out incorrectly assumes
that the one causes the other. Indeed, one reason she
likes dining out might be that she can’t cook well.)
6. Red herring: Some say that violence on television promotes
violence, but what little boy doesn’t like to play cops and
robbers? (This premise begins by pointing out the effect of
watching TV violence but then switches to a completely
different idea, raising a side issue about what boys like to
do. The switch distracts the audience from the actual point.)

Lesson 8 129
7. Post hoc fallacy, also known as faulty cause-and-effect:
“After President Jones raised taxes, the rate of violent
crime went up, so he’s responsible for the rise in crime.”
(This fallacy applies whenever the writer assumes that
events in a given sequence are related in some signifi-
cant way, merely because one immediately followed the
other. Here the writer concludes without evidence that
the first event caused the second event [raising taxes
caused the increased crime rate].)
8. Either-or-fallacy: If you don’t support Second Amendment
rights to gun ownership, you’re opposed to the Constitution.
(The writer assumes there are only two choices applicable
to the complex situation—if you want to prove you
support the Constitution, you must support the Second
Amendment—as if there were no other options.)
Clearly, fallacies are assertions that contain some defect in
reasoning, thereby weakening the argument and calling the
credibility of the writer into question. Sometimes you may
find it difficult to identify a specific kind of fallacy, but you’ll
know that something doesn’t quite add up. For this course,
don’t spend too much time trying to differentiate each kind.
Instead, work on spotting statements that don’t make sense,
lack sufficient support, or don’t clearly connect to the claim.
Once you’re familiar with these fallacies, look for faulty reason-
ing when you read. Television or radio advertisements, political
columns, Internet discussion boards, and letters to the editor
in the newspaper are good places to find examples. Keep the
list handy as you read, and write down some examples.
Page 533. Study the checklist shown in Table 19.2 care-
fully, and refer to it as you read the essays that follow it. You
may want to flag this page—it will be helpful after you draft
an argument. You may already be familiar with the process of
synthesizing ideas from various sources. Study the list of
questions presented, and plan to use it as you read the
opposing arguments in the essay assignment.
Pages 534–541. Read the two essays for and against multi-
tasking, and use all your skills to sort through the tactics
used in each. Check the writers’ credentials and watch for
sound logic, emotional language, and any of the common
fallacies you’ve studied.

English Composition130
To apply your hard-earned skills, you’ll read two essays. The
first of these is “How (and Why) to Stop Multitasking,” by lead-
ership consultant Peter Bregman. Using humor and a light
touch, Bergman argues against multitasking. He lists six dis-
tinct advantages he reaped from his (nearly complete) escape
from compulsive multitasking, claiming in his sixth point that
there was no downside. Some 10 days later, in a different
venue, David Silverman wrote “In Defense of Multitasking.” In
an essay that set out to refute Bregman, he denied the charge
that multitasking reduced IQs and attentions spans. In sup-
port of his thesis, he listed four pro-multitasking arguments.
While analyzing both essays, you may find it interesting to
consider what you’ve learned about learning styles, including
your own. In the Bregman-Silverman debate, where would
your sentiments lie?
Required Journal Entry 12: Argument
Analyze: Review the essay by Peter Bregman on pages 534–536 and the essay by David
Silverman on pages 537–539. Respond to the two viewpoints using either the compare/
contrast or the classify/divide pattern of development. Review Chapters 12 and 13 if
necessary. (Open, list)
React: React to this thesis: “Reducing multitasking to a minimum reduces the stressful dehu-
manizing effects of compulsive multitasking.” Don’t immediately choose to agree or disagree.
Instead, explore in the entry your feelings and beliefs, both agreement and disagreement, until
you reach a point of conviction, showing yourself coming to a place where you strongly agree or
disagree. (3 paragraphs, 5 sentences each)

Lesson 8 131
Self-Check 21
1. Exercise 19.1, on page 517: Write two different claims for two of the five issues.
2. Exercise 19.2, on pag 519: Choose two items and write a justification for their
purchase, explaining the benefit to the children.
3. Review the essay by Peter Bregman on pages 534–536. Under “Examining the Reading,”
respond to all four items. Under “Analyzing the Writer’s Technique” on page 536, respond to
all three items. Under “Reacting to the Reading” on page 537, respond to all four items.
4. Review the essay by David Silverman on pages 537–539. Under “Examining the Reading” on
page 539, respond to all four items. Under “Thinking Critically about Text and Visuals” on
page 540, respond to all seven items.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

English Composition132
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, in the Successful
College Writing textbook, read Chapter 20, pages 542–571. To
test your progress, complete the self-check.
In this assignment, you’ll learn the art of argument by prac-
ticing it. A properly conceived argument makes a point, and
the sharper the point, the better the argument. An effective
argument provides logical, coherent, evidence-based support
for a specific claim.
Pages 542–543. The “Quick Start” exercise on page 542
establishes the groundwork for writing an argument. Study
the image of an ad on page 542, and then create a thesis
for a brief argument that would use evidence and emotional
appeals to support it.
Pages 544–567. This section defines the nature and char-
acteristics of a sound argument. Read the argument by
writer-columnist William Safire, “Abolish the Penny.” While
the piece is cleverly written and laced with humor, don’t
think Safire isn’t serious about his thesis. When you assess
his argument, ask yourself if his claims seem to be fact-
based and if they support a sound argument in favor of
abolishing the penny.
Again, your text describes the characteristics of argument
essays, but in more detail for the writer (not the reader) of
the argument.
n The thesis defines the scope of the argument—its topic
and claim. A claim states the writer’s position on the
issue. State your claim in your thesis at the outset of
the essay.
n An effective argument is designed for a specific audience.
Be sure you know who your audience is.
n Provide convincing support.
n Use logical reasoning in your argument. Show that you
understand the difference between inductive and deduc-
tive reasoning.

Lesson 8 133
n Use emotional appeals carefully, particularly by address-
ing the audience’s needs and values.
n Recognize the opposing views. It will not only address your
opponents’ concerns, but also strengthen your argument.
Take time to review “The Basic Parts of an Argument,” on
pages 514–520 in Chapter 19 before reading further. As
mentioned, the parts you sought to identify when reading
arguments are also the foundation for writing arguments.
Then return to the summary outline here.
The following is an in-depth look at each part of an argument
and the thinking involved in it for the writer.
Thesis: Establishing a definitive claim in a thesis statement
is essential for a successful argument. But, you may ask,
what exactly should a writer consider when developing one?
1. For an argument, the thesis must be debatable. To be
sure there’s an opposing view for your thesis (someone
with whom you’ll argue), you should write both a thesis
and an antithesis. An antithesis is a statement that
takes a position opposite of your thesis. You play the
devil’s advocate to your own claim. If you can create an
antithesis, your thesis statement is debatable because it
takes a stand on one side of an issue. However, if you
can’t create an antithesis, then your thesis needs further
revision to make it argumentative. Here’s an example:
Thesis statement: Term limits would improve
Congress by bringing people with fresh ideas
into office every few years.
Antithesis: Term limits would harm Congress because
elected officials would always be inexperienced and
less informed.
2. Your thesis must be properly narrowed, containing a
focused purpose appropriate for the length of the writing.
A claim that’s too broad or vague allows the paper to run
in too many different directions and makes it difficult for
you to keep control of it and for your readers to make
sense of your discussion. If a reader’s first response is,
“So what?” or “How do you figure that?” or “Why?” then
your thesis doesn’t make a significant point. You need
to clarify the issue, establish a relationship between
the claim and the issue, or connect to a larger issue.

English Composition134
If a reader’s first response is “how?” or “why?” your thesis
may be too open-ended without enough guidance for the
reader. You then need to give the reader a better take on
your position right from the beginning.
For example, the thesis “Drug use is detrimental to society”
lacks focus for a three-to-five page essay because it doesn’t
identify what kind of drug use is detrimental (does it
include prescription drugs?), how and why that use is
detrimental (health or socioeconomics?), or who’s affected
(every person?). A better focused thesis would be “Illegal
drug use is detrimental to teenagers because it encour-
ages gang violence.”
To focus your thesis, ask yourself questions like, What do
I hope to accomplish? Why are the issue and my claim
important? What benefits would be realized? What prob-
lems would be eliminated? What questions would be
answered? How would other people be affected? What
obstacles must be overcome? Of course, you must decide
on only one type of question your argument answers and
how. If you try to cover more than one of these questions,
your thesis will be too broad. Here’s an example of a
vague thesis and what a narrowed focus might look like:
Vague: Censorship of the Internet would be wrong.
Clear: Censorship of Internet chat rooms would
unfairly limit free speech.
3. Your thesis statement must be precise. This characteristic
is related to ensuring a focused purpose, but now you
examine each word. If your thesis contains vague words
like good or successful, work on the answer to why some-
thing is “good,” what specifically makes something
“successful,” and how you as the writer define good or
successful. Avoid judgmental words, such as wrong,
right, good, bad, and immoral. Although you’ll use emo-
tional appeal later in your argument, your thesis must
be as objectively stated as possible, particularly if you’re
writing to a negative audience. You don’t want your read-
ers to reject your idea before they’ve read more than your
introductory paragraph.

Lesson 8 135
For instance, the statement “Pollution is bad for the
environment” isn’t debatable because it lacks focus and
precision. First, the word pollution connotes that some-
thing is bad or negative. Further, all studies agree that
pollution is a problem; the disagreement isn’t about its
“badness” but about the impact and scope of the pollu-
tion problem. Two possible, debatable theses for this
issue are “At least 25 percent of the federal budget
should be spent on limiting pollution” and “America’s
antipollution efforts should focus on privately owned cars.”
4. The thesis must be audience-driven. Knowing your
audience for an argument is more important than in
any other pattern of development. (Note that there are
three possible types of audience for any argument.) You
must be aware of the audience in terms of what they
need to know about you. Once again, apply a questioning
approach for this aspect of preparing a thesis: What is
my authority or experience in arguing this issue? How
well do my reader and I know each other? What is my
reader’s age, educational background, occupation, marital
status, political preference? How does it apply to my issue?
What might the reader stand to gain or lose? What’s
the reader’s impression of me, especially my integrity,
knowledge, and reliability? How well does the reader
understand the issue?
Here are three problematic thesis statements. Each needs
rewriting—do you know why?
n Since the digital age came to be, many people consider
themselves photographers only because they own a
nice camera.
n While police entrapment has been somewhat helpful in
making our community a safer place to live, it actually
does more harm than good.
n I’m going to tell you the truth about the disgusting thing
called cigarettes: some can’t live with them, and some
think they can’t live without them!
In the first, the writer needs to clarify the type of camera and
provide a more concrete designation than nice. In addition,
which type of people and how many people consider them-
selves photographers? What is the definition of photographer
for the purpose of this essay? What does came to be mean?

English Composition136
The second thesis is also too vague, although it’s more objec-
tive than the first one. The reader, however, is probably
asking what the writer means by “police entrapment,” which
community or type of community is involved, and to whom
the harm was done.
Although the passion is strong, the third statement is hostile
(“I’m going to tell you”) and negative (“disgusting”). The writer
doesn’t appear to consider the other side in a serious manner
and virtually eliminates the possibility of debate by implying
that this way of thinking is the only right way to think. Finally,
the thesis’s “truth” is that some need cigarettes and others
won’t have anything to do with them. However, this isn’t a
debatable issue; society already accepts the addiction of some
and the distaste of others as fact.
Return to Chapter 6 if you need to brush up on additional
techniques for developing a focused thesis containing a
specific point about an issue. Remember that even after your
questioning, you’ll have a “working thesis,” which represents
the argument that you currently think you can support with
evidence. It won’t be until you put your ideas in writing and
explain to a reader the relationships of your support to your
thesis that you’ll gain a better understanding of what you
want to prove and what you want the reader to understand
and do. Frequently writers reach the end of their draft and
only then realize exactly what they want to say. So don’t be
surprised if you finish your essay draft and find it doesn’t
seem to go with the thesis. You’ll refine your thesis several
times before reaching a final product.
The strength of your support, and your use of it, can make
or break your argument. Without it, your argument doesn’t
carry much weight. The text identifies support here as a mix
of reasons, evidence, and emotional appeal.
Reasons: premises or assertions. The first level of support
involves establishing statements that will make up your argu-
ment. Although the textbook refers to these statements as
reasons, they’re also called assertions or premises. Each
premise develops one reason or point you’ll use to defend
your thesis. Based on the purpose or claim in your thesis,
you should prepare a list of premises for which you have
relevant evidence or for which you believe you can gather
such support—before drafting your argument.
The more assertions you can brainstorm at the beginning of
the process, the more likely you are to identify and clarify your
thinking and rationale. You’ll return to these after writing a

Lesson 8 137
first draft once your line of reasoning is clearer to you.
Remember to include a few assertions that appeal to your
audience’s needs and values. Choose the premises which
address the most important aspects of the one issue. You
won’t be able to argue each possible point, however, so pick
what you’re certain will convince your audience and what you
can support. Generally, each assertion acts as the topic sen-
tence for a paragraph in your argument. By keeping this fact
in mind, you can avoid the fallacy of sweeping generalizations
which you won’t be able to support adequately.
Logical order. Once you’ve chosen the most important and
significant arguments, decide on your line of reasoning. Part
of that decision includes choosing an order of organization:
general to specific, most to least important (or vice versa), or
weakest to strongest. You’ll also consider when and where
you’ll use inductive or deductive reasoning. You can choose
to follow one type as your overall structure for the argument
or apply it to the development of a single paragraph.
Inductive reasoning moves from specific observations to a
broader premise or theory; consequently, we sometimes call
this a “bottoms up” approach. It tends to be open-ended and
exploratory, particularly when identifying observations and a
pattern. The TV drama House features a doctor who is a
master of inductive reasoning when diagnosing the causes of
a patient’s illness.
Deductive reasoning is a more narrow or focused approach,
which works in the opposite order, from the general to the
specific, using a “top-down” approach. It begins with a theory
(the claim or premise). That theory is then narrowed into more
specific hypotheses (assertions) that can be tested. In testing
those assertions, observations or specific data are collected.
The goal of the process is to confirm (or not confirm) the
writer’s theory. Continuing the House application, the team
of interns generally applies deductive reasoning to the theory
the doctor has inductively reached.
Evidence. Up to this point in the process, you’ll have established
a working thesis and a set of logically sequenced arguments.
You now make decisions about the support for each argument.
Be careful not to allow your excitement about a particular
fact or reason to guide your choice of evidence, but instead
support the thesis and its arguments. If you start with the
support, it’s easy to fall into the trap of writing an essay that
mostly summarizes what other people think instead of proving
your position on the issue.

