NA chetan 3 – Computer science


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The ubiquity of mobile devices, wearables, and IoT has caused an explosive growth of hackers – as they, of course, follow the money. The timeliness of patches and updates likewise exposes those devices to added vulnerabilities. More recently, T-Mobile learned that a bad actor illegally accessed and/or acquired company and personal data.…


Read the following article: “Mobile Application Security: 2021’s Breaches”:

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Write a 2–4-page APA-formatted paper (title page and references do not count) where you select ONE emerging mobile cybersecurity issue and vulnerability presented in this article or one of your choosing that is recent ( less than 3 years old) and tied to either IoT, mobile, or wearables.

As part of your review, present insights into:

1. Mitigating methods to the vulnerabilities of such devices.

2. Approaches (technical and social) you as a CISO would take to mitigate exposure of said devices

3. Review the security principles that failed, thus making such devices vulnerable to such attacks.

Include at least two additional APA formatted sources (references) in support of your submission

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