Due Wednesday SEPTEMBER 20 by 11:59pm
General Guidance To Solve any Problem
1) Start early!
2) Work on the problem every day. Like practicing a musical instrument with many small sessions are better than one large one. Often need a “break through” thought or idea which only comes with many sessions.
3) Design Solution: must understand the problem then
a) identify data
b) get operations on data
c) get algorithm (use divide and conquer method)
d) test the algorithm on paper (desk check). If OKAY, then
4) Code:
a) code each operation that you identified in the design.
b) eliminate syntax errors
c) test each piece as you write it.
d) use print() function to see data as the program is run, checking values generated throughout the code for expected values predicted by your algorithm. When there is a discrepancy between the tested algorithm and the results generated by the print() function then re-code the program.
5) all logical paths of your code must be checked/tested, to make sure the whole code is working.
Important Notes:
All work that you submit in this class must be entirely your own. In particular:
1. You MUST NOT look at another person’s program on a printout or screen before completing and submitting your own work.
2. You MUST NOT work together with another person, devising just one solution between the two of you.
3. You MUST NOT copy any code from any source and/or any part of any other person’s files, not even to use the copy as a “reference”.
4. Be aware duplicate and/or look a like (resembles each other) programs, in part and/or whole will be considered cheating and all the giver and taker will get ZEROS for the assignment and may be referred to the dean of college.
The following is the main purpose of this assignment:
To select and get familiar with Editor of the development tool, Interpret and run a program in a Python Interpreter in the development tool. These steps are used in doing all the course assignments. Thus, make sure to know and understand the whole process.
Assignment description:
Chapter 2
Note: Must install a Python Interpreter development environment, if you have none, because the assignment must be done using Python Interpreter development environment.
Write a complete python program to implement the following steps:
1. Modify this given Python program code Download this given Python program code
in the attached text file, by doing the following:
A. Add a new statement to divide the two given input values (just like the existing statements for sum or product) to the existing program code and add a display statement to display the result of the division (just like the existing display statements for sum and product). Note: division operator is “/” (without the quotations).
Note: Just mimic the existing sum or product statements, changing the operation to division. Also, mimic the existing display statements of sum or product statements, changing the name to division variable name.
B. Save the program, after the modifications of step A above.
C. Modify the comment block at the top of the program, to reflect your course information and you are the author of the program, instead of me (instructor) and enter the actual due for the assignment, under the “Due Date:” section. Save the program.
2. Then, using a Python interpreter, compile the modified program code. If any error(s) is/are displayed, you must fix them all, one by one, so that you receive no interpreter error messages. Then,
3. Using a Python interpreter, run the modified program code. Then,
4. Test the modified code and verify its output by making sure the output is correct. And then,
5. Attach and submit the modified program into course Canvas shell, by going to Modules tab, then Assignments module and then Assignment 1.
Note on Assignment Submission into Course Canvas Shell:
1. Always assignment file(s) must be uploaded/attached to the assignment in the assignment module under the Modules tab of the course Canvas shell, not copy and paste the code.
2. No assignment regardless of the circumstances, is accepted through any other means, including email.
3. Upload/attach only the file(s) with extension “.py”(Python Program), to this assignment, as your answer for the assignment, first and then, submit it.
To do this assignment, you are not allowed to write a new program. You must use the given program code and perform the requested modifications outlined above.
Helpful steps to do the assignment:
a) Open the attached file to this assignment text, by clicking on the link, this given Python program codeDownload this given Python program code
b) Highlight/Select the content of the file, then, right click, and then select copy, from the menu. The selected text is copied.
c) Open a Python Interpreter editor and then paste the copied text in step b above. The copied text is pasted into the editor.
d) Save the editor content in a folder through the File tab menu, under the name “value_input_and_calculations.py” in a folder/directory, call it Assignment1. Then,
e) Compile/Interpret and Run the program. Verify the displayed program output.
f) Make the required modifications mentioned above to the given program. Note: Always, make sure to save your program, after each modification.
g) Compile/Interpret the modified program and correct all the errors displayed (if any), one by one, until no error(s) displayed. Note: Each time an error is fixed, the program must be saved and recompiled.
h) Run the compiled program. Verify the program output displayed. if it is correct, then, you are done. if the output is not correct you must check the program and make corrections to it, until the output displayed is correct.
i) Upload/attach the file with extension “.py” (Python Program), only, to the assignment, as your answer. And then, submit your assignment, as explained above. Note: Do not upload/attach the program, if it is not the last version. Only upload/attach the last version of your program.
You are allowed up to three (5) submissions for this assignment, by the assignment closing date and time. Only, your last submission is graded. In order not runoutsubmissions, it is suggested, not submit your assignment, until you are done.