English Composition138
Your purpose and audience are the primary considerations
guiding your choice of support. Although some of the support
can be facts, most arguments need other kinds, as well, to
persuade the reader. After all, if an issue could be resolved
simply by looking at “the facts,” people wouldn’t be arguing
about it. Support for your claim can come in many different
forms, including stories to illustrate the point, definitions for
clarity, statistics and expert testimony, and appeals to the
audience’s needs or values. You must choose from your
evidence the most relevant and most persuasive material.
Remember that your goal is to be seen as a credible writer—
one the reader believes is objectively presenting a position
using straightforward evidence.
n Provide the reader with support appropriate to each
argument. If you’re developing a claim about the benefits
of changing game-attendance policies at a local university’s
gymnasium and you start a paragraph with “Moving the
student section closer to the court will raise player perform-
ance,” you must choose support developing that argument.
You wouldn’t develop it with evidence about how much
more money the school could raise by letting more
students attend games for free. Instead, you could
support this argument with information about how fan
support raises player morale, which then results in bet-
ter play.
n Use reasons, evidence, and emotional appeals in a bal-
anced manner. If you use emotionally charged language
or examples simply to upset or anger an audience, you’re
using emotion illegitimately. Carefully review Chapter 16
regarding emotional appeals. Remember what you’ve
learned about connotations, because word choice influ-
ences an argument’s emotional appeal. You want the
reader to argue against your ideas and thinking, not
your word choice. Here are some example considerations:
â Should I speak of “drunk” or “intoxicated” drivers?
â Should I call them a “menace” or a “concern”?
â Should they be “thrown into jail” or “incarcerated”?
â Do we need to “teach them a lesson” or “make them
aware of the consequences of their actions”?
The first term or phrase suggests a negative connation, whereas
the second is the more objective phrasing you should use.

Lesson 8 139
Explanation. A good argument explains how each piece of
evidence relates to the claim and shows its value and relevance.
That means that each paragraph of your argument makes
explicit the connection or relationship between the evidence
and argument, as well as the argument and the claim. After
you introduce evidence into your writing, you must explain
its significance and function. What turns a fact or piece of
information into evidence is the connection it has with a
larger claim or argument. Evidence is always for or against
something, and you have to make that link clear.
Don’t expect your audience to read your mind or figure out
what you mean. You must clearly spell out the connections
you made when you chose your evidence and decided where
to place it in your paper. After all, if your readers are confused,
you’re not going to convince them to agree with you. They’ll
just stop reading. Here’s where you apply the art of connec-
tive discussion, organization, transitions, and strategies from
other patterns of development, including definition of terms,
classification and division, and causal analysis.
However, how do you make sure the connections are clear
to your reader? Ask yourself questions like those below.
Answering them can help you explain how your evidence is
related to each assertion and to your overall argument.
1. But so what? Why is it interesting? Why should anyone
2. What does this information imply?
3. What are the consequences of thinking this way or looking
at a problem this way?
4. I’ve just described what something is like or how I see it,
but why is it like that?
5. I’ve just said that something happens—so how does it
happen? How does it come to be the way it is? Why does
it happen?
6. Why is this information important? Why does it matter?
7. What example could illustrate this point?
When moving from one premise or type of support to the next,
use transitions that indicate addition of information to what
is already present: equally important, further, furthermore, in
addition, moreover, and then.

English Composition140
Finally, before beginning your first draft, create an outline to
guide you. The following is one example. Your textbook will
also provide some guidance.
1. Claim: Distance learning allows the students, rather
than the institution, to fit college studies into their
2. Premises: Students who are parents appreciate the flexi-
bility in completing required activities. Students who are
disabled or without transportation can earn credit from
home. Online instruction suits different learning styles.
Reduced travel means cost savings.
3. Evidence: The evidence can include quotes from students,
personal experiences, and descriptions of how distance-
learning programs are set up.
4. Explanation of the value of the evidence: This can include
information on the people you’re quoting, comments about
the increasing number of nontraditional students, and
explanation of how distance learning is more convenient.
You may wonder why you write your first draft without wor-
rying about opposing views. First, remember that the writing
process is circular. You’ve already considered the opposing
side in a general way when developing your thesis. Also, you
write the first draft to develop your line of reasoning so you’re
clear about your reasons and evidence supporting your claim.
Once you know that, you’re better able to anticipate and over-
come objections specific to that line of reasoning.
Both kinds of development are essential. You must show that
your own ideas are clear, reasonable, and solid. You must
also show how your opposition’s case is weak. If you can
show that your case is strong and the opposition’s is weak,
chances are excellent that the reader will be on your side at
the end—and that’s your goal.
Refutation. Refutation shows that you’ve thought through the
ramifications of your claim and aren’t blindly arguing just to
disagree. Rather than just saying your opponents are wrong,
take on their opposing ideas yourself. Refute the other side’s
thinking by pointing out errors in the opposition’s logic, assump-
tions, and/or interpretation. What they claim isn’t necessarily
wrong—usually, in fact, it’s their supporting ideas that are
wrong, irrelevant, or insufficient. Connotations and clarity are
key factors guiding your word choice.

Lesson 8 141
Here are two examples:
n Poor, negative rebuttal: Some people may say that adoles-
cents shouldn’t leave university education; however, they’re
wrong. (The people themselves aren’t wrong; examine the
underlying assumptions instead.)
n Strong, convincing rebuttal: Some people may say that
adolescents should remain in university education
because they’re not physically and psychologically
mature enough to cope with the problems of the real
world. However, they neglect the fact that adolescents are
mature enough to vote, drive, and hold a job. That shows
that adolescents are considered physically and psycho-
logically mature at the same time they’re in college.
Recognizing opposition: Recognizing the other side’s view
is different from refuting in that you don’t focus on the weak-
nesses in reasoning. Instead, you show that you understand
your audience’s possible objections by either acknowledging
the existence of another viewpoint or by accommodating one
of your premises to incorporate correct reasoning from the
other side. In other words, acknowledging usually involves
pointing out that the opposition’s argument is irrelevant to
the topic—that what you’re discussing isn’t what they’re trying
to prove. Accommodating can be considered a compromise—
to a certain extent, the opposition has a basis for thinking
the way they do and you include something of that basis in
your discussion.
Look at the first claim in Exercise 20.3 on page 549, which is
a claim of policy: “Public school sex education classes should
be mandatory because they help students make important
decisions about their lives.” What are some of the views
opposing this claim? How can you recognize that opposition?
1. Possible opposing argument: Sex education may expose
children to information that parents may wish to with-
hold until the children are older.
n You could accommodate the opposition by propos-
ing parental waivers or identifying a specific age for
the sex education.
n You could refute the opposition by showing that
educators can’t know what parents have already told
their children and at what age they do so. Or you
could provide evidence showing that most children
already know more than their parents have told them.

English Composition142
2. Possible opposing argument: Sex education sends the
signal that sex is acceptable behavior for teens.
n Acknowledge the position by saying that that may
be a danger but isn’t the intent of the education; no
one can determine how teens might actually perceive
such education.
n Accommodate it by noting that parents have the
authority to tell their teens whether it’s acceptable
or not.
n Refute it by using statistics that show most teens
experiment with sex. Then include the statistics on
the resulting disease and pregnancy, and explain
that teens need to learn how to protect themselves
against disease and pregnancy.
Usually, you don’t refute, acknowledge, and accommodate
each opposing view, but use one type per premise.
One problem common to student writing is that the readers
can’t clearly see the places where it switches from supporting
to addressing the opposition. Instead they’re puzzled because
it seems the writing is now arguing against itself. As with all
writing, the logical flow of information is very important. The
way you phrase your disagreement must enable your readers
to follow your argument even as you clearly indicate you’re
now discussing the other side. Some of the phrases and words
commonly used to accomplish this purpose are
n Opponents of this idea claim / maintain that . . .
n Those who disagree / are against these ideas may say
that . . .
n Some people may disagree with this idea because /
such as . . .
n They put forward this idea because . . .
n They claim that . . . since . . .
As you move from the opposing view back to your argument,
use transitions that indicate contrast or exception, such as
however, but, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, in
contrast, on the contrary, still, yet, and on the other hand.

Lesson 8 143
Review Chapter 7 for the characteristics of strong introduc-
tions and conclusions, the bridges readers use to enter and
leave your argument. The introduction entices them, and the
conclusion helps them step away from it with a sense of com-
pletion. In an argument, these can be the most difficult parts
of the paper to write, because you’re constructing the framing
around your reasoning.
The conclusion. Writers of arguments frequently begin the
first draft with a brief, sterile introduction, often just the
thesis. Only after the draft and conclusion are written do
they clearly see why and how their analysis and information
should matter to the readers. Consequently, we’ll first look at
the conclusion, which will then guide us into developing an
appropriate introduction.
The conclusion is your chance to have the last word on the
subject, the final say on the issues you’ve raised in your paper.
It’s also your opportunity to make a good final impression
and to end on a positive note. Here are some strategies for a
strong close for your argument in the concluding paragraph:
n Open with a strong clause moving logically from the
previous paragraph, your last premise, rather than begin
with an unnecessary, overused phrase such as “in con-
clusion,” “in summary,” or “in closing.” Although these
phrases can work in speeches, they come across as
wooden and trite in writing. Let the force of your writing
logically flow into the closing.
n Reemphasize your thesis (which you first stated in the
introduction). Although you may like keeping your read-
ers in the dark until the end and then wowing them with
your main point, readers expect an analytical closing
reinforcing the thesis stated up front (not a mystery).
Don’t end with the same or a slightly revised thesis
statement that says, “That’s my story and I’m sticking to
it.” Your goal is to give the same claim but in a different
way, more creative or reflective than the phrasing used
in the introduction, so you push your ideas forward.
n Summarize the key points of your argument with confi-
dence and help the reader make a connection from the
argument to the issue by showing the significance, impact,
or broader implications of your thinking. The conclusion
isn’t the place to make a last-ditch appeal by introducing
a new assertion or more evidence, which just creates
confusion. Use the conclusion to wrap up your thoughts,
demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and propel
your reader to a new view of the issue.

English Composition144
n Be your readers are glad they read your argument by
showing the issue in some personally relevant way that
enriches their lives. Avoid descending into sentimental,
emotional appeals that are out of character with the rest
of your analytical argument.
The introduction. The introduction of your argument con-
tains your first words to the readers—their first impression of
your argument, your writing style, and the overall quality of
your work. Your introduction must engage your readers in
the issue and impress them with your competence, so they’ll
continue reading. A vague, disorganized, error-filled, off-the-
wall, or boring introduction doesn’t deserve their attention,
and it won’t get it.
Chapter 7 offers many ways to charm your reader with your
opening lines. Opening with a compelling story, a fascinating
quotation, an interesting question, or a stirring example can
help your readers see why this issue matters and can serve
as an invitation for them to join you for an interesting intel-
lectual conversation.
To ensure you make a good impression and build the readers’
confidence in you, the introduction should reveal the issue,
your position on the issue, the importance of your position,
and the general structure of your argument. Introductions
for arguments often give brief background on the issue to
show the nature of the controversy or an example to show
its significance. Introductions also provide the readers with a
general road map for the argument you’ve developed.
Pages 553–557. In the context of visualizing an argument
essay, you’ll read a piece by writer-photographer Lisa M.
Hamilton, “Eating Meat for the Environment.” In what
appears at first to be a paradoxical assertion, the author
states that while we should eat less meat, we should (at
the same time) eat more of it. In support of this idea, her
argument goes like this: Factory farming is environmentally
destructive. No doubt about it. However, eating pasture-
raised meat is a worthy ideal since animal waste ends up
as fertilizer that sustains soils and adds little or nothing
to greenhouse gas emissions. So what is her actual thesis?
That’s for you to figure out. You can do that by studying
Figure 20.1, which is a graphic organizer for the Hamilton

Lesson 8 145
Pages 556–567. Here’s your guided writing assignment.
Appraise it in terms of the material already presented in the
extended overview provided in this part of your guide. Keep
in mind that all of this is aimed at helping your write an
“A-list” argument essay.
Pages 568–571. A “Students Write” feature concludes this
chapter assignment. Read “Pull the Plug on Explicit Lyrics”
by James Sturm. You may well find the topic interesting, if
only because it wrestles with a controversial thesis. As usual,
the highlights should be helpful. Note Sturm’s thesis state-
ment. Note that after accommodating possible refutations
of his thesis, he gets specific in paragraph 7. There he sets
us up to consider three opposing viewpoints, on which he
elaborates in paragraphs 8 and 9.

English Composition146
Self-Check 22
1. Exercise 20.1, on page 547: Choose two of the five issues for your response.
2. Exercise 20.2, on page 548: Choose two of the five issues for your response and complete the
exercise as instructed.
3. Exercise 20.3, on page 549: Choose one of the three claims and discuss arguing it before the
three kinds of audiences.
4. Exercise 20.4, on page 553: Follow the instructions, making sure you address both claims 2
and 3 from 20.3.
5. Review the “Student’s Write” essay by James Sturm on pages 568–570. Respond to all three
items under “Analyzing the Writer’s Technique.” Under “Thinking Critically about Argument,”
respond to all five items. Under “Reacting to the Reading,” respond to all three items.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

Lesson 8 Examination:
Argument Essay
To prepare an argument essay of 1,200 to 1,500 words that
also uses another pattern of development.
Choose one of the following:
n Persuade your employer that you deserve a raise.
n Persuade a family member that the world today is better
than it was 50 years ago. Alternatively, you may choose
the opposite stance of persuading a family member that
the world was better 50 years ago than it is today.
Patterns of Development
Argument in combination with at least one other pattern of
The purpose is twofold:
n Persuade the reader to agree with the writer’s position
(primary purpose)
n Express the writer’s feelings about the reader taking
action on the topic (secondary purpose)
As designated with topic, but write to a disagreeing audience.
(Do not write to an agreeing audience or to a neutral or
wavering audience.)

