HRM-590 Human Resource Management – Week 8 Final – Devry

1. (TCO A) Many people still believe that companies care little about human resource management compared to other revenue-generating departments. Explain why companies have this perception. Describe how you would convince the company’s leadership of the value of HRM. (Points: 30)

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2. (TCO B) If an employer asked you to review an employment decision to determine whether discrimination had occurred, identify the factors you would consider in that decision and describe how you would evaluate them. (Points: 30)


3. (TCO C) Many believe that good pay and good management result in union avoidance. Describe the policies and practices companies should develop to avoid unionizing. Explain how these practices might be less costly than unionized labor. (Points: 30)

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4. (TCO D) In developing human resource strategies, businesses face several important challenges. Identify and describe four of these challenges. Link these challenges back to the HRM department’s strategy plan. (Points: 30)


5. (TCO E) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of layoffs. Explain the pros and cons to using seniority as a layoff criteria. (Points: 30)


6. (TCO F) Substantiate the value of employee performance evaluations to the business and the employee. Describe the factors/components you would include in a performance management program and validate those items. (Points: 30)


1.     (TCO G) From a general human resource standpoint, describe what you would include in a benefits strategy. Describe the value of a benefits strategy for employees and the business. (Points : 30)


2.     (TCO H) Explain how human resource technology can improve efficiency and effectiveness of HRM functions. How, specifically, can technology support the business? Provide an example. (Points: 40)

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