To understand the meaning of dates, Available From, Due, and Until, please review thoroughly the contents of all the announcement related assignment, among them:
PLEASE USE Spyder Development Environment TO INTERPRETE.
Due Wednesday SEPTEMBER 20 11:59pm
Points 10
Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
File Types py
Available Sep 14 at 9:40am – Sep 21 at 11:59pm
General Guidance To Solve any Problem
1) Start early!
2) Work on the problem every day. Like practicing a musical instrument
with many small sessions are better than one large one. Often need a
“break through” thought or idea which only comes with many sessions.
3) Design Solution: must understand the problem then
a) identify data
b) get operations on data
c) get algorithm (use divide and conquer method)
d) test the algorithm on paper (desk check). If OKAY, then
4) Code:
a) code each operation that you identified in the design.
b) eliminate syntax errors
c) test each piece as you write it.
d) use print() function to see data as the program is run, checking
values generated throughout the code for expected values predicted by
your algorithm. When there is a discrepancy between the tested
algorithm and the results generated by the print() function then re-code
the program.
5) all logical paths of your code must be checked/tested, to make sure
the whole code is working.
Important Notes:
All work that you submit in this class must be entirely your
own. In particular:
1. You MUST NOT look at another person’s program on a
printout or screen before completing and submitting your own
2. You MUST NOT work together with another person, devising
just one solution between the two of you.
3. You MUST NOT copy any code from any source and/or any
part of any other person’s files, not even to use the copy as a
4. Be aware duplicate and/or look a like (resembles each other)
programs, in part and/or whole will be considered cheating and all
the giver and taker will get ZEROS for the assignment and may be
referred to the dean of college.
Important Note:
The following is the main purpose of this assignment:
To select and get familiar with Editor of the development tool, Interpret and
run a program in a Python Interpreter in the development tool. These steps
are used in doing all the course assignments. Thus, make sure to know
and understand the whole process.
Assignment description:
Chapter 2
Note: Must install a Python Interpreter development environment, if
you have none, because the assignment must be done using Python
Interpreter development environment.
Write a complete python program to implement the following steps:
1. Modify this given Python program code Download this given Python
program codein the attached text file, by doing the following:
A. Add a new statement to divide the two given input values (just like the
existing statements for sum or product) to the existing program code and
add a display statement to display the result of the division (just like the
existing display statements for sum and product). Note: division operator is
“/” (without the quotations).
Note: Just mimic the existing sum or product statements, changing the
operation to division. Also, mimic the existing display statements of sum or
product statements, changing the name to division variable name.
B. Save the program, after the modifications of step A above.
C. Modify the comment block at the top of the program, to reflect your
course information and you are the author of the program, instead of
me (instructor) and enter the actual due for the assignment, under the “Due
Date:” section. Save the program.
2. Then, using a Python interpreter, compile the modified program code. If
any error(s) is/are displayed, you must fix them all, one by one, so that you
receive no interpreter error messages. Then,
3. Using a Python interpreter, run the modified program code. Then,
4. Test the modified code and verify its output by making sure the output is
correct. And then,
5. Attach and submit the modified program into course Canvas shell, by
going to Modules tab, then Assignments module and then Assignment 1.
Note on Assignment Submission into Course Canvas Shell:
1. Always assignment file(s) must be uploaded/attached to the assignment
in the assignment module under the Modules tab of the course Canvas
shell, not copy and paste the code.
2. No assignment regardless of the circumstances, is accepted through any
other means, including email.
3. Upload/attach only the file(s) with extension “.py”(Python Program),
to this assignment, as your answer for the assignment, first and then,
submit it.
To do this assignment, you are not allowed to write a new program.
You must use the given program code and perform the requested
modifications outlined above.
Helpful steps to do the assignment:
a) Open the attached file to this assignment text, by clicking on the link, this
given Python program codeDownload this given Python program code
b) Highlight/Select the content of the file, then, right click, and then select
copy, from the menu. The selected text is copied.
c) Open a Python Interpreter editor and then paste the copied text in step b
above. The copied text is pasted into the editor.
d) Save the editor content in a folder through the File tab menu, under the
name “value_input_and_calculations.py” in a folder/directory, call it
Assignment1. Then,
e) Compile/Interpret and Run the program. Verify the displayed program
f) Make the required modifications mentioned above to the given
program. Note: Always, make sure to save your program, after each
g) Compile/Interpret the modified program and correct all the errors
displayed (if any), one by one, until no error(s) displayed. Note: Each time
an error is fixed, the program must be saved and recompiled.
h) Run the compiled program. Verify the program output displayed. if it is
correct, then, you are done. if the output is not correct you must check the
program and make corrections to it, until the output displayed is correct.
i) Upload/attach the file with extension “.py” (Python Program), only, to the
assignment, as your answer. And then, submit your assignment, as
explained above. Note: Do not upload/attach the program, if it is not the
last version. Only upload/attach the last version of your program.