Examination, Lesson 8148
1. Applying the requirements given, work through pages 558
to the middle of 560 in the section “Generating Ideas
and Writing Your Thesis.” Skip the section titled
“Researching the Issue.” Narrow your focus appropri-
ately for the assigned length before attempting to
develop the essay.
2. Continue the “Guided Writing Assignment” with “Developing
Your Thesis and Making a Claim” on pages 560–565.
Incorporate at least one other pattern of development to
explain some type of support for your argument. Also use
strategies from other patterns of development as needed
to accomplish your purpose.
CAUTION: The essay requires evidence only from your
experience, not evidence from outside sources. See the
Plagiarism Policy, which will apply to any student using
information irresponsibly.
3. As part of the revising and editing analysis, you must
make any necessary changes to your work to meet the
assigned requirements.
4. Prepare the final draft of the essay according to the exam
submission format from the Course Information section.
Submit only the final, polished draft for grading.
Submitting Your Assignment
To submit the assignment, follow these steps:
1. Type the assignment.
2. Save the document.
3. Go to your Student Portal.
Essays must be typed, double-spaced, using a standard 12-point font and left justification. Use 1-
inch margins at the top and bottom and 1.25-inch margins for the left and right sides of the
document. Each page must have a properly formatted header containing your name, student
number, exam number, page number, mailing address, and e-mail address (see page 6 for an
example). Name each document using your student number first, then the six-digit lesson num-
ber, and finally your last name (for example, 23456789_050177 Doe). Save each as “File Type:
Rich Text Format,” regardless of your word-processing program.

Examination, Lesson 8 149
4. Go to My Courses.
5. Find the section for this project.
6. Click on the Take Exam icon.
7. That will bring up a Browse menu. You must then
find where you’ve saved your work in your computer.
The writing should have been saved under your student
number_exam number_last name_first name. Your exam
number for this assignment is 05018100.
8. Click on the exam.
9. Click on Open.
10. Enter a correct e-mail address.
11. Click on Upload file.
12. There’s no need to worry about the project sheet. The
instructor will add one for you.
13. You’ll receive an e-mail within 24 hours that tells you
the exam has been received. You’ll notice a label indicat-
ing RCD on your record next to that exam until a grade
is posted.
14. Exams are evaluated within five days of receipt, although
sometimes they’re evaluated sooner.
15. You’ll receive the evaluation and exam with comments
from an instructor by clicking on View Exam Results
once you see your grade posted.
If you choose to mail the project, here’s the address:
Penn Foster
Student Service Center
925 Oak Street
Scranton, PA 18515-0001
Evaluation Rubric
The following rubric will be used to evaluate your work.
The Penn Foster
Student Service Center
is under contract with
Penn Foster College.

Examination, Lesson 8150
Traits of Good Writing
Review your study guide for an
explanation of the traits.
Skill Not
Ideas and Content
The writer provides a clear thesis
statement and has a clear stance on
one side of the issue. The argument
is a clear, with appropriate support-
ing details and evidence provided.
30 28 26 24 22 15 0
There is a clear introduction, with a
thesis, body, and conclusion. Body
paragraphs incorporate other pat-
terns of development coherently.
25 23 22 21 19 12 0
The writer interacts with the assigned
audience by using appropriate, con-
sistent point of view, tone, and
evidence. The essay maintains a
clear stance on the topic.
10 9 8 7 6 4 0
Word Choice
The writer makes correct verb and
word choices, defines any terms that
may have been unfamiliar, and con-
veys a clear message.
10 9 8 7 6 4 0
Grammar and Sentences
The writer uses correct grammar,
spelling, punctuation, and sentence
structure. There are no typographical
10 9 8 7 6 4 0
The writer meets the required length
(1,000–1,200 words), and uses a
standard font and margins. All the
required header information is
15 14 13 12 11 8 0
Exam number: Exam Grade:
Date of evaluation: Evaluated by:
Important note: Along the right-hand side of your evaluated exam, you should see marginal or “bubble”
comments from your instructor. You should also see a series of highlighted numbers in the evaluation chart
identifying the rating you earned on each trait. If you don’t see this feedback, click on the “View” tab and
“Print Layout,” or click on “Review” and the option “Final Showing Markup.” If you still cannot see the
feedback, please contact the school for the complete evaluation.
Argument Essay



Research and MLA Citation
The approach to writing a paper that requires research is
roughly the same as the procedures you’ve already learned in
this course. You need a thesis that states your point of view,
a pattern of development that organizes and presents your
topic effectively, solid examples to support the thesis, and a
conclusion that wraps up your overall presentation.
However, some essays, even opinion pieces, need support that
you can’t supply from your own memory or the experiences
of friends. Because your topic needs facts, you need to look
things up, using reliable sources. When you do that, you also
have to give credit to the sources you use, both in the text of
your essay and in a complete listing at the end of your paper.
When you complete this lesson, you’ll be able to
n Prepare a list of research questions
n Locate and utilize print and Internet sources
n Use critical-thinking skills to evaluate sources
n Extract useful information from sources
n Integrate source material into your writing
n Properly document sources to avoid plagiarism
n Apply MLA or APA style to document sources
n Employ your skills for timed writings and exams

English Composition152
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, in your text, read
Chapter 21 on pages 574–593. Use the self-check to evaluate your
Chris and Maddie are arguing about which of their favorite
singers has been more important to popular music. Chris
says her brother and her cousin both agree with her. Maddie
says Rolling Stone magazine called her favorite artist one of the
most influential artists of the decade. Who wins? Probably
Maddie—her source is more reliable in this instance, unless
Chris’s brother has strong credentials in the music business.
Appropriate sources are vital to supporting an argument.
However, they may be just as important in the context of
other development patterns, such as comparison and contrast,
definition, or causal analysis. In this section, we’ll look at ways
to use sources to support a thesis. We’ll learn when to use
them, how to locate them, how to evaluate them, and how to
integrate them into your writing.
Pages 574–575. Your “Quick Start” exercise emphasizes
that you must identify what you know and what you don’t
know about a topic. You may have some knowledge of the
Vietnam War and its veterans. Maybe you’ve visited the
memorial in Washington, DC, or you’ve seen one of the
Moving Wall exhibits. But if you were to write about it, you
would need specific facts and details.
Pages 576–578. When should you use sources to find
information you don’t know? The simple answer is when they
help you achieve your purpose with your audience. In most
cases, making a point and drawing a conclusion require infor-
mation and examples. Even if we think we know what we’re
talking about, it’s wise to check dates and spellings to be sure.
Correct information can only improve your essay and increase
your credibility, while one wrong date can cause your reader
to doubt everything you’ve said. In this section, study the list of
suggestions for adding detail to your essay.
Pages 578–579. Planning your paper begins with defining
the nature and purpose of your assignment. Study Figure 21.1,
“Locating and Using Sources: An Overview,” and Figure 21.2,
“Writing a Paper Using Sources,” on pages 578–579.

Lesson 9 153
When you select a topic, be sure it’s something that actually
interests you. Your curiosity will help you ask the right ques-
tions and follow up on leads. Additionally, be sure your
topic is focused and that there’s sufficient information avail-
able to allow you to offer something fresh and new on the
subject. First, develop a working thesis and list some essen-
tial research questions. For example, if your tentative topic is
attention deficit disorder, you might want to probe its relation-
ship to age, social class, or family history.
Pages 583–587. Using unreliable or substandard sources
spoils the purpose of writing a paper. Be sure you choose arti-
cles and publications suited to your subject and written by a
credible author. A source is relevant if it’s specific to your
needs and timely if it provides accurate information. While
some topics, such as computer games or banking technology,
demand the most up-to-date information, a paper on the Great
Depression or the life of Henry VIII could benefit from old
sources—writings produced during that period in history.
Also, when checking the writer’s credentials, look for a satis-
factory reputation, academic style, and expertise in the field.
Look for evidence that the author provides a fair, objective
handling of the subject matter.
Be particularly careful with Internet sources. For basic guide-
lines, consult Table 21.1 on evaluating Internet sources. Also
review the tips provided in the school’s library through your
student portal. Note each site’s purpose, how recent the infor-
mation is, and how accurate it’s likely to be. Sites sponsored
by colleges and universities (.edu), state and federal govern-
ments (.gov), and reputable organizations (.org) are likely to
provide high-quality information, often containing references
to other sources to verify the credibility of the information,
although in some cases the point of view may not serve your
purpose. If a site is out of date, is full of spelling and punctu-
ation errors, or contains generalizations or strong opinions, it
shouldn’t be used as an objective source, although it could be
useful for other purposes.
Pages 587–592. To use sources effectively, you need to
separate fact from opinions and identify the source’s view-
point. Watch for bias, which may not be initially apparent.
Generalizations often contain logical fallacies, such as

English Composition154
applying the characteristics of a few cases to an entire group.
To be a critical thinker, you also must search out assump-
tions, tacit or explicit, within any source you plan to use
and assess the validity of those assumptions.
Pages 592–593. Using the three-phase method of reading
saves time and makes your search for sources more efficient.
Scan a source to see how it’s organized and whether it con-
tains key terms related to your topic. If your scan indicates
the article is related to your topic, then skim the article to get
an overall impression of its content, starting with the title, fol-
lowed by the introductory paragraph and the headings. Finally,
read closely those sections that apply to your topic.
Four points are offered for assessing Internet sources. Notice
that the Internet permits research for varying learning styles,
because websites can have sound, color, animation, and
interaction features.
Required Journal Entry 13: Website Evaluation
First, identify or make up a particular career need you’ve faced or might face, such as earning a
promotion at your current job, switching jobs, or entering the job market. Then, reread “Choosing
and Evaluating Useful Sources,” pages 583–587, and “Evaluating Internet Sources,” pages
585–586. Next, examine each of the following two websites:
Argue in favor of the site you believe is most relevant for your career need and most reliable. As
you discuss specific reasons to support your thesis, use the terminology and criteria for electronic
sources discussed in the textbook. Include with your evidence why the other site isn’t as satisfac-
tory for your purpose. (5 paragraphs, 5 sentences each)

Lesson 9 155
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, in the Successful
College Writing textbook, read Chapter 22, pages 594–619. To
test your progress, complete the self-check.
Begin with the “Quick Start” exercise on page 594. Think
about where you could find more information on the subject.
This assignment focuses on how to locate and acquire print
or electronic sources through libraries or Internet search
engines. Read the material carefully, and spend as much time
as you can exploring library databases and various Internet
resources to see the possibilities. Remember that when you
Self-Check 23
1. Exercise 21.1, on page 581: Narrow each of the five topics.
2. Exercise 21.2, on page 583: Write a thesis and four or more research questions for
item 1 or 3.
3. Exercise 21.3, on page 585: Note reasons why any of the listed sources would be either
relevant or irrelevant, reliable or unreliable.
4. Exercise 21.4, on page 589: Use what you’ve learned to sort out the facts, opinions,
and expert opinions.
5. Exercise 21.5, on page 590: Determine why the four cited sources would be considered
objective, somewhat biased, or heavily biased.
6. Exercise 21.6, on page 591: Complete the exercise as instructed.
7. Exercise 21.7, on page 592: Identify the assumption as directed.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

English Composition156
go to a library, your best resource is the reference librarian.
Asking that person to help you locate the information you’re
looking for will save hours of time and may introduce sources
you didn’t know existed.
Note: The Penn Foster Virtual Library provides access to aca-
demic journals through the EDSeek Periodical database. The
“Ask a Librarian” feature offers assistance in locating and using
the resources. To access the school library, use the Library
Services or School Library link on your student portal after you
log into the school site.
A variety of print and electronic sources are available. Being
able to distinguish between the various types, such as refer-
ence works, books, and periodicals, helps you find relevant
research for your paper. Keyword searches offer a starting
point and help you find other ideas related to your topic.
Pages 596–603. The ultimate resource for serious writers,
particularly those researching scholarly and academic top-
ics, is the library. Today, most college libraries are linked
electronically with many data resources, including academic
journals, the holdings of other college libraries, and the Library
of Congress.
Learning to use keyword searches is vital for efficient Internet
research. Under “Locating Useful Library Sources,” you’ll find
information on how to locate sources from electronic data-
bases. Note the “Suggestions for Conducting Keyword
Searches” in the box on page 598. Finding books involves
using the library’s catalog. Don’t forget to ask the reference
librarian for help if you’re unfamiliar with the catalog system
or if you aren’t sure where to start looking for information on
your topic. For the EDSeek Gale Databases at the Penn Foster
library, click on Help for more detailed search strategies.
The Internet has revolutionized the world of information. You
can Google almost anything imaginable and receive sources,
although you may have to sort through a long list of unre-
lated topics to find what you’re looking for. As you work with
the text material, check some of the URLs and Internet
sources listed, including Listserv and news groups. Study
Table 22.2 on page 605 for web sources for academic
research, and explore a few of the sites related to your
degree program.

