IT475 discussion board

College of Computing and InformaticsDiscussion Board
Deadline: Tuesday 19/09/2023 @ 23:59
[Total Mark for this Assessment is 4]
Pg. 01
In this discussion board, you will post your answer to the question to make you aware of
the changing business environments that lead to the need for computerized support of
managerial decision-making. You will also read and respond to 2 other classmate’s
postings. This is an excellent way for you to interact with your colleagues and share your
thoughts about their answers in a critical way.
Topic of the Discussion (100 – 200 words)
Action Item
Numerous factors from the external and internal environments are influencing the
process of decision-making. In your opinion, what are the most critical factors that
influence the evolving needs for Analytics and Decision Support? Also, list three
technologies that have been used for decision support.
Submission Instructions
• Access the discussion forum for this Discussion Board by clicking on the discussion
forum title.
• Click on “Create Thread.”
• Enter a title for your response in the “Subject” line.
• Type your answer into the message field to answer the question.
Submission Requirements

Assure uniqueness and other qualities of academic writing when posting your
Respond to two other classmates’ postings by critically reviewing your classmate’s
answer and stating with reasons which point you agree or disagree with.
Short responses such as “I agree”, “I disagree”, “You are right”, “Very good
answer”, etc., are NOT acceptable. You need to be critical with some substance.
Submission Due Date

Post your answer and your 2 comments on your classmates’ answers
before Tuesday 19/09/2023 @ 11:59 PM.
Grading Criteria (4 Marks)

3 marks for posting your answer, and
0.5 marks for each response to your classmate’s posting (2 x 0.5 = 1 mark)
Note that merely a copy/paste from the Internet will lead to a ZERO mark.

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