Bule Sky Airport Case Study

As an IT Manager, you were tasked to improve the performance of the local Airport’s (Bule Sky Airport ) Passenger Processing system.  This is to make the Airport more efficient and more secure.

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There are three databases in the Bule Sky Airport Passenger Processing IT system :

1-Passenger database will record and authenticate each passenger in the airport

2-Employee database will record and authenticate each employee in the airport

3-Flight database will record each flight in the airport

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After having meetings with the airport owners and managers Passenger and Flight databases and related processing will be moved to the cloud.

  • Boarding passes will be calculated and prepared on the cloud as well. The final version of the Boarding Pass will be printed on the printers at the airport
  • Flight logs along with the passenger checklist will be calculated and prepared on the cloud. The final version will be printed on the printers at the airport
  • Old Passenger and Flight data will be stored on the cloud (long-term storage)
  • Employee database and related calculations (calculating the salary and other benefits) will be done on the premises.

    QUESTION 1:Write the benefits of “monthly cloud use” for passenger databases and flight databases and the related processing for the given Airport Case.

    QUESTION 2: Before you begin the design process (to move Passenger and Flight databases and related processing to the cloud), you have to ensure that you have a complete set of system requirements. Write the Functional requirements and Nonfunctional system requirements

    QUESTION 3: While you are designing your cloud-based solution for the airport system, how you would address the following issues related to the long-term operation of the airport?

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