Lesson 9 157
Pages 606–607. One of the most important parts of aca-
demic research is keeping track of your sources so you can
properly cite them in your work. Extracting information from
sources can involve several techniques. Your notes can be
stored and organized on note cards or within computer files.
If you use index cards, make a separate bibliography card for
each source and include on it all the information listed in
Figure 22.4. You may want to give each source a code letter
or number; then you can just write the code and the page
numbers on each note card, instead of taking time to recopy
the information or risking the confusion of two authors with
the same last name. If you use computer files and cut and
paste sections from online sources into your note pages, be
especially careful in labeling them with the source and
including quotation marks to remind you the words are writ-
ten by someone else.
Pages 608–613. When writing summary notes and para-
phrasing, you must be systematic about citing or annotating
such information from any source. If a direct quotation serves
your purposes, ensure you write the quote verbatim, put
quotation marks around it, and cite it accurately. In most
cases, paraphrasing is a preferable option. Both paraphrasing
and summary notes must also be cited just as you would
cite a direct quote. Study the text discussions and illustra-
tions of proper paraphrasing, citation, and recording a
modified quote.
In addition to understanding the difference between summary,
paraphrase, and direct quotation, you should also know how
to effectively introduce, interpret, and incorporate material in
your writing. Without proper word choice, source information
can boldly stand out and make your writing difficult to read.
Pages 613–615. Plagiarism is stealing. It’s using another
person’s work and passing it off as your own. Intentional pla-
giarism may actually be prosecuted under certain national and
international intellectual-property statutes. In school, even
careless mistakes can get you into a great deal of trouble. At
the least, plagiarism cab cause you to fail the assignment,
and it can be a cause for failure of the course. Repeated
incidents result in dismissal from school.

English Composition158
To ensure you don’t accidentally plagiarize, the first rule is
simple: Frame direct quotes in quotation marks, properly
introduce paraphrases and summaries, and cite the source
in a proper format. The second rule is also simple: Be sure
material in the public domain, such as quotes from books or
articles written in the nineteenth century, is also properly
cited. Beyond the ethics of academic courtesy, it’s better to
be safe than sorry.
Pages 615–618. For many writers, field research yields
results that can’t be found in published sources. The proper
techniques of conducting interviews, carrying out survey
research, and direct field observation are offered in this
Pages 618–619. If you need help locating sources for a
chosen topic, this section will help. Review the guidelines
covered in this assignment and the previous one.
Self-Check 24
1. Exercise 22.1, on page 613: Practice paraphrasing, using the excerpt provided.
2. Exercise 22.2, on page 615: Evaluate the sample paraphrase and rewrite it if necessary.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

Lesson 9 159
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, in the Successful
College Writing textbook, read Chapter 23, pages 620–679. To
test your progress, complete the self-check.
Now it’s time to see how all that you’ve learned comes
together. It can be demanding and challenging to write a
research paper. First, your initial thesis may be derailed as
you begin your research. For instance, if you decide to write
about homicide trends across the nation, you might assume
that homicide rates in rural areas are lower than in large
cities and focus your thesis accordingly. As you read, one
source leading to another, you may discover that homicide
rates are actually higher in some rural areas than they are
in urban areas like Detroit or Washington, DC. That’s why
flexibility and an open mind are necessary as you do your
preliminary research. Use this assignment to learn all you
can about locating sources, taking notes, and applying the
citation procedures appropriate to your field of study.
When you conduct research for a paper, one of the things
you must do is categorize the information you find. The
“Quick Start” exercise on page 621 shows how to get started.
Pages 622–630. Before you begin the first draft of a research
paper, you must evaluate and organize your sources, much
like you did for your argument. That means breaking the
information down according to purpose, such as providing
background, supporting your thesis, or adding detail. Also,
note any that conflict with another source. You may decide
to discard some information that either doesn’t support your
thesis or simply doesn’t work with the rest of your sources.
Study Figure 23.2 on page 626, which is a sample graphic
organizer for the topic “Voluntary Simplicity.”
Pages 630–636. Carefully study the information on documen-
tation and plagiarism. Using transitions and introductory
phrases helps to integrate the material into your writing
style. (Be sure to cite that material, of course.) Exact words
are always included in direct quotes to clarify that they’re
not your work, but you should also try to blend the material
together smoothly. Pay attention to the proper punctuation
of quotations.

English Composition160
As you revise your paper, be prepared to cut any material
that doesn’t provide support and evidence for your thesis and
lead to a clear conclusion. Remember to let your writing rest
between revisions so you’ll see what it actually says, and not
what you intended it to mean.
Pages 637–640. As you prepare your final draft, pay special
attention to
n Formatting: Note the seven criteria listed on page 637.
n The flowchart: See Figure 23.3 on pages 638–639.
n Editing and proofreading: A list of tips is on pages 639–640.
When completing a writing assignment for a course in English,
a foreign-language, or another humanities field, you’ll need to
use documentation style of the Modern Language Association,
(also called MLA style). Pages 157–199 of The Little, Brown
Essential Handbook explain the purpose of MLA style and
provides detailed information on creating correct citations
for most types of sources. Pay special attention to the differ-
ences between online and print sources.
Pages 640–662. This is a reference section to use in
completing your research paper in the Modern Language
Association (MLA) style for citing sources. This is a vital
reference resource for completing your essay assignment.
When completing a research paper for a course in psychology
or another social sciences, you’ll need to use documentation
style of the American Psychological Association (APA style).
Pages 200–219 of The Little, Brown Essential Handbook
explain the purpose of APA style and provides you with
detailed information on creating correct citations for various
types of sources.
Pages 663–681. This reference section provides American
Psychological Association (APA) conventions for citing sources
in research papers. Study the “Students Write” feature, which
is an example of a properly documented research paper. Pay
close attention to the margin notes.

Lesson 9 161
Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, in the Successful
College Writing textbook, read Chapter 25, pages 716–735. To
test your progress, complete the self-check.
Please note that your text’s Chapter 25, “Essay Examinations
and Portfolios,” ends on page 735. However, your required read-
ing for this chapter ends on page 728. Your focus should be on
the excellent advice and guidelines you’ll find for responding to
essay exam questions. Feel free to skim over the material on
creating a portfolio. However, none of this material will appear
on your exam for Lesson 9.
Required Journal Entry 14: Notes and Citations
Reread “Writing Summary Notes,” “Writing Paraphrases,” and “Avoiding Plagiarism” on pages
611–614 of the textbook. Also review both the MLA and APA formats for citing Internet sources
on textbook pages 652–655 and 673–674. Then, go to Scroll
to the Job Search Tools section. Click Career Advice from the bulleted list. From the list pro-
vided, choose any article related to a job search. Actively read and reread that article several
Summary: Summarize the article. (1 paragraph, 3–5 sentences)
MLA format: Write an accurate citation for the article using MLA format.
APA format: Write an accurate citation for the article using APA format.
Self-Check 25
1. Exercise 23.1, on page 625: Follow the instructions for one of the three listed topics.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

English Composition162
Why do many colleges require students to write essays or essay-
type answers within time limits? Time limits assess the extent to
which students understand ideas or concepts, and their critical-
thinking and writing skills. Because proctored exams are part
of your program requirements, this chapter can help you deal
with time limits while still writing at a college level.
The “Quick Start” exercise is explained on page 717. After
you’ve studied the cartoon, limit your response time to 15
minutes. The exercise will help you prepare for time-limited
writing responses.
Pages 719–722. In this section, you’ll consider four ways to
prepare for essay exams:
n Write out study sheets to organize and/or visualize a
response to an essay or essay question.
n Learn to predict essay exam questions by studying
previous exams and grouping topics into categories.
n Draft possible answers in an outline form based on your
n Reduce your essay outline to an informal key-word outline.
Pages 725–727. The art of taking an essay exam involves
applying all the skills you’ve learned in this course. In addition,
you’re expected read the directions carefully and preview the
exam so you can budget your time for each question. By
following a few guidelines, you can score higher on your exam,
even if you don’t actually know more about the subject
matter than you did before.
When you analyze an exam question, look for the key verbs,
such as identify, explain, or discuss. If the requirement is to
explain, you can probably limit your approach to one point
of view; however, if you’re told to discuss, you must consider
opposing points of view as well as specific examples. Study
Figure 25.1 on page 725, which presents a guide to identify-
ing and understanding the key words found in essay exam
items. Then approach your answer as you would any essay—
compose a thesis statement, develop supporting details, and
proof your answer for obvious errors.

Lesson 9 163
Pages 727–728. Study the sample essay exam question and
the student response. Does the student adequately distinguish
between fads and fashions? Where’s the thesis statement?
What is the five-phase process?
Required Journal Entry 15: Course Reflection
Reflect: Reread what you wrote for Journal Entry 1: “Me, a Writer?” Compare and contrast your
attitude then with your attitude now. Reflect on how knowing who you are as a learner has helped
you with the course activities. Reflect on ways you’ve changed as a writer, reader, and/or thinker
throughout the course. (3 paragraphs, 5 sentences each)
Evaluate: Evaluate this English Composition course. Explain what you found most helpful, least
understandable, and/or least helpful. Suggest ways to improve the course so it better accom-
plishes its objectives for college students. (2 paragraphs, 5 sentences each)
Self-Check 26
1. Exercise 25.1, on page 720: Prepare a study sheet for a topic from one of your semester
courses for use on your proctored exam
2. Exercise 25.2, on pages 720–721: As instructed, use the guidelines for predicting essay
exams and key verbs to create three possible questions.
3. Exercise 25.3, on page 726: Write thesis statements for two of the four essay
exam questions.
Check your answers with those in the online Self-Check Answers supplement.

English Composition164
The remainder of this course consists of two examinations.
First, you’ll complete the Lesson 9 exam on research and MLA
citation. After the Lesson 9 exam, you’ll complete your final
examination by preparing your course journal for submission.
Now that you’ve spent significant time learning the material
for this course, it’s time to show both what you’ve done and
what you can now do!

Final Examination:
Course Journal
Your course journal should be completed already, because it
was assigned as part of each lesson. Before you prepare the
file and turn in your journal, read through it and make sure
it’s presented in a way that will be easily understood by your
instructor. Remember, the emphasis is on its content (your
thought processes and ideas, rather than structure and con-
ventions), but it still must be understandable.
Review the Course Journal Evaluation Chart, which will be used
to grade your exam. Because the journal counts as 33 percent
of your final grade, it’s important to make sure you include
all 15 entries in the required format and with the necessary
The journal assignments require you to think on paper rather
than demonstrate polished writing. Each entry is rated for the
completeness of the assigned task, as well as the depth and
breadth of thought. Your goal is to demonstrate quality of
thinking, rather than to produce a certain quantity of words
(never write words just to have words). Consider your journal
the place where you interact with yourself in an animated,
thought-provoking written conversation (on which the
instructor then eavesdrops).
Six Levels of Intellectual Thinking
To become familiar with the kinds of thinking that show
learning, study the types of thinking below. They’re based on
Bloom’s revised taxonomy, which defines six levels of intellec-
tual thinking. The levels begin with the lowest or easiest type
of thinking and move to the highest or most complex level.
Your assignments will concentrate on the higher levels of
Remembering. Recall or recognize relevant information.
Understanding. Explain the meaning of what you’ve learned.
Applying. Use what you’ve learned in a different context.

Final Examination166
Analyzing. Break what you’ve learned into parts, and relate
each part to the others and to an overall purpose.
Evaluating. Justify your decision or choice according to
certain criteria (either your own or some specified set).
Creating. Develop something original; put together what
you’ve learned in a new way.
Submitting Your Assignment
To submit the assignment, follow these steps:
1. Type the assignment.
2. Save the document.
3. Go to your Student Portal.
4. Go to My Courses.
5. Find the section for this project.
6. Click on the Take Exam icon.
7. That will bring up a Browse menu. You must then
find where you’ve saved your work in your computer.
The journal should have been saved under your student
number_exam number_last name_first name. Your exam
number for this assignment is 05018300.
8. Click on the exam.
9. Click on Open.
10. Enter a correct e-mail address.
11. Click on Upload file.
12. There’s no need to worry about the project sheet. The
instructor will add one for you.
Essays must be typed, using a standard 12-point font and left justification. Use 1-inch margins at
the top and bottom and 1.25-inch margins for the left and right sides of the document. Single-
space your journal entries, using double-spacing only between entries. (See page 9 of your study
guide for more instructions.) Each page must have a properly formatted header containing your
name, student number, exam number, page number, mailing address, and e-mail address (see
page 6 for an example). Name each document using your student number first, then the six-digit
lesson number, and finally your last name (for example, 23456789_050177 Doe). Save each as
“File Type: Rich Text Format,” regardless of your word-processing program.

Final Examination 167
13. You’ll receive an e-mail within 24 hours that tells you
the exam has been received. You’ll notice a label indicat-
ing RCD on your record next to that exam until a grade
is posted.
14. Exams are evaluated within five days of receipt, although
sometimes they’re evaluated sooner.
15. You’ll receive the evaluation and exam with comments
from an instructor by clicking on View Exam Results
once you see your grade posted.
If you choose to mail the project, here’s the address:
Penn Foster
Student Service Center
925 Oak Street
Scranton, PA 18515-0001
Evaluation Criteria
As noted, your journal takes the place of a final examination
for the course and is worth 33 percent of your course grade.
Your writing will be graded according to the following criteria.
A-level: Your entry shows fresh insight into yourself and the
writing process. You include appropriately specific details to
support what you say as you explore the assignment from
different perspectives or possibilities. You think primarily at
the Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating levels.
B-level: Although your entry shows a good attempt at the
Creating level, your content is mostly Analyzing and Evaluating.
The entry tends toward a general explanation of the thinking
process leading to the conclusions you give, rather than con-
sidering a different angle on the topic. Your voice seems lost
or mechanical at times, so the conversation sounds a little
forced or stilted instead of naturally flowing from within you.
C-level: You refer to the assignment, but your approach is more
general than specific, superficial or commonplace, instead of
insightful. Your writing lacks depth and complexity or profound
thought. Your discussion is usually at the Understanding,
Applying, and Analyzing levels, rarely moving into Evaluating
or Creating.
The Penn Foster
Student Service Center
is under contract with
Penn Foster College.

