Small placement essay

I have attached the criteria for the assignment. Please see below, and let me know if you are interested.I would prefer someone who speaks english as a first language and has alot of experience writing papers. I have completed english 1 and 2 myself, but require assistance with this paper.

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CPSEntrance Essay Writing Sample Instructions

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NOTE: Please take this entrance essay requirement seriously and submit your

very best writing. An essay evaluation score of 1 or 2.5 requires you to take an

English writing class, even if you have previously taken a college level writing

course. The English course requirement based on the essay score does not

replace any core requirements needed for degree completion.

There is not an option to rewrite the essay or appeal the results. Please refer

to the Purdue Online Writing Lab (Purdue OWL) for information about

developing an essay and grammatical rules expected for the essay.

1. Place your full name and middle initial at the top left corner of each page of the


2. Compose an essay addressing one of the following topics:

 Define the concept of “corporate social responsibility” (CSR) and explain three ways the
concept is or could be practiced in your company or organization.

 Discuss three ways that technological innovation has worked to the detriment of
organizational dynamics in your work place (not in society).

 Discuss three reasons why corporate special interest groups influence has worked to
enhance (or not enhance) the American political process.

 Discuss three reasons why employees in your organization are motivated to do their jobs
or are not motivated to do their jobs (choose one view or the other).

3. Your essay must be structured as follows:

 Use a title that restates the essence of the question.

 Use a minimum of five paragraphs and no more than a maximum of eight, including an
introduction, body, and conclusion. Quality, substantive essays are usually longer than


 Type the essay double spaced using Times New Roman 12 font.

 Compose the essay in the third person plural (singular where appropriate) form avoiding
first person shifts to pronouns like I, my, me, and mine, or second person shifts to you,

your, we, our, us. Also, avoid using he/she or him/her gender delineations.

 Avoid quotes unless they have specific relevance to justify a conclusion.

 Paragraphs should range from about five to six sentences for introductions, and six to
eight sentences in the body of the essay incorporating examples, explanations,

definitions, and data where appropriate. Avoid making general statements without

providing information to enhance and explain each point.

 Avoid giving generic personal opinions; instead base the discussion on researched
conclusions that provide depth and breadth of insight into the topic. Reference and cite

information in the body of the essay from sources that indicate conclusions (facts, data)

based on research. Use two to three sources. Be sure to indicate where the information

comes from using an acceptable documentation/footnote style (e.g. MLA or Chicago,

preferably APA).

 Pay particular attention to the following grammatical points: subject-verb agreement,
pronoun antecedent agreement and pronoun reference, singular shifts to plural form and

vice versa, and transitional words and expressions that effectively transfer ideas from one

paragraph to another or between ideas within paragraphs. Avoid using one word

transitions to introduce paragraphs and pronouns such as it to begin sentences.

 Avoid bullet point lists.

4. Your essay will be evaluated for the following criteria (review these factors before

submitting your final essay):

 The overall essay structure which includes (a) a sound introduction that establishes the
thesis/purpose for the essay; (b) organized body addressing three points substantiating the

essay’s purpose; and (c) a conclusion that is more than a summary but also makes a

prediction, shows a connection to a relevant point, or provides a direction as to what

needs to be done to address the next stage of the essay’s discussion.

 Paragraph organization which includes a sufficient number of sentences (typically five to
eight) that develop an idea supported by explanations and specific examples.

 Content which includes definitions, examples, data, and explanations, when appropriate,
that enhance the understanding of what is written. In addition, the context for statements

in the essay must agree to the referenced place, person, time, event, or idea (avoid

beginning sentences with pronouns or expletives like it, there, and this unless the context

is clear).

 Grammar which includes proper sentence structure and syntax, correct verb and pronoun
agreement, appropriate grammatical number and person, and consistent number and


 Punctuation which includes special attention to the proper use of commas, colons, semi-
colons, apostrophes, italics, and quotes.

 Style which includes sentences that correctly and effectively incorporate strong and
appropriate word use; diction; tone; and transitional words and expressions between

paragraphs and between sentences to ensure clarity, reference, context, and readability.

5. Essay Assessment Results

 Based on the scoring results of the individual essay, students will be required or
recommended to take an English course appropriate to their skill level.

Score of 0-2: EN 200 – Essentials of Effective Writing REQUIRED

Score of 2-2.5: EN 203 – Intermediate Composition REQUIRED (a writing course must

be completed during the first three terms of enrollment in the College of Professional

Studies as determined from the transfer credit evaluation.)

Score of 2.5-2.9: EN 203 Recommended or student should arrange to either meet with or

submit initial course assignments to a Regis Writing Consultant for review and guidance.

Score of 3-4: No specific writing course is required.


Placement Essay Scoring Sheet: Student Name_______________________________ ID________________

Categorical Scoring:

Score of 0-2 indicates that the essay substantively weak or does not adequately meet college level writing standards.

Score of 2-2.5 indicates that the writing contains some acceptable qualities, but it still misses in smaller ways qualities reflective of sound college

level composition.

Score of 2.5-2.9 strongly suggests students take EN203 or work with a Regis Writing Consultant during the first course for review of written


Score of 3- 4 indicates that the essay adequately or proficiently meet college level competencies.












Structure and Organization: the essay contains an effective introduction

introducing the thesis of the paper, a body that provides substantive support of the

thesis, and a conclusion that goes beyond a mere summary making a prediction,

offering a connection to a broader but relevant point, or recommending advice

about further actions about the discussion. Paragraphs effectively organized

containing transitions, sufficient information, and consistent discussion.

Content: the essay contains sufficient information to explain and support the

paper’s thesis and the information in the paragraphs provides examples,

definitions, and documented research that supports points made within the


Grammar and Mechanics: the grammar, syntax, punctuation, and spelling are

at a level of quality that they enhance the clarity and readability of the essay.

Style and Readability: the discussion is easy to read, contains word use

appropriate to the topic, and effective sentences, and logical progression of ideas.

The use of third person and avoidance of shifts in grammatical person and

number. Avoids run-on sentences and fragments. Incorporates transitions to

enhance readability and context.

Essay as a Whole: The essay addresses the topic, follows the instructions, fits

the image of a quality college essay discussion, and is submitted in a neatly

presented double spaced Times New Roman 12 font format.


Based on the scoring results of the essay, students will be required or recommended to take an English course appropriate to their skill level.

Score 0-2: EN200 – Essentials of Effective Writing Required

Score 2-2.5: EN203 – Intermediate Composition Required (a course that must be completed during the first three terms of enrollment in

the College of Professional Studies)

Score 2.5-2.9: EN203 is recommended and/or working with a Regis Writing Consultant during the first course.

Score 3- 4: No specific writing course is required

Final Essay Score on a scale of 0-4: __________ Required English Course: __________

Recommended English Course: __________


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