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for Assignment one.

Step 1: Find an Existing Tutorial

You’ll need to find a tutorial you wish to improve. You have two options:

  • Find a print tutorial: Print tutorials can be found in books, on handouts, and even on the web as PDFs. Think of recipes, furniture assembly instructions, home construction projects, etc.
  • Find a poorly-made web tutorial: We’ve seen many examples of web tutorials this week, and if you think you can significantly improve the way one makes use of hypertext and digital tools, feel free to choose it.

You’ll need to scan, photograph, or save a copy of the tutorial to turn in with this assignment.

Advice: Be thoughtful about the tutorial you choose. You don’t want something overly simple or complex, short or long, because that will make improving it quite difficult. If you have any question about whether your choice is appropriate, contact your instructor.

Step 2: Improve the Tutorial

The next step is to improve the tutorial.

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  • Improve the procedure: Improve the quality of the tutorial itself by rewriting and revising the introduction, step content, step order, supplementary material, etc., as necessary so that it is easier to follow and more logical.
  • Improve readability: Make the text suitable for online distribution by using the formatting elements and information chunking techniques encountered this semester. Use Markdown to rewrite the text and mark it up as needed with headings, paragraphs, pop-ups, links, etc.
  • Improve use of media: Bring the tutorial into the internet-age by improving how it uses images, audio, video, animation, interactive elements, etc. to be more useful for the user. You don’t have to produce the actual multimedia content, but you should at least provide detailed descriptions of what they would be. Drawings or mockups accompanying the descriptions are encouraged.

When adding elements such as images, GIFs, footnotes, and pop-ups to your tutorial in Markdown, just explain what you intend in brackets. If you’ve included drawings, mockups, or other supplementary material as additional files, be sure to specify which file would be use where:

Twist the screw two turns to the left [pop-up link makes box appear with extra note: “Some models may require three turns to the left”][image: animated GIF shows screwdriver turning screw two turns to the left before compartment door opens (see image3.jpg, attached)]

Step 3: Turn It In

The original tutorial, your improved version (in Markdown), and any supplemental files (images, drawings, mockups) should all be submitted.

Tutorial Rubric

The tutorial’s text has been dramatically improved, and users will find the new version of the tutorial almost flawless.

Visual content greatly enhances the text both in its choice and how it is integrated into the text.

Formatting elements are used in a masterful way to greatly enhance the user experience and improve readability and usability.

Grammatical/mechanical errors are virtually absent


Assignment 2- Blog post


  • Define the genres of “tutorial” and “blog post” (CLOs 1, 4)
  • Compose a blog post (CLOs 1, 3, 4)


Read the first third (or thereabouts) of your chosen writing manual. Compose a 500-word blog post reflecting on your experience.

The following questions can serve as a starting place, but feel free to expand from here and talk about what’s most important to you.

  • What book did you choose and why?
  • What is the single most useful thing you learned from your reading thus far?
  • What most surprised you in your reading?
  • What advice/rules/claims did you read that seem wrong or wrongheaded? Why?
  • In what ways does your writing manual speak to writing in online environments? In what ways does it fail to address such writing?
  • How are the things you’ve read so far impacted your writing for this and other classes?
  • How do you expect what you read to impact your writing in the future?
  • How do you feel about how this book about writing is written? How would you have written it differently?

Your blog post should be composed and submitted in Markdown (as a .txt or .md file).


The post is an appropriate length and exemplifies a blog style in its tone, pacing, reading level, and engagement of the audience. The writing is particularly fine and the observations about the topic are compelling and original.

Visual content greatly enhances the text both in its choice and how it is integrated into the text.Grammatical/mechanical errors are virtually absentFormatting elements are used in a masterful way to greatly enhance the user experience and improve readability and usability.

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