Applied DataBase Systems (EER Design Exercise)

IT/BIFX 530 Applied Database SystemsEER Design Exercise
A bank has three types of accounts: checking, savings, and loan. Following are the attributes for
each type of account:
CHECKING: Acct. No, Date Opened, Balance, Service Charge
SAVINGS: Acct. No, Date Opened, Balance, Interest rate
LOAN: Acct. No, Date Opened, Balance, Interest rate, Payment
Develop an EER model to represent this situation. Please choose one of the two notations
covered in the lecture videos. Your model should be designed using software. No handwritten
models will be accepted! Submit your design through the assignment link on Blackboard.
IT/BIFX 530 Applied Database Systems
EER Design Exercise
A bank has three types of accounts: checking, savings, and loan. Following are the attributes for
each type of account:
CHECKING: Acct. No, Date Opened, Balance, Service Charge
SAVINGS: Acct. No, Date Opened, Balance, Interest rate
LOAN: Acct. No, Date Opened, Balance, Interest rate, Payment
Develop an EER model to represent this situation. Please choose one of the two notations
covered in the lecture videos. Your model should be designed using software. No handwritten
models will be accepted! Submit your design through the assignment link on Blackboard.

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