You are allowed up to three (5) submissions for this assignment, by
the assignment closing date and time. Only, your last submission is
graded. In order not runout submissions, it is suggested, not submit
your assignment, until you are done.
To understand the meaning of dates, Available From, Due, and Until, please
review thoroughly the contents of all the announcement related
assignment, among them:
Assignment Submission and Grading Policies
Makeup Tests, Assignment Extension, and Late Submission Policies
How Assignments Must be Done and Graded and/or Regraded
Due Date and Assignment information:
Click on the assignment for the assignment information and due date and
assignment closing date.
To do Python Assignments, you need to have access to a Python interpreter.
You may use any Python interpreter that you want, if it is able to produce what is exactly required by the assignment text to be turned
Selection of Python Development Environment Package:
Selecting the proper Python development environment package depends on the amount of space on the hard drive of your device.
Thus, make sure to check the amount of space needed by each of the packages below then, select the package which can be installed
on your device and then install it.
Here is the recommended Python development environment, if your device has sufficient disk space to install it:
Spyder Development Environment
Spyder is a free and open-source scientific environment written in Python, for Python. It features a unique combination of the advanced
editing, analysis, debugging, and profiling functionality of a comprehensive development tool with the data exploration, interactive
execution, deep inspection, and beautiful visualization capabilities of a scientific package.
Installation of Python Development Environment:
There are two ways to select and install Python Development Environment:
I. If you have space issues on your device, i.e., having a small space on your device’s hard drive, do the following:
Go to this page with the link below,
Either by clicking on the link below or coping and pasting the link into your browser’s address bar:
On the page look for:
Looking for Python with a different OS? Python for Windows, Linux/UNIX, macOS, Other
Then, click on one of the operating systems (Windows, Linux/UNIX, macOS, Other) which is installed on your PC and then
select the latest version, such as, Latest Python 3 Release – Python 3.11.4
Then, scroll down the page until you see Windows installer (64-bit), if you have Windows on your PC or macOS 64-bit universal2
installer, if you have MAC on your PC. And then, follow the given instructions to install Python IDLE on your PC.
After the installation, click on Windows start (⊞), on the task bar and then click on All apps button at the top. Then,
Find and open, “Python 3.11” or higher version and click on “IDLE (Python 3.11)” or higher version, click on it, to start it.
Note: To do assignment 1, do the following, if the assignment is already given to do, otherwise skip this section to II.
a. Download the given file in the assignment text and change the file extension to “.py”, instead of “.txt” and save it in a
folder, call it Assignment 1. Then,
b. Go to IDLE, click on File and then click on Open… and then, go to the folder Assignment 1 and select the file with
extension “.py”, in step a above. Then
c. Click on the Run tab to run the file and type what the prompt is asking you and then press Enter key. If you encounter any
errors, means the given code has syntax errors, which means it is not correct. Thus, it must be corrected. If you encounter
no errors, then,
d. Make the changes to the assignment text is asking you to the given code and then Run it. If correct save the changes you
made to the file by going to File and selecting Sava As. Then,
e. Attach this file to the assignment.
II. If you have sufficient disk space on your devises hard drive, then, either do 1 or 2 below:
1. Only installing Spyder Development Environment (this is sufficient to do the course work):
To install it, go to this page, https://www.spyder-ide.org/
A. Make sure to review the material on this page, to understand it. Then,
B. Click on this link https://docs.spyder-ide.org/current/installation.html to install it. Make sure to read and understand the all the
instructions and then select the version of the operating system (Windows or MAC) which you have on your PC to install, and
then follow the given installation instructions.
2. Installing Anaconda platform, which contains “Spyder Development Environment”, among other development environments.
Anaconda is a platform used for python programming development, among other things.
To install Anaconda Package suit, follow the following steps:
A. Go to the following page: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/
B. Make sure to read the section “System requirements” to verify your computer has the resources required by
Anaconda package. Then,
C. Click on the link for your device’s operating system.
If Windows, click on Installing on Windows
Scroll down to the Installation section and then click on the link of step 1, follow installation instructions to install it.
If MacOS, click on Installing on macOS
Follow installation instructions to install it on devices with MacOS.
Note: Links for installing other Operating Systems are provided on the installation page in step A above.
D. Make sure to read and understand installation information thoroughly, including the installation instructions before you
install any package.
E. Install Anaconda package following all the given installation instructions on the installation page, one-by-one.
If encounter issues with installation, please, seek help from either a classmate who already installed or contact IT help