Park University Digital Logic Project Moderate Circuit with A Sequential Sub Circuit Paper

  • Purpose

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    The purpose of this project is to use a digital logic simulator and build a moderate circuit with a sequential sub-circuit and a combinational sub-circuit.

    Project Description

    We will build a 4-bit counter with two Hex Digit displays to show the corresponding decimal values 0 ~ 15 (and back to 0). The circuit uses a counter sub-circuit (step 1) to generate BCD code automatically. The output of the counter sub-circuit will then be fed to a second sub-circuit (step 2) and connected to two Hex Digit displays.

    Step 1

    Build the counting-up counter described in Fig 10-17 (ch10.5) of the Tarnoff textbook in Logisim. This is a sequential circuit.

    The clock signal is in the Wiring folder [of Logisim].

    Use one D flip-flop for each of the four latches and set their trigger attribute to “Rising Edge”. Be aware that the pins of the D flip-flop component in Logisim are ordered differently from the D latch graphic symbol in our textbook. Hover your mouse over each pin of the D flip-flop to know what that pin is for. Use Help menu > Library Reference.

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  • Connect the output Q of each D flip-flop to an output pin. Name the output pins Q0 (latch A, LSB), Q1, Q2, and Q3 (latch D, MSB) respectively. Together Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 represents a four-bit binary number. It’s a good idea to lay out the four output pins in a line with Q3 on the left (since it’s the MSB) and Q0 on the right.
  • Poke the clock to run your circuit. The outputs should cycle through 0000~1111 and then restart from 0000.
  • Add your name, Park ID, and date to your circuit using the Text tool. Save your circuit as Unit4_YourLastName_Step1.circ. Test your circuit to make sure it works properly before proceeding to the next step. Document your testing in the project document.
  • Step 2

    Now design and build a combinational circuit to convert BCD code (4-bit input) to its decimal value expressed in two sets of BCD codes (8-bit output Y7 ~ Y0). Even though it has 8 outputs, this circuit is simpler than the project we built in the previous unit.

    The truth table is provided below. The intention is to convert input ABCD (0000 ~ 1111) to outputs Y7~Y0 which represent decimal values 0 ~ 15. The decimal values will be expressed in two sets of BCD codes, Y7~Y4 for the ten’s digit and Y3~Y0 for the one’s digit.

    Provide a simplified expression for each of the 8 outputs Y7 ~ Y0. You may use whatever simplification method you like, but show your work with steps (such as k-maps). Hint: Y7, Y6, and Y5 will be the same and end up being 0.

    Create a new circuit in Logisim to implement these simplified functions. Only use AND, OR, and NOT gates. Label items (every input/output pin and every AND/OR gate) in your circuit.

  • Hint: use a constant 0 wire for Y7, Y6, and Y5.
  • Add your name, Park ID, and date to your circuit using the Text tool. Save your circuit as Unit4_YourLastName_Step2.circ. Test your circuit to make sure it works properly before proceeding to the next step. Document your testing in the project document.

    Step 3

  • Now we’re ready to put the two parts together. The overall connection (see the visual below) will be: Step 1 circuit (counter) -> Step 2 circuit -> two splitters -> two Hex displays. It’s a good idea to save your work following each sub-step.
  • Save a copy of your counter circuit from Step 1 as Unit4_YourLastName_Step3.circ (i.e. don’t destroy your Step 1 file). We will work in this file to combine our Step 1 and Step 2 circuits.

    Load your Step 2 circuit (BCD to 2-digit decimal) into this Step 3 file. First, make sure your Step 2 circuit file is in the same folder on your computer as this Step 3 file. Next use Project menu -> Load Library -> Logisim Library … to add your Step 2 circuit. The loaded circuit will become a new folder under the Explorer Pane, as shown in Figure 1. Click open that folder and add the main component to the current file (the same way you add a built-in component). It will be displayed as a black box with four input pins and 8 output pins. We’ll use the loaded circuit like a Logisim component, the same way a circuit chip can be used anywhere with proper wiring. Figure 1. The loaded circuit in the Explorer Pane

    Connect each of the four outputs of your Step 1 counter to the corresponding input pin of the black box (your step 2 circuit). Make sure they’re paired correctly. The Step 1 MSB output should be connected to the MSB input pin of the black box. Do not delete the output pins. Just add additional wire before each output of your Step 1 counter circuit.

    Add two Hex Digit Displays to the right side of the black box and align them side by side (Figure 2). The Hex Digit Display component is listed under the Input/Output folder. Be sure to use the “Hex Digit Display”, not the 7-seg display we used last week.

    Figure 2. Two Hex Digit Displays Side by Side Showing an Output of 15.

    A Hex display takes a single input line carrying 4 bits, not 4 lines of 1-bit input. Because of that, we need to combine Y7~Y0 into two 4-bit lines before connecting the outputs of the black box to the two Hex displays. We will use two splitters. Splitter is the first component listed under the Wiring folder. Figure 3 shows how a splitter combines four 1-bit lines into a 4-bit line for a Hex Digit Display. If it helps, build a test circuit as in Figure 3 to understand the connection before adding splitters to your Step 3 circuit. Use the following attributes for the splitter:

    Facing: NorthFan Out: 4Bit Width In: 4

  • Figure 3. Use Splitter to combine four 1-bit lines into a 4-bit line
  • Now add two splitters to your Step 3 circuit between the black box and the two Hex displays. One splitter will combine Y7~Y4 into a 4-bit line before sending them to the Hex display on the left (for the ten’s digit). The other splitter will combine Y3~Y0 for the Hex display on the right (for the one’s digit).

    Save your circuit and test it. Document your testing in the project document.

    Step 4

  • Project feedback:
  • What’s the hardest part of this project for you? Please explain.

    How’s your understanding of combinational circuits and sequential circuits after this project? Please explain. Feel free to comment on other aspects of this project.

  • Notes
  • In Logisim, a wire carrying 1 bit should only be light green (1) or dark green (0). See Help > Logisim References > Wire bundles > Wire colors.

    Use one AND gate for each ANDed term no matter how many variables the term uses. Use one OR gate to OR terms at the same level. Edit the number of input pins an AND/OR gate has to match the number of inputs the gate needs. It can help you track your work, not missing any input connections or adding extra ones.