Final Examination168
D-level: Your entry is short and perfunctory, merely skimming
the assignment, providing bits and pieces of information about
yourself but with distant or general feeling. Your writing is
too broad and tends to cover areas only loosely related to the
assignment. Specific details are inadequate and without clear
connection to the assignment focus. You, as an individual,
don’t seem to be present because you’re mostly going through
the motions. Your thinking is primarily Remembering and
Understanding with some Applying and perhaps a small
amount of Analyzing.
F-level: Either you don’t write the entry or what you write is
off topic and so general that you shed little or no light on the
assignment’s focus. Few specifics, if any, are given. It’s clear
that you’re merely putting words down for the sake of filling
space rather than interacting with the topic to produce new
and deeper thinking.
Evaluation Rubric
The following table shows the specific criteria for the evaluation
of the journal entries.

Final Examination 169
Course Journal Evaluation Chart
Required Entries A B C D F
Me, a Writer?
Attitude / Inventory 5 4.5 4 3.5 3-2-0
Brainstorm / Thesis 5 4.5 4 3.5 3-2-0
Evidence / Method and organization 5 4.5 4 3.5 3-2-0
Purpose and audience / Thesis, topic sentences,
and paragraphs / Organization / Evidence
10 9 8 7.5 7-5-0
Public Space
Explore / Freewrite 5 4.5 4 3.5 3-2-0
Scene / Actions / Participants / Dialogue /
5 4.5 4 3.5 3-2-0
Sensory details / Comparison / Evaluation 5 4.5 4 3.5 3-2-0
Attitude / Inventory 5 4.5 4 3.5 3-2-0
Comparison and Contrast
Experience / Compare and contrast 5 4.5 4 3.5 3-2-0
Classification and Division
Categories or parts 5 4.5 4 3.5 3-2-0
Classification / Division 5 4.5 4 3.5 3-2-0
Analyze / React 10 9 8 7.5 7-5-0
Web Site Evaluation
Riley / USA 10 9 8 7.5 7-5-0
Notes and Citations
Summary / MLA citation / APA citation 5 4.5 4 3.5 3-2-0
Course Reflection
Reflect / Evaluate 10 9 8 7.5 7-5-0
Date / Heading / Part label / Student information 5 4.5 4 3.5 3-2-0

———–~- ….~..-­
FIGURE 4.4 Sample Open-Page lournal Format
People are alwayS
distracted because
they are surrounded
by many choices.
People make
choiceS about what is
Who deddes what is polite and
what is rude, Where do the
standards come from?
Changes in
older generations always
complain about a loss of civility
lr’Ia’pr 2:enerdtlo ns•
What some people view
as rude! others see as
normal behavior.
The Two-Column Format
Divide several pages of your journal into twO vertical columns. If you journal on a com­
puter, you can insert a table with tWO columns. Label the left side “Quotations” and the
right side “Responses.” Under “Quotations,” jot down five ro ten quotations from the
text. Choose remarks that seem important-that state an opinion, summarize a view­
point, and SO forrh. In the right column, next to each quotation, write your response to
the quotation. You might explain it, disagree with or question it, relate it ro other
mation in the teading or in another reading, or tie it to your own experiences. The
column format forces you to think actively about an essay while you quesrion what
have read and draw connections. Because it provides more structure than the
format, students who tend to be pragmatic or concrete learners may find ir effcc
Figure 4.5 followS the two-column format. In rhis emry, the writer has
ered several possible ropics-types or degrees of rudeness, the meaning of
economically disadvantaged,” and self_centered behavior.
You may find it useful to paraphrase the quotation before writing your r
Paraphrasing forces you ro think about the meaning of the quotation, and ideas
writing may come to mind as a result. To use paraphrasing, add a “Paraphrases”
umn to your journal berween the “Quorations” column and rhe “Responses”
For “American Jerk’ or another essay, write a response in your
pa;Je ~”‘r the two-column formal.
Use a Reading-RespOnse Worksheet
An easy way to record all of your ideas about a reading in onc place is to use a
response worksheet. The worksheet guides your response while directing your
A blank worksheet is shown in Figure 4.6 on page 94. Notice that it includes
This statementimplies that racial jokes and talking
on your cell phone are somehow on the same level
of rudeness.
There is a distinction b&Vreen ‘poor’ and ‘sodo­
economicatly disadvantaged,’ and it’s an impor­
tant one. ThenrSt term has to do with money, but
the second one also has to do with culture and
seoond is that sunlight contains tiny spores
ige in the cerebel1llm, making the infected
they are the center afthe univ.rse:
This is a joke, butthe author is saying that every­
one sees themselves as important; this 1S a bad
thing; and scl1ools, churches, and parents teach
this message to cI1ilrlren to bllild self-esteem.
your first impressions, a summary, connections to your own experiences,
for analysis, and additional sources.
Your Learning Style
are a verbal or social learner, you probably find reading a comfortable and
way to obtain information. If you are a spatial !earner, though, you may
images (like those in videos and films) to printed text. Regatdless of
style, most of your assignments will be in print form. Therefore, you
learning style in a way that enhances your reading and writing.
guidelines fOf active reading and response are tailored to the various
a spatial learner, create mental pictures of people and places_ For exam’ple,
the essay “American Jerk,” on p. 54. you might create a mental im­
behaving rudely. In addition, use graphic organizers and diagrams
e ideas in an essay. As you annotate, use symbols to connect the ideas
etween paragraphs (for example, see the symbols listed for the reading-
on p. 34).
learnet, discuss a reading assignment with a classmate both before
Pr<:view the essay together, sharing ideas about the topic. After discuss your reactions to it. In both instances, use the Guide to Chapter.3 (p.48)and the Guide to Responding to Text in this to get started. . .­ abstract learner, a creative learner, or both, you may overlook details focus on the "big ideas" and overall message of a reading. Be sure to points and to concentrate on faCts and supporting details. Learnl,,!/ Style Optlof>s

FIGURE 4.6 Sample Reading·Response Worksheet
TITLE: ________•_________________
SUMMARy’ _______________________
ANALYSIS Qssue, aspect, feature, problem)
1. ____
1. __
• If you are a concrete learner, a pragmatic learner. or both. you may like to focus
on details instead of seeing how ideas fit together and contribute to an author’s
overall message. Use graphic organizers to help you create a larger picture. Try to
make the essay as “real” as possible; visualize events occurring or the author writ­
ing. You might visualize yourself interviewing the author, alone or with a panel
of classmates .
• Ifyou are an emotional learner, you may focus on your feelings about
people or events in the essay and overlook the wayan author uses them to convey
an overall message. Keep rllis question in mind: How does the author use these
people or events to get his or her message across?
• If you are a rational learner. you may see how logical or dear the presentation of
ideas is and overlook more subtle shades of meaning. Be sure to annotate, which
will draw OUt your personal reactions to a piece of writing.

Essay in Progress 4
Discuss “American Jerk” with a classmate. Make notes as you discuss. If you chose an.
… other essay, pair up with a classmate who also chose that essay, or ask your classmate
to read the essay you have chosen.
in Progress 5
two- to four·page paper in response to “American Jerk’ or the essay you
en. Use the following steps to shape the ideas you generated in Essays in
1 to 4:
Reread the writing you did in response to the reading. look for ideas that seem
worthwhile and important enough to become the basis of your essay.

Look for related ideas. Try to find ideas that fit together to produce a viewpoint or
position toward the reading.

Do no! attempt to cover all your ideas. Your essay should no! analyze every aspect
of the essay. Instead, you should focus on one feature or aspect.

a sentence that states your central point. This sentence will become your
For more on tnesis 5tatement.~, seestatement. It should state what your essay will assert or explain.
Chapter 6 For more on organizmg
ideas and evidence from the reading to support your thesis. Your thesis your idea;, see Chapter 7. To help
backed up by specifics in the reading. you revL~e your essay, 51?€’ Chapter
‘Our ideas into essay form. Your paper should have a title, introduction,

‘ur essay. Be sure that you have explained your ideas clearly and have
support from the reading for each one,

for accuracy and correctness. Use the Suggestions for Proofreading in
10 (pp. 221-22).

.. ~__ ~ _ ,_ c_,_________~ ._-“”••
Introduction: Identifies
the artide Vaccaro is
responding to
How to Approach the Student
Essays in This Book
Use the following suggestions when reading student essays:
Read an essay several times. During your first reading, concentrate on the writer’s
message. Then read the essay again as times as necessary to analyze its writing
features. For example, first notice how w·:·· r f”,”…..lstMt daaibe-md! pm:­ … ..
Method 1 is effective when you approach the classification or division from part to
whole-identifYing details and then grouping the details. Depending on your learn­
and your topic, it may be easier to start by c(eating caregories or pans and
in details about each one. In this case, use method 2.



422 CHAPTER 16
For mOfe on purpo:.r:, audience.
Fo! more on prewritmg stratpgre.s,
:ice Chapter 5, pp.
F-or mure on observation see
Chapter 22, pp. 617-18.
Learning Style Options
(eSJ:orch. ~!?9 Chrpi.~ [),
Considering Your Purpose, Audience, and Point of View
Your principle of classification or division, your categories or parts, and your details
must all fit your purpose and audience. If your purpose is to inform novice computet
users about the components of a personal computer (PC), your parts and details must
be straightforward and nontechnical. However, if your purpose is to persuade com­
puter technicians to purchase a particular kind of PC, your pam and details would be
more technical For this Guided Writing Assignment, your audience consists of readers
of your local newspaper.
As vou work on your classification or division essay, ask yourself the following
• Is my principle of classification or division appropriate for my purpose and
• Do my categories or parts and my details advance the purpose of the essay?
• Will my readers understand the categories or parts?
• What point of view will best suit my purpose and audience·-first. second, or
third person? The first person (1, we) or second person (you) may be appropriate
in informal writing if you or your audience have personal knowledge of or experi­
ence wirh the topic you are classifYing or dividing. The third person (he. she, ir,
they) is appropriate in more formal writing or for topics less familiar to you ot
your audience.
Generating Details and Grouping Them into Categories or Parts
Work through the following tasks in whatever order suits your topic and your
style. using either method 1 or method 2 (p. 421).
Generating detAils. For each category or part, you need to supply specific details that
will make it clear and understandable to your readers. As you work on your essay,
then. write down examples, situations, or sensory details that illustrate each category
or part. Use one or more of the following strategies:
1. Visit a place where you can observe your topic or the people associated with it. For
example, to generate details about pets, visit a pet store or an animal shelter. Make
notes on what you see and hear. Record convetsations. physical characteristics, be­
haviors, and so forth.
2. Discuss your topic with a classmate or friend. Focus your talk on the aualitie, and
characteristics of your topic.
3. Brainstorm a list of all the featutes or characteristics of your topic that come to
4. Draw a map or diagram that illustrates your topic’s features and characteristics.
5. Conduct library or Internet reseatch to discover facts. examples, and other details
Choosing a principle ofclassification or division.
tcristics. Your principle of classification or division should be interesting.
and worthwhile to your audience. Experiment with several principles of classification
or division until you find one that fits your purpose and audience.

Choosing categories Or parts. Use the following suggestions to determine your
categories or parts:
1. In a classification essay. make sure most or all members of the group fit into one of
your categories. For example, in an essay about unsafe driving habits, you would
include the most common bad habits. In a division may, no essential parts should
be len out. For example, in an essay about parts of a baseball stadium, you would
not exclude the infield or bleachers.
2. In a classification essay, be sure the categories are exclusive; each group member
should fit into one category only. In the essay abour unsafe driving habits, the
categories of reckless drivers and aggressive drivers would overlap, so exclusive
categories should be used instead. In a division ess4J. make sure the parts do not
overlap. In the essay about the partS of a baseball stadium. the parts “playing
field” and “infield” would overlap, so it would be better to use three distinct
parts of rhe field-infield, outfield, and foul-ball area.
3. Create specific categories or parts that will engage your readers. In a classifica­
tion essay, categorizing drivers by their annoying driving habits would be more
interesting than simply distinguishing between “good” and “bad” drivers.
A division essay on players’ facilities in a baseball stadium _ dugout, locker
room, and bullpen-might be more interesting to sports fans than an essay
describing different seating sections of the stadium.
4. Choose descriptive names that emphasize the distinguishing feature of the
category or parr. In a classification essay, you might categorize highway drivers
as “I-own-the-road” drivers, “I’m-in-no-hurry” drivers. and “I’m-daydreaming”
drivers. In a division essay about the pares of a baseball stadium. you might use
“home-run heaven” to name one part.
Do not hesitate to create. combine, or eliminate categories or parts, as needed.
E~:;ay in Progress 1
Choose a topic for your classification or division essay from the list of assignment op_
tions on pages 420-21, or choose one on your own. Then use the preceding guidelines
for method 1 or method 2 to generate details about your topic. choose a principle of
classification or division, and devise a set of categories or parts. Whatever method you
use, list the examples, situations, or other datails that you will use to describe each cat­
egory or part. You might try drawing a graphic organizer.
DevelOPing Your Thesis
Once you choose categories or parts and are satisfied with your derails, you are ready
to develop a thesi.s for youres~ay.lkmembe.t._yom ~s fflIteml:JTl’ rimuhtiitel’lc “‘>Cli!fpre’~'”-~-‘
‘-It’ topi~ and reveal your principle of division or classification. In most cases, it
also suggest why your classification or division is useful or importan t. Notice
the following weak theses have been strengthened by shOWing both what the cat­
are and why they are important.

