IT-353: System Analysis and Design


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System Analysis and Design (IT 353)
Discussion Board
CLO 1. Outline modern approaches to system analysis and design.
CLO 2. Describe the role of analysis and design in software development.
Topic of Discussion
Provide comparison between different approaches to reuse
also present your analysis on cost and benefits of reuse.
Submission Instructions

Post your responses on this topic on the blackboard.

You are required to write at least ONE original post and TWO responses commenting
on the posts uploaded by your friends.
Total Marks Allotted: 4 Marks
Due Date: 17th, September 2023
Marking Criteria
For your Original Post: 3 [1.5 (comparison) + 1.5 (analysis)]
For your two responses: 1 [0.5 +0.5] (for meaningful feedback to at least two classmates)
Important notice
Please note that any copy and paste from the Internet leads to zero mark.

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