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If csc x 


and cos x 0 , evaluate the function below.

2. Factor; then use fundamental identities to simplify the expression below:

3. Factor; then use fundamental identities to simplify the expression below:


Rewrite the expression

cos y 

1 – sin y 

so that it is not in fractional form.

5. Verify the identity shown below.

6. Verify the identity shown below.

7. Verify the identity shown below.

8. Solve the following equation.

2 cos(x) 1 0

9. Find all solutions of the following equation on the interval 0,.

tan x– 3 0

10. Find all solutions of the following equation in the interval 0, 2.

Bonus: (5 pts.)

11. Approximate the solutions of the equation

your answer to one decimal.

cos x– sin x0

on the interval 0, 2.


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