    Examining Computer Hardware from the Bottom to the Top
    David Tarnoff
    Revised First Edition
    Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    by David Tarnoff
    Copyright © 2005-2007 by David L. Tarnoff. All rights reserved.
    Published with the assistance of
    This book was written by David L. Tarnoff who is also responsible for
    the creation of all figures contained herein.
    Cover design by David L. Tarnoff
    Cover cartoons created by Neal Kegley
    Printing History:
    July 2005:
    January 2006:
    July 2007:
    First edition.
    Minor corrections to first edition.
    Added text on Gray code, DRAM technologies,
    Mealy machines, XOR boolean rules, signed
    BCD, and hard drive access times. Also made
    minor corrections.
    Legal Notice:
    The 3Com® name is a registered trademark of the 3Com Corporation.
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    The Dell® name is a registered trademark of Dell, Inc.
    The Intel® name, Pentium® 4 Processor Extreme Edition, HyperThreading Technology™, and Hyper-Pipelined Technology™ are
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    PowerPC® is a registered trademark of International Business Machines
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    While every precaution has been taken to ensure that the material
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    information contained in this book.
    Please report any errors found to the author at In
    addition, suggestions concerning improvements or additions to the text
    are encouraged. Please direct such correspondence to the author.
    This book is dedicated to
    my wife and our son.
    I love you both with all my heart.
    Preface…………………………………………………………………………………… xxi
    Chapter One: Digital Signals and Systems …………………………………. 1
    1.1 Should Software Engineers Worry About Hardware?…………… 1
    1.2 Non-Digital Signals………………………………………………………….. 3
    1.3 Digital Signals…………………………………………………………………. 4
    1.4 Conversion Systems…………………………………………………………. 6
    1.5 Representation of Digital Signals ………………………………………. 7
    1.6 Types of Digital Signals……………………………………………………. 9
    1.6.1 Edges ……………………………………………………………………… 9
    1.6.2 Pulses……………………………………………………………………… 9
    1.6.3 Non-Periodic Pulse Trains ………………………………………. 10
    1.6.4 Periodic Pulse Trains………………………………………………. 11
    1.6.5 Pulse-Width Modulation …………………………………………. 13
    1.7 Unit Prefixes …………………………………………………………………. 15
    1.8 What’s Next? …………………………………………………………………. 16
    Problems…………………………………………………………………………….. 16
    Chapter Two: Numbering Systems ………………………………………….. 17
    2.1 Unsigned Binary Counting………………………………………………. 17
    2.2 Binary Terminology……………………………………………………….. 20
    2.3 Unsigned Binary to Decimal Conversion ………………………….. 20
    2.4 Decimal to Unsigned Binary Conversion ………………………….. 23
    2.5 Binary Representation of Analog Values…………………………… 25
    2.6 Sampling Theory……………………………………………………………. 31
    2.7 Hexadecimal Representation……………………………………………. 34
    2.8 Binary Coded Decimal……………………………………………………. 36
    2.9 Gray Codes……………………………………………………………………. 37
    2.10 What’s Next? ……………………………………………………………….. 40
    Problems…………………………………………………………………………….. 41
    Chapter Three: Binary Math and Signed Representations ……….. 43
    3.1 Binary Addition……………………………………………………………… 43
    3.2 Binary Subtraction …………………………………………………………. 45
    3.3 Binary Complements………………………………………………………. 46
    3.3.1 One’s Complement …………………………………………………. 46
    3.3.2 Two’s Complement…………………………………………………. 47
    3.3.3 Most Significant Bit as a Sign Indicator ……………………. 50
    3.3.4 Signed Magnitude ………………………………………………….. 51
    vi Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    3.3.5 MSB and Number of Bits………………………………………… 51
    3.3.6 Issues Surrounding the Conversion of Binary Numbers. 52
    3.3.7 Minimums and Maximums ……………………………………… 55
    3.4 Floating Point Binary……………………………………………………… 57
    3.5 Hexadecimal Addition ……………………………………………………. 61
    3.6 BCD Addition ……………………………………………………………….. 64
    3.7 Multiplication and Division by Powers of Two………………….. 65
    3.8 Easy Decimal to Binary Conversion Trick ………………………… 67
    3.9 Arithmetic Overflow………………………………………………………. 67
    3.10 What’s Next? ……………………………………………………………….. 69
    Problems ……………………………………………………………………………. 69
    Chapter Four: Logic Functions and Gates……………………………….. 71
    4.1 Logic Gate Basics ………………………………………………………….. 71
    4.1.1 NOT Gate……………………………………………………………… 72
    4.1.2 AND Gate …………………………………………………………….. 72
    4.1.3 OR Gate………………………………………………………………… 73
    4.1.4 Exclusive-OR (XOR) Gate ……………………………………… 74
    4.2 Truth Tables………………………………………………………………….. 75
    4.3 Timing Diagrams for Gates …………………………………………….. 79
    4.4 Combinational Logic ……………………………………………………… 80
    4.5 Truth Tables for Combinational Logic ……………………………… 83
    4.6 What’s Next? …………………………………………………………………. 86
    Problems ……………………………………………………………………………. 87
    Chapter Five: Boolean Algebra ……………………………………………….. 89
    5.1 Need for Boolean Expressions…………………………………………. 89
    5.2 Symbols of Boolean Algebra…………………………………………… 90
    5.3 Boolean Expressions of Combinational Logic …………………… 92
    5.4 Laws of Boolean Algebra ……………………………………………….. 95
    5.5 Rules of Boolean Algebra……………………………………………….. 96
    5.5.1 NOT Rule……………………………………………………………… 96
    5.5.2 OR Rules ………………………………………………………………. 96
    5.5.3 AND Rules……………………………………………………………. 97
    5.5.4 XOR Rules ……………………………………………………………. 98
    5.5.5 Derivation of Other Rules ……………………………………….. 99
    5.6 Simplification………………………………………………………………. 101
    5.7 DeMorgan’s Theorem …………………………………………………… 103
    5.8 What’s Next? ……………………………………………………………….. 106
    Problems ………………………………………………………………………….. 107
    Table of Contents vii
    Chapter Six: Standard Boolean Expression Formats………………. 109
    6.1 Sum-of-Products ………………………………………………………….. 109
    6.2 Converting an SOP Expression to a Truth Table………………. 110
    6.3 Converting a Truth Table to an SOP Expression………………. 112
    6.4 Product-of-Sums ………………………………………………………….. 114
    6.5 Converting POS to Truth Table ……………………………………… 115
    6.6 Converting a Truth Table to a POS Expression………………… 118
    6.7 NAND-NAND Logic……………………………………………………. 119
    6.8 What’s Next? ……………………………………………………………….. 122
    Problems…………………………………………………………………………… 123
    Chapter Seven: Karnaugh Maps ……………………………………………. 125
    7.1 The Karnaugh Map ………………………………………………………. 125
    7.2 Using Karnaugh Maps ………………………………………………….. 129
    7.3 “Don’t Care” Conditions in a Karnaugh Map……………………. 137
    7.4 What’s Next? ……………………………………………………………….. 138
    Problems…………………………………………………………………………… 139
    Chapter Eight: Combinational Logic Applications …………………. 141
    8.1 Adders ………………………………………………………………………… 141
    8.2 Seven-Segment Displays……………………………………………….. 147
    8.3 Active-Low Signals………………………………………………………. 151
    8.4 Decoders……………………………………………………………………… 152
    8.5 Multiplexers ………………………………………………………………… 155
    8.6 Demultiplexers …………………………………………………………….. 157
    8.7 Integrated Circuits………………………………………………………… 159
    8.8 What’s Next? ……………………………………………………………….. 163
    Problems…………………………………………………………………………… 164
    Chapter Nine: Binary Operation Applications ……………………….. 165
    9.1 Bitwise Operations……………………………………………………….. 165
    9.1.1 Clearing/Masking Bits ………………………………………….. 167
    9.1.2 Setting Bits ………………………………………………………….. 171
    9.1.3 Toggling Bits……………………………………………………….. 171
    9.2 Comparing Bits with XOR…………………………………………….. 173
    9.3 Parity ………………………………………………………………………….. 174
    9.4 Checksum……………………………………………………………………. 175
    9.5 Cyclic Redundancy Check …………………………………………….. 179
    9.5.1 CRC Process………………………………………………………… 185
    9.5.2 CRC Implementation ……………………………………………. 187
    9.6 Hamming Code ……………………………………………………………. 188
    viii Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    9.7 What’s Next? ……………………………………………………………….. 199
    Problems ………………………………………………………………………….. 199
    Chapter Ten: Memory Cells ………………………………………………….. 203
    10.1 New Truth Table Symbols …………………………………………… 203
    10.1.1 Edges/Transitions……………………………………………….. 203
    10.1.2 Previously Stored Values …………………………………….. 204
    10.1.3 Undefined Values……………………………………………….. 204
    10.2 The S-R Latch……………………………………………………………. 205
    10.3 The D Latch ………………………………………………………………. 209
    10.4 Divide-By-Two Circuit……………………………………………….. 212
    10.5 Counter……………………………………………………………………… 213
    10.6 Parallel Data Output……………………………………………………. 214
    10.7 What’s Next? ……………………………………………………………… 215
    Problems ………………………………………………………………………….. 216
    Chapter Eleven: State Machines ……………………………………………. 217
    11.1 Introduction to State Machines …………………………………….. 217
    11.1.1 States ………………………………………………………………… 217
    11.1.2 State Diagrams …………………………………………………… 218
    11.1.3 Errors in State Diagrams ……………………………………… 222
    11.1.4 Basic Circuit Organization…………………………………… 222
    11.2 State Machine Design Process……………………………………… 225
    11.3 Another State Machine Design: Pattern Detection ………….. 234
    11.4 Mealy Versus Moore State Machines……………………………. 237
    11.5 What’s Next? ……………………………………………………………… 238
    Problems ………………………………………………………………………….. 239
    Chapter Twelve: Memory Organization ………………………………… 241
    12.1 Early Memory ……………………………………………………………. 241
    12.2 Organization of Memory Device ………………………………….. 242
    12.3 Interfacing Memory to a Processor……………………………….. 244
    12.3.1 Buses ………………………………………………………………… 244
    12.3.2 Memory Maps ……………………………………………………. 248
    12.3.3 Address Decoding ………………………………………………. 250
    12.3.4 Chip Select Hardware …………………………………………. 255
    12.4 Memory Mapped Input/Output…………………………………….. 259
    12.5 Memory Terminology…………………………………………………. 260
    12.5.1 Random Access Memory …………………………………….. 260
    12.5.2 Read Only Memory…………………………………………….. 261
    12.5.3 Static RAM versus Dynamic RAM ………………………. 261
    Table of Contents ix
    12.5.4 Types of DRAM and Their Timing ………………………. 263
    12.5.5 Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Memory ………………. 266
    12.6 What’s Next? ……………………………………………………………… 267
    Problems…………………………………………………………………………… 267
    Chapter Thirteen: Memory Hierarchy …………………………………… 269
    13.1 Characteristics of the Memory Hierarchy………………………. 269
    13.2 Physical Characteristics of a Hard Drive ……………………….. 269
    13.2.1 Hard Drive Read/Write Head……………………………….. 270
    13.2.2 Data Encoding……………………………………………………. 272
    13.2.3 Hard Drive Access Time ……………………………………… 275
    13.2.4 S.M.A.R.T. ………………………………………………………… 278
    13.3 Organization of Data on a Hard Drive …………………………… 279
    13.4 Cache RAM……………………………………………………………….. 284
    13.4.1 Cache Organization …………………………………………….. 286
    13.4.2 Dividing Memory into Blocks ……………………………… 287
    13.4.3 Cache Operation…………………………………………………. 289
    13.4.4 Cache Characteristics ………………………………………….. 290
    13.4.5 Cache Mapping Functions……………………………………. 290
    13.4.6 Cache Write Policy …………………………………………….. 299
    13.5 Registers……………………………………………………………………. 300
    13.6 What’s Next? ……………………………………………………………… 300
