ITCC 112 AMU Create a Course Gradebook Project

InstructionsThis project requires you to develop a course gradebook from scratch
using MS Excel. Do you wonder what grade you might earn in this course if
you do well on the rest of the assignments? You can create your own
spreadsheet to predict your course grade! Look at the Gradebook in this
course to see what assignments and discussions are required for this
course and how much each one is weighted towards your final
grade. Note: The syllabus has the Grade breakdown. In one column, list
each of these assignments. In the next column, either put the grade (as a
percentage of 100) that you have earned on the assignment (if it is
already graded) or the grade you hope to earn on the assignment.
Underneath the list of assignments add a cell labeled “Final Score.” In the
cell next to it (underneath your list of scores) create a formula that uses
the weighting of each assignment to calculate your final course grade.
You will be graded on use of all features, professional impact, organization,
creativity and overall impression. (Remember, creativity makes an
impression!) Be sure to include these key features (and more): number
formatting, wrapping text, merging cells, naming worksheets, font styles
and sizes, borders, adjustments to column width and row height, cell
borders and fill colors, mathematical operators, and formulas. Upon
completion, upload your Excel Spreadsheet to the Assignments area.

In one column, you
were to list
In the next column, you
were to either put
the grade (as a
percentage of 100)
that you have earned on
the assignment (if it is
already graded) or the
grade you hope to earn
on the assignment.
Underneath the list of
assignments, you were

to add a cell labeled
“Final Score.”
In the cell next to it
(underneath your list of
scores), you were
create a formula that
uses the weighting of
each assignment to
calculate your final
course grade.
Professional Impact: Be
sure to include these key
features (and more): font
styles and sizes, borders,
adjustments to column width
and row height, cell borders
and fill colors.
Organization: Be sure to
include these key features
(and more): number
formatting, wrapping text,
merging cells, and naming
Creativity: Be sure to include
these key features (and
more): mathematical
operators and formulas.
Impression: Develop a
course gradebook from
scratch using MS Excel to
predict your course grade.
Upon completion, upload your Excel Spreadsheet to the Assignments area.

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