534 CHAPTER 19___ ” ____’ ……0 ______!
i j
TIle pair of essays on multitasking in this chapter provide you with two opportuni­
ties to practice your synthesizing skills.
Applying Your Skills: Additional Readings
The following essays take differing views on the issue of multitasking. Use the check­
list in Table 19.2 (p. 533) and the strategies for reading arguments presented in this
chapter to analyze and evaluate each essay.
How (and Why) to Stop Multitasking
Peter Bregman
Peter Bregman is a leadership consultant and CEO of Bregman Partners, Inc., a global man­
agement consulting firm. He is the author of Point A: A Short Guide to Leading a Big Change
(2007). He blogs for Harvard Business Review, where this essay appeared in 2010. As you
read, hightlight Bregman’s claim and the reasons he gives to support it.
During a conference caU with the executive committee of a nonprofit board on which I 1
sit, I decided to send an email to a client. I know, I know. You’d think I’d have learned.
Last week I wrote about the dangers of using a cell phone while driving. Multitasking
is dangerous. And so I proposed a way to stop. But when I sent that email, I wasn’t in a
car. I was safe at my desk. What could go wrong?
Well, I sent the client the message. Then I had to send him another one, this
time with the attachment I had forgotten to append. Finally, my third email to him
explained why that attachment wasn’t what he was expecting. When I eventually
refocused on the call,l realized I hadn’t heard a question the Chair of the Board had
asked me.
I swear I wasn’t smoking anything. But I might as well have been. A study showed l
that people distracted by incoming email and phone calls saw a 10-point fall in their
IQs. What’s the impact of a 10’point drop? The same as lOSing a night of sleep. More
than twice the effect of smoking marijuana.
DOing several things at once is a trick we play on ourselves, thinking we’re get· 4
ling more done. In reality, our productivity goes down by as much as 40%. We don’t
actually multitask. We switch-task, rapidly shifting from one thing to another, inter·
rupting ourselves unproductively, and losing time in the process.
You might think you’re different, that you’ve done it so much you’ve become
good at it. Practice makes perfect and all thaLBut you’d be wrong. Research shows
that heavy multitaskers are less competent at doing several things at once than
light multitaskers. In other words, in contrast to almost everything else in your
life, the more you multitask, the worse you are at it. Practice, in this case, works
. ~~~”.- —–“‘-‘—~-~’-.-‘~–…—–~–,-,..~,
I decided to do an experiment. For one week I would do no multitasking and see
what happened. What techniques would help? Could I sustain a focus on one thing

at a time for that long? For the most part, I succeeded. If I was on the phone, all I did

was talk or listen on the phone. In a meeting I did nothing but focus on the meeting.
Any interruptions – email, a knock on the door I held off until I finished what I
was working on.
During the week I discovered six things:
• First, it was delightful. I noticed this most dramatically when I was with my ch iI.
dren. I shut my cell phone off and found myself much more deeply engaged and
present with them. I never realized how significantly a short moment of checking
my email disengaged me from the people and things right there in front of me.
Don’tlaugh, but I actually – forthe first time in a while – noticed the beauty of
leaves blowing in the wind.
• Second, I made significant progress on challenging projects, the kind that _ like

writing or strategizing – require thought and persistence. The kind I usually try to

distract myself from. I stayed with each project when it got hard, and experienced
a number of breakthroughs.
• Third, my stress dropped dramatically. Research shows that multitasking isn’t
jUst inefficient, it’s stressful. And I found that to be true. It was a relief to do

only one thing at a time. t felt liberated from the strain of keeping so many balls
in the air at each moment. It felt reassuring to finish one thing before gOing to
the next.
• Fourth, I lost aU patience for things I felt were not a good use of my time. An

hour-long meeting seemed interminably long. A meandering pointless conversa.
tion was excruciating. I became laser-focused on getting things done. Since I

wasn’t doing anything else, I got bored much more quickly. I had no tolerance for
wasted time.
• Fifth, I had tremendous patience for things I felt were useful and enjoyable.

When I listened to my wife Eleanor, I was in no rush. When I was brainstorming

about a difficult problem, I stuck with it. Nothing else was competing for my at­
tention so I was able to settle into the one thing I was dOing.
• Sixth, there was no downside. I lost nothing by not multitasking. No projects
were left unfinished. No one became frustrated with me for not answering a call
or failing to return an email the second I received it.

That’s why it’s so surprising that multitasking is so hard to resist. If there’s no 8
downSide to stopping, why don’t we all just stop? I think it’s because our minds
move considerably faster than the outside world. You can hear far more words a
minute than someone else can speak. We have so much to do, Why waste any time?
So, while you’re on the phone listening to someone, why not use that extra brain
power to book a trip to Florence? What we neglect to renlize is that we’re already us­
ing that brain power to pick up nuance, think about what we’re hearing, access our
creativity,and staycoi’lnected towhat’s hallpenirur illQuud us..l1’SLJlot..reaUy. em.
brain power,a’nd diverting it has rieg~tive consequences.

__ __
536 CI-IAPTER 19 READING ARGUMENTS ._.___~AV_I_~_!,.~~!!~_~” IN DEFENSE OF MU ____~”,w_~ ·,m’-“,,~’,.._.~_”,
So how do we resist the temptation? First. the obvious: the best way to avoid Thinking Critically about Argument
interruptions is to turn them off. Often I write at 6 a.m. when there’s nothing to
1. Describe Bregman’s tone. Highlight several words or phrases that reveal this tone. distract me, I disconnect my computer from its wireless connection and turn my
2. Bregman mentions research but fails to cite his sources. How does that affect the phone off. In my car, I leave my phone in the trunk. Drastic? Maybe. But most of us
effectiveness of his argument?
shouldn’t trust ourselves. Second, the less obvious: Use your loss of patience to
· 1 i 3. What is the connotation of the word delighrfol (para. 7)?
your advantage. Create unrealistically short deadlines. Cut all meetings in half. Give
yourself a third of the time you think you need to accomplish something. There’s
nothing like a deadline to keep things moving. And when things are moving fast, we
can’t help but focus on them. How many people run a race while texting? If you re­
ally only have 30 minutes to finish a presentation you thought would take an hour,
are you really gOing to answer an interrupting call? Interestingly, because multitask·
ing is so stressful, single-tasking to meet a tight deadline will actually reduce your
stress. In other words, giving yourself less time to do things could make you more
productive and relaxed.
Finally, it’s good to remember that we’re not perfect. Every once in a while it 10
might be OK to allow for a little multitasking. As 1was writing this, Daniel. my
two-year-old son, walked into my office, climbed on my lap, and said “Monsters,
Inc. movie please.’ So, here we are,l’m finishing this piece on the left side of my
computer screen while Daniel is on my lap watching a movie on the right side of my
computer screen. Sometimes, it is simply impossible to resist a little multitasking.
E){amining the Reading
1. Why does Bregman believe we should stop most of otlr multitasking?
2. Summarize the opposing views favoring multitasking that Bregman refutes.
3. What did Bregman discover after he stopped multitasking?
4. Explain the meaning of each of the following words as it is used in the
reading: refocused (para. 2), competent (5), disengaged (7), persistence (7),
and meandering
Analyzing the Writer’s Technique
1. What is Bregman’s claim? Is it a claim of fact, value, or policy? Explain how you
2. What types of emotional appeals does Bregman make? IdentifY the needs and val­
ues to which he appeals.
3. What types of evidence does Bregman use to support his claim?
4. Ne there any errors in reasoning? If so, explain.
Visualizing the Reading
Create a graphic organizer for the argument in this essay.
4. What is “smoking anything” (3) a euphemism for?
Reacting to the Reading
1. Evaluate Bregman’s description of his discoveries when he stopped multitasking.
Ne they persuasive? Could he have added anything that would make them more
2. W’hat do you think of Bregman’s tips for how to stop multitasking? Are these
things you could apply to your life? Why or why not?
3. Keep a journal for a day, and record all the times YOIl multitask and how doing so
affects you.
4, Write an essay describing your own experiences with multitasking. Offer examples
of why it has or has not been useful for you.
In Defense of MultitaSking
David Silverman
David Silverman has worked in business and taught bUsiness writing. He is the author of
Typo: The Lost American Typesetter or How I Made and Lost Four MIll/em Dollars (200n. He
blogs for Harvard Business Review, where this essay appeared in 2010, ten days after the
previous one by Peter Bregman, As you read, notice how Silverman attempts to refute Breg.
man’s position, blogger Peter Bregman recently made some excellent points about the
downside of multitasking ­ as did Matt Richtel in his New York Times article on
Monday. I win not deny that single’minded devotion often produces’ high quality.
Nor willi attempt to join the misguided (and scientifically discredited) many who
say, “Yeah, other people can’t do it, but I’m super awesome at dOing 10 things at
But let’s remember, unitasking has a downside too – namely, what works far
one person slows down others. Multitasking isn’t just an addiction for the short­
attention-spanned among us; it’s crucial to survival in today’s Workplace. To see
Why, take a look at computing, where the concept of multitasking came from.
Long ago, in the days of vacuum tubes and relays, computers worked in
“‘”batch” mode. lobs were loaded from punched cards, and each job waited until
one before it was completed. This .created seriousl1robl.ems.YO.LLdidr~:tknow
“your job had’an error until ilran, ;’;hich ~ould be hours after you submitted it