    Problems…………………………………………………………………………… 301
    Chapter Fourteen: Serial Protocol Basics……………………………….. 303
    14.1 OSI Seven-Layer Network Model ………………………………… 303
    14.2 Serial versus Parallel Data Transmission……………………….. 304
    14.3 Anatomy of a Frame or Packet …………………………………….. 306
    14.4 Sample Protocol: IEEE 802.3 Ethernet………………………….. 308
    14.5 Sample Protocol: Internet Protocol ……………………………….. 310
    14.6 Sample Protocol: Transmission Control Protocol……………. 313
    14.7 Dissecting a Frame……………………………………………………… 317
    14.8 Additional Resources ………………………………………………….. 320
    14.9 What’s Next? ……………………………………………………………… 322
    Problems…………………………………………………………………………… 322
    Chapter Fifteen: Introduction to Processor Architecture………… 325
    15.1 Organization versus Architecture………………………………….. 325
    15.2 Components ………………………………………………………………. 325
    15.2.1 Bus……………………………………………………………………. 325
    15.2.2 Registers……………………………………………………………. 326
    x Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    15.2.3 Flags …………………………………………………………………. 327
    15.2.4 Buffers………………………………………………………………. 328
    15.2.5 The Stack…………………………………………………………… 329
    15.2.6 I/O Ports ……………………………………………………………. 331
    15.3 Processor Level………………………………………………………….. 332
    15.4 CPU Level…………………………………………………………………. 333
    15.5 Simple Example of CPU Operation………………………………. 334
    15.6 Assembly and Machine Language ………………………………… 338
    15.7 Big-Endian/Little-Endian…………………………………………….. 345
    15.8 Pipelined Architectures……………………………………………….. 346
    15.9 Passing Data To and From Peripherals………………………….. 350
    15.9.1 Memory-Mapped I/O ………………………………………….. 351
    15.9.2 Polling ………………………………………………………………. 353
    15.9.3 Interrupts …………………………………………………………… 354
    15.9.4 Direct Memory Access………………………………………… 355
    15.9.5 I/O Channels and Processors………………………………… 356
    15.10 What’s Next? ……………………………………………………………. 357
    Problems ………………………………………………………………………….. 357
    Chapter Sixteen: Intel 80×86 Base Architecture……………………… 359
    16.1 Why Study the 80×86?………………………………………………… 359
    16.2 Execution Unit …………………………………………………………… 360
    16.2.1 General Purpose Registers …………………………………… 361
    16.2.2 Address Registers……………………………………………….. 362
    16.2.3 Flags …………………………………………………………………. 363
    16.2.4 Internal Buses…………………………………………………….. 365
    16.3 Bus Interface Unit………………………………………………………. 365
    16.3.1 Segment Addressing …………………………………………… 366
    16.3.2 Instruction Queue……………………………………………….. 370
    16.4 Memory versus I/O Ports…………………………………………….. 371
    16.5 What’s Next? ……………………………………………………………… 372
    Problems ………………………………………………………………………….. 373
    Chapter Seventeen: Intel 80×86 Assembly Language………………. 375
    17.1 Assemblers versus Compilers………………………………………. 375
    17.2 Components of a Line of Assembly Language……………….. 376
    17.3 Assembly Language Directives ……………………………………. 378
    17.3.1 SEGMENT Directive………………………………………….. 378
    17.3.2 .MODEL, .STACK, .DATA, and .CODE Directives . 380
    17.3.3 PROC Directive …………………………………………………. 381
    Table of Contents xi
    17.3.4 END Directive……………………………………………………. 382
    17.3.5 Data Definition Directives …………………………………… 382
    17.3.6 EQU Directive……………………………………………………. 383
    17.4 80×86 Opcodes…………………………………………………………… 385
    17.4.1 Data Transfer……………………………………………………… 385
    17.4.2 Data Manipulation………………………………………………. 386
    17.4.3 Program Control…………………………………………………. 387
    17.4.4 Special Operations ……………………………………………… 390
    17.5 Addressing Modes………………………………………………………. 391
    17.5.1 Register Addressing ……………………………………………. 391
    17.5.2 Immediate Addressing…………………………………………. 392
    17.5.3 Pointer Addressing ……………………………………………… 392
    17.6 Sample 80×86 Assembly Language Programs………………… 393
    17.7 Additional 80×86 Programming Resources ……………………. 397
    17.8 What’s Next? ……………………………………………………………… 398
    Problems…………………………………………………………………………… 398
    Index …………………………………………………………………………………….. 401
    Sample Digital System ……………………………………………………… 3
    Continuous Analog Signal with Infinite Resolution ……………… 4
    Sample of Discrete Measurements Taken Every 0.1 Sec……….. 4
    Samples Taken of an Analog Signal …………………………………… 5
    Slow Sampling Rate Missed an Anomaly……………………………. 5
    Poor Resolution Resulting in an Inaccurate Measurement …….. 5
    Block Diagram of a System to Capture Analog Data ……………. 6
    Representation of a Single Binary Signal ……………………………. 8
    Representation of Multiple Digital Signals………………………….. 8
    Alternate Representation of Multiple Digital Signals ……………. 9
    Digital Transition Definitions ………………………………………….. 10
    Pulse Waveforms …………………………………………………………… 10
    Non-Periodic Pulse Train ………………………………………………… 10
    Periodic Pulse Train ……………………………………………………….. 11
    Periodic Pulse Train with Different Pulse Widths ………………. 11
    Periodic Pulse Train with 25% Duty Cycle ……………………….. 13
    Counting in Decimal ………………………………………………………. 17
    xii Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    Counting in Binary…………………………………………………………. 18
    Binary-Decimal Equivalents from 0 to 17 …………………………. 19
    Values Represented By Each of the First 8 Bit Positions …….. 21
    Sample Conversion of 101101002 to Decimal……………………. 21
    Decimal to Unsigned Binary Conversion Flow Chart …………. 24
    Sample Analog Signal of Sound ………………………………………. 26
    Effects of Number of Bits on Roundoff Error ……………………. 32
    Aliasing Effects Due to Slow Sampling Rate …………………….. 33
    Eight Binary Values Identifying Rotating Shaft Position…….. 38
    Example of a Position Encoder………………………………………… 38
    Conversion from Unsigned Binary to Gray Code……………….. 39
    Four Possible Results of Adding Two Bits………………………… 44
    Four Possible Results of Adding Two Bits with Carry………… 44
    Two’s Complement Short-Cut………………………………………….. 49
    Converting a Two’s Complement Number to a Decimal ……… 53
    IEEE Standard 754 Floating-Point Formats……………………….. 59
    Duplicate MSB for Right Shift of 2’s Complement Values….. 66
    Basic Format of a Logic Gate ………………………………………….. 71
    Basic Logic Symbols ……………………………………………………… 72
    Operation of the NOT Gate……………………………………………… 72
    Operation of a Two-Input AND Gate ……………………………….. 73
    Operation of a Two-Input OR Gate ………………………………….. 74
    Operation of a Two-Input XOR Gate ……………………………….. 74
    Sample Three-Input Truth Table………………………………………. 75
    Listing All Bit Patterns for a Four-Input Truth Table………….. 76
    Inverter Truth Table ……………………………………………………….. 77
    Two-Input AND Gate Truth Table …………………………………… 77
    Two-Input OR Gate Truth Table ……………………………………… 77
    Two-Input XOR Gate Truth Table……………………………………. 78
    Three-Input AND Gate Truth Table With Don’t Cares ……….. 78
    Sample Timing Diagram for a Three-Input AND Gate ……….. 79
    Sample Timing Diagram for a Three-Input OR Gate ………….. 79
    Sample Timing Diagram for a Three-Input XOR Gate ……….. 79
    Sample Combinational Logic…………………………………………… 80
    Combinational Logic for a Simple Security System……………. 80
    Truth Table for Simple Security System of Figure 4-18 ……… 81
    “NOT” Circuits ……………………………………………………………… 82
    Schematic “Short-Hand” for Inverted Inputs ……………………… 82
    Table of Contents xiii
    Sample of Multi-Level Combinational Logic …………………….. 83
    Process of Passing Inputs Through Combinational Logic ……. 83
    Steps That Inputs Pass Through in Combinational Logic…….. 84
    All Combinations of Ones and Zeros for Three Inputs………… 84
    Step (a) in Sample Truth Table Creation …………………………… 85
    Step (b) in Sample Truth Table Creation …………………………… 85
    Step (c) in Sample Truth Table Creation …………………………… 86
    Step (d) in Sample Truth Table Creation …………………………… 86
    Schematic and Truth Table of Combinational Logic …………… 89
    Boolean Expression for the AND Function ……………………….. 90
    Boolean Expression for the OR Function ………………………….. 91
    Boolean Expression for the NOT Function………………………… 91
    Circuit Representation of the Boolean Expression 1+0+1……. 91
    Sample of Multi-Level Combinational Logic …………………….. 92
    Creating Boolean Expression from Combinational Logic ……. 93
    Examples of the Precedence of the NOT Function …………….. 93
    Example of a Conversion from a Boolean Expression ………… 94
    Commutative Law for Two Variables OR’ed Together ……….. 95
    Schematic Form of NOT Rule …………………………………………. 96
    Rules of Boolean Algebra ……………………………………………… 101
    Application of DeMorgan’s Theorem………………………………. 105
    Schematic Application of DeMorgan’s Theorem………………. 106
    Sample Sum-of-Products Binary Circuit …………………………. 110
    Samples of Single Product (AND) Truth Tables ………………. 111
    Sample of a Sum-of-Products Truth Table ………………………. 111
    Conversion of an SOP Expression to a Truth Table ………….. 112
    Sample Product-of-Sums Binary Circuit …………………………. 115
    Samples of Single Sum (OR) Truth Tables………………………. 115
    Sample of a Product-of-Sums Truth Table ………………………. 116
    Sample Sums With Multiple Zero Outputs ………………………. 117
    Conversion of a POS Expression to a Truth Table ……………. 118
    Circuit Depiction of DeMorgan’s Theorem………………………. 120
    OR Gate Equals a NAND Gate With Inverted Inputs………… 120
    OR-to-NAND Equivalency Expanded to Four Inputs ……….. 120
    Sample SOP Circuit ……………………………………………………… 121
    Sample SOP Circuit with Output OR Gate Replaced ………… 121
    Sample SOP Circuit Implemented With NAND Gates………. 122
    2-by-2 Karnaugh Map Used with Two Inputs ………………….. 126
    xiv Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    Mapping a 2-Input Truth Table to Its Karnaugh Map ……….. 126
    Three-Input Karnaugh Map …………………………………………… 127
    Four-Input Karnaugh Map …………………………………………….. 127
    Identifying the Products in a Karnaugh Map ……………………. 130
    Karnaugh Map with Four Adjacent Cells Containing ‘1’ ……. 130
    Sample Rectangle in a Three-Input Karnaugh Map…………… 133
    Karnaugh Map with a “Don’t Care” Elements ………………….. 138
    Karnaugh Map with a “Don’t Care” Elements Assigned ……. 138
    Four Possible Results of Adding Two Bits………………………. 141
    Block Diagram of a Half Adder……………………………………… 142
    Four Possible States of a Half Adder ………………………………. 142
    Logic Circuit for a Half Adder……………………………………….. 143
    Block Diagram of a Multi-bit Adder……………………………….. 144
    Block Diagram of a Full Adder………………………………………. 144
    Sum and Carryout Karnaugh Maps for a Full Adder…………. 145
    Logic Circuit for a Full Adder ……………………………………….. 146
    Seven-Segment Display ………………………………………………… 147
    Displaying a ‘1’ with a 7-Segment Display ………………………. 147
    A Seven-Segment Display Displaying a Decimal ‘2’…………. 148
    Block Diagram of a Seven-Segment Display Driver …………. 148
    Segment Patterns for all Hexadecimal Digits …………………… 149
    Seven Segment Display Truth Table ………………………………. 149
    Karnaugh Map for Segment ‘e’……………………………………….. 150
    Karnaugh Map for Segment ‘e’ with Rectangles ……………….. 150
    Logic Circuit for Segment e of 7-Segment Display…………… 151
    Labeling Conventions for Active-Low Signals ………………… 152
    Sample Circuit for Enabling a Microwave ………………………. 153
    Sample Circuit for Delivering a Soda ……………………………… 153
