Itcc112 week 7


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This project requires you to develop an Excel spreadsheet from scratch
that incorporates the key features that you have learned about throughout
the course. You will be graded on use of all features, professional impact,
organization, creativity and overall impression. (Remember, creativity
makes an impression!) Upon completion, upload your Project to the
Assignments area of the classroom.
Topic: Management assigned you the task of organizing an award
ceremony for your organization. They have asked you to organize data into
a spreadsheet so they can easily view and manipulate the award types and
amounts before decisions are made. The overall budget is an amount of
your choosing. All of this information should be fictitious. You are required
to create a spreadsheet to track all of the following items:
– Organization size: 30 with a budget of $125,000
– Award Ceremony Date: December 5th
– Two Types of Awards: Performance Award and Special Commendation
– Performance Awards can be given in the range of $500 – $5000
– Special Commendation Awards can be given in the range of $500 $2000
Data to include:
– List of all employees receiving awards (should be at least 50% of
– Type of award each employee will receive
– Amount of award each employee will receive
– Percentage of overall budget that each employee’s award will represent
– Percentage of overall budget that each type of award will represent
– Column totals using formulas
Features of Excel to Include:
– Use of formulas for adding and computing percentages
– Changes to font size and style, as appropriate for impact
– Label on worksheet
– Use Headings/Titles for each category listed
– Format currency to zero decimal places
– Adjust width of columns or wrapping the text within cells to avoid overlap
of adjacent cells by long text entries
– Use color to emphasize important aspects of the sheet
– Use borders to separate sheet into appropriate sections
– Charts to show data
Organization size: 30
Award Ceremony Date: December 5th
Two Types of Awards: Performance Award and Special Commendation
Performance Awards can be given in the range of $500 – $5000
Special Commendation Awards can be given in the range of $500 – $2000
Data to include:
List of all employees receiving awards (should be at least 50% of
Type of award each employee will receive
Amount of award each employee will receive
Percentage of overall budget that each employee’s award will represent
Percentage of overall budget that each type of award will represent
Column totals using formulas
Features of Excel
to Include:
Use of formulas for adding and computing percentages
Changes to font size and style, as appropriate for impact
Label on worksheet
Use Headings/Titles for each category listed
Format currency to zero decimal places
Adjust width of columns or wrapping the text within cells to avoid overlap
of adjacent cells by long text entries
Use color to emphasize important aspects of the sheet
Use borders to separate sheet into appropriate sections
Charts to show data
Submission Instructions: Submit your completed project as a Microsoft
Excel attachment.

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