NA2- Information security week 1


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Week One-Discussion

What are the possible results of an attack on a computer network?

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Please write an article review as per the guidelines below and attached article format attached below, write 2-3 pages and without any plagiarism and don’t use AI


4 Dos and Don’ts of Information Security in the Workplace

By Ken Schriever Apr 20, 2022 Cybersecurity

NOTE: Dont use AI or any other tools.

Computer Security
Fifth Edition
Dr. Chuck Easttom
Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
Chapter 2 Objectives
Identify each of the major protocols used in
network communication (for example, FTP and
Telnet) and what use you make of each of them
◼ Understand the various connection methods and
speeds used on networks
◼ Compare and contrast various network devices
◼ Identify and explain various network protocols
◼ Understand how data is transmitted over a

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
Chapter 2 Objectives (cont.)
◼ Explain how the Internet works and the use of
IP addresses and URLs
◼ Recount a brief history of the Internet
◼ Use network utilities such as ping, IPConfig,
and tracert
◼ Describe the OSI model of network
communication and the use of MAC
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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
Network Basics
◼ A network is two or more computers
connected via a Network Interface Card (NIC)
◼ Networks use radio signals to transmit to a
nearby wireless router or hub
◼ A wireless router, hub, or NIC must have an
antenna to transmit and receive signals
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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
The Physical Connection:
Local Networks
Traditional (wired) NICs use an RJ-45 connection
◼ Most networks use Cat 5 cable or Cat 6 cable

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
The Physical Connection:
Local Networks (cont.)

The hub is the simplest connection device
Creates a simple network
❑ Sends traffic out all ports (no routing or switching)

The repeater is a device that boosts signal

The switch is an intelligent hub

Used when cables exceed the maximum length
Sends packets only to the intended host
The router is more sophisticated

Limits traffic to the intended network
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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
Faster Connection Speeds
Internet Connection Types and Speeds:
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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
Wireless and Bluetooth

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) standard 802.11 provides guidelines for
wireless networking
❑ Various letter designations denote different wireless
speeds, such as 802.11n

Bluetooth is short-distance radio that uses the 2.4GHz
to 2.485GHz frequency
❑ This standard enables devices to discover other
Bluetooth devices that are within range

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
Data Transmission
Networks transmit binary information in packets
using certain protocols and ports
◼ Protocols are rules that control network and Internet

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is connectionoriented
❑ Internet Protocol (IP) is connectionless

Ports are handles or connection points
Ports use a numeric designation for a pathway of
❑ The combination of your computer’s IP address and port
number is referred to as a socket

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
How the Internet Works
◼ To connect to the Internet, you log on to your
Internet service provider (ISP)
◼ The ISP connects to another ISP or a
backbone provider
◼ One backbone provider connects to another
at a network access point (NAP)
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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
IP Addresses
IP (Internet Protocol) Addresses
Necessary to navigate the Internet
❑ A unique identifier, like a Social Security
❑ Usually in binary form
❑ Consists of four octets separated by decimals
❑ First octet defines the class to which the IP

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
IP Addresses (cont.)
Availability of IP Addresses
IP addresses are not infinite
❑ An IP address can be IPv4 or IPv6
❑ A subnet is a portion of a network that shares the
same subnet address
❑ Subnet masks describe what subnet the address
belongs to
❑ Classless interdomain routing (CIDR) is a way to
describe the subnet with the IP address

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
Uniform Resource Locators
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
The easy way to remember a website
❑ Translated by the Domain Name System
(DNS) to an IP address
❑ Error messages can be sent
by the web server

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
Uniform Resource Locators (cont.)
Error Messages
100 series: informational
❑ 200 series: usually not seen because they
indicate success
❑ 300 series: redirectional
❑ 400 series: client errors
❑ 500 series: server errors

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
History of the Internet
The Internet traces its roots to the Cold War
◼ In 1957, the U.S. government formed the Advanced
Research Projects Agency (ARPA) within the Defense
◼ In 1968, ARPA commissioned the construction of
ARPANET, a simple Internet web of four points/nodes
◼ In 1979, Usenet newsgroups became available
◼ In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee developed Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP)
◼ In 1993, the first graphical web browser, named Mosaic,
was invented

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
Basic Network Utilities
You can execute network utilities from a command
prompt (Windows) or shell (UNIX/Linux):
❑ Ping
❑ Tracert
❑ Netstat
❑ NSLookup
❑ Route
❑ PathPing

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet

The IPConfig utility displays information about
your system
Type cmd in the search bar and press Enter
❑ At the command prompt, type ipconfig and press

IPConfig shows your system’s IP address,
subnet mask, and default gateway
◼ Type ipconfig -? to see other options, such as
ipconfig /all

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
Ping and Tracert

Ping tests if a system is connected to the
Tells how long it takes for an “echo request” packet to
arrive at the destination host
❑ Type ping -? at the command prompt to find various
ways you can refine your ping request

Tracert is a deluxe version of ping
Shows every “hop” between the host and destination
❑ A useful tool for technicians and hackers

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
Netstat and NSLookup
◼ Netstat
Network status
❑ Shows active network connections

◼ NSLookup
Name server lookup
❑ Verifies whether the DNS server is running
❑ Executes DNS related commands

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
ARP, Route, and PathPing

Address Resolution Protocol
❑ Maps IP addresses to MAC addresses


Displays the IP routing table
Similar to tracert/traceroute and ping
❑ Provides detailed information regarding network
latency at hops between source and destination

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
Other Network Devices
◼ Firewalls
Hardware or software
❑ Filter packets as they enter the network
❑ Deny unacceptable packets

◼ Proxy servers
Disguise the network
❑ Substitute their IP address for that of hosts
accessing the Internet

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
The OSI Model
Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) Model
Seven-layer model created to describe how
networks communicate
❑ Diagnostic and troubleshooting tool
❑ Each layer supports the layer above and performs
a specific function
❑ Layer names (from top to bottom):
Application, Presentation, Session, Transport,
Network, Data link, and Physical

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
The TCP/IP Model
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) Model
Four-layer model that performs the same activities
as the OSI model, compressed into fewer layers
❑ Describes how networks communicate
❑ Diagnostic and troubleshooting tool
❑ Layer names:
Application, Transport, Internet, and Network

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
MAC Addresses
Media Access Control (MAC) Addresses
A unique address for a NIC
❑ A sublayer of the data link layer of the OSI model
❑ Physical address, as opposed to the IP address
❑ Represented by a 6-byte hexadecimal number
❑ ARP converts IP addresses to MAC addresses

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing enables network access to a
shared pool of resources
◼ Three primary classifications are public, private,
and community

Public clouds offer their infrastructure or services to
the general public or a large industry group
❑ Private clouds are used by a single organization
without offering services to outside parties
❑ Community clouds provide services for several
organizations for community needs

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet
◼ This chapter provides a basic understanding
of how networks and the Internet work
◼ You should now understand:
The structure of networks and the Internet
❑ Basic hardware such as switches, NICs, routers,
and hubs
❑ How to use some network utilities
❑ The basics of the OSI model

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Chapter 2 Networks and the Internet

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