    Truth Table to Enable a Device for A=1, B=1, & C=0………. 154
    Digital Circuit for a 1-of-4 Decoder ……………………………….. 154
    Digital Circuit for an Active-Low 1-of-4 Decoder ……………. 155
    Truth Table for an Active-Low 1-of-8 Decoder ……………….. 155
    Block Diagram of an Eight Channel Multiplexer ……………… 156
    Truth Table for an Eight Channel Multiplexer …………………. 156
    Logic Circuit for a 1-Line-to-4-Line Demultiplexer………….. 158
    Truth Table for a 1-Line-to-4-Line Demultiplexer ……………. 159
    Examples of Integrated Circuits……………………………………… 159
    Pin-out of a Quad Dual-Input NAND Gate IC (7400)……….. 160
    Sample Pin 1 Identifications ………………………………………….. 160
    Table of Contents xv
    Generic Protoboard ………………………………………………………. 161
    Generic Protoboard Internal Connections ………………………… 161
    Sample Circuit Wired on a Protoboard ……………………………. 162
    Schematic Symbol of a Light-Emitting Diode (LED) ……….. 162
    LED Circuit ………………………………………………………………… 163
    Switch Circuit………………………………………………………………. 163
    Graphic of a Bitwise Operation Performed on LSB ………….. 166
    Bitwise AND of 011010112 and 110110102 …………………….. 166
    Three Sample Bitwise ANDs …………………………………………. 168
    Possible Output from a Motion Detector …………………………. 173
    A Difference in Output Indicates an Error ……………………….. 173
    Simple Error Detection with an XOR Gate………………………. 174
    Sample Block of Data with Accompanying Datasums ………. 176
    Small Changes in Data Canceling in Checksum……………….. 179
    Example of Long Division in Binary ………………………………. 181
    Example of Long Division Using XOR Subtraction………….. 182
    Sample Code for Calculating CRC Checksums………………… 189
    Venn Diagram Representation of Hamming Code ……………. 192
    Example Single-Bit Errors in Venn Diagram …………………… 192
    Example of a Two-Bit Error ………………………………………….. 193
    Using Parity to Check for Double-Bit Errors……………………. 194
    10-1 Symbols for Rising Edge and Falling Edge Transitions …….. 204
    10-2 Sample Truth Table Using Undefined Output ………………….. 204
    10-3 Primitive Feedback Circuit using Inverters………………………. 205
    10-4 Operation of a NAND Gate with One Input Tied High ……… 206
    10-5 Primitive Feedback Circuit Redrawn with NAND Gates …… 206
    10-6 Only Two Possible States of Circuit in Figure 10-5 ………….. 206
    10-7 Operation of a Simple Memory Cell ……………………………….. 207
    10-8 Operation of a Simple Memory Cell (continued)………………. 208
    10-9 S-R Latch ……………………………………………………………………. 209
    10-10 S-R Latch Truth Table ………………………………………………….. 209
    10-11 Block Diagram of the D Latch ……………………………………….. 209
    10-12 Edge-Triggered D Latch Truth Tables …………………………….. 211
    10-13 Transparent D Latch Truth Tables ………………………………….. 211
    10-14 Divide-By-Two Circuit …………………………………………………. 212
    10-15 Clock and Output Timing in a Divide-By-Two Circuit ……… 212
    10-16 Cascading Four Divide-By-Two Circuits ………………………… 213
    10-17 Counter Implemented with Divide-By-Two Circuits ………… 213
    xvi Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    10-18 Output of Binary Counter Circuit …………………………………… 214
    10-19 Output Port Data Latch Circuitry……………………………………. 215
    11-1 Adding Memory to a Digital Logic Circuit ……………………… 217
    11-2 States of a Traffic Signal System……………………………………. 218
    11-3 States of a Light Bulb……………………………………………………. 218
    11-4 State Diagram for Light Bulb State Machine……………………. 218
    11-5 Complete State Diagram for Light Bulb State Machine …….. 219
    11-6 Block Diagram of an Up-Down Binary Counter ………………. 220
    11-7 State Diagram for a 3-Bit Up-Down Binary Counter ………… 221
    11-8 Sample of a Reset Indication in a State Diagram………………. 221
    11-9 Block Diagram of a State Machine …………………………………. 223
    11-10 Initial State of the Push Button Light Control ………………….. 226
    11-11 Transitions from State 0 of Push Button Circuit……………….. 226
    11-12 B=0 Transition from State 0 of Push Button Circuit …………. 227
    11-13 B=1 Transition from State 0 of Push Button Circuit …………. 227
    11-14 B=0 Transition from State 1 of Push Button Circuit …………. 227
    11-15 B=1 Transition from State 1 of Push Button Circuit …………. 228
    11-16 Transitions from State 2 of Push Button Circuit……………….. 228
    11-17 Final State Diagram for Push Button Circuit ……………………. 229
    11-18 Block Diagram for Push Button Circuit…………………………… 230
    11-19 K-Maps for S1′, S0′, and L of Push Button Circuit …………….. 232
    11-20 Finished Push Button Circuit …………………………………………. 232
    11-21 Revised Truth Table and K Map for Push Button Circuit ….. 233
    11-22 Identifying the Bit Pattern “101” in a Bit Stream ……………… 234
    11-23 State Diagram for Identifying the Bit Pattern “101”………….. 235
    11-24 Next State and Output Truth Tables for Pattern Detect ……… 236
    11-25 K-Maps for S1′, S0′, and P of Pattern Detect Circuit ………….. 237
    11-26 Final Circuit to Identify the Bit Pattern “101” ………………….. 237
    11-27 Basic Configuration of a Mealy Machine ………………………… 238
    11-28 Sample State Diagram of a Mealy Machine …………………….. 238
    11-29 Output Truth Table for Sample Mealy Machine……………….. 239
    Diagram of a Section of Core Memory……………………………. 241
    Basic Organization of a Memory Device…………………………. 243
    Basic Processor to Memory Device Interface…………………… 245
    Two Memory Devices Sharing a Bus ……………………………… 246
    Three Buffers Trying to Drive the Same Output ………………. 248
    Sample Memory Maps ………………………………………………….. 249
    Full Address with Enable Bits and Device Address Bits……. 251
    Table of Contents xvii
    12-8 IPv4 Address Divided into Subnet and Host IDs………………. 254
    12-9 Sample Chip Select Circuit for a Memory Device…………….. 256
    12-10 Some Types of Memory Mapped I/O Configurations ……….. 260
    12-11 Basic Addressing Process for a DRAM …………………………… 264
    12-12 Organization of DRAM…………………………………………………. 265
    12-13 Example of an FPM Transfer …………………………………………. 265
    12-14 Example of an EDO Transfer…………………………………………. 266
    13-1 Block Diagram of a Standard Memory Hierarchy …………….. 269
    13-2 Configuration of a Hard Drive Write Head………………………. 271
    13-3 Sample FM Magnetic Encoding……………………………………… 273
    13-4 Sample MFM Magnetic Encoding ………………………………….. 274
    13-5 RLL Relation between Bit Patterns and Polarity Changes …. 274
    13-6 Sample RLL Magnetic Encoding……………………………………. 275
    13-7 Components of Disk Access Time ………………………………….. 277
    13-8 Relation between Read/Write Head and Tracks ……………….. 279
    13-9 Organization of Hard Disk Platter…………………………………… 280
    13-10 Illustration of a Hard Drive Cylinder ………………………………. 281
    13-11 Equal Number of Bits per Track versus Equal Sized Bits ….. 282
    13-12 Comparison of Sector Organizations ………………………………. 282
    13-13 Cache Placement between Main Memory and Processor …… 285
    13-14 L1 and L2 Cache Placement…………………………………………… 285
    13-15 Split Cache Organization ………………………………………………. 286
    13-16 Organization of Cache into Lines …………………………………… 287
    13-17 Division of Memory into Blocks…………………………………….. 288
    13-18 Organization of Address Identifying Block and Offset ……… 289
    13-19 Direct Mapping of Main Memory to Cache……………………… 291
    13-20 Direct Mapping Partitioning of Memory Address …………….. 292
    13-21 Fully Associative Partitioning of Memory Address…………… 295
    13-22 Set Associative Mapping of Main Memory to Cache ………… 297
    13-23 Effect of Cache Set Size on Address Partitioning……………… 298
    Sample Protocol Stack using TCP, IP, and Ethernet …………. 307
    Layout of an IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Frame ………………………… 308
    Layout of an IP Packet Header……………………………………….. 311
    Layout of a TCP Packet Header……………………………………… 314
    Position and Purpose of TCP Control Flags …………………….. 315
    Layout of a TCP Pseudo Header …………………………………….. 316
    Simulated Raw Data Capture of an Ethernet Frame ………….. 317
    Sample Code Using Conditional Statements ……………………. 328
    xviii Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    15-2 Block Diagram of a System Incorporating a Buffer ………….. 329
    15-3 Generic Block Diagram of a Processor System ………………… 332
    15-4 Generic Block Diagram of Processor Internals…………………. 333
    15-5 Generic Block Diagram of a Typical CPU ………………………. 334
    15-6 Decoded Assembly Language from Table 15-6 ……………….. 343
    15-7 Non-Pipelined Execution of Five Instructions………………….. 348
    15-8 Pipelined Execution of Five Instructions …………………………. 348
    15-9 Sample Memory Mapped Device Circuit ………………………… 352
    15-10 Basic Operation of an ISR …………………………………………….. 355
    Block Diagram of 80×86 Execution Unit (EU) ………………… 360
    Block Diagram of 80×86 Bus Interface Unit (BIU)…………… 366
    Segment/Pointer Relation in the 80×86 Memory Map ………. 368
    17-1 Format of a Line of Assembly Language Code ………………… 377
    17-2 Format and Parameters Used to Define a Segment……………. 379
    17-3 Format of the .MODEL Directive…………………………………… 380
    17-4 Format and Parameters Used to Define a Procedure …………. 381
    17-5 Format and Parameters of Some Define Directives…………… 383
    17-6 Example Uses of Define Directives ………………………………… 384
    17-7 Format and Parameters of the EQU Directive ………………….. 384
    17-8 Sample Code with and without the EQU Directive …………… 384
    17-9 Format and Parameters of the MOV Opcode……………………. 385
    17-10 Format and Parameters of the IN and OUT Opcodes ………… 385
    17-11 Format and Parameters of the ADD Opcode ……………………. 386
    17-12 Format and Parameters of NEG, NOT, DEC, and INC ……… 386
    17-13 Format and Parameters of SAR, SHR, SAL, and SHL………. 387
    17-14 Example of a JMP Instruction………………………………………… 387
    17-15 Example of a LOOP Instruction……………………………………… 389
    17-16 Sample Organization of a Procedure Call………………………… 390
    17-17 Examples of Register Addressing …………………………………… 392
    17-18 Examples of Immediate Addressing ……………………………….. 392
    17-19 Examples of an Address being used as an Operand…………… 393
    17-20 Skeleton Code for a Simple Assembly Program……………….. 393
    17-21 Code to Assign Data Segment Address to DS Register……… 394
    17-22 Code to Inform O/S that Program is Terminated………………. 395
    17-23 Skeleton Code with Code Added for O/S Support ……………. 395
    17-24 Data Defining Directives for Example Code ……………………. 396
    17-25 Step-by-Step Example Operation Converted to Code ……….. 396
    17-26 Final Code for Example Assembly Language Program……… 397
    Table of Contents xix
    Unit Prefixes………………………………………………………………….. 15
    Converting Binary to Decimal and Hexadecimal ……………….. 35
    Converting BCD to Decimal ……………………………………………. 36
    Derivation of the Four-Bit Gray Code ………………………………. 40
    Representation Comparison for 8-bit Binary Numbers ……….. 57
    Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion Table……………………….. 62
    Multiplying the Binary Value 10012 by Powers of Two………. 65
    Addition Results Based on Inputs of a Full Adder ……………. 144
    Sum and Carryout Truth Tables for a Full Adder ……………… 145
    Truth Table for a Two-Input XOR Gate ………………………….. 172
    Addition and Subtraction Without Carries or Borrows………. 181
