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Exercise 1


Directions:  Apply bold to all words functioning as adverbs in the sentences below. 

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The service department will be open tomorrow.


The Dean wrote a beautifully worded letter in my behalf.


The manager distinctly said that we could leave at 4 p.m.


Don was fully aware of the consequences of his actions.


Directions:  Apply bold to all words functioning as adverbs in the sentences below.  At the end of each sentence, key in parentheses the word(s) modified by the adverb.  DO NOT STRIKE THE ENTER KEY IN THIS SECTION OF THE EXERCISE.


   1.    Our service will give you a spotlessly clean home. 

   2.    Never had I heard such a long commencement address. 

   3.    We offer a highly qualified staff of accountants to conduct audits. 

   4.    Janice is always very prepared for her seminars. 

   5.    Sandy graciously accepted the flowers. 

   6.    We will leave tomorrow for Tucson. 

   7.    We will arrive shortly. 

   8.    I carefully planned my lesson before entering the classroom. 


Complete a entence for each word.

affiliatedaggressiveanalyzeconsciencecomparativeirritablecriticismpersistentdissipateextraordinarystationary (fixed)privilegeperseverancepossessesvacuum    


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