IT 4337 GNTC System Hacking What Is It Discussion

To you, what is a system?25%

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What is the CEH methodology or system hacking steps?25%

What is Metasploit? Make the argument to block the use of it and another to encourage it’s use. 25%

How does VNC fit into the concept of “Hacking a System”?25

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I think a system is a group or collection of different devices such as hardware, software, and network components that work together to perform specific functions or tasks assigned to them.

The CEH Methodology/system hacking steps are as follows:

Reconnaissance, Scanning, Gaining Access, Maintaining Access, and Clearing Tracks.

Metasploit is a widely used penetration testing framework that can provide tons of tools and resources for employing exploit code against a target system. Some reasons to block the use of Metasploit are that it can be used for illicit activities and can bring some Legal consequences if used incorrectly, on the other hand, it should not be blocked as it is used as an educational tool to show ethical hackers what to look for and give clients vulnerability assessments of their systems.

I feel there are two ways VNC can fit into the concept of Hacking a system and those are using VNC as an attack vector by seeing if any VNC servers are misconfigured or have weak passwords making it easier to hack into them. And VNC for remote administration VNC might be used as a tool for remote system administration but with an open system comes the risk of being hacked.

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