    Reconstructing the Dividend Using XORs ………………………. 183
    Second Example of Reconstructing the Dividend……………… 184
    Data Groupings and Parity for the Nibble 10112 ………………. 190
    Data Groupings with a Data Bit in Error …………………………. 190
    Data Groupings with a Parity Bit in Error ……………………….. 191
    Identifying Errors in a Nibble with Three Parity Bits………… 191
    Parity Bits Required for a Specific Number of Data Bits …… 195
    Membership of Data and Parity Bits in Parity Groups ………. 197
    List of States for Push Button Circuit ……………………………… 230
    Next State Truth Table for Push Button Circuit………………… 231
    Output Truth Table for Push Button Circuit …………………….. 231
    Revised List of States for Push Button Circuit …………………. 233
    List of States for Bit Pattern Detection Circuit …………………. 236
    The Allowable Settings of Four Chip Selects …………………… 247
    Sample Memory Sizes versus Required Address Lines……… 251
    Conditional Jumps to be Placed After a Compare …………….. 337
    Conditional Jumps to be Placed After an Operation ………….. 338
    Numbered Instructions for Imaginary Processor ………………. 340
    Assembly Language for Imaginary Processor ………………….. 340
    Operand Requirements for Imaginary Processor ………………. 341
    A Simple Program Stored at Memory Address 100016 ………. 342
    Signal Values for Sample I/O Device ……………………………… 351
    Control Signal Levels for I/O and Memory Transactions…… 353
    xx Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    Summary of Intel 80×86 Bus Characteristics …………………… 360
    Summary of the 80×86 Read and Write Control Signals……. 372
    Memory Models Available for use with .MODEL ……………. 381
    Summary of 80×86 Conditional Jumps……………………………. 388
    80×86 Instructions for Modifying Flags ………………………….. 390
    When I first taught computer organization to computer science
    majors here at East Tennessee State University, I was not sure where to
    begin. My training as an electrical engineer provided me with a
    background in DC and AC electrical theory, electronics, and circuit
    design. Was this where I needed to start? Do computer science majors
    really need to understand computers at the transistor level?
    The textbook used by my predecessors assumed the reader had had
    some experience with electronics. The author went so far as to use
    screen captures from oscilloscopes and other test equipment to describe
    circuit properties. I soon found that this was a bad assumption to make
    when it came to students of computer science.
    To provide a lifeline to my floundering students, I began writing
    supplementary notes and posting them to my course web site. Over the
    years, the notes matured until eventually students stopped buying the
    course textbook. When the on-line notes were discovered by search
    engines, I began receiving messages from other instructors asking if
    they could link to my notes. The answer was obvious: of course!
    The on-line notes provided a wonderful opportunity. Instead of
    requiring a textbook for my course, I could ask my students to purchase
    hardware or software to supplement the university’s laboratory
    equipment. This could include anything from external hard drives to
    circuit components. By enhancing the hands-on portion of the course, I
    hope that I have improved each student’s chance to learn and retain the
    In April of 2004, I became aware of recent advances in selfpublishing with services such as In an effort to reduce the
    costs paid by students who were printing the course notes from the
    web, I decided to compile my web notes into a book. For years, I had
    been receiving comments from students about dried up printer
    cartridges. I once found a student searching the recycled paper bin for
    scrap paper on which to print my notes. Even our campus technology
    group had begun to suggest I was one of the causes for the overuse of
    campus printers.
    Korwin, Anthony R., Jones, Ronald E., “Do Hands-On, Technology-Based
    Activities Enhance Learning by Reinforcing Cognitive Knowledge and Retention?”
    Journal of Technology Education, Vol. 1, No. 2, Spring 1990. Online. Internet.
    Available WWW:
    xxii Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    So here it is, a textbook open to anyone with a simple desire to learn
    about the digital concepts of a computer. I’ve tried to address topics
    such as analog to digital conversion, CRC’s, and memory organization
    using practical terms and examples instead of the purely theoretical or
    technical approaches favored by engineers. Hopefully I’ve succeeded.
    I do not pretend to believe that this book alone will provide the
    reader with the background necessary to begin designing and building
    contemporary computer circuits. I do, however, believe that reading it
    will give people the tools to become better developers of software and
    computer systems by understanding the tools for logic design and the
    organization of the computer’s internals.
    The design concepts used for hardware are just as applicable to
    software. In addition, an understanding of hardware can be applied to
    software design allowing for improved system performance. This book
    can be used as a springboard to topics such as advanced computer
    architecture, embedded system design, network design, compiler
    design, or microprocessor design. The possibilities are endless.
    Organization of This Book
    The material in this book is presented in three stages. The first stage,
    Chapters 1 through 7, discusses the mathematical foundation and
    design tools that address the digital nature of computers. The discussion
    begins in Chapters 1, 2, and 3 where the reader is introduced to the
    differences between the physical world and the digital world. These
    chapters show how the differences affect the way the computer
    represents and manipulates data. Chapter 4 introduces digital logic and
    logic gates followed by Chapters 5, 6, and 7 where the tools of design
    are introduced.
    The second stage, Chapters 8 through 11, applies the fundamentals
    of the first seven chapters to standard digital designs such as binary
    adders and counters, checksums and cyclic redundancy checks,
    network addressing, storage devices, and state machines.
    The last stage, Chapters 12 through 17, presents the top-level view
    of the computer. It begins with the organization of addressable memory
    in Chapter 12. This is followed in Chapter 13 with a discussion of the
    memory hierarchy starting with the physical construction of hard drives
    and ending with the organization of cache memory and processor
    registers. Chapter 14 brings the reader through the concepts of serial
    protocols ending with descriptions of the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet, TCP,
    and IP protocols. Chapter 15 presents the theories of computer
    architecture while Chapters 16 and 17 use the Intel 80×86 family as a
    means of example.
    Each chapter concludes with a short section titled “What’s Next?”
    describing where the next chapter will take the reader. This is followed
    by a set of questions that the reader may use to evaluate his or her
    understanding of the topic.
    I would like to begin by thanking my department chair, Dr. Terry
    Countermine, for the support and guidance with which he provided me.
    At first I thought that this project would simply be a matter of
    converting my existing web notes into a refined manuscript. This was
    not the case, and Dr. Countermine’s support and understanding were
    critical to my success.
    I would also like to thank my computer organization students who
    tolerated being the test bed of this textbook. Many of them provided
    suggestions that strengthened the book, and I am grateful to them all.
    Most of all, I would like to thank my wife, Karen, who has always
    encouraged and supported me in each of my endeavors. You provide
    the foundation of my success.
    Lastly, even self-published books cannot be realized without some
    support. I would like to thank those who participate as contributors and
    moderators on the forums. In addition, I would like to thank directly for providing me with a quality outlet for my work.
    The information in this book is based on the personal knowledge
    collected by David Tarnoff through years of study in the field of
    electrical engineering and his work as an embedded system designer.
    While he believes this information is correct, he accepts no
    responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the application of
    any of the material presented in this book.
    In addition, the design tools presented here are meant to act as a
    foundation to future learning. David Tarnoff offers no warranty or
    guarantee toward products used or developed with material from this
    book. He also denies any liability arising out of the application of any
    tool or product discussed in this book. If the reader chooses to use the
    material in this book to implement a product, he or she shall indemnify
    xxiv Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    and hold the author and any party involved in the publication of this
    book harmless against all claims, costs, or damages arising out of the
    direct or indirect application of the material.
    David L. Tarnoff
    Johnson City, Tennessee
    May 11, 2005
    Note About Third Printing
    Over the past two years, a number of small issues have been
    revealed to me about this work. A few topics needed elaboration and a
    few errors that had slipped through the self-editing process needed
    correction. There were not enough issues to require the release of a
    second edition, but readers of this book should be aware that changes
    have been made in this the third printing of the book.
    The new topics now included in this book are Gray codes, signed
    BCD, XOR boolean rules, Mealy state machines (the first printing only
    addressed Moore state machines), DRAM technologies, and hard drive
    access times. If any reader feels that additional topics should be
    included in future printings or editions, please feel free to e-mail me at
    David L. Tarnoff
    July 6, 2007
    Digital Signals and Systems
    1.1 Should Software Engineers Worry About Hardware?
    Some students of computer and information sciences look at
    computer hardware the same way many drivers look at their cars: the
    use of a car doesn’t require the knowledge of how to build one.
    Knowing how to design and build a computer may not be vital to the
    computer professional, but it goes a long way toward improving their
    skills, i.e., making them better drivers. For anyone going into a career
    involving computer programming, computer system design, or the
    installation and maintenance of computer systems, the principles of
    computer organization provide tools to create better designs. These

