PU Cloudster Data Breach Ethics Discussion

You work for Cloudster, a large global cloud services company that stores data for clients. The company was recently in the news because a lack of internal controls led to a data breach that went unreported for several months, even after it was identified. Shocked at the lack of ethics and transparency in his company, the CEO decides to create a new Ethics and Compliance department and hires you as the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer. Your job is now to promote an ethical corporate culture, even though Cloudster already has many policies in place. In your discussion, address the following questions:

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  • What do you think was worse for Cloudster, the data breach itself or not disclosing it to customers and the public?
  • In your opinion, why do you think it was initially hidden from the public?
  • In this week’s resources, you read about some of the ethics and compliance risks organization face. From that reading, what types of risk is Cloudster now exposed to because of the IT worker relationships this incident violated?
  • What would you begin to implement to promote an ethical culture (e.g., new policies, a Code of Conduct, ethics training, joining professional associations, anything else)?
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