Sydney University Computer Science Building IT Systerm Paper

Building IT SystemsStudpid ethan
This assignment should be submitted as a single PDF i.e., one per group, on
Canvas. it should be a maximum of 10 pages (1.15 spacing, font size 12,
excluding any cover page, table of content and appendix)
If your report is not within the 9-11 pages range following these requirements,
a penalty of up to 20% may apply.
S3935490- Ethan Siolis
S3979359 – Hien Vu
S3953399 – Haosheng (Alvin) Huang
S3729549 – Hao Gu
Topic & Introduction:
The topic of interest for the final project of building an IT system originated from the
idea of mental health especially through young adults progressing through a stressful
workload in daily life, social life, work life and any personal issues related to the
Health can be categorised in different categories where an individual can be
physically healthy but mentally weak which can lead to drastic changes into how they
can progress throughout work, school and even their social interactions.
The motivation to proceed with this IT system project is to provide a way for
individuals that need help or someone to talk to about their mental health issues to
give them support, advice, tips and/or potentially solutions from certified
This comes into the form of a chatbot that can be easily accessed through a website,
that allows for ease of access and private/anonymous interactions where the
individual in need would not need to disclose any private information in hopes of
keeping the anonymity.
The chosen group name that may be subjected to change is Group 3.
As communication is vital for any group’s success especially in team projects and
group work, the frequency of communicating within the group is ideally to introduce
and familiarise ourselves with each other to get more comfortable on how to proceed
with the group assignments.
The group’s initial communications were originally via face-to-face interactions. After
introductions in person, where some members could not attend, a Microsoft teams’
group was made, and communications progressed through to the Microsoft teams
and the face-to-face practical sessions. A discord group was also made as a more
convenient communications channel where files and message notifications can be
received as an effective way to communicate the project’s information, what each
member should do and how we want to proceed with planning out the project’s
With the use of the discord server, members that do not respond to the
communications sent, private messages can be sent to them to remind them that a
task needs to be done or any important messages that needs to be relayed. Ideally
there will be a group meeting via the discord also to catch up on any missing
information if a group member cannot attend the practical classes and also for
progress checks, any task completions or ideas to further add into the project
As the weeks progress through and the assignment deadlines closing in, originally
there may be 0-1 meetings per week but throughout the weeks, the group may need
more meetings to have progress indicators and checks on how to proceed with the
assignment. Minimum frequencies for groups can be at least 2 times a week which
includes the Friday practical face to face meetings to discuss any new ideas on what
to suggest and also, a meeting via discord for an end of week progress check and
any information to further discuss.
Week 1-2 project beginning and research
– Define the goals of the mental health chatbot app
– Identify if there are any current mental health chatbots for inspiration
– Review current chatbot technologies and ethical considerations
– Set up the development environment and required tools
Week 3-4 Design and user interface
– Create figma designs on user flow within the chatbot app
– Begin designing user interface
– Decide on chatbot colour scheme
– Define possible user interactions
Week 5-6- backend development
– Implement a basic chatbot engine with predefined responses based on
user input
Week 7-8 NLP integration
– Research and select a NLP library for more advanced chatbot features
(potentially not relevant for us if we are using discord bot)
– Integrate NLP tools to enable chatbot to understand user input better
Week 9-10 Personality
– Refine the chatbots conversation to ensure meaningful interactions
– Develop a personality for the chatbot and make sure its supportive
Week 11-12 testing and reporting
– Catch any bugs or inconsistency with the chatbots outcomes
– Invite beta testers to assist with this process
– Write a detailed comprehensive report on the development process,
including design decisions, challenges faced and lesson learned
– Begin drafting final presentation that showcases apps features, design and
Week 13-14 Final testing and polish
-perform a final round of testing to ensure all issues have been addressed
-finalise the presentation, showcasing the apps main features, development journey
and the impact it will have
Present the app to the team, investors or interested parties
Week 15-16- Buffer
– Use these weeks as a buffer for any unforeseen issues or in case of

Complete the final version of the report and documentation
Ensure that the app is completed and available to download for all users

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