    System design tools – The same design theories used at the lowest
    level of system design are also applied at higher levels. For
    example, the same methods a circuit board designer uses to create
    the interface between a processor and its memory chips are used to
    design the addressing scheme of an IP network.
    Software design tools – The same procedures used to optimize
    digital circuits can be used for the logic portions of software.
    Complex blocks of if-statements, for example, can be simplified or
    made to run faster using these tools.
    Improved troubleshooting skills – A clear understanding of the
    inner workings of a computer gives the technician servicing it the
    tools to isolate a problem quicker and with greater accuracy.
    Interconnectivity – Hardware is needed to connect the real world to
    a computer’s inputs and outputs. Writing software to control a
    system such as an automotive air bag could produce catastrophic
    results without a clear understanding of the architecture and
    hardware of a microprocessor.
    Marketability – Embedded system design puts microprocessors into
    task-specific applications such as manufacturing, communications,
    and automotive control. As processors become cheaper and more
    powerful, the same tools used for desktop software design are being
    applied to embedded system design. This means that the software
    2 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    engineer with experience in hardware design has a significant
    advantage over hardware engineers in this market.
    If that doesn’t convince you, take a look at what Shigeki Ishizuka,
    the head of Sony’s digital camera division, says about understanding
    hardware. “When you control parts design, you can integrate the whole
    package much more elegantly.” In other words, today’s business
    environment of low cost and rapid market response, success may
    depend on how well you control the hardware of your system.
    Think of the myriad of systems around you such as your car, cell
    phone, and PlayStation® that rely on a programmer’s understanding of
    hardware. A computer mouse, for example, sends digital information
    into the computer’s mouse port. In order for the software to respond
    properly to the movement or button presses of the mouse, the software
    designer must be able to interpret the digital signal.
    On a much greater scale, consider a construction company with
    projects scattered across a large region that wants to monitor its
    equipment from a central location such as its corporate offices. A
    system such as this could be used for inventory control allowing a
    remote user to locate each piece of equipment from their Internetenabled desktop computer. E-mail alerts could be sent predicting
    possible failures when conditions such as overheating or excessive
    vibration are detected. The system could deliver e-mails or messages to
    pagers in cases of theft or notify maintenance that periodic service is
    needed. Here again, the link between software and hardware is critical.
    An embedded processor inside the equipment communicates with
    sensors that monitor conditions such as temperature, vibration, or oil
    pressure. The processor is capable of transmitting this information to
    the remote user via a cellular link either when prompted or as an
    emergency notification. In addition, the processor may be capable of
    using GPS to determine its geographic location. If the equipment is
    moved outside of a specified range, a message can be sent indicating a
    possible theft.
    The design of a system such as this raises many questions including:

