Data Mining and Data Warehousing

Discuss the social impacts of data mining with examples and how to reduce the negative impacts.

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Topic of Discussion
• Data mining emerging in all fields like Healthcare, Finance, Marketing, and social media.
Data mining systems are designed to promote the identification and classification of individuals
into different groups or segments. it can interpret the use of data mining as a discriminatory
technology in the rational search of profits. Discuss the social impacts of data mining with
examples and how to reduce the negative impacts.
Submission Instructions
Post your responses, examples, ideas, and discussions on this topic on the blackboard.
Respond to two other class member postings: observe and criticize their statements [ Short
responses such as (agree, disagree, correct, etc.) would NOT be acceptable. An example of unacceptable
replies: “I agree with you”, “good post I like it”, “I think your post is good” or any similar are not
acceptable replies.
Assure uniqueness, qualities, and academic writing when posting your discussion.

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