Re:SCR.rch P’apct” i-n PrfJgr6’s;s 1
Choose a broad topic for your research paper. In your paper you will state a thesis and
provide evidence for your thesis. Your audience consists of your classmates. Begin by
using one or more pre writing techniques to narrow and generate ideas about your topic.
Then reread your work and highlight useful ideas. Choose one of the broad topics be­
low, or come up with one on your own. Refer to Table 5.2 on page 116 for other general
topic suggestions.
1. Extreme sports
2. Cross·racial child adoptions
3. Problems in the workplace
4. Internet fraud
5. Campus security and safety
If you are uncertain about the topic you have chosen, be sure to check with your instructor.
Most instructors don’t mind if you clear your topic with them; in fact, some encourage or
even require this step. Your instructor may also suggest a way to narrow your topic, recom­
mend a useful source, or offer to review your outline at a later stage.
Writing a Working Thesis and Listing
Research Questions
Once you choose and narrow a topic, try to determine, as
kinds of information you need to know about it. Begin by
your paper and listing the research questions you need to answer.
One student working on the general topic of child abuse, for example, used pre­
writing and preliminary to narrow his lOcus to physical abuse and its causes.
Since he already had a few ideas about possible causes, he used those ideas to wrire a
working thesis. He then used his thesis to generate a list of research questions. Notice
how the student’s questions follow from his working thesis.
WORKING THFSIS The physical abuse of children often stems from parents’
emotional instability and a family history of child abuse.
If a person was physically abused as a child, how likdy is
that person to become an abusive parent?
What kinds of emotional problems seem to trigger the physical
abuse of children?
Which cause is more significant-a family history of abuse or
emotional problems?
Is there more physical abuse of children now than there was in
the past, or is more abuse being reported?
A working thesis and a list of research questions will enable you to approach your
research in a focused way. Instead of running helter-skelter from one aspect of your
• “‘~<)JQU will ~able l" _0 41'1 ----._---,----­ I CHOOSINQ AND EVALUATING USEFUL SOURCES 583 ""'-"-.-.--..---~----.~~" -'"'·-~'~-__~_.~~".~M~___,."___ " __~___ For one ofthe fo1lnwing topics, write a working thesis and four or more research questions. 1. Methods of controlling pornography on the Internet 2. The possibility that some form of life has existed on other planets 3. Reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs 4. Benefits of tracing your family's genealogy (family tree) 5. Ways that elderly family members affect family life Research Paper in Progress 2 Review the list of ideas you generated in Research Paper in Progress 1. Underline the ideas for which you need further details Or supporting evidence, and list the informa. tion you need. Then, using the preceding guidelines, write a Working thesis and a list of research questions. ChOOSing and Evaluating Useful Sources Once you have a working thesis and a Jist of research questions, stop fur a moment be­ fore you charge off to the library or your computer. Many students make the mistake ofphotocopying many articles, printing out dozen~, of Web pages, and lugging home numerous books only to find that the sourCes are not useful or that several contain identical information. Save yoursdf time by taking a few minutes to think about and electronic sources and about which sources will be most relevant and Consider as well how to distinguish between filets and opinions, how to and how to recognize generalizations or assumptions. Using Online and Print Sources Deciding when to use the Internet and when to use traditional library print sources can be complicated. In terms of convenience, it may be easier to access SOUf\;es online from your dorm room or home rather than visiting the library. You may also be able to lISe your home computer to access many of the library's resources, including its catalog of books, indexes, and dectronic databases. But even though some Students find the use of print sources roo cumbersome and time-consuming, online sources also have their drawbacks. First, although the Internet is a vaSt network of information, that information is unorganized. There is no central source that organizes or catalogs it the . Wllya library does for print materials. Second, Internet sources are not stable-that is, . you find one day may disappear the next, or the COntent may change. Finally, almost anyone can publish on the Internet with no "screening" by publishers, librarians, or experts in the subject area, you cannot be as confident ~YPI! im.~ mat l'Ipanicubronttl'le'rotirceiscrediI:.leand authoritative. These important for sources you find On your own, such as through a ,~ .... '''~-;. 584 CHAPTER 21--_ .., .. _.. _..'-­ ,-,-~- ,~"-,,,,- ror more on audience, see Chapter 5, pp. 107-·9 PLANNING A PAPER WITH SOURCES Coogle search, rather than in an electronic database to which your library subscribes. (Use the guidelines on pp. 585-87 to evaluate Internet sources.) Some sources are available both online and in print, including many periodicals and certain reference books, such as the Oxford Encyclopedia of F(}(}d and Drink in America. Some are only online, including blogs, video and audio marerial, and some magazines and journals. However, rhere are many sources rhat are available only in print form, including most books. Following are a few specific situarions in which us­ ing a print source is often preferable to using an online source: • To find specific facts. It president's inauguration, by on the Web. be easier to find a single fact, such as the date of a in a reference book rather than doing research • To do historical or in-depth research on a topic.. Books may be essential to some eypes of research because they represent years of study by authorities on the Some historical information and data are not available on the Internet. Choosing Relevant Sources A reletiant source contains information that helps you answer one or more of your re­ search questions. Answering the following questions will help you determine whether a source is relevant: 1. Is the source too general or too specialized for your intended audiencer Some sources may not contain the detailed information your audience requires; others may be too technical and require background knowledge that your audience does not have. For example, suppose you are researching the environmental effects of recycling cans and bottles. If your audience consists of science majors, an article in ReaderS Digest might be too general. Conversely, an article in Environmental Science and lechnology would be written for scienrists and may be a bit too technical for your purposes. 2. Is the source recent enough for your purposesl In rapidly changing fields of outdated sources are not useful unless you need ro give a historical perspec­ tive. For example, a ten-year-old article on using air bags ro improve car safety will not include information on recent discoveries abour the dangers that air bags pose to children riding in the front passenger seat. Choosing Reliable Sources A reliable source is honest, accurate, and credible. Answering the questions below will you determine whether a source is reliable. (To check the reliability of an Internet source, consult pp. 585-87 as welL) . 1. Is die sodree$dtolllJ'ty!Altilough smoIiiSo!teri·disagree with one another, thef make a serious attempt to present accurare information. In addition, an article thal appears in a scholarly journal or textbook has been reviewed by a panel of professionals in the field prior to publication. Therefore, scholarly sources tend CHOOSING AND EVALUATINQ USEFUL SOURCES 585 '-", - ••~ -"~"--.-~-----.--'--" "~-' -."~""'.---""- ---""-~"'- __"_0" ___ '~",,,_,~,.~__ to be trustworthy. For more on the differences between scholarly and popular sources, refer to Table 22.1 on page 601. 2. Does the source have a solid reputationl Some magazines, such as Time and Newsweek, are known for responsible reporting, whereas other periodicals have a reputation for sensationalism and should be avoided or approached skeptically. Web sites, too, mayor may not be reputable. 3. Is the author an expert in the fieldl Check the author's credentials. Information about authors may be given in a headnote; at the end of an article; on a home page in a link; or in the preface, on the dust jacket, or at the beginning or end of a book. You might also check a reference book such as Contemp(}rary Authors to verilY an author's credentials. 4. Does the author approach the topic fairly and objectively? A writer who states a strong opinion is not necessarily biased. However, a writer who ignores opposing views, distorts facts, or ignores information that does not fit his or her opinion is presenting a biased and incomplete view of a topic. Although you can use a biased source to understand a particular viewpoint, you must also seek out other sources that present alternative views. For more on bias and viewpoint, see pages 589-90. 21.3 l%rking in a small group, discuss why the sources listedfor each topic below would or would not be considered relevant and reliable. Assume that the classmates in your writing ClJUrse are your audience. 1. Topic: Caring for family members with Alzheimer's disease a, Introductory health and nutrition textbook b. Article in Woman's Day titled 'Mother, Where Are You?" c. Article from a gerontology journal on caring for aging family members 2. Topic: Analyzing the effects of heroin use on teenagers a. Newspaper article written by a former heroin user b. Article from the Journal of Neurology on the biochemical effects of heroin on the brain . c. Pamphlet on teenage drug use published by the National Institutes of Health 3. Topic: Implementing training programs to reduce sexual harassment in the workplace a. Article from the Christian Science Monitor titled 'RemOVing Barriers for Working Women' b. Personal Web site relating an incident of harassment on the job c. Training manual for employees of General Motors Elfaluating Internet Sources The Internet offers many excellent and reputable sources. Not all sites are accurate and unbiased, however, and misinformation ofren appears on the Web. Use the following I' II 688 CHAPTER 21 -----~~, ..-.."-.,.. ' --."-~~,II '1] 1\1 II~ Iii! "~I, III! \:\ \il !i j For mort:! about bias, see pp, 589-90, PLANNING A PAPER WITH SOURCES TABLE 21.1 Evaluating Internet Sources • Who sponsors or publishes the site-an organization,purpose a corporation, a government agency, or an individual? • What are the sponsor's goals-to present information or news, opinions, products to sell, or fun? • Who wrote the information on the site?Aut/lor • Is the information clearly presented and well written? • Are ideas supported by credible evidence? Is there a works·cited Accuracy list or bibliography? • Is the information presented verifiable? • Are opinions clearly identified as such? • When was the site first created? What is the date of the last Timeliness revision? • Does the specific document you are using have a date? • Are the links up·to·date? questions to evaluate the reliability ofInternet sources. nable 21.1 summarizes these questions,) Whatls the Site's Purpose? Web sites have many different purposes. They may provide information or news, ad· vocate a particular point of view, or try to sell a product. Many sites have more than one purpose. A pharmaceutical company's sire, for instance, may offer health advice in addition to advertising its own drugs. Understanding rhe purposes of an Internet source will help you deal with its potential biases. To determine the purpose of any site, start by identifying the sponsor of the site-the organization or person who paid to place it on the Web. The copyright usu­ ally reveals the owner of a site, and often a link labeled "About Us," "AboUt Me," or "Mission Statement" will take you to a description of the sponsor. What Are the Author's Credentials? It helps to know who wrote the specific Web page you are looking at. The sponsors of many Web sires have professionals write their content. When this is the case, the writer's name and credentials are usually listed, and his or her email address may be provided. This kind of information can help you determine whether the Web page is a reliable resource, If information about an author is not available on the site or is sketchy, you might conauc! a search for the author's name on the Web. Regardless of who the author of the,site is, rhdnfor.maci-~d be wdI writtdt ~ ami urganized: tfit is carelessly put together, you should be wary of it. In short, if the sponsor did not spend time ptesenting information correctly and clearly, the informa­ tion itself may not be very accurate, ==~----................ ... \ ._._~~ ~.. ~__ _.. ~___.:~~I\I!,~!..z..'.I'I~? _~~,.!;)~~T.:':II~I\I.I~I_I\I G..c Fl.' T~I~~ ..':~L:__~!~.~'!~!~~_~_~!_.~j Is the Site's Information Accurate? In addition to paying attention to how a site's material is written and organized, ask yourself the following questions: • Is a bibliography or a list of works cited provided? If sources are not included, you should question the accuracy of the site. • Can the accuracy of the information be checked elsewhere? In most instances you should be able to verify Internet information by checking another source, often simply by clicking on links in the original source. • Is the docwnent in romplete form? If you're looking at a summary, use the site to tty (0 find the original source. If you can't locate the original, be skeptical of the source that contains the summary. Original information generally has fewer errors and is often preferred in academic papers. Ifinternet information is available in print form, it is usually a good idea (0 tty to obtain the print version. There are several reasons for doing so, First, when an article goes on the Web, errors may creep in. In addition, since Web sires often change ad­ dresses or coment, a reader of your paper may not be able to find the site or content that you used. Finally, page numbers in print sources are easier to cite than those in electronic one._ (which may not include standard page numbering). Is the Site Up-to-Date? Even though the Web has a reputation for providing current information, not all Web sites are up-to-date. You can check the timeliness of a site by asking yourself the fol­ lowing questions about dates: • When was the site first established? • If the site has been revised, what is the date of the last revision? • When was the document you are looking at posted to the site! Has it been updated? This kind of information generally appears at the botrom of a site's home page or at the end of a particular document. If no dates are given, check some of the links. If the links are outdated and nonfunctioning, the information at me site is probably outdated as well. j"".,..JI" Analyzing and Thinking Critically about Sources Whether you search a libraq fat sources'-such as reievant books or journal arti­ dei:::":'or find them on the Internet, you should first make sure that your sources are relevant a~d reliable. In addition, when you use sources in your paper, you will need ro analyze them and think critieally. As a critical reader, you need to recognize rhat mul­ tiple viewpoints exist and find the sources that express them. If you can sort through 611 610 CHAPTER 22 -,-.~~.-~- ........~--"- --~ 'de[ Wron9! If S0, then why do vets use [ anesthesia? People have preconceived notions o[ cert(ljn breeds of dogs. aoS vicious. For more on writing summaries, see Chapter 4, pp. 88-89_ FINOING SOURCES ANO TAKING NOTES Weep: The Emotional Lives ofAnimals by Jeffrey Masson and Susan McCarthy. Note how this student underlined key points related to his research. Notice also how his an­ notations comment on, summarize key points of, and Question the text. SAMPLE ANNOTATIONS AND UNDERLINING The greatest obstacle in science to investigating the emotions of other animals has been an inordinate desire to avoid anthropomorphism. ~thropomorphism' me~t1te ascription of human characteristics=th()ught, feelings. consciousness, and m()0:ation= to the nonhuman. When people claim that the dements ate wnspiring to ruin their picnic or t!,;;t-;;-;:-"';;-is'their friend, they are anthropomorphizing. Few believe that the weathet is plotting against them, but anthropomorphic ideas about animals are held more widely. Outside scientific circles, it is common to speak of the thoughts and feelings of pets and wild and captive animals. Yet many scientists regard the notion that animals feel pain as the grossest sort of anthropomorphic error. Ascribing word you say." "He deck reluctant pets in clothing, give them presents in which they have no inteteSt, or assign their own opinions to the animals. Some dogs are even taught to attack of races different from their owners'. Many dog lovers seem to enjoy cats are selfish, unfeeling creatures who hearrlessly use their deluded owners, compared with loving, loyal, and naive dogs. More often, however, people have quite realis~ views a~outtheir~~' abilities and attributes. Tlleexf'erience_oLIb/iIlg with_,,:nani~ o_ften provide~troIlg sense of its abilities and limitations-although even here, as for people living intimately with people, prec.D_nceptions can be more per~_~ive !han ~~ien!:e, and can create their own realiry. Jeffrey Masson and Susan McCarthy, When Elephants we1': The EmotioruU Lives ofAnimtlk Writing Summary Notes Much of your note-taking will be in the form of summary notes, which condense in­ formation from sources. Take summary notes when you want to record the of an author's ideas but do not need the exact wording or a paraphrase. Use the below to write effective summary notes. Remember that everything you put in sum­ mary notcs must be in your own words. 1. Record only infonnation that relates to your topic and purpose. Do not include irrelevant information. 2. Write notes that condense the author's ideas into your own words. Include key n:rtlT.! and -~orprinciptes:-f)(rmn: indude specific examples, quorarioru. or anything that is not essential to the main point. Do not indude your opinion, evell a one. (You can include any commentS in a separate note, as suggested earlier.) •._ • ..c........._ .. ,, ___ ___ '_N,.F 0 R M •.A_".T.•',O N_..;..._-,-,_.;..:..c;~,,_.=_::. 3. Record the ideas in the order in which they appear in the original source. Reordering ideali might affect the meaning. 4. Reread your SUInIllllry to determine whether it contains sufficient infurmation. Would it be understandable to someone who has not read the original source? If not, revise the summary to indude additional information. S. Jot down the publication information fur the soun:es you summarize. Unless you summarize an entire book or poem, you will need page references when you write your paper and prepare a works-cited list. A sample summary is shown below. It summarizes the first fout paragraphs of the essay "Dude, Do You Know What You Just Said?" by Mike Crissey, which appears in Chapter 17 (pp. 451-53). Read or reread the essay, and then study the summary. SAMPLE SUMMARY Scott Kiesling, a linguist, has studied the llses and meanings of the popularly used word dude. Historically, dude was /irst used to refer to a dandy and then became a term used by various social groups. For his study, Kiesling listened to tapes of members and asked undergraduate students to rccotd uscs of the term. He determined that it is used for a variery of purposes, including to show enthusiasm or excitement, to one-up someone, to avoid confrontation, and to demonstrate agreement. Writing Paraphrases When you paraphrase, you restate the author's ideas in your own wotds. You do not condense ideali or eliminate details as you do in a summary. Instead, you USe different sentence patterns and vocabulary but keep the author's intended meaning. In most eases, a paraphrase is approximately the same length as the original material. Compose -a paraphralie when you want to record the author's ideas and details but do not want to uSe a direct quotation. Remember to paraphrase only the ideas or details you intend to &.e-not an entire artide. en paraphrasing, be especially careful not to plagiarize- to use an author's r sentence structure as if they were your own (see pp. 613-14}. Read the ex­ !Tom a source below; then compare it to the acceptable paraphrase that follows to the example that includes plagiarism. Learning some items may interfere with retrieving others, especially when the items are similar. If someone gives YOll a phone number to remember, you may be to recall it later. But if two more people give you their numbers, each Successive will be more difficult to recall. Such proactive interference Occurs when ,. l.,g YQ!!J~Iru:d.eaclie.c. d.i...r"'fU reWlof~ing~uexperienced ..•"':~";;: collect more and more information, your mental attic cluttered. David G. Myets, Prychohgy 612 CHAPTER 22 ---'--~--.----.---,-- FINDING SOURCES AND TAKING NOTES ACCEPTABLE PARAPHRASE When proactive interference happens, things you have already learned prevent you from remembering things you learn later. In other words, details you learn first may make it harder to recall closely related details you learn subsequently. You can think of your memory as an attic. You can always add more junk to it. However, it will become messy and disorganized. For example, you can remember one new phone number, but if you have two or more new numbers to remember, the task becomes harder. UNACCEPTABLE PARAPHRASE-INCLUDES PLAGIARISM When you learn some things, it may interfere with your ability to remember others. This happens when the things are siITliI';:;:~ S~p-p~se a person gives you _aphone numb~r to remember. You probably will be able to remember it later. Now, suppose two pers;;;;; gi~~xo";- ~urnbers. Ea<:_h su<:cessi"e nu_lllber -",ill be harder to remember. Proa<;tive interferenc-" happens ",hen_somethingyou already l(!arne~ prevents you from recalling something you experience later. As you learn more and more information, your mental attic never get~fuU:but irwillgetcl~ttered.- -- -- --­ Although the preceding paraphrase does substitute some synonyms-remember for retrieving, for example-it is still an example of plagiarism. The underlined words are copied directly from the original. The shaded words show substitution of synonyms. Notice, too, that the structure of the last two sentences of the unacceptable paraphrase is nearly identical to the structure of the last two sentences of the original. Writing paraphrases can be tricky, because simply rewording an author's ideas i, not acceptable, and letting an author's language "creep in" is easy. There are also man) ways to write an acceptable paraphrase of a particular passage. The following guide­ lines should help you write effective paraphrases: 1. Read first; then write. You may find it helpful to read material more than once before you try paraphrasing. 2. If you must use any of the author's wording, enclose it in quotation marks. If you do not use quotation marks, you may inadvertently use the same wording in your paper, which would result in plagiarism. 3. Work sentence by sentence, restating each in your own words. To avoid copying an author's words, read a sentence, cover it up, and then write. Be sure your version is accurate but not too similar to the original. As a rule of thumb, no more than two or three consecutive words should be the same as in the original. 4. Choose synonyms that do not change the author's meaning or intent. Consult a dictionary, if necessary. 5. Use your own sentence structure. Using an author's sentence structure can be considered plagiarism. If the original uses lengthy sentences, for example, yout paraphrase of it should use shorter sentences. Be $ure to J;eCQrd the publiQ-tirmatiOfl (tioeludtng pllge numOef.t fa< sources you paraphrase. You will need this information to document the sources your paper. AVOIDING PLAGIARISM 613 -",-,,--. ~ -,- ·~'_~.W _"~__ ' ____ ~_~~_______ Exercise 22.1 Write a paraphrase ofthe following exCC1pt from a source on animal communication. Another vigorously debated issue is whether language is uniquely human. Animals obvi. ously communicate. Bees, for example, communicate the location of food through an intricate dance. And several teams of psychologists have laught various species of apes, including a number of chimpanzees, to communicate with humans by signing or by pushing bultons wired to a computer. Apes have developed considerable vocabularies. They string words together to express meaning and to make and follow requests. Skeptics point out important differences be­ tween apes' and humans' facilities with language, especially in their respective abilities to order words using proper syntax. Nevertheless, these studies reveal thai apes have considerable cognitive ability. David G. Myers, Psychology Recording QUotations Sometimes it is advisable, and even necessary, to use a direcr quotation-a writer's words exactly as they appear in the original source. Use quotations to record wording that is unusual or striking or to report the exact words of an expert on your topic. Such quotations, when used sparingly, can be effective in a paper. When using a direct quo­ tation, be sure to record it precisely as it appears in the source. The author's spelling, punctuation, and capitalization must be recorded exactly. Also write down the page number on which the material being quoted appears in the original source. Be sure to indicate that you are copying a direct quotation by including the term direct quotation and the page number in parentheses. You may delete a word, phrase, or sentence from a quotation as long as you do not change the meaning of the quotation. Use an ellipsis mark (three spaced peri­ ods) - ... - to indicate that you have made a deletion. Avoiding Plagiarism Plagiarism is the use of someone else's ideas, wording, or organization without any acknowledgment of the source. If you take information from a source on uses of eye COntact in communication and do not indicate where you got the information, you have plagiarized. If you copy the six-word phrase "Eye COntact, particularly essential in negotiations" from a source without enclosing it in quotation marks, you have plagiarized. Plagiarism is intellectually dishonest and is considered a form of cheating because You are submitting someone else's work asy.our owo. liu-m academte penalties are~ .~ to mrdenn found guilty of plagiarism; these often include receiving a fail­ ':Wg grade on the paper, failing the entire course, or even being dismissed from the Jnstitution. . FINDING SOURCES AND TAKING NOTES614 CHAPTER 22 For more on documentation, see Chapter 23 For more on citing Internet sources, see Chapter 23 What Counts as Plagiarism There are twO rypes of plagiarism-intentional (deliberate) and unintentional (done by accident). Both are equally serious and both carry the same academic penalties. Be­ low is a quick reference guide to determining if you have plagiarized. To avoid plagiarism, be especially careful when taking noteS from a source. Plaa: anything you copy direcdy in quotation marks and record the source. Record the source for any information you paraphrase or summarize. Be sure to separate your own ideas from ideas expressed in the sources you are using. One way to do this is to use two different colors of ink or two different print sizes (if using a compurer). Another way is to use different sections of a notebook or different computer files to distinguish your own ideas from those of others. cyberplagiarism The term cyberplagiarism refers ro borrowing information from the Internet without giving credit to the source posting the information. It also refers to "cut-and-paste pla­ giarism" -the practice of copying text direcdy from an Internet source and pasting it into your own essay without giving credit. Purchasing a student paper for sale on me Internet and submitting it as your own work is a third form of cyberplagiarism. Use the following suggestions to avoid unintentional plagiarism: • Never copy and paste directly from an Internet source into your paper. Instead, cut and paste information you want to save into a separate file. Enclose rhe ma­ terial you pasted in quotation marks to remind yourself that it is someone else's wording. • Be sure to record all the source's information, including the name of the site, the URL, the date of access, and so on. • When you make notes on ideas, opinions, or theories you encounter on me Internet, be sure to include complete source information for each item. YOU HAVE PLAGIARIZED P' YOU HAVE ... I • Directly copied information word for word without using quotation marks, whether or not you acknowledged the source. • Reworded and reorganized (paraphrased) information from a source without acknowledging the source. Borrowed someone else's organization or sequence of Ideas without acknowledg· ing the source. Reused someone else's visual material (graphs, tables, charts, maps, diagrams) without acknowledging the source. Submitted another student's work as your own. ... ,. WRITING A PAPER USING SOURCES Article in a magazine 2 'Levy,Steven:'"In the New Game ofTag, All of Us Are It." , 3 4 I~ fi 'Newsweek" 18 Apr. 2005:"1'4: 'Print.' FIGURE 23.5 Where to Find Documentation Information for an Article 2 BY STEVEN LEVY In the New Game of Tag, All ofUs Are It M U.'\IIl..~KAD JlUlli~lO~of it 1376, )IOUI" jlUPf7. Bye-bye, Dewey. wbutbe"creal!edbis Hdlu,.do-i1.yuund£ IiI.mou&systemof~in- AltbeDiIDCimp!ief,.tag­ ~.IheDe-rDoilcittW gine:~_puttirt,g ~Sysb!n\,tbere .vi:I'IUIIl~onit.(~ werm'tWebsite8,vidr:otiip$oc lG}WoodUabysimptytyp.. bkog$. 'lbdq$digitalwodd·­ 'Where miUioosorJlmls ate 1inbd 10 rhc~) WIw ~ooan~ba&is, 1be..,...toWI:yuplOyou. __f'antastic8lllm:hUl- TheimportaottbdgiathatLtt­ gineJcan'tfind8llthegood Cf)'OU-mfcd\en-em lind aiW£-.~to~ thinprimpiybylheblf>_.
thanllhc:tdcl’De:mocnlr:s.But 1’bi:lIk«~asbOPPO-­
Il’lllemetponWtslllOWcWml ~«~9rlr:ni.ngu…
~:I«lhepeopledolhe Pstiem-taumbsbdlind
~Usi••ptact:ice on)’Wf…ndaingt~
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mrs) you awi1longIMway_’ltllg’VlllDdsaet
But'”bepingiJunddlinp Ibe_~tiumlht
iWfd…….,a.yShid’y.. ~.anddofheVowu
a..daerIilNYU)lnw.d:ive !lIiiini~””I’1Unk{J{
Thkcornmun~~ tbeprocel/’JUtimilArlOtMtl’1f
up1.JM-nOll}yttlefirsl~ I~~is#so.nt
fitofa.-.roouualng’fS’ ~pmce9S.”lI3JIiia.uthor
wn.~Ihe<;Wi.~. 1UJd~~D:t.Yid .~i~ Wdnbmp.n.t~italso ~.figuringoutin .twod(lll1.Web.~43 ~bowthinp~be "Tbinp,whemJllWPk~ QlI:qJtIri.:.ed"llqr,gingitdom:oo tbM:pak.tagi.hcm.Uldoom­ theRyt~tolbe~ ftIeftt.oo~oort. it4df.~.. goaiIIofodMu. =~aIl Wdlfrae1tyte ~:;;: there's;wolimitm Informatton"'_of taalncleadlO ......_ ::~= anan:by?Earty :~ Inalibfuyyoo l'8IUItf:areshowlng totoeaM~ :,r~ quNetheopposite. :.:::: Ithi:historyordle~ ca&d"GTD,"odI:m~ section.OOtyoo'dllCll!daJCC" IhMdlI!i~WMan ondl»p)'lOpttltinbolh.W1th idallabd.,and~any. digitalblpyouCtlUlduacOOth, onc'\¥bopaAl!ld.goaIiMpimi and_~~ bythet~SlUCkil(,,-mbig ",. sulrshmtt.eWflbsltelthatl!!l'­ pklittl@Bing5howquiteltw.:cp­ posi~ordII!rRC:mSto~ m:..medw.atof~\;QbeI. inS-On./, partidpanuput. Q\l!±Jelt fl.. '¥OIi1l:W(b!llbS,n~kJlOl onIyc.sy1O6ndinbmationon """"'-""'-'" ifMIUlviewthelnOl5t~ llilao£~ wtJokoommualw. 1hc-phoolo-Wri,.w,FlldI:r, whidldal:Rfia:~by _ ~1abeb.bu~ ,~quUkybt.rtlou1ly ob:n:ntfixdlof~ lIilnN'be:caa:!xpeopleQlft. Of! it.nw.... t:lusicuamplet¥ hO\9 the tJf'OUPdIOn ofmging can~itBOWllkindul -....­~clill!tiJl:h~_. ~ing Skills 2.0. Student Version. St louis:
Mosby. 2006. CO-ROM.
Personal communication (interview, letter, email). Indicate rhe name of the
person, followed by the type of communication and the date. For interviews you con­
ducted, indicate the type ofinterview (telephone, personal, email, and so forth). For a
lettet, include the designation MS for a manuscript (a !erter written by hand) or TS fur
a typescript (a letter composed on a machine). For emails, include the subject line (if
available) in quotation marks.
Burrow, ALby. Telephone interview. 28 Jan. 2011.
Gomez, Pedro. letter to the author. 19 May 2010. TS.
Adams, Alex. “Pet Care Advice. H Message to Rudy Simmons. 19 Feb. 2011. E-mail
Published interview. List the person in terviewed, and then lisr the ririe of the inter­
view (if available) in quotation marks. If the interview has no title, label it Intert!;ew.
Give the publication details for the source in which the interview was found.
Richards, Eric. ‘Observation and Memory: An Interview with Eric Richards.’ American Music 27.2
(2009): 180-203.
Published letter. Cite a published letter as you would a selection in a book, but in­
clude the letter’s date and number (if one has been assigned).
lewis, C. S. “To His Father.’ 4 Sept 1907. letter LPID: 82 of The
Ed. Walter Hooper. Vol 1. San Frandsco: Harper. 2004. 5. Print.
Film, video, or OVO. Begin with the tide, followed by the director and
unless you are focusing on the work of the director or another conrribu­
tor. Include the name of the distributor, the release date, and the medium (Film), For
a film on DVD, add the original release date (if relevant) before the distributor, and
the medium to DVD.
The Lady Eve. Dir. Preston Sturges. Perf. Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda. 1941. Criterion,
2001. DVD.
Television or radio program. Unless you are focusing on the work of a contributor
(the director, screenwriter, or actor), list rhe title of the episode, if any (in quotation
matks), and the title of the program (italicized) first. Then
producer, director, actors) as necessary. IdentifY the
broadcast (if available), and broadcast date before the medium.
“Mugged,’ Right ofthe umchords. Perf. Jermain Clement. HBO. 1 July 2008. Televi,;on.
lIfusic recording. Begin with a contributor or title of the work, depending on the
focus of your research project. Include the composer (Comp.) or performer (Perf.),
and the tide of the recording or composition as well as the production company, the
date, and the medium (CD, audiocassette, LP, audiotape), Titles of recordings should
be italicized, but titles of compositions identified by form (for example, Symphony
No.5) should not.
Wilco. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. Perf. Jeff Tweedy, John Stirratt, and Nets Gine. Nonesuch Records,
2002. CD.
IResearch Paper in Progress 9 For the final paper you prepared in Research Paper in Progress 8, prepare a list of . works cited in MLA style.
“Students Write
:The following research paper”was written by Nicholas De.~tino for his first-year writing
:lCOurse while he was a student at Niagara County Community College. Destino used
,MLA style for formatting his paper and documenting his sources. Notice how he uses
:in.text citations and quotations to provide ~ideucetb.a.t ~e~thms.

