who ganna do my Religious class homework about 2 pages ?

Central Washington University

Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

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Sacred Books of the World

RELS 201.002

First Paper

My Own Religious


(my own worldview)

It is important for students to have a personal viewpoint (Weltanschauung*) from which to understand sacred books. The purpose of this paper is to help the student clarify and deepen his or her own theology, to become aware of one’s belief system and how it influences your view of the sacred books. Can you identify the mental maps you use to understand religion? This is the first phenomenological step in moving from having an “embedded” view of religion to having an academic view of theology, religion and the sacred scriptures of various religious traditions. The following are suggested categories for thinking about your religious and spiritual development:

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Scripture or sacred texts

Do you have a sacred text or texts? How do they influence you? How do you interpret them? Do you have a personal canon (books, movies, or other creations) that particularly influence your thinking, morals and personal development?


How do you understand the word “God?” How do you view salvation (soteriology)? How do you view the afterlife (eschatology)? How do you view religious organizations? Do you think of religion as being inclusive or exclusive?


Do you have a religious tradition that you value? Do you have family or other traditions that are important for you? Does you family have a religious or linguistic history that influences you? Are there traditions that you reject or are questioning? By what criterion? Do you belong to a religious community that values tradition?


How do you define reason and how does it affect your thinking? How do thought forms – natural sciences (biology, physics, and geology), social sciences (psychology, anthropology, and sociology), history, philosophy or popular culture affect your thinking?


When did you become aware of languages other than English? Do you know other languages? Have you traveled to places where English is not spoken? How does language affect your worldview?


Have you had any religious experiences that affect your thinking and acting? Have you had personal experiences (death of a loved one, falling in love, abusive treatment by others) that affect your worldview?

This paper should be at least 4 double spaced pages. Proof read after using the spell checker for words the spell checker does not catch, for example, steal/ steel, Bible/ bible, alter/altar, manner/manor, definitely/defiantly, then / than, weather / whether. You must find a first reader to give you feedback about the paper. This can be someone from the Writing Center. Your paper should identify your first reader.

Your grade will be based on both quality and quantity.

The paper is due on Friday, April 19.

* Weltanshauung = worldview, the “lens” through which you interpret the world.

“From the unreal lead me to the real!

From darkness lead me to light!

From death lead me to immortality!”

From the Upanishads

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