Writing for Online Environments- Listicle

Read the middle third (or thereabouts) of your chosen writing manual. Compose a listicle of top tips, or funny examples, or some other list-able element of your writing manual. Your listicle should have at least 8 items and should be composed in Markdown format.

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The use of images is optional but encouraged if appropriate to your approach.

Web Content : A Writer’s Guide


By: Janet Mizrahi. Series: Corporate Communication Collection. Edition: First edition. New York, New York [222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017] : Business Expert Press. 2013. eBook., Database: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Textual Contentview longer description

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Visual Contentview longer description

/ 30 pts

Formatting Elementsview longer description

/ 30 pts

Grammar and Mechanicsview longer description

Listicle Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts

30 pts


The listicle has at least 8 items and is a standout example of the genre. Readers would likely like and share the content.27 ptsExceeds ExpectationsThe listicle has at least 8 items and is an effective example of the genre that readers would likely respond favorably to.24 ptsMeets ExpectationsThe listicle has at least 8 items and is a competent example of the genre.21 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsThe listicle is too short or does not meet the expectations of the genre. Readers might find the content boring or clickbaitish.18 ptsInsufficientThis listicle is too short and woefully misunderstands the genre. Readers would likely be offended or upset or feel cheated by the content.

/ 30 pts

30 ptsExcellentVisual content greatly enhances the text both in its choice and how it is integrated into the text.27 ptsExceeds ExpectationsVisual content effectively supplements the text and is integrated appropriately into the text.24 ptsMeets ExpectationsVisual content competently supplements the text. It is placed, captioned, and called out with only minor errors.21 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsVisual content does not appropriately supplement the text because it is poorly chosen, too little is used, or it is poorly integrated.18 ptsInsufficientVisual content is absent or is particularly poorly chosen or integrated.
30 ptsExcellentFormatting elements are used in a masterful way to greatly enhance the user experience and improve readability and usability.27 ptsExceeds ExpectationsFormatting elements are used effectively, resulting in a more readable, usable, pleasant webtext. Misuse of elements is all but absent.24 ptsMeets ExpectationsFormatting elements are used competently, resulting in a readable, usable webtext. Small errors, oversights, or inconsistencies may exist.21 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsFormatting elements are poorly used (may be absent) or hinder the user experience. Little or no effort has been made to capitalize on the strengths of digital text.18 ptsInsufficientFormatting elements are absent or misused, resulting in a user experience that is actively difficult.

10 pts

ExcellentGrammatical/mechanical errors are virtually absent.9 ptsExceeds ExpectationsGrammatical/mechanical errors are minimized and do not hinder the reader’s ability to understand the writing.8 ptsMeets ExpectationsGrammatical/mechanical errors may be present but they do not significantly hinder the reader’s ability to understand the writing.7 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsGrammatical/mechanical errors hinder the reader’s ability to understand the writing and/or damage the writer’s ethos.6 ptsInsufficientGrammatical/mechanical errors significantly hinder the reader’s ability to understand the writing and/or damage the writer’s ethos

/ 10 pts

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