Editorial or letter to the editor. Cite the editorial or letter beginning with the
author’s name (if available). Include Editorial or Letter to the editor in brackets following
the title (if any). If the author’s name is not a'{ailable, begin with the tide.
Editoria~ The search for tivable worlds [Editorial]. (2004, September 8). TIle New York Times, p. A22.
Wolansky, T. (2004, May) [Letter to the editor]. Wired, 25.
Book or film review, Ust the reviewer’s name, the date, and the title of the re'{iew.
In brackets, give a description of the work reviewed, including the medium (book Or
motion picture) and the title.
Gabler, N. (2004, July-August). Ephemera: The rise and rall of celebrity journalism.
[Review of the books The untold stoIY: My twenty years running the National Enquirer
and The importance of being famous: Behind the scenes ofthe ceJebn’ty-industrial
complex]. Columbia Journalism Review, 48-51.
Article with no author. Use the full title as the author.
The 8usiness Week fifty. (2006, April 3). 8usiness Week, 2010(3978), 82.
internet Sources
For Internet sources, indude enough information to allow readers to locate the sources
online. Guidelines for documenting Internet sources are listed below. For more
with formatting entries for Internet and other electronic sources in APA style,
the American Psychological Association’s Web site at http://apastyle.orglindex.a5px,
the APA Style Blog at http;//, and APA Style on Twitter at http;//
Give the author’s name, if available. If nor, begin the entry with the name of the
sponsor of the site or with the tide of the document.
2. Include in parentheses the year of Internet publication or the year of the most re­
cellt update, jf available. If there is no date, use the abhreviation n.d.
3. Capitalize the first word of the title of the Web page Of document or the suhject
line of the message, the first word following a colon, and any proper nouns or
proper adjectives. The other words are lowercase.
4. Capitalize all important words of the Weh site’s title and italicize it.
End with the digital ohject identifier (DOL), a permanent code associated with
specific online articles or hooks, or, if there is no DOl, insert the URL of the for the journal or publishing company that published the source or
give the UR1- for the source, preceded by the words Retrievedfrom, if the source
will be difficult to find from the homepage. If necessary, break URis before
punctuation marks, such as dots (.) and question marks (?). DOls and URis are
not fqit6Wl’! sind ps.lldlo~ i>OO ~
. beflavioraltherapies.– .




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