
1″Monetary Policy” Please respond to the following:

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A. Determine the most significant monetary policy that the Federal Reserve Bank has been responsible for implementing in the past 12 months and the resulting impact to the U.S. economy. 


B.Analyze how U.S. monetary policy affects the global economy. Cite at least two examples with your answer.

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2″Money Markets “ Please respond to the following:


A. Of the money market securities described in Chapter 6, determine which you believe is a safer investment for investors and firms in today’s economic environment. Support your response with evidence or an example. 


B. Determine when the money market would be a wise fit for the average investor.   




1.treasury bill (T-bills)

2. commercial paper

3. negotiable certificates of deposit

4. repurchase agreements

5. federal funds

6. banker’s acceptances

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