How to broadcast a message on the Internet

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How to broadcast a message on the Internet? Two questions need to be answered:
What address should be used as the broadcast address. How to send data to the
broadcast address? A broadcast address is the subnet’s network number with all
onebits set for the host portion of the address. For instance, if a network IP address
is, and the netmask is, the last byte of the address is the
host number (because the first three bytes, according to the netmask, correspond to
the network number). So the broadcast address is Under Unix, the
ifconfig command will actually give you all this information.
Determine the broadcast address of your local machine; (5 point)
Send a broadcast packet to your broadcast address. Write a code to
implement this task.(15 point)
NOT: The assgnment qustions requires the following
1. Search the internet for resources about IP address, Subnet mask and
Internet protocol. Then explain your understanding.
2. From your search and understanding answer a, and b to the best of your
3. Reference your answer from your internet resources.
4. Make sure you Do not Use Wikipedia it’s not an Academic Resource.

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