Vietnam:and assess the policy of containment between the years 1945-1989
Task: Students will research, document, and discuss case studies of the American Policy of containment
1) What specific methods were used by the United States in order to contain communism?
-Sanctions, Defense buildup, Clandestine CIA operations, Military alliances or support, proxy wars, Economic support
2) Give specific content (names, events, vocabulary, quotes, etc) that indicate evidence of that method of containment
-Example: Marshall Plan
3) Find Primary source videos, pictures, Political cartoons, Charts and/or other documents that support your content that will be placed in your wiki
1) An informative timeline of our involvement with your country between 45-89 (5 Points).
2) A segment where you are giving a historical claim/thesis which answers the prompt.
-This should include a complex thesis with specific topic support from your research (5 Points)
3) At least 2-3 documents (Pics, Political Cartoons, Maps, etc) that support your thesis (5 Points)
-Each document should have a written statement of analysis that explains how it supports historical claim/thesis
4) One informative video/Podcast (5 Points)
5) 2-3 Links for additional information (5 Points)
6) A bibliography** (5 Points)
US History
Prompt: Evaluate and assess the policy of containment between the years 1945-1989
Task: Students will research, document, and discuss case studies of the American Policy of containment.
Assessment: Create a wiki (30 Points)
I: Once you have received your country you will begin your research using our LRC databases and compile sources (have at least 3-5 sources). Your research should focus on the following questions;
1) What specific methods were used by the United States in order to contain communism?
-Sanctions, Defense buildup, Clandestine CIA operations, Military alliances or support, proxy wars, Economic support
2) Give specific content (names, events, vocabulary, quotes, etc) that indicate evidence of that method of containment
-Example: Marshall Plan
3) Find Primary source videos, pictures, Political cartoons, Charts and/or other documents that support your content that will be placed in your wiki
II: After your research is done go to my haiku page, find your name and begin constructing your wiki. It should include the following tabs*
1) An informative timeline of our involvement with your country between 45-89 (5 Points).
2) A segment where you are giving a historical claim/thesis which answers the prompt.
-This should include a complex thesis with specific topic support from your research (5 Points)
3) At least 2-3 documents (Pics, Political Cartoons, Maps, etc) that support your thesis (5 Points)
-Each document should have a written statement of analysis that explains how it supports historical claim/thesis
4) One informative video/Podcast (5 Points)
5) 2-3 Links for additional information (5 Points)
6) A bibliography** (5 Points)
*See rubric for specifics of each item
**Use LRC resources only and the MLA citation provided for your Bibliography
Web Site Design : Cold War Wiki |
Includes at least 10 significant events during the time period that document the US involvement in the Cold War.
Includes at least 7-9 significant events during the time period that document the US involvement in the Cold War.
Includes at least 4-6 significant events during the time period that document the US involvement in the Cold War.
Includes less than 4 significant events during the time period that document the US involvement in the Cold War; poor development
Primary Sources
Three Sources provided; properly documented; Students describe how sources represent your thesis/claim
Two sources provided; properly documented; at least one artistic. Students describe how sources represent your thesis/claim
1 image provided; properly documented;. Students describe how source represent your thesis/claim
No documents provided and/or improperly documented; or student doesn’t describe connection to Cold War
Represents country and connected to the topic of the Cold War; Detailed introduction provided; school appropriate
Represents country and general relationship to the topic of the Cold War; introduction provided; school appropriate
Somewhat represents country and general relationship to the topic of the Cold War; introduction missing; school appropriate
Barely if at all demonstrates relevancy and sentence introduction not provided or not school appropriate
Content/ Documentation/Bibliography
Citations provided when sources used; documentation accurate; 3-5 Sources used
Some citations provided when sources used; documentation mostly accurate; 2-3 sources used
citations not X provided when sources used; documentation inaccurate; 1-2 sources
Citations not provided when sources used; documentation inaccurate; 0-1 sources used
Thesis (Historical Claim)
Complex historical claim that specifically answers prompt and provides analysis with split topics
Complex historical claim that specifically answers prompt but does not provides analysis with split topics
Simple historical claim that specifically answers prompt but does not provides analysis with split topics
No thesis or analysis
Additional Links
3 legitimate additional links are provided with specific analysis describing what they are to be used for
2 legitimate additional links are provided with specific analysis describing what they are to be used for
1 additional link is provided without specific analysis describing what they are to be used for
Links are missing or not legit