    What physical values do the digital values that are read from the
    sensors represent in the real world?
    How can useful information be pulled from the data stream being
    received by the processors?
    Chapter 1: Digital Signals and Systems

    How should the data be formatted for optimal storage, searching,
    and retrieval?
    Is it possible that using a slower data rate might actually mean
    shorter connect times over expensive cellular links?
    Figure 1-1 Sample Digital System
    Computer organization theories answer these and many other questions.
    1.2 Non-Digital Signals
    The real world is analog. What does that mean? Well, an analog
    value is equivalent to a floating-point number with an infinite number
    of places to the right of the decimal point. For example, temperatures
    do not take on distinct values such as 75°, 76°, 77°, 78°, etc. They take
    values like 75.434535… In fact, between the temperatures 75.435° and
    75.436°, there are an infinite number of possible values. A man doesn’t
    weigh exactly 178 pounds. Add an atom, and his weight changes.
    When values such as temperature or weight change over time, they
    follow what is called a continuous curve. Between any two values on
    the curve, an infinite number of values take place over an infinite
    number of points in time.
    Okay, so these are ridiculous examples. We can get by without
    knowing the weight of a man plus or minus an atom. Heck, if we
    4 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    measured to that level of accuracy, his weight would be changing every
    second. (Time is also an analog value.) It is sufficient to say that analog
    values represent a continuous signal with infinitesimal resolution.
    Figure 1-2 Continuous Analog Signal with Infinite Resolution
    1.3 Digital Signals
    There is such a thing as an analog computer, a computer that
    processes information using analog levels of electricity or the positions
    of mechanical devices. The overwhelming majority of today’s
    computers do not do this, however. Instead, they represent an analog
    value by converting it to a number with a fixed resolution, i.e., a fixed
    number of digits to the right of the decimal point. This measurement is
    referred to as a digital value. If the value is changing with respect to
    time, then a sequence of measurements can be taken, the period
    between the measurements typically remaining fixed.
    Figure 1-3 Sample of Discrete Measurements Taken Every 0.1 Sec
    Since computers look at the world with a fixed resolution in both
    time and magnitude, when the computer records an analog signal such
    as the sound waves from music, it does it by taking a sequence of snapshots. For example, assume Figure 1-2 is an analog “real world” signal
    Chapter 1: Digital Signals and Systems
    such as a sound wave. The computer can only measure the signal at
    intervals. Each measurement is called a sample. The rate at which these
    samples are taken is called the sampling rate. The X’s in Figure 1-4
    represent these measurements.
    Figure 1-4 Samples Taken of an Analog Signal
    Two problems arise from this process: information can be lost
    between the measurements and information can be lost due to the
    rounding of the measurement. First, if the sampling rate is too slow,
    then some details of the signal may be missed.
    Figure 1-5 Slow Sampling Rate Missed an Anomaly
    Second, if the computer does not record with enough accuracy (i.e.,
    enough digits after the decimal point) an error may be introduced
    between the actual measurement and the recorded value.
    Accuracy of
    computer allows
    only these levels
    of measurement
    Analog Signal
    Figure 1-6 Poor Resolution Resulting in an Inaccurate Measurement
    6 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    These effects can be reduced by increasing the resolution of the
    measurement and increasing the sampling rate. A discussion of this can
    be found in Chapter 2 in the section titled “Sampling Theory”.
    1.4 Conversion Systems
    The typical system used to convert an external condition such as
    pressure, temperature, or light intensity to a format usable by a digital
    system is shown in the block diagram in Figure 1-7.
    Weak, noisy
    analog signal
    to digital
    Strong, clean
    analog signal
    of analog signal
    Figure 1-7 Block Diagram of a System to Capture Analog Data
    The interface between the external condition and the electronics of
    the system is the sensor. This device converts the environmental
    conditions into a signal readable by analog electronics. Often, this
    signal is weak and is easily distorted by noise. Therefore, the output of
    the sensor is usually amplified and cleaned up before being converted
    to digital values by the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC).
    Continuous operation of this system results in a sequence of digital
    measurements or samples that are stored in the computer where it can
    be viewed much like the table of numbers in a spreadsheet.
    There are benefits to using data in a digital format rather than
    analog. First, if an analog signal is transmitted over long distances,
    noise attaches itself to the signal. To keep the signal strong enough to
    reach its destination, it must be amplified. All of the noise that attached
    itself to the signal, however, is amplified along with the original signal
    Chapter 1: Digital Signals and Systems
    resulting in distortion. For example, before the advent of digital phone
    networks, long distance phone calls over analog lines were often full of
    static and interference that made understanding people who were
    physically farther away more difficult.
    Noise cannot attach itself to a digital signal. Once an analog signal
    has been converted to a sequence of numbers, the signal’s
    characteristics remain the same as long as the numbers don’t change.
    Therefore, digital systems such as the contemporary long-distance
    phone system do not suffer from degradation over long distances.
    A second benefit is that once a signal is turned into a sequence of
    numbers, mathematical algorithms can be used to operate on the data.
    Disciplines such as Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and the study of
    wavelets allow for much more accurate processing of signals than
    analog systems were ever able to achieve.
    A sequence of digital numbers can also be stored more compactly
    than an analog signal. The data compression behind the MP3
    technology is not remotely possible with analog technology. In
    addition, supplementary data can be stored along with the samples for
    information such as digital watermarking for security or codes for error
    checking or error correction.
    These advantages come at a price, however. As mentioned earlier, if
    the samples are taken too slowly, details of the analog input are missed.
    If the resolution of the samples is not fine enough, the signal may not
    be precisely represented with the digital values. Last of all, additional
    hardware is required to convert the signal from analog to digital.
    1.5 Representation of Digital Signals
    Digital systems do not store numbers the way humans do. A human
    can remember the number 4.5 and understand that it represents a
    quantity. The digital system does not have this capability. Instead,
    digital systems work with numbers using millions of tiny switches
    called transistors. Each transistor can remember only one of two
    possible values, on or off. This is referred to as a binary system.
    The values represented by the transistors of a binary system can be
    interpreted as needed by the application. On and off can just as easily
    mean 1 or 0, yes or no, true or false, up or down, or high or low. At this
    point, it is immaterial what the two values represent. What matters is
    that there are only two possible values per transistor. The complexity of
    the computer comes in how the millions of transistors are designed to
    8 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    work together. For the purpose of this discussion, the two values of a
    transistor will be referred to as logic 1 and logic 0.
    Now let’s examine some of the methods used to represent binary
    data by first looking at a single binary signal. Assume we are recording
    the binary values present on a single wire controlling a light bulb.
    Excluding lights controlled by dimmer switches, a light bulb circuit
    is a binary system; the light is either on or off, a logic 1 or a logic 0
    respectively. Over time, the state of the light bulb changes following
    the position of the switch. The top portion of Figure 1-8 represents the
    waveform of the binary signal controlling the light bulb based on the
    changes in the switch position shown in the lower half of the figure.
    Figure 1-8 Representation of a Single Binary Signal
    This representation is much like a mathematical x-y plot where the
    x-axis represents time and the y-axis identifies either logic 1 or 0.
    Sometimes, two or more binary lines are grouped together to
    perform a single function. For example, the overall lighting in a room
    may be controlled by three different switches controlling independent
    banks of lights. This circumstance may be represented with a diagram
    such as the one shown in Figure 1-9.
    Switch A
    Switch B
    Switch C
    Figure 1-9 Representation of Multiple Digital Signals
    Chapter 1: Digital Signals and Systems
    Alternatively, multiple lines can be combined into a more abstract
    representation such as the one shown in Figure 1-10.
    During these periods, the data
    signals do not change
    Valid data
    Valid data
    Data is in
    Invalid or
    undefined data
    Valid data
    No data
    is available
    Figure 1-10 Alternate Representation of Multiple Digital Signals
    Two horizontal lines, one at a logic 1 level and one at a logic 0 level
    indicate constant signals from all of the lines represented. A single
    horizontal line running approximately between logic 1 and logic 0
    means that the signals are not sending any data. This is different from
    an “off” or logic 0 in that a logic 0 indicates a number while no data
    means that the device transmitting the data is not available. Hash marks
    indicate invalid or changing data. This could mean that one or all of the
    signals are changing their values, or that due to the nature of the
    electronics, the values of the data signals cannot be predicted. In the
    later case, the system may need to wait to allow the signals to stabilize.
    1.6 Types of Digital Signals
    1.6.1 Edges
    A single binary signal can have one of two possible transitions as
    shown in Figure 1-11. The first one, a transition from a logic 0 to a
    logic 1, is called a rising edge transition. The second one, a transition
    from a logic 1 to a logic 0 is called a falling edge transition.
    1.6.2 Pulses
    A binary pulse occurs when a signal changes from one value to the
    other for a short period, then returns to its original value. Examples of
    this type of signal might be the power-on or reset buttons on a
    10 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    computer (momentarily pressed, then released) or the button used to
    initialize synchronization between a PDA and a computer.
    Logic 1
    Logic 1
    Logic 0
    Logic 0
    a.) Rising Edge
    b.) Falling Edge
    Figure 1-11 Digital Transition Definitions
    There are two types of pulses. The first is called a positive-going
    pulse, and it has an idle state of logic 0 with a short pulse to logic 1.
    The other one, a negative-going pulse, has an idle state of logic 1 with
    a short pulse to logic 0. Both of these signals are shown in Figure 1-12.
    Logic 1
    Logic 1
    Logic 0
    Logic 0
    a.) Positive-going
    b.) Negative-going
    Figure 1-12 Pulse Waveforms
    1.6.3 Non-Periodic Pulse Trains
    Some digital signals such as the data wires of an Ethernet link or the
    data and address lines of a memory interface do not have a
    characteristic pattern in their changes between logic 1 and logic 0.
    These are called non-periodic pulse trains.
    Figure 1-13 Non-Periodic Pulse Train
    Like music, the duration of the notes or the spaces between the notes
    can be longer or shorter. On the page, they do not look meaningful, but
    once the reader is given the tools to interpret the signal, the data they
    contain becomes clear.
    Chapter 1: Digital Signals and Systems
    1.6.4 Periodic Pulse Trains
    Some signals act as the heartbeat to a digital system. For example, a
    signal might tell a system, “Every 1/100th of a second, you need to
    ____.” The output from a car’s processor to control the engine’s spark
    plug is such a signal. These signals are referred to as periodic pulse
    trains. Like the drum beat to a song, a periodic pulse train is meant to
    synchronize events or keep processes moving.
    The defining characteristic of this type of waveform is that all
    measurements between any two subsequent, identical parts of the
    waveform produce the same value. This value is referred to as the
    period, T, and it has units of seconds/cycle (read seconds per cycle).
    Figure 1-14 identifies the measurement of a period in a typical periodic
    Pulse Train.
    Period = T
    Period = T
    Figure 1-14 Periodic Pulse Train
    The measurement of the period does not fully describe a periodic
    pulse train, however; a second measurement, the width of the pulse, tw,
    is needed. For example, the two signals in Figure 1-15 have the same
    period. Their pulse widths, however, are not the same. In signal a, tw is
    about one-fourth of the signal’s period while tw of signal b is about onehalf of the signal’s period.
    Figure 1-15 Periodic Pulse Train with Different Pulse Widths
    The units of tw is seconds. Its value will always be greater than zero
    and less than the period. A tw of zero implies the signal has no pulses,
    and if tw equaled the period, then the signal would never go low.
    12 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    It is also common to represent the rate of the pulses in a periodic
    pulse train with the inverse measurement of the period. This
    measurement, called the frequency of the periodic pulse train has units
    of cycles/second, otherwise known as Hertz (Hz).
    To determine the frequency of a periodic pulse train from the period,
    invert the measurement for the period.
    Frequency =
    Period in seconds
    If it takes 0.1 seconds for a periodic pulse train to make a complete
    cycle or period, what is that waveform’s frequency?
    Frequency =
    Period in seconds
    Frequency =
    0.1 seconds
    Frequency = 10 Hz
    If a computer’s system clock is 2 Gigahertz (2,000,000,000 Hz),
    what is the duration of its system clock’s period?
    Inverting Equation 1.1 gives us the equation used to determine the
    period from the frequency.
    Period =
    Substituting 2,000,000,000 Hz for the frequency in this new equation
    gives us the following solution.
    Chapter 1: Digital Signals and Systems
    Period =
    2,000,000,000 Hz
    Period = 0.0000000005 seconds = 0.5 nanoseconds
    1.6.5 Pulse-Width Modulation
    The last measurement of a periodic waveform is the duty cycle. The
    duty cycle represents the percentage of time that a periodic signal is a
    logic ‘1’. For example, Figure 1-16 represents a periodic pulse train
    where tw is about one-quarter or 25% of the duration of the period.
    Therefore, the duty cycle of this signal is 25%.
    Logic 1
    Logic 0
    Figure 1-16 Periodic Pulse Train with 25% Duty Cycle
    Equation 1.2 represents the formula used to calculate the duty cycle
    where both tw and T have units of seconds.
    Duty Cycle =
    logic 1 pulse duration (tw)
    Period (T)
    x 100%
    Since the range of tw is from 0 to T, then the duty cycle has a range
    from 0% (a constant logic 0) to 100% (a constant logic 1).
    The typical human eye cannot detect a light flashing on and off at
    frequencies above 40 Hz. For example, fluorescent lights flicker at a
    low frequency, around 60 Hz, which most people cannot see. (Some
    people can detect higher frequencies and are sensitive to what they
    correctly perceive as the flashing of fluorescent lights.)
    For higher frequencies, a periodic pulse train sent to a light appears
    to the human eye to simply be dimmer than the same light sent a
    constant logic 1. This technique can be used to dim light emitting
    diodes (LEDs), devices that respond to only logic 1’s or logic 0’s. The
    14 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    brightness of the LED with respect to the full on state is equivalent to
    the duty cycle. For example, to make an LED shine half as bright as it
    would with a constant logic 1 sent to it, the duty cycle should be 50%.
    The frequency is irrelevant as long as it is higher than the human eye
    can detect.
    Assume that a 1 kHz (1,000 Hz) periodic pulse train is sent to an
    LED. What should the pulse width (tw) be to make the light emitted
    from the LED one-third of its full capability?
    Examining equation 1.2 shows that to determine the pulse width, we
    must first get the values for the period and the duty cycle.
    The duty cycle is equal to the level of intensity that the LED is to be
    lit, i.e., one-third or 33%. The period, T, is equal to one over the
    Period =
    Period =
    1,000 Hz
    Period = 0.001 seconds
    To determine the pulse width, solve equation 1.2 for tw, then
    substitute the values for the period and the duty cycle.
    Duty Cycle =
    tw =
    x 100%
    T x (Duty Cycle)
    tw = 0.001 seconds x 0.33
    tw = 0.00033 seconds = 330 microseconds
    Chapter 1: Digital Signals and Systems
    1.7 Unit Prefixes
    You may have noticed that in some of our examples, a prefix was
    used with the units of seconds or Hertz. This is done to reduce the
    number of leading zeros between a decimal point and a magnitude or to
    reduce the number of trailing zeros in a very large magnitude.
    A prefix replaces a power of 10 multiplier. For example, the
    measurement 5,000 hertz is equivalent to 5 x 103 hertz. The multiplier
    103 can be replaced with the prefix “kilo” giving us 5 kilohertz. Each
    prefix has a single-letter abbreviation that can be used with the
    abbreviation of the units. For example, to use kilo with the abbreviation
    Hz, the single letter “k” would be used giving us kHz.
    Throughout this book, many prefixes will be used to describe the
    measurements being discussed. These are presented in the table in
    Table 1-1. Note that there are prefixes well beyond those presented in
    this table. They will not be used in this book.
    Table 1-1 Unit Prefixes
    μ or u
    Power of 10
    To use the table, just substitute the prefix for its power of ten. For
    example, substitute 10-6 for the prefix “μ” in the value 15.6 μS. This
    would give us 15.6 x 10-6 seconds, which in turn equals 0.0000156
    16 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    1.8 What’s Next?
    In this chapter, we’ve seen how the methods that a computer uses to
    store and interpret values are different from the ways in which those
    values appear in the real world. We’ve also seen some of the methods
    used to measure and represent these digital signals.
    In Chapter 2 we will see how digital values are used to represent
    integers. This is the first major step toward understanding some of the
    idiosyncrasies of computing systems such as why a compiler might
    restrict the values of a data type from –32,768 to 32,767. In addition, it
    shows how some bugs occur in programs due to the misuse of data
    Define the term “sample” as it applies to digital systems.
    Define the term “sampling rate” as it applies to digital systems.
    What are the two primary problems that sampling could cause?
    Name the three parts of the system used to input an analog signal
    into a digital system and describe their purpose.
    Name four benefits of a digital system over an analog system.
    Name three drawbacks of a digital system over an analog system.
    True or False: Since non-periodic pulse trains do not have a
    predictable format, there are no defining measurements of the
    If a computer runs at 12.8 GHz, what is the period of its clock
    If the period of a periodic pulse train is 125 nanoseconds, what is
    the signal’s frequency?
    10. If the period of a periodic pulse train is 50 microseconds, what
    should the pulse width, tw, be to achieve a duty cycle of 15%?
    11. True or False: A signal’s frequency can be calculated from its duty
    cycle alone.
    Numbering Systems
    Chapter one discussed how computers remember numbers using
    transistors, tiny devices that act like switches with only two positions,
    on or off. A single transistor, therefore, can only remember one of two
    possible numbers, a one or a zero. This isn’t useful for anything more
    complex than controlling a light bulb, so for larger values, transistors
    are grouped together so that their combination of ones and zeros can be
    used to represent larger numbers.
    This chapter discusses some of the methods that are used to
    represent numbers with groups of transistors or bits. The reader will
    also be given methods for calculating the minimum and maximum
    values of each representation based on the number of bits in the group.
    2.1 Unsigned Binary Counting
    The simplest form of numeric representation with bits is unsigned
    binary. When we count upward through the positive integers using
    decimal, we start with a 0 in the one’s place and increment that value
    until we reach the upper limit of a single digit, i.e., 9. At that point,
    we’ve run out of the “symbols” we use to count, and we need to
    increment the next digit, the ten’s place. We then reset the one’s place to
    zero, and start the cycle again.
    Figure 2-1 Counting in Decimal
    Since computers do not have an infinite number of transistors, the
    number of digits that can be used to represent a number is limited. This
    18 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    would be like saying we could only use the hundreds, tens, and ones
    place when counting in decimal.
    This has two results. First, it limits the number of values we can
    represent. For our example where we are only allowed to count up to
    the hundreds place in decimal, we would be limited to the range of
    values from 0 to 999.
    Second, we need a way to show others that we are limiting the
    number of digits. This is usually done by adding leading zeros to the
    number to fill up any unused places. For example, a decimal 18 would
    be written 018 if we were limited to three decimal digits.
    Counting with bits, hereafter referred to as counting in binary, is
    subject to these same issues. The only difference is that decimal uses
    ten symbols (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) while binary only uses two
    symbols (0 and 1).
    To begin with, Figure 2-2 shows that when counting in binary, we
    run out of symbols quickly requiring the addition of another “place”
    after only the second increment.
    Another digit is added when we run
    out of symbols for the first column.
    Another digit is added when we run out
    of symbols for the second column.
    Figure 2-2 Counting in Binary
    If we were counting using four bits, then the sequence would look
    like: 0000, 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111, 1000, 1001,
    1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110, and 1111. Notice that when restricted to
    four bits, we reach our limit at 1111, which happens to be the fifteenth
    value. It should also be noted that we ended up with 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16
    different values. With two symbols for each bit, we have 2n possible
    combinations of symbols where n represents the number of bits.
    In decimal, we know what each digit represents: ones, tens,
    hundreds, thousands, etc. How do we figure out what the different
    digits in binary represent? If we go back to decimal, we see that each
    place can contain one of ten digits. After the ones digit counts from 0 to
    Chapter 2: Numbering Systems
    9, we need to increment the tens place. Subsequently, the third place is
    incremented after 9 tens and 9 ones, i.e., 99 increments, have been
    counted. This makes it the hundreds place.
    In binary, the rightmost place is considered the ones place just like
    decimal. The next place is incremented after the ones place reaches 1.
    This means that the second place in binary represents the value after 1,
    i.e., a decimal 2. The third place is incremented after a 1 is in both the
    ones place and the twos place, i.e., we’ve counted to a decimal 3.
    Therefore, the third place represents a decimal 4. Continuing this
    process shows us that each place in binary represents a successive
    power of two.
    Figure 2-3 uses 5 bits to count up to a decimal 17. Examine each
    row where a single one is present in the binary number. This reveals
    what that position represents. For example, a binary 01000 is shown to
    be equivalent to a decimal 8. Therefore, the fourth bit position from the
    right is the 8’s position.
    Figure 2-3 Binary-Decimal Equivalents from 0 to 17
    This information will help us develop a method for converting
    unsigned binary numbers to decimal and back to unsigned binary.
    Some of you may recognize this as “base-2” math. This gives us a
    method for indicating which representation is being used when writing
    a number down on paper. For example, does the number 100 represent
    a decimal value or a binary value? Since binary is base-2 and decimal
    is base-10, a subscript “2” is placed at the end of all binary numbers in
    20 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    this book and a subscript “10” is placed at the end of all decimal
    numbers. This means a binary 100 should be written as 1002 and a
    decimal 100 should be written as 10010.
    2.2 Binary Terminology
    When writing values in decimal, it is common to separate the places
    or positions of large numbers in groups of three digits separated by
    commas. For example, 34532374510 is typically written 345,323,74510
    showing that there are 345 millions, 323 thousands, and 745 ones. This
    practice makes it easier to read and comprehend the magnitude of the
    numbers. Binary numbers are also divided into components depending
    on their application. Each binary grouping has been given a name.
    To begin with, a single place or position in a binary number is called
    a bit, short for binary digit. For example, the binary number 01102 is
    made up of four bits. The rightmost bit, the one that represents the ones
    place, is called the Least Significant Bit or LSB. The leftmost bit, the
    one that represents the highest power of two for that number, is called
    the Most Significant Bit or MSB. Note that the MSB represents a bit
    position. It doesn’t mean that a ‘1’ must exist in that position.
    The next four terms describe how bits might be grouped together.

    Nibble – A four bit binary number
    Byte – A unit of storage for a single character, typically an eight
    bit (2 nibble) binary number (short for binary term)
    Word – Typically a sixteen bit (2 byte) binary number
    Double Word – A thirty-two bit (2 word) binary number
    The following are some examples of each type of binary number.
    Double Word
    2.3 Unsigned Binary to Decimal Conversion
    As shown in section 2.1, each place or position in a binary number
    corresponds to a specific power of 2 starting with the rightmost bit
    Chapter 2: Numbering Systems
    which represents 20=1. It is through this organization of the bits that we
    will convert binary numbers to their decimal equivalent. Figure 2-4
    shows the bit positions and the corresponding powers of two for each
    bit in positions 0 through 7.
    Numbered bit
    power of 2
    Decimal equivalent
    of power of 2
    Figure 2-4 Values Represented By Each of the First 8 Bit Positions
    To begin converting an unsigned binary number to decimal, identify
    each bit position that contains a 1. It is important to note that we
    number the bit positions starting with 0 identifying the rightmost bit.
    Next, add the powers of 2 for each position containing a 1. This sum
    is the decimal equivalent of the binary value. An example of this
    process is shown in Figure 2-5 where the binary number 101101002 is
    converted to its decimal equivalent.
    Bit Position
    Binary Value
    101101002 = 27 + 25 + 24 + 22
    = 12810 + 3210 + 1610 + 410
    = 18010
    Figure 2-5 Sample Conversion of 101101002 to Decimal
    This brings up an important issue when representing numbers with a
    computer. Note that when a computer stores a number, it uses a limited
    number of transistors. If, for example, we are limited to eight
    transistors, each transistor storing a single bit, then we have an upper
    limit to the size of the decimal value we can store.
    22 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    The largest unsigned eight bit number we can store has a 1 in all
    eight positions, i.e., 111111112. This number cannot be incremented
    without forcing an overflow to the next highest bit. Therefore, the
    largest decimal value that 8 bits can represent in unsigned binary is the
    sum of all powers of two from 0 to 7.
    111111112 = 27 + 26 + 25 + 24 + 23 + 22 + 21 + 20
    = 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1
    = 25510
    If you add one to this value, the result is 256 which is 28, the power
    of two for the next bit position. This makes sense because if you add 1
    to 111111112, then beginning with the first column, 1 is added to 1
    giving us a result of 0 with a 1 carry to the next column. This
    propagates to the MSB where a final carry is passed to the ninth bit.
    The final value is then 1000000002 = 25610.
    111111112 + 1 = 1000000002 = 25610 = 28
    Therefore, the maximum value that can be represented with 8 bits in
    unsigned binary is 28 – 1 = 255.
    It turns out that the same result is found for any number of bits. The
    maximum value that can be represented with n bits in unsigned binary
    is 2n – 1.
    Max unsigned binary value represented with n bits = 2n – 1
    We can look at this another way. Each digit of a binary number can
    take on 2 possible values, 0 and 1. Since there are two possible values
    for the first digit, two possible values for the second digit, two for the
    third, and so on until you reach the n-th bit, then we can find the total
    number of possible combinations of 1’s and 0’s for n-bits by
    multiplying 2 n-times, i.e., 2n.
    How does this fit with our upper limit of 2n-1? Where does the “-1”
    come from? Remember that counting using unsigned binary integers
    begins at 0, not 1. Giving 0 one of the bit patterns takes one away from
    the maximum value.
    Chapter 2: Numbering Systems
    2.4 Decimal to Unsigned Binary Conversion
    Converting from decimal to unsigned binary is a little more
    complicated, but it still isn’t too difficult. Once again, there is a welldefined process.
    To begin with, it is helpful to remember the powers of 2 that
    correspond to each bit position in the binary numbering system. These
    were presented in Figure 2-4 for the powers of 20 up to 27.
    What we need to do is separate the decimal value into its power of 2
    components. The easiest way to begin is to find the largest power of 2
    that is less than or equal to our decimal value. For example if we were
    converting 7510 to binary, the largest power of 2 less than or equal to
    7510 is 26 = 64.
    The next step is to place a 1 in the location corresponding to that
    power of 2 to indicate that this power of 2 is a component of our
    original decimal value.
    Next, subtract this first power of 2 from the original decimal value.
    In our example, that would give us 7510 – 6410 = 1110. If the result is not
    equal to zero, go back to the first step where we found the largest
    power of 2 less than or equal to the new decimal value. In the case of
    our example, we would be looking for the largest power of 2 less than
    or equal to 1110 which would be 23 = 8.
    When the result of the subtraction reaches zero, and it eventually
    will, then the conversion is complete. Simply place 0’s in the bit
    positions that do not contain 1’s. Figure 2-6 illustrates this process
    using a flowchart.
    If you get all of the way to bit position zero and still have a non-zero
    result, then one of two things has happened. Either there was an error in
    one of your subtractions or you did not start off with a large enough
    number of bits. Remember that a fixed number of bits, n, can only
    represent an integer value up to 2n – 1. For example, if you are trying to
    convert 31210 to unsigned binary, eight bits will not be enough because
    the highest value eight bits can represent is 28 – 1 = 25510. Nine bits,
    however, will work because its maximum unsigned value is 29 – 1 =
    24 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    Find the largest power of 2
    less than or equal to the
    decimal value being converted
    Place a 1 in the bit
    position corresponding to
    that power of 2
    Subtract that power of 2 from
    the decimal value. This will
    be the new decimal value.
    Is new
    decimal value equal
    to zero?
    Figure 2-6 Decimal to Unsigned Binary Conversion Flow Chart
    Convert the decimal value 13310 to an 8 bit unsigned binary number.
    Since 13310 is less than 28 – 1 = 255, 8 bits will be sufficient for this
    conversion. Using Figure 2-4, we see that the largest power of 2 less
    than or equal to 13310 is 27 = 128. Therefore, we place a 1 in bit
    position 7 and subtract 128 from 133.
    Bit position
    133 – 128 = 5
    Chapter 2: Numbering Systems
    Our new decimal value is 5. Since this is a non-zero value, our next
    step is to find the largest power of 2 less than or equal to 5. That would
    be 22 = 4. So we place a 1 in the bit position 2 and subtract 4 from 5.
    Bit position
    Our new decimal value is 1, so find the largest power of 2 less than
    or equal to 1. That would be 20 = 1. So we place a 1 in the bit position 0
    and subtract 1 from 1.
    Bit position
    Since the result of our last subtraction is 0, the conversion is
    complete. Place zeros in the empty bit positions.
    Bit position
    And the result is:
    13310 = 100001012
    2.5 Binary Representation of Analog Values
    Converting unsigned (positive) integers to binary is only one of the
    many ways that computers represent values using binary bits. This
    chapter still has two more to cover, and Chapter 3 will cover even
    This section focuses on the problems and solutions of trying to map
    real world values such as temperature or weight from a specified range
    to a binary integer. For example, a computer that uses 8 bits to
    represent an integer is capable of representing 256 individual values
    from 0 to 255. Temperature, however, is a floating-point value with
    26 Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
    unrealistic upper and lower limits. Can we get a computer to represent a
    temperature using eight bits? The answer is yes, but it will cost us in
    the areas of resolution and range.
    Another example of analog values is the pattern of sound waves
    such as that from music. Figure 2-7 represents such a signal.
    Figure 2-7 Sample Analog Signal of Sound
    Remember that a single binary bit can be set to only one of two
    values: logic 1 or logic 0. Combining many bits together allows for a
    range of integers, but these are still discrete values. The real world is
    analog, values represented with floating-point measurements capable of
    infinite resolution. To use an n-bit binary number to represent analog,
    we need to put some restrictions on what is being measured.
    First, an n-bit binary number has a limited range. We saw this when
    converting unsigned positive integers to binary. In this case, the lower
    limit was 0 and the upper limit was 2n-1. To use n-bits to represent an
    analog value, we need to restrict the allowable range of analog
    measurements. This doesn’t need to be a problem.
    For example, does the typical bathroom scale need to measure
    values above 400 pounds? If not, then a digital system could use a 10bit binary number mapped to a range from zero to 400 pounds. A
    binary 00000000002 could represent zero pounds while 11111111112
    could represent 400 pounds.
    What is needed next is a method to map the values inside the range
    zero to 400 pounds to the binary integers in the range 00000000002 to
    11111111112. To do this, we need a linear function defining a one-toone mapping between each binary integer and the analog value it
    represents. To do this, we turn to the basic math expression for a linear
    y = mx + b
    Chapter 2: Numbering Systems
    This function defines m as the rate of the change in y with respect to
    changes in x and b as the value y is set to when x equals 0. We can use
    this expression to map a binary integer x to an analog value y.
    The slope of this function, m, can be calculated by dividing the
    range of analog values by the number of intervals defined by the n-bit
    binary integer. The number of intervals defined by the n-bit binary
    integer is equal to the upper limit of that binary number if it were being
    used as an unsigned integer, i.e., 2n-1.
    Range of analog values
    Number of intervals of binary integer
    Max analog value – Min analog value
    2n – 1
    Let’s go back to our example of the kitchen scale where the
    maximum analog value is 400 pounds while the minimum is zero
    pounds. If a 10-bit binary value is used to represent this analog value,
    then the number of intervals of the binary integer is 210 – 1 = 1023.
    This gives us a slope of:
    400 pounds – 0 pounds
    1023 binary increments
    = 0.391 pounds/binary increment
    That means that each time the binary number increments, e.g.,
    01101100102 goes to 01101100112, it represents an increment in the
    analog value of 0.391 pounds. Since a binary value of 00000000002
    represents an analog value of 0 pounds, then 00000000012 represents
    0.391 pounds, 00000000102 represents 2 × 0.391 = 0.782 pounds,
    00000000112 represents 3 × 0.391 = 1.173 pounds, and so on.
    In some cases, the lower limit might be something other than 0. This
    is important especially if better accuracy is required. For example, a
    kitchen oven may have an upper limit of 600oF. If zero were used as the
    lower limit, then the temperature range 600oF – 0oF = 